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Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska språket, Tolfte upplagan, fjärde tryck-ningen, 1998, Svenska Akademien

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There is a project going on at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, the main goal of which is to help international students to get employed in Finland after their graduation.

Many cultural, social, and educational factors effect employment. This is why we want to develop our degree programs in English in such a way, that they would also serve the international degree students even better.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Why did you come to Finland to study?

2. Why did you choose Vaasa University of Applied Sciences?

3. What kind of work do you wish to get after graduation?

4. Are you planning to stay and work in Finland after graduation?

5. What kind of help would you need in order to find a job in Finland easier?

6. Have your plans regarding staying in Finland changed during your studies?

Your background information:

Gender: __________________________

Country of origin: __________________________

Degree/year of study at VAMK: __________________________


1. How do you feel about the studies? How suitable are they for an international degree student?

2. What kind of help do you think you need from the school during your studies?

3. How to get to working life after graduation?

4. How have your impressions of Finland and the Finnish people changed during your stay?

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