• No results found

Datainsamling, dataanalys och skrivandet är genomfört gemensamt. Samtliga lar i föreliggande litteraturstudie är genomförda gemensamt, med undantag de de-lar där det presenteras att det genomförts enskilt. Ett gott samarbete genom hela processens gång.



* Inkluderade artiklar i resultatet

Annerbäck E-M, Dahlström Ö, Svedin C G, (2018) Child physical abuse: factors influencing the associations between self-reported health problems: a cross-sectional study. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health, 12:38

* Barrett E, Bergin M, Denieffe S, Gooney M, (2017) An exploration of paediatric nurses´ views of caring for infants who have suffered nonaccidental injury. Journal of clinical nursing, 15-16, 2274-2285

Berglund K, Fahlke C, Melande Hagborg J, (2018) Evidence for a relationship between child maltreatment and absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden. Child Abuse & Neglect, 75, 41-49

* Borimnejad L, Fomani F, (2015) Child abuse reporting barriers: Iranian nurses´

experiences. Iranian red crescent medical Journal, 8, 1-7

* Bredlöv B, Tingberg B, Ygge B-M, (2008) Nurses´ experience in clinical encounteras with children experiencing abuse and their parents. Journal of clinical nursing, 17, 2718-2724

* Brown N, Khan U, Mian A, Maul K, Naeem R, Yousafzai A, (2019) Child abuse in Pakistan: A qualitative study of knowledge, attitudes, and practice amongst health professionals. Child abuse & neglect, 88, 51-57

Christian C, (2015) The evaluation of suspected child physical abuse. Pediatrics, 135, 1337-1354

Coll C, Soto-Crespo J,Vega-Molina S, Vélèz-Agosto N, Vizcarrondo-Oppenheimer M, (2017) Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory Revision:

Moving Culture From the Macro Into the Micro. Perspectives on psychological science, 12(5), 900-910

* Dahlbo M, Jakobsson L, Lundqvist P, (2017) Keeping the child in focus while supporting the family: Swedish child healthcare nurses experiences of

encountering families where child maltreatment is present or suspected. Journal of child health care, 21, 103-111

Eriksson U-B, Haque Atiqul M, Islam S S, Janson S, Mashreky S R,

Moniruzzaman A, Rahman F, (2019) Children’s Exposure to Physical Abuse from a Child Perspective: A Population-Based Study in Rural Bangladesh. Plos One, 14

Fainsilber Katz L, Gross J J, Lavi I, Oxer J E, (2019) Emotion Reactivity and Regulation in Maltreated Children: A Meta-Analysis. Child development, 5, 1503-1524

* Feng J-Y, Hsu T-W, Jezewski M, (2005) The meaning of child abuse for nurses in Taiwan. Journal of transcultural nursing, 16, 142-149

29 Föräldrabalken, 1949:381.

* Grant J, Hutton A, Lines L, (2020) Navigating and negotiating meaning of child abuse and neglect: Sociocultural contexts shaping Australian nurses´ perceptions.

Health soc care community, 28, 941-949

Green M, (2020) Nurses´ adherence to mandated reporting of suspected cases of child abuse. Journal of pediatric nursing, 54, 109-113

Hallpenny AM, Hayes N, O´Toole L, (2017) Introducing Bronfenbrenner: A guide practioners and student in early years education. Routledge, London Henry B, Ueda R, M Shinjo, Yoshikawa C, (2003) Health education for nurses in Japan to combat child abuse. Nursing and health sciences, 5, 199-206

Hester M, He J, Tian L, (2009) Girls’ and Boys’ Experiences and Perceptions of Parental Discipline and Punishment While Growing Up in China and England.

Child abuse review, 18, 401-413

Hwang P, Nilsson B, (2019) Utvecklingpsykologi. Författarna och Natur och Kultur, Stockholm

* Jackson K, Söderman A, (2011) Barn som far illa i sin hemmiljö — BVC-sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta och hjälpa barnen. Vård i Norden, 31, 38-42.

Jung H, Herrenkohl T, Mason W, Ringle J, Smith G, Stevens A, (2020)

Prospective Associations of Child Maltreatment Subtypes With Adult Educational Attainment: Tests of Mediating Mechanisms Through School-Related Outcomes.

Child maltreatment, 25, 389-409

Lundqvist A, (2015) Barnsjuksköterskans profession. I: Hallström I, Lindberg T, (Red) Pediatrisk omvårdnad. Stockholm, Liber

NOBAB (2020) Barn och ungas rätt i vården. >https://www.nobab.se/< PDF (2021-05-01)

Osmanoğlu E D, (2019) Child Abuse and Children’s Strategies to Cope with Abuse. World Journal of Education, 9, 28-37.

* Paavilainen E, Paunonen M, Åstedt-Kurki P, (2000) School nurses´ operational modes and ways of collaborating in caring for child abusing families in Finland.

Journal of clinical nursing, 9, 742-750

Regeringen, (2020) Barnkonventionen och svensk rätt, volym 3.

>https://www.regeringen.se/> PDF (2020-12-10)

* Ruiter C, Schols M, Öry F, (2013) How do public child healthcare professionals and primary school teachers identify and handle child abuse cases? A qualitative study. BMC Public health, 13, 1-16

* Saltmarsh T, Wilson D, (2017) Dancing around families: neonatal nurses and their role in child protection. Journal of clinical nursing, 26, 2244-2255


Socialstyrelsen, (2019) Anmälningar om barn som far illa eller misstänks fara illa - Nationell kartläggning 2018 >https://www.socialstyrelsen.se< PDF

Socialtjänstlagen, 2001:453.

Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering, (2014) Mall för bedömning av relevans. >https://www.sbu.se/< (2020-12-10)

Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering, (2012) Mall för kvalitetsgranskning av studier med kvalitativ forskningsmetodik - patientupplevelser. >https://www.sbu.se/< (2020-12-14)

Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering, (2017) Metodhandbok.

>https://www.sbu.se/< (2020-12-14)

Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering, (2020) Utvärdering av metoder i hälso- och sjukvården och insatser i socialtjänsten.

>https://www.sbu.se/< (2020-12-14)

Svensk sjuksköterskeförening, (2016) Kompetensbeskrivning för legitimerad sjuksköterska med specialistsjuksköterskeexamen, med inriktning mot hälso- och sjukvård för barn och ungdomar. >https://www.swenurse.se/< (2020-12-10) Svensk sjuksköterskeförening, (2009) Sjuksköterskans profession.

>https://www.swenurse.se/< (2020-01-10)

Willman A, Bahtsevani C, Nilsson R, Sandström B, (2016). Evidensbaserad omvårdnad: en bro mellan forskning och klinisk verksamhet. Lund,


World Health Organization (2020) Child maltreatment. >

https://www.who.int/<HTML (2020-11-24



Bilaga 1:1 Databassökning i Pubmed, uppdaterad 14-04-2021

PubMed Nummer Sökord Träffar Block

#1 Nurse 394,589

#2 Nurses 394,589

#3 “health professional*” 59,299

#4 Nurses [Mesh] 90,041

#5 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 444,451 Nurse

#6 experience* 1,142,470

#7 perception* 461,378

#8 attitude* 439,587

#9 view* 508,600

#10 attitude [Mesh] 593,148

#11 perception [Mesh] 441,349

#12 #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 2,607,831 Experience

#13 “child abuse” 36,804

#14 child abuse 52,044

#15 “child maltreatment” 4,476

#16 child maltreatment 53,132

#17 “child neglect” 716

#18 child neglect 53,287

#19 child abuse [Mesh] 31,125

#20 #13 or #15 or #17 or #19 37,805 Child abuse

#21 “qualitative research” 75,940

#22 “qualitative study” 44,049

#23 “qualitative method” 1,722

#24 interview* 413,146

#25 Qualitatve research [Mesh] 61,575

#26 #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 447,304 Qualitative reserach

#27 #5 and #12 and #20 and #26 141 Se resultat


Bilaga 1:2 Databassökning i Cinahl, uppdaterad 14-04-2021

CINAHL nummer Sökord Träffar Block

#1 Nurse 531,233

#2 Nurses 531,233

#3 “health professional*” 46,074

#4 Nurses [Heading] 230, 572

#5 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 589,918 Nurse

#6 experience* 464,454

#7 perception* 164,731

#8 attitude* 359,307

#9 view* 135,849

#10 attitude [Heading] 467,084

#11 perception [Heading] 84,870

#12 #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 1,059,303 Experience

#13 “child abuse” 23,741

#14 “child maltreatment” 10,981

#15 “child neglect” 10,438

#16 child abuse [Heading] 21,729

#17 #13 or #15 or #17 or #19 24,281 Child abuse

#18 “qualitative research” 15,191

#19 “qualitative method” 951

#20 “qualitative study” 39,702

#21 interview* 336,981

#22 Qualitive studies [Heading] 155,939

#23 #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 395,692 Qualitative Reserach

#24 #5 and #12 and #17 and #23 200 Se resultat

33 Bilaga 2. Mall för relevansbedömning enligt SBU (2010)

34 Bilaga 3:1. Mall för kvalitetsgranskning enligt SBU (2012)

35 Bilaga 3:2. Mall för kvalitetsgranskning, fortsättning.

36 Bilaga 4:1 Valda artiklar till föreliggande litteraturstudie

Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose

Method Number of


Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality

Child abuse in Pakistan: A

Child abuse in Pakistan, to challenges they face when managing cases of child abuse”, “aspects og Pakistani culture that affect the way in which children who have been abused present and how this affects their treatment”,

“Child abuse training that HCP have already received and suggestions for improvement”



Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality

To explore the processes neonatal intensive care nurses used in their child infant´s safety”


Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality


Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality their parents

To identify nurse´s experiences in the clinical care of children were recorded, transcribed and

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality child in focus while


Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality

To explore how healthcare


Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality of child abuse for nurses in

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study quality child abuse in the home insight into the child


Author, Title, Year, Country

Aim, Purpose Method Number of participants

Analys Main findings Study qualit caring for child abusing

Bilaga 4:2 Exkluderade artiklar vid kvalitetsgranskning

Artikel Orsak till att de exkluderas i kvalitetsgranskning

Eriksson U-B, Kraft L, Rahm GB, (2017) School nurses avoid adressing child sexual abuse

Smalt resultat, besvarar inte föreliggande syfte

Grant J, Hutton A, Lines L, (2020)

Nurses' perceptions of systems and hierarchies shaping their responses to child abuse and neglect

Ingår i samma studie som en artikel som redan är vald.

Besvarar inte föreliggande syfte

Dowling M, Byrne G, Kent S, (2011)

Community nurses' child protection role: views of public health nurses in Ireland

Smalt resultat, besvarar inte föreliggande syfte

Eisbach S, Driessnack M, (2010)

Am I sure I want to go down this road? Hesitations in the reporting of child maltreatment by nurses

Smalt resultat, besvarar inte föreliggande syfte


Bilaga 5. Kriterier för bedömning av vetenskaplig kvalitet enligt SBU (2017)

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