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Interaktiva källor

Battlefield 4 (2013) [spel] Playstation 4. Electronic Arts. Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment. Stockholm.

Call of duty: black ops (2010) [spel] Playstation 3. Activision. Treyarch. Santa Monica, USA.

Grand theft auto V (2013) [spel] Playstation 3. Rockstar North. Take Two Interactive. Edinburgh.

Nintendo Wii U (2012) [spelkonsol]. Nintendo. Kyoto.

Playstation 4 (2013) [spelkonsol] Sony Computer Entertainment. Tokyo. Second Life (2003) [spel] PC. Linden Lab. San Fransisco.

Tetris (1984) [spel] PC. Pajitnov, Alexeu & Pohkhilko, Vladimir. Sovjetunionen. The last of us (2013) [spel] Playstation 3. Sony Computer Entertainment. Naughty dog. Santa Monica, USA.