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Fokus för denna uppsats har varit att undersöka effektivitet av utvecklingsbiståndet i Zimbabwe för att få förståelse av hur biståndsorganisationer arbetar med utvecklingsarbete i landet. Dess- utom hur utvecklingsbiståndet utifrån biståndsorganisationer har påverkat befolkningen på olika sätt i landet.

Resultaten av denna studie har visat olika sätt som biståndsorganisationer arbetar för att ut- vecklingsbiståndet ska bli effektivare. Biståndsorganisationerna som har deltagit i undersök- ningen arbetar genom partnerskapsmodellen som är ett långsiktigt samarbete och civila part- nerorganisationer samarbetar med varandra så att biståndsarbetet ska bidra till hållbar utveckl- ing. Att bygga upp kapacitet hos lokala civilsamhället och arbeta utifrån mänskligt rättighets- perspektiv är en central för både biståndgivarorganisationerna och civila samhällsorganisat- ioner. Detta för att förstärka självständigheten hos den lokala befolkningen. Biståndsorganisat- ioner som implementera utvecklingsarbete har arbetat med att inkludera alla intressenter och målgrupper och tog hänsyn till lokala befolkningens röst. “Ownership” är viktigt för


biståndsorganisationer eftersom det är de lokala befolkningar som behöver göra utvecklingen i samhället.

Studien har lyftat fram att det finns positiv påverkan av svenskt utvecklingsbistånd trots utma- ningarna i landet. För att möjligheterna som har skapats av biståndsorganisationerna ska vara hållbara är det viktigt att skapa’’good govenance’’. Baserat på resultatet bör regeringen väl- komna det civila samhällets aktörer och den privata sektorn som har resurser för att komplettera de resurser som regeringen inte har. För att utvecklingen ska vara hållbart, måste rättighetsha- varna inkluderas: kvinnor, äldre, ungdomar, personer med funktionsnedsättningar etc. Samt skapa en miljö där det civila samhället kan samarbeta med regeringen.

8. Vidare forskning

Tidigare forskningar har påvisat betydelsen av utvecklingsbiståndets negativa och positiva si- dor. De flesta studier huvudsakligen koncentrerat på effekten av bistånd, i synnerhet bistånds effekt på ekonomiska tillväxt. Där forskarna har undersökt effektivitet av utländskt bistånd på internationell nivå. I denna uppsats har vi fokuserat på effektivitet av svenskt utvecklingsbi- stånd på landnivå utifrån biståndsorganisationernas syn, för att titta närmare på hur utveckl- ingsbistånd har påverkat landet på olika sätt.

För framtida forskning rekommenderas därför att undersöka effektivitet av utvecklingsbistånd utifrån befolkningens syn. Där forskare studerar befolkningens berättelser och upplevelser om hur de har dragit nytta av utvecklingsbistånd. Detta för att få djupare förståelse om hur utveckl- ingsbistånd har påverkat dem på olika sätt eftersom utvecklingsbistånd ska bidra till en hållbar utveckling behöver man se över de effekter den har haft på de målgruppen som den är avsedd för.


9. Referenser

Broman, J. (2020). Detta behöver Ann Linde ändra på i utrikespolitiken. Hämtad den 14 april 2021från: https://www.bohuslaningen.se/%C3%A5sikt/ledare/detta-beh%C3%B6ver-ann- linde-%C3%A4ndra-p%C3%A5-i-utrikespolitiken-1.23914953

Bryman, A. (2018). Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder. Malmö: Liber.

Chikowore, G. (2010). Contradictions in development aid: The case of Zimbabwe. South-South

Cooperation: A Challenge to the Aid System?

Concord, (2020). Biståndsdebatten 2020. Hämtad den 14 mars 2021 från: https://con- cord.se/bistandsdebatten-2020

Djankov, S., Montalvo, J. G., & Reynal-Querol, M. (2006). Does Foreign aid help? Cato Jour-

nal, 26(1), 1–28.

Janjua, P. Z., Muhammad, M., & Usman, M. (2018). Impact of project and programme aid on economic growth: A cross country analysis. Pakistan Development Review, 57(2), 145–174.

Kindornay, S., & Morton, B. (2011). From aid to development effectiveness: a working paper.

Ottawa: The North-South Institute.

Kvale, S. & Brinkmann, S. (2009). Den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.

Karlsson M., & Sjöstedt O. (2018). Besparingar på bistånd räddar liv i Sverige. Hämtad den 14 april 2021 från:


Kuhl, S. (2009). Capacity Development as the Model for Development Aid Organizations. De-

velopment and Change, 40(3), 551–577.

Lancaster, C. (2009). Sixty years of foreign aid: What have we learned? International Journal, 64(3), 799–810.


Mahembe, E. & Odhiambo, N. M. (2020). Development aid and its impact on poverty reduction in developing countries: A dynamic panel data approach. International Journal of Develop-

ment, 19(2), 145–168.

Moyo, D. (2009). Dead aid: Why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. Penguin Group.

Moyo, L., & Tsakata Mafuso, L. (2017). The effectiveness of foreign aid on economic develop-

ment in developing countries: A case of Zimbabwe (1980-2000). Journal of Social Sciences,

52(1–3), 173–187.

Odén & Wohlgemuth (2011). Svensk biståndspolitik i ett internationellt perspektiv. School of Global Studies. University of Gothenburg.

Sida (2021). Sidas arbete i Zimbabwe. Hämtad den 16 april 2021 från: https://www.sida.se/sida-i-varlden/zimbabwe

Svenska Institutet (u.å). Vår historia – SI 75 år! Hämtad den 14 april från: https://si.se/om- webbplatsen/

Sjöstedt, M. (2013). Aid effectiveness and The Paris Declaration: A mismatch between owner- ship and Result-Based Management.Public Administration and Development.33(2), 143–155. Wenke, M. (2016). Effective aid revisited: An extension and follow-up of research on democ-

racy`s impact on aid effectiveness. Rotterdam: Erasmus University.

Williams, V. (2015). Foreign Aid. Encyclopedia Britannica. Hämtad den 16 mars 2021 från: https://www.britannica.com/topic/foreign-aid

32 Bilaga 1 - Intervjuguide

Questions for the local partner organization.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself, your current position, work experience in devel- opment aid?

2. How long has your organization been working with development aid in Zimbabwe? 3. Can you tell us a little about different projects your organization is currently working


4. When it's time to start a new project, what are some important criterias that are taken into consideration that lead to a successful project?

5. How and in what way do all the stakeholders involved in the implantation of the project as it affects them? (the implementation of the project = Ownership)

6. What are the strategies you use in development projects?

7. How/in what way does the organization work to contribute to sustainable development work in Zimbabwe?

8. Could you mention some areas where your organization has contributed to the devel- opment of that area?

9. What are the biggest changes that have been done through development aid for the local communities in Zimbabwe?

10. What are the difficulties and challenges facing the organization that stand in the way of development in Zimbabwe?

11. What are the pros and cons of the development work that you are doing in Zimbabwe? 12. Can you tell us about previous projects that you think have had the biggest impact? 13. When you look back over the years, what differences can you see in the country that did


14. What has your organization done well that you have seen lead to sustainable development in Zimbabwe?

15. Can you name something that did not go well in your organization regarding develop- ment aid in Zimbabwe? What were the reasons?

16. What lessons do you take with you that you can use to improve development aid in Zimbabwe in the future (e.g. cultural, structural, strategic, relational, other)? Something you would do differently.

17. The important aspects to keep in mind when working on development aid in Zimbabwe? Something you would like to add?

Thank you for your time and participation!

Questions for the Swedish aid organization

1. Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself, your current position, work experience in devel- opment aid?

2. How long have you been working on development in Zimbabwe?

3. Can you generally describe development aid in Zimbabwe based on your experience? (A little short)

4. How does the Swedish development aid in Zimbabwe look?

5. What are your focus areas in Zimbabwe (democracy, health, education, gender equality? 6. What are your strategies for development aid in these areas?

7. What kind of funding do you provide to the local partners' organization in Zimbabwe? (project aid or program aid)


9. Could you mention some areas where organization has contributed to the development of that area?

10. What has organization done well that you have seen lead to sustainable development in Zim- babwe?

11. What are the biggest changes that has been done through development aid in Zimbabwe? 12. Difficulties and challenges facing the organization regarding development aid in Zimbabwe? 13. Can you name something that you (your organization) think went less well with development

aid in Zimbabwe? What were the causes?

14. What lessons do you take with you to improve development aid in Zimbabwe in the future (eg cultural, structural, strategic, relational, other)? Something you would do differently.

15. Which aspects are important to include in Swedish development aid that affect sustainable development positively or negatively?

Something you would like to add?

Thank you for your time and participation.

Bilaga 2 - Mejl till organisationer


This is Sumaia and Mine Lon, two students from Jönköping University. We are studying a 3- year program called "International work with a focus on global studies".The program is built around three disciplines;sociology, political science and cultural geography.Based on these ap- proaches, global challenges such as migration and integration, sustainable development and peace and conflict are discussed. In addition to knowledge in global studies, the programme provides competence in intercultural communication and project management.


We are currently working on our bachelor's degree thesis and we have chosen a topic within the effectiveness of development aid. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the effective- ness of Swedish development aid in Zimbabwe and how different Swedish aid organizations work with development aid in this country. We intend to conduct a qualitative interview study. For our thesis we would like to interview someone from Swedish aid organisation and someone from a partner organization in Zimbabwe.

We attached two documents for the interview questions, one aimed for Swedish aid organiza- tion and one for your partner organization in Zimbabwe.The interview might take about an hour. The interviewee can choose which platform they prefer for the interview (Zoom, teams or skype).Please notice that we would like to get the answers live during the interview. These questions are the ones we are going to ask. We are sending them so that the interviewee can prepare ahead of time.

We look forward to hearing from you!

With kind regards, Mine Lon & Sumaia


• Thank you for agreeing to this interview. We are grateful to you for making our study easier.

• Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

• Before we start the interview we will just walk you through what we planned for the day.

• First we will start with sharing with you purpose of the thesis project • Purpose of the interview with you

• Go through the Interview questions

• Later on ask you about some documents that we need for the study

• We want to inform you that the interview will be recorded because it will be easy to write down your answers after the interview and it will also be easy for our analysis . But we will use the recording just for our study and not for the other objective. • We were wondering if you yourself/organization want to be anonymous and if you

would like to get part of the transcript and the result. Even though our thesis will be in Swedish!

Any questions so far?

• Sumaia will ask the interview questions while Mine will take notes during the interview. But Mine can come in if she has some questions or if there are any important comments.

• The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of Swedish development aid in Zimbabwe.

• The purpose of the interview with you is because you are a partner organization with Diakonia but also to get an insight into how your organization works with development aid in Zimbabwe and how development aid has impacted the people and the society in different ways.

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