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Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade

Originalartikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Titel: Identifying the Scope of Safety Is s ues and Challenges to Safety Management in Swedis h Middle School and High School Chemis try Education.

Författare: Linda Schenk, Ivan Taher, Mattias Öberg

Publiceringsdatum: 2018-06-11 Volym: 95 Utfärdandenummer: 7 Namn på tidskrift: J Chem Education

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Records from the Swedis h Pois ons Information Centre as a means for s urveillance of occupational accidents and incidents with chemicals .

Författare: Linda Schenk, Karin Feychting, Anita Annas , Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2018-04-01 Volym: 104

Namn på tidskrift: Safety Science

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Comparing data from the Pois ons Information Centre with employers ’ accident reports reveal under-recognized hazards at the workplace

Författare: Linda Schenk, Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2018-02-28 Volym: 62

Namn på tidskrift: Annals of Work Expos ures and Health

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Influence of Dis tribution of Animals between Dos e Groups on Es timated Benchmark Dos e and Animal Dis tres s for Continuous Effects

Författare: Joakim Ringblom, Feres hteh Kalantari, Gunnar Johans on, Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2017-10-30 Volym: 28

Namn på tidskrift: Ris k Analys is

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Comparis on of airway res pons e in naïve and ovalbumin-s ens itized mice during s hort-term inhalation expos ure to chlorine.

Författare: Mia Johans s on, Ås a Gus tavs s on, Gunnar Johans on, Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2017-03-22 Volym: 29 Utfärdandenummer: 2 Namn på tidskrift: Inhalation Toxicology

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Influence of Dis tribution of Animals between Dos e Groups on Es timated Benchmark Dos e and Animal Dis tres s for Quantal Res pons es

Författare: Feres hteh Kalantari, Joakim Ringblom, Salomon Sand, Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2017-01-17

Namn på tidskrift: Ris k Analys is

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Sammanfattning:

Increas ingly, dos e-res pons e data are being evaluated with the benchmark dos e (BMD) approach rather than by the les s precis e no-obs erved-advers e-effect-level (NOAEL) approach. However, the bas is for des igning animal

experiments , us ing equally s ized dos e groups , is s till primed for the NOAEL approach. The major objective here was to as s es s the impact of us ing dos e groups of unequal s ize on both the quality of the BMD and overall animal dis tres s . We examined s tudy des igns with a total number of 200 animals dis tributed in four dos e groups employing quantal data generated by Monte Carlo s imulations . Placing more animals at dos es clos e to the targeted BMD provided an es timate of BMD that was s lightly better than the s tandard des ign with equally s ized dos e groups . In s ituations involving a clear dos e-res pons e, this trans lates into fewer animals receiving high dos es and thus les s overall animal dis tres s . Accordingly, in connection with ris k and s afety as s es s ment, animal dis tres s can potentially be reduced by dis tributing the animals appropriately between dos e groups without decreas ing the quality of the information obtained.

Titel: As s igning ethical weights to clinical s igns obs erved during toxicity tes ting Författare: Joakim Ringblom, Sven-Ove Hans s on, Chris tina Rudén, Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2016-09-27

Namn på tidskrift: ALTEX

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Does indus try take the s us ceptible s ubpopulation of as thmatic individuals into cons ideration when s etting Derived No-Effect Levels (DNELs )?

Författare: Mia Johans s on, Gunnar Johans on, Mattias Öberg, Linda Schenk Publiceringsdatum: 2016-06-09

Namn på tidskrift: J Appl Toxicol

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Upps ala Cons ens us Statement on Environmental Contaminants and the Global Obes ity Epidemic. 2016 Författare: L Lind, M Lind, M Lejonklou, L Dunder, Å Bergman, C Guerrero-Bos agna, E Lampa, H Lee, J Legler, A Nadal, Y Pak, R Phipps , L Vandenberg, D Zalko, M Ågers trand, M Öberg, B Blumberg, J Heindel, L Birnbaum

Publiceringsdatum: 2016-05-01 Volym: 124 Utfärdandenummer: 5 Namn på tidskrift: Environmental Heath Pers pectives

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Evaluation of the experimental bas is for as s es s ment factors to protect individuals with as thma from health effects during s hort-term expos ure to airborne chemicals .

Författare: Mia Johans s on, Gunnar Johans on, Mattias Öberg

Publiceringsdatum: 2015-10-29 Volym: 3 Utfärdandenummer: 46 Namn på tidskrift: Critical Reviews in Toxicology

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Inhibitory effects on os teoblas t differentiation in vitro by the polychlorinated biphenyl mixture Aroclor 1254 are mainly as s ociated with the dioxin-like cons tituents

Författare: Maria Herlin, Mattias Öberg, Joakim Ringblom, Bertrand Jos eph, Merja Korkalainen, Matti Viluks ela, Rachel A Heimeier, Helen Håkans s on

Publiceringsdatum: 2015 Volym: 29 Utfärdandenummer: 5

Namn på tidskrift: Toxicology in vitro : an international journal publis hed in as s ociation with BIBRA Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift


The polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture Aroclor 1254 alters bone tis s ue properties . However, the mechanis ms res pons ible for the obs erved effects have not yet been clarified. This s tudy compared the effect of Aroclor 1254 on the expres s ion of os teoblas t differentiation markers in MC3T3-E1 cells with the corres ponding effect of the dioxin reference compound 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and two PCB congeners belonging to the category of non-dioxin-like PCBs . The aim of the s tudy was to quantify the relative influence of dioxin-like and non-dioxin-like PCB-components on os teoblas t differentiation. Expres s ion of marker genes for AhR activity and os teoblas t

differentiation were analyzed, and relative potency (REP) values were derived from Benchmark concentration-effect curves . Expres s ion of alkaline phos phatas e and os teocalcin were decreas ed by both Aroclor 1254 and TCDD

expos ure, while the PCB-congeners PCB19 and PCB52 s lightly induced the expres s ion. The relative potency of Aroclor 1254 for inhibitory effects on os teoblas t differentiation marker genes was within the expected range as es timated from the chemical compos ition of Aroclor 1254. Thes e res ults are cons is tent with previous ly obs erved bone modulations following in vivo expos ure to Aroclor 1254 and TCDD, and demons trate that the inhibitory effects of Aroclor 1254 on os teoblas t differentiation by the dioxin-like cons tituents are over-riding the contribution of non-dioxin-like PCBs .

Titel: Aerial Application of Mancozeb and Urinary Ethylene Thiourea (ETU) Concentrations among Pregnant Women in Cos ta Rica: The Infants ' Environmental Health Study (ISA)

Författare: Berna van Wendel de Joode, Ana Maria Mora, Leonel Cordoba, Juan Camilo Cano, Ros ario Ques ada, Moos a Faniband, Catharina Wes s eling, Clemens Ruepert, Mattias Oberg, Brenda Es kenazi, Donna Mergler, Chris tian H. Lindh

Publiceringsdatum: 2014 Volym: 122 Utfärdandenummer: 12 Namn på tidskrift: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Advancing the 3Rs in regulatory toxicology - Carcinogenicity tes ting: Scope for harmonis ation and advancing the 3Rs in regulated s ectors of the European Union

Författare: Erwin Annys , Richard Billington, Rick Clayton, Klaus -Dieter Bremm, Michael Graziano, Jo McKelvie, Ian Ragan, Michael Schwarz, Jan Willem van der Laan, Charles Wood, Mattias Oberg, Piet Wes ter, Kevin N. Woodward Publiceringsdatum: 2014 Volym: 69 Utfärdandenummer: 2


Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Strategic focus on 3R principles reveals major reductions in the us e of animals in pharmaceutical toxicity tes ting

Författare: Mattias Oberg, Elin Tornqvis t, Anita Annas , Britta Granath, Elis abeth Jalkes ten, Ian Cotgreave Publiceringsdatum: 2014 Volym: 229

Namn på tidskrift: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Titel: Current modeling practice may lead to fals ely high benchmark dos e es timates Författare: Mattias Oberg, Joakim Ringblom, Gunnar Johans on

Publiceringsdatum: 2014 Volym: 229 Namn på tidskrift: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Strategic Focus on 3R Principles Reveals Major Reductions in the Us e of Animals in Pharmaceutical Toxicity Tes ting

Författare: Elin Tornqvis t, Anita Annas , Britta Granath, Elis abeth Jalkes ten, Ian Cotgreave, Mattias Oberg Publiceringsdatum: 2014 Volym: 9 Utfärdandenummer: 7

Namn på tidskrift: PLOS ONE

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Indigenous children living nearby plantations with chlorpyrifos -treated bags have elevated 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy) urinary concentrations

Författare: Berna van Wendel de Joode, Douglas Barraza, Clemens Ruepert, Ana Maria Mora, Leonel Cordoba, Mattias Oberg, Catharina Wes s eling, Donna Mergler, Chris tian H. Lindh

Publiceringsdatum: 2012 Volym: 117 Namn på tidskrift: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: The point of trans ition on the dos e-effect curve as a reference point in the evaluation of in vitro toxicity data Författare: Salomon Sand, Joakim Ringblom, Helen Hakans s on, Mattias Oberg

Publiceringsdatum: 2012 Volym: 32 Utfärdandenummer: 10 Namn på tidskrift: JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: How are as thmatics included in the derivation of guideline values for emergency planning and res pons e?

Författare: Mia K. V. Johans s on, Gunnar Johans on, Mattias Oberg

Publiceringsdatum: 2012 Volym: 63 Utfärdandenummer: 3 Namn på tidskrift: REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Titel: Children nearby organic plantation have lower levels of chlorpyrifos metabolites

Författare: Berna van Wendel de Joode, Douglas Barraza, Clemens Ruepert, Ana Maria Mora, Leonel Cordoba, Mattias Oberg, Catharina Wes s eling, Donna Mergler, Chris tian Lindh

Publiceringsdatum: 2012 Volym: 211 Namn på tidskrift: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Worldwide burden of dis eas e from expos ure to s econd-hand s moke: a retros pective analys is of data from 192 countries

Författare: Mattias Oberg, Maritta S. Jaakkola, Alis tair Woodward, Armando Peruga, Annette Prues s -Us tuen Publiceringsdatum: 2011 Volym: 377 Utfärdandenummer: 9760

Namn på tidskrift: LANCET

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift


Författare: Elena Boldo, Sylvia Medina, Mattias Oberg, Vladimira Puklova, Odile Mekel, Kris tiina Patja, Dafina Dalbokova, Michal Krzyzanows ki, Manuel Pos ada

Publiceringsdatum: 2010 Volym: 125 Utfärdandenummer: 3 Namn på tidskrift: PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Toxicity of Bromkal 70-5DE, a technical mixture of polybrominated diphenyl ethers , following 28 d of oral expos ure in rats and impact of analys ed impurities

Författare: Mattias Oberg, Emma Wes terholm, Elena Fattore, Natalia Stern, Annika Hanberg, Peter Haglund, Karin Wiberg, Anders Bergendorff, Helen Hakans s on

Publiceringsdatum: 2010 Volym: 80 Utfärdandenummer: 2 Namn på tidskrift: CHEMOSPHERE

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Benchmark dos e approaches in chemical health ris k as s es s ment in relation to number and dis tres s of laboratory animals

Författare: Mattias Oberg

Publiceringsdatum: 2010 Volym: 58 Utfärdandenummer: 3 Namn på tidskrift: REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Benchmark dos e approaches in chemical health ris k as s es s ment in relation to number and dis tres s of laboratory animals

Författare: Mattias Oberg

Publiceringsdatum: 2010 Volym: 58 Utfärdandenummer: 3 Namn på tidskrift: REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Toxicity of Bromkal 70-5DE, a technical mixture of polybrominated diphenyl ethers , following 28 d of oral expos ure in rats and impact of analys ed impurities

Författare: M Oberg, E Wes terholm, E Fattore, N Stern, A Hanberg, P Haglund, K Wiberg, A Bergendorff, H Hakans s on, Mattias Öberg, Helen Håkans s on

Publiceringsdatum: 2010 Volym: 80 Utfärdandenummer: 2 Namn på tidskrift: Chemos phere

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Sammanfattning:

The s ubacute toxicity of a commercial polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) preparation, Bromkal 70-5DE, was inves tigated. In addition to a vehicle control, the mixture was given orally to male and female Sprague-Dawley rats for 28d at three dos e levels ; 2.5, 25 and 250mgkg(-1) b.w.d(-1). The obs erved effects include increas ed hepatic EROD activity (from 2.5mgkg(-1)d(-1)); increas ed liver weight (males ), increas ed PROD activity and depletion of hepatic retinoids (from 25mgkg(-1)d(-1)); and increas ed liver weight (females ), marked his tological changes in the liver and lungs , as well as increas ed s erum parameters s uch as total protein, choles terol and albumin (from 250mgkg(-1)d(-1)). Chemical analys is of the PBDE mixture with gas chromatography/mas s s pectrometry (GS/MS) s howed impurities of polybrominated dibenzofurans and to a les s er extent dibenzodioxins , in total levels of about 7.0mugg(-1) of Bromkal technical mixture. The animals were thereby expos ed to an es timated dos e of dioxin-like equivalents corres ponding to 1.3-131ng TEQkg(-1) b.w.d(-1). It cannot be ruled out that this level of impurities can explain the hepatic EROD induction and hepatic retinoid depletion, which are cons idered typical markers of toxicity mediated via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR).

Titel: Dis crepancy among acute guideline levels for emergency res pons e Författare: Mattias Oberg, Nicole Palmen, Gunnar Johans on

Publiceringsdatum: 2010 Volym: 184 Utfärdandenummer: 1-3 Namn på tidskrift: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Adult s moking as a proxy for environmental tobacco s moke expos ure among children - Comparing the impact of the level of information in Es tonia, Finland and Latvia

Författare: Kris tiina Patja, Samu Hakala, Ritva Prattala, Kirs tel Ojala, Elena Boldo, Mattias Oberg Publiceringsdatum: 2009 Volym: 49 Utfärdandenummer: 2-3

Namn på tidskrift: PREVENTIVE MEDICINE

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Expos ure to dioxin-like pollutants via different food commodities in Swedis h children and young adults Författare: Charlotte Bergkvis t, Mattias Oberg, Malin Appelgren, Wulf Becker, Marie Aune, Emma Halldin Ankarberg, Marika Berglund, Helen Hakans s on

Publiceringsdatum: 2008 Volym: 46 Utfärdandenummer: 11 Namn på tidskrift: FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Occurrence and levels of environmental chemicals in human milk in the general population Författare: Tina Jannice Branting, Chris tina Ruden, Mattias Oberg, Chris tina Bjorkdahl

Publiceringsdatum: 2006 Volym: 164 Namn på tidskrift: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift

Titel: Identification of the tryptophan photoproduct 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole, in cell culture medium, as a factor that controls the background aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity

Författare: M Oberg, L Bergander, H Hakans s on, U Rannug, A Rannug, Helen Håkans s on, Mattias Öberg Publiceringsdatum: 2005 Volym: 85 Utfärdandenummer: 2

Namn på tidskrift: Toxicol Sci

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Sammanfattning:

The pres ence of high affinity ligands for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in cell culture medium has generally been overlooked. Such compounds may confound mechanis tic s tudies of the important AhR regulatory network.

Numerous reports have des cribed that light expos ed cell culture medium induces AhR-dependent activity. In this s tudy, we aimed at identifying the caus ative s ubs tance(s ). A three-dimens ional factorial des ign was us ed to s tudy how the background activity of CYP1A1 in a rat hepatoma cell line (MH1C1) was controlled by photoproducts formed in the medium expos ed to normal laboratory light. The light induced activity was found to be tryptophan dependent, but independent of riboflavin and other components in the medium. The light expos ed medium s howed the s ame trans ient enzyme inducing activity in vitro as the AhR ligand 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ). This s ubs tance, which we have previous ly identified as being formed in UV-expos ed tryptophan s olutions , is a s ubs trate for CYP1A1 and it has a higher AhR binding affinity than TCDD. Several tryptophan related photoproducts were detected in the light-expos ed medium. For the firs t time one of the formed photoproducts was identified as FICZ with bioas s ay driven fractionation coupled with HPLC/MS. Thes e res ults clearly s how that tryptophan derived AhR ligands , which have been s ugges ted to be endogenous AhR ligands , influence the background levels of CYP1A1 activity in cells in culture.

Titel: Subchronic toxicity of Baltic herring oil and its fractions in the rat I

Författare: M Oberg, N Stern, S Jens en, C Wes en, P Haglund, H Cas abona, N Johans s on, K Blomgren, H Hakans s on, Mattias Öberg, Helen Håkans s on, Clas Wes én

Publiceringsdatum: 2002 Volym: 91 Utfärdandenummer: 5 Namn på tidskrift: Pharmacology and Toxicology

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Sammanfattning:

Baltic herring (Clupea harengus ) oil was extracted and fractionated. To examine the contribution to toxicity and biological effects of different halogenated organic pollutants , the herring oil and the fractions were mixed into pelleted food and given to Sprague-Dawley female rats at three levels , corres ponding to a human intake of 1.6, 8.2 and 34.4 kg fis h per week. Herring oil, its fractions , as well as liver tis s ues from expos ed rats , were analyzed for: eight chlorinated biphenyls , all 2,3,7,8-s ubs tituted chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans ,

hexachlorocyclohexanes , hexachlorobenzene, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT), DDT-metabolites , three brominated diphenylethers as well as extractable organically bound chlorine and halogenated fatty acids . A bioas s ay (EROD) was us ed for meas uring the dioxin-like enzyme induction activity. Nordic Sea lodda (Mallotus villos us ) oil was us ed as a nutritionally equivalent control, with much lower levels of halogenated organic

pollutants . A full toxicological s ubchronic examination is reported in the following paper (Stern et al. 2002). In this s tudy, we report that the fractionation procedure res ulted in a s ubs tantial reduction of mos t of the pollutants in the triacylglycerol fraction, and a pronounced enrichment of mos t of the pollutants into the two other fractions . However, all contaminants were pres ent at s ome levels in all of the fractions . The concentrations of organoltalogens found in this s tudy were repres entative for Baltic herring during the mid-1990s . Rat liver tis s ue s howed s imilar res idue patterns as the diet, with the exception of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran congeners that had a higher liver retention than pes ticides , chlorinated biphenyls and brominated diphenylethers .

Titel: Subchronic toxicity of Baltic herring oil and its fractions in the rat II

Författare: Natalia Stern, Mattias Öberg, Helena Cas abona, Chris tina Tros s vik, Ellu Manzoor, Niklas Johans s on, Monica Lind, Jan Örberg, Ricardo Feins tein, Anna Johans s on, Ih Chu, Raymond Poon, Al Yagminas , Abraham Brouwer, Bernt Jones , Helen Håkans s on, M Oberg, J Orberg, H Hakans s on

Publiceringsdatum: 2002 Volym: 91 Utfärdandenummer: 5 Namn på tidskrift: Pharmacology and Toxicology

Vetenskaplig publikation - fackgranskade: Originalartikel i vetens kaplig tids krift Sammanfattning:

This s tudy aimed to increas e the knowledge about the toxicity of fis h-derived organohalogen pollutants in mammals . The s trategy chos en was to s eparate organohalogen pollutants derived from Baltic herring (Clupea harengus ) fillet, in order to obtain fractions with differing proportions of identified and unidentified halogenated pollutants , and to perform a s ubchronic toxicity s tudy in rats , es s entially according to the OECD guidelines , at three dos e levels . Nordic Sea lodda (Mallotus villos us ) oil, with low levels of pers is tent organohalogen pollutants , was us ed as an additional control diet. The toxicological examination s howed that expos ure to Baltic herring oil and its fractions at dos e levels corres ponding to a human intake in the range of 1.6 to 34.4 kg Baltic herring per week res ulted in minimal effects . The s pectrum of effects was s imilar to that, which is obs erved after low-level expos ure to pollutants s uch as chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (CDD/F) and chlorinated biphenyls , des pite the fact that thes e contaminants contribute to a minor part of the extractable organically bound chlorine (EOCl). The s tudy confirmed previous findings that induction of hepatic ethoxyres orufin deethylas e (EROD) activity takes place at daily intake levels 0.15 ng fis h-derived CDD/F-TEQs /kg body weight. The s tudy als o demons trated that hepatic vitamin A reduction takes place at s omewhat higher daily expos ure levels , i.e. 0.16–0.30 ng fis h-derived CDD/F-TEQs /kg body weight. Halogenated

This s tudy aimed to increas e the knowledge about the toxicity of fis h-derived organohalogen pollutants in mammals . The s trategy chos en was to s eparate organohalogen pollutants derived from Baltic herring (Clupea harengus ) fillet, in order to obtain fractions with differing proportions of identified and unidentified halogenated pollutants , and to perform a s ubchronic toxicity s tudy in rats , es s entially according to the OECD guidelines , at three dos e levels . Nordic Sea lodda (Mallotus villos us ) oil, with low levels of pers is tent organohalogen pollutants , was us ed as an additional control diet. The toxicological examination s howed that expos ure to Baltic herring oil and its fractions at dos e levels corres ponding to a human intake in the range of 1.6 to 34.4 kg Baltic herring per week res ulted in minimal effects . The s pectrum of effects was s imilar to that, which is obs erved after low-level expos ure to pollutants s uch as chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (CDD/F) and chlorinated biphenyls , des pite the fact that thes e contaminants contribute to a minor part of the extractable organically bound chlorine (EOCl). The s tudy confirmed previous findings that induction of hepatic ethoxyres orufin deethylas e (EROD) activity takes place at daily intake levels 0.15 ng fis h-derived CDD/F-TEQs /kg body weight. The s tudy als o demons trated that hepatic vitamin A reduction takes place at s omewhat higher daily expos ure levels , i.e. 0.16–0.30 ng fis h-derived CDD/F-TEQs /kg body weight. Halogenated

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