• No results found

Enheten för Befolkningsstatistik på SCB har framställt grund-tabellerna som redovisas i denna rapport. De flesta bearbetningar som då gjorts överförs direkt i vår presentation. Vi kan i det sammanhanget notera att risktiden alltid är heltal som i vissa fall avrundats med 0,5 risktidsenheter per åldersår. Detta är i och för sig en tillfredställande precision för de bearbetningar som vi gör här.

Från och med Demografiska rapporter 2001:3 sker dock alla nya bearbetningar, som ingår i denna serie över regionala

livslängdstabeller, där risktiden är inblandad med 1 decimal.

Generellt är kvaliteten hög i RTB. Övertäckning förorsakas dock av att utvandrare inte alltid anmäler utflyttning från landet

(Skatteverket 2006). Vi bör notera att vissa grupper av utrikes födda har mycket låg dödlighet i förhållande till personer födda i Sverige (SCB 2004).

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Livslängden i Sverige 2001-2005 Referenser


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Life expectancy in Sweden 2001-2005 In English

In English

This report presents life tables for the latest five-year period 2001-2005. Life tables, which show the remaining life expectancy for different age groups, are presented for the country as a whole, by county and for the country's three largest municipalities. The report also presents the average life expectancy for the 80 largest municipalities.


The average life expectancy in the whole country during the period 2001-2005 was 82.4 years for women and 78.0 years for men. This is a rise of 1.1 years for men and 0.6 years for women compared to the previous five-year period, 1996-2000. Among women, the rise in average life expectancy was slightly weaker than before while the rise for men has remained at roughly the same level since the 1980s.

The mortality rate has fallen for all age groups but the rise in the average life expectancy is primarily due to a decreasing mortality rate among the older age groups. The fall in the mortality rate among men aged 65 years and older has contributed 0.7 years of the total rise of 1.1 years between the two most recent adjacent five-year periods. Among women, the fall in the mortality rate among older people accounts for roughly half of the total rise in average life expectancy.

Infant mortality continues to fall strongly. In 2005, 2.5 boys died per 1 000 live births and the infant mortality rate for girls was 2.3 per 1 000 live births. During the past 10 years, infant mortality has nearly halved for boys and has fallen by 36 percent for girls.

Strong decrease in deaths caused by circulatory diseases A breakdown into four groups of significant causes of death shows that it is primarily the decrease in deaths caused by circulatory diseases that has led to a fall in the mortality rate among older people.

The number of deaths caused by tumours has remained fairly constant among older people over a long period. However, in the groups

“accidents and suicides” and “other illnesses”, including for example dementia, the mortality rate among older people has increased.

Among younger people, those under 64 years, there has however been a fall in the mortality rate for all the cause of death groups.

In English Life expectancy in Sweden 2001-2005

Considerable regional differences in life expectancy Life expectancy is in general higher in southern Sweden and lower in the northern parts of the country. Regional differences in average life expectancy remain compared to earlier periods.

Of the counties, Halland has the highest average life expectancy of 79.1 years for men and 83.4 years for women. Men have the shortest life expectancy in Norrbotten and women in Gävleborg county. The difference between the highest and the lowest life expectancy is 2.3 years for men and 1.9 years for women.

In the three metropolitan counties, the average life expectancy is roughly the same as for the country as a whole. However in the metropolitan municipalities, life expectancy is significantly lower than the country as a whole. This is in particular the case in Malmö.

The average life expectancy in Malmö is roughly one year lower than the country average, while the difference is 0.6 years for women.

A calculation of the average life expectancy for the 80 largest

municipalities gives an even greater variation in life expectancy. The difference between the highest and the lowest life expectancies among these municipalities is 4.7 years for men and 3.4 years for women. These differences are likely caused by social and economic differences between the municipalities. Men live the longest in Lidingö, Vellinge and Täby. In these municipalities, the average life expectancy for the period 2001-2005 is over 80 years. Among

women, three municipalities have a life expectancy of over 84 years, Kungsbacka, Lidingö and Falkenberg. The municipalities with the lowest average life expectancy are, for men, Sundbyberg and Södertälje and, for women, Hudiksvall and Sandviken.

Differences in mortality between socioeconomic groups The mortality rate differs among different groups in the population.

In this report, education, civil status and type of housing are used as a measurement of the socioeconomic conditions. Highly-educated people have a lower mortality rate than people with a lower educational level. For example, men and women aged 30-54 years with compulsory education have a twice as high a risk of dying than people with post-upper secondary education. Married people have a lower mortality rate than unmarried people, divorcees or

widows/widowers. The greatest differences in mortality rate due to civil status can be seen for younger men. People living in single dwelling houses have a lower mortality rate than those living in apartments. Even here the differences are greatest for younger men.

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Life expectancy in Sweden 2001-2005 In English