• No results found

1997. Nietzsche som feminist. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1997. Om kunskapssamhället. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1997. Recension: Gianni Vattimo, Utöver tolkningen. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1997. Recension: Andy Clark, Being There. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1997. Recension: Sandy Stone, Eros vs. Technos. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1997. Recension: Olav Hammer, På spaning efter helheten: New age - en ny folktro?


1998. Recension: Richard Rorty, Kontingens, ironi och solidaritet Obs P1 Sveriges Radio.

1998. Recension: Olivier Mongin, L'après 1989. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1998. Recension: Mattias Berg, Dolly. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1998. Recension: John L. Casti, Virtuella världar. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1998. Recension: Owe Wikström (red.), Att se det dolda. Kvällsposten/GT.

1998. Recension: Elisabeth Wurtzel, Bitch: Om besvärliga kvinnor. Kvällsposten/GT.

1998. Recension: Viviane Forrester, Den ekonomiska terrorn. Kvällsposten/GT.

1999. Recension: Avishai Margalit, Det anständiga samhället. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1999. Recension: Arne Naess, Livsfilosofi. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1999. Recension: Bruno Latour, Politiques de la nature. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1999. Med datorn spåras själens boning. Forskning och Framsteg, 2, 16-19. ISSN: 0015-7937 http://www.fof.se/?id=99216

1999. De nya sökarna - om new age som kunskapskälla. Framtider, 1, 34-38. ISSN: 1400-0199

1999. Zonen. Pequod, 23, 63-69. ISSN: 1102-6499

1999. Kan IT uppfylla våra drömmar? Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1999. Maniere de voir/ Le Monde: Temanummer om IT. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

1999. Recension: Germain Greer, Kvinnan i sin helhet. Kvällsposten/GT.

1999. En serie intervjuer med kända forskare om det postmoderna samhället: Fem programinslag byggda kring Zygmunt Bauman, professor i sociology, Leeds; Adam Zagajewski, författare, Paris; Zaki Laidi, professor vid CERI (CNRS), Institut des Sciences Politiques, Paris; Paul Virilio, professor, L’Agence Spatiale Européenne, Paris; Serge Halimi, författare samt journalist på Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris. Obs, P1 Sveriges Radio.

2000. Tankens frihet och biologins gränser. LUM, Lunds Universitet Meddelar, Januari.


2000. Det privata och det offentliga, och individens ansvar. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

2000. Recension: Jean-Luc Nancy, L’Intrus. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

2000. Recension: Paul Ricoeur, La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli. Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

2001. Recension: Bernard-Henri Lévy, Réflexions sur la guerre, le mal et la fin de l’histoire.

Obs, P1, Sveriges Radio.

2002. Svart, vit eller kulturell cocktail? Om postkolonialismen. Helsingborgs Dagblad.

2002. Världen om 30 år? Ett globalt perspektiv. Next? Framtidens produkter och tjänster.

Utg. Marie Loft & Birgitta Ramdell. Utställningskatalog. Stiftelsen Svensk Industri Design & Form/Design Center, Malmö, 32-42.

2003. Handlar basens tyngd i kroppen om religion? Helsingborgs Dagblad.

2010. Konstnärer är inte mer kreativa än andra. Tvärsnitt, 3 (oktober).

5. OTHER; INCOMPLETE (submitted papers, preprints, research reports, conference ms, work in progress)

2001. An outline of a theory of person-consciousness: Three kinds of self-awareness, ESPP’98, Lisbon; ECAP III, Maribor 1999, Lund Philosophy Preprints, 1-29, http://www.fil.lu.se

2002. Bare demonstratives, joint attention, and speakers’ intentions. ESPP’00, Salzburg. Lund Philosophy Preprints, 1-22. http://www.fil.lu.se/publicationfiles/pp55.pdf or http://www.fil.lu.se

2004. On the evolutionary origin of declarative pointing. Talk, International Symposium on Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and Language, Lund 2003; Workshop on Mirror neurons, Mind-Reading and Empathy, Dept of Neurophysiology, Parma 2004.

2005. The reference of simple demonstratives. Talk, ECAP V, Lisbon.

2005. Attention, context, and control of visually guided action, with C. Balkenius. Joint presentation at ESPP’05, Lund.

2006. The origin and essence of linguistic reference. LOGOS’05. Lund Philosophy Preprints, 1-20. http://www.fil.lu.se/publicationfiles/pp102.pdf

2006. An applied analysis of attentional intersubjectivity, Brinck, I., Zlatev, J., & Andrén., M., Deliverable No. 7, NEST Pathfinder Initiative What does it mean to be human?

European Commission, 1-22. http://project.sol.lu.se/sedsu/deliverables.html

2006. Attention-based metacognition. Presentation. ESF Exploratory Workshop:

Metacognition and Mental State Monitoring, Paris, France.

2006. Evaluating the Referential Claim: A Comparison of Referential Behaviour to Verbal Reference. Presentation. SEDSU Workshop on Semiotic Resources in Evolution and Development, Lund. http://project.sol.lu.se/sedsu/cisred06.htm

2007. Gaze, pointing, and verbal reference: Some essential differences. Presentation. SEDSU Final Workshop at the Novartis Foundation, London.

2008. Joint attention in verbal and nonverbal communication. Presentation, Workshop on Joint Attention, Perspectives from philosophy, psychology and social neuroscience.

Bochum, Germany.

2008. Att förstå modern dans: Om dansens mening och budskap. Talk, ms, Skånes Dansteater.

2010. Contexts of Language Diversity (conference ms, long version) 2011. Textual meaning and literary interpretation (conference ms) 2012. Childrens’ understanding of norms in pretense (article ms) 2012. Developing an understanding of social norms (conference ms) 2012. Pointing: Rich but lean (conference ms)

2013. Referential behaviour (ms CILC, Sussex) /IASts/

2013. Meaning and textual interpretation: From convention to context (ms) 2013. Reference, coordination, and ecological pragmatics (abstract) /ecopsy/

2014. Normativity: From contagious yawning to rational deliberation (abstract) /frontphil/

2014. Social expertise (ms)

Brinck, I. (in prep.) Improvisation *in the arts*: Bodily coordination, imitation and engagement. Conference proceedings from Body of Knowledge, December 2016.

NO: Brinck, I. Value, coordination and interaction dynamics: Eye contact acting as a constraint on nonverbal communication. Work in progress. Frontiers in Psychology (Cognitive Science). Special issue: Dynamics of Joint-Action, Social Coordination and Multi-Agent Activity. (Eds.) M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt, R. Dale, R.

W. Kallen, & J. Raczaszek-Leonardi. Deadline: August 12, 2016. Abstract accepted. (IF 2,6) *EJ I LUP

(Brinck, I. (in prep.) Social understanding and expertise. *EJ I LUP) (Notes on Heidegger & Jelinek)

(Gadamer dialogue in arts practices typ)

//Ms. Brinck, I. Breaking rules and breaching norms: Children’s* creativity in practise (intended for a peer-reviewed journal of philosophy/psychology and pedagogy/education)

Brinck, I. (2005). Avoiding the prisoner's dilemma? Reply to Hurley. In: What do mirror neurons mean?, Institut Nicod, Paris, February 2005. Origgi, G. & Sperber, D. eds. Institut Nicod, Paris.

12 Brinck, I. (2005). Grasping social intentions. Comment on Jacob & Jeannerod. In: What Do

Mirror Neurons Mean?, Institut Nicod, CNRS EHESS ENS, Paris, February 2005. Origgi, G.


Sperber, D. eds. Institut Nicod, CNRS Paris.

13 Brinck, I. (2005). Joint attention and simulation. On Susan Hurley's shared circuits model.


What Do Mirror Neurons Mean?, Institut Nicod, CNRS, Paris, February 2005. Origgi, G. &

Sperber, D. eds. Institut Nicod, CNRS, Paris.

14 Brinck, I. (2005). Simulating different kinds of action. Reply to Alvin Goldman. In: What Do

Mirror Neurons Mean?, Institut Nicod, CNRS EHESS ENS, Paris, February 2005. Origgi, G.


Sperber, D. eds. Institut Nicod, CNRS EHESS ENS, Paris.

15 Brinck, I. (2005). Simulation of individual and social action. Reply to Hurley. In: What do mirror neurons mean?, Institut Nicod, Paris, February 2005. Origgi, G. & Sperber, D. eds.

Institut Nicod CNRS, Paris.

REVIEWER/REFEREE FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Psychology of Language and Communication

American Journal of Primatology Plos ONE

Journal of Motor Behaviour Mind & Language

Philosophy & Psychology Journal of Motor Behavior American Journal of Primatology Review of Philsopohy & Psychology Phenomenology & the Cognitive Sciences Journal of Consciousness Studies

Filosofiska rummet, P1 Sveriges Radio: Om dialogens konst. Samtal med Göran Rosenberg och Ozan Sunar (inspelat 29 maj) 2015*

Filosofiska rummet, P1 Sveriges Radio: Konst och kognition. Samtal med Peter Gärdenfors och Gertrud Sandqvist (inspelat 27 augusti) 2015*

Filosofiska rummet, P1: ”Intelligens” tillsammans med Germund Hesslow och Johan Norgren (februari 2014).

TALK August | 2015 | NorMind www.normind.org/2015/08/

Aug 4, 2015 - 12:50 – 14:10: Ingar Brinck: “The core of social expertise”.

TALK www.ozsw.nl/event-calendar/misunderstanding-interdisciplinary-perspectives-2/

May 13, 2013 - Speakers: Ingar Brinck (Lund); Andy Clark (Edinburgh); Bruno Galantucci (Yale/Yeshiva); Vittorio Loreto (Rome); Andreas Roepstorff (Aarhus); ...

8/12 2015 Teoretisk filosofi, Högre seminariet, Filosofiska institutionen, LU (internt): We-int

& coll int

Form Design Center, Malmö - ANNA BRAG www.annabrag.se/uppdrag_next.php?page=content1

The texts are written by Ingar Brinck, Magnus Bejmar and Rolf Jensen and are also published in the catalogue. Anna Brag | konstnär bosatt i Malmö.

REFEREE 2012 Philosophical Psychology

Så blir det i tv – minut för minut | Nyheter | Aftonbladet

www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article10731767.ab - Translate this page

Dec 25, 2005 - Programledare Beppe Starbrink med gästerna Sven Ove Hansson, filosofisk riskanalytiker på KTH och filosoferna Ingar Brinck och Gustaf

INTERVJUAD I MEDIA: DS2 sid 1.indd - Försäkringskassan


Professor Kerstin Ekberg inleder. Ar- betslivsinstitutet i Stockholm. Ingår i seminarieserien ... för hur man hanterar vissa frågor, säger Ingar Brinck, språkfilo-.

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