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#39 Denver Joint Stock Land Bank stock pledges


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Denver, Colorado.

m. Burke, Secretary,

The Mont . Val 1 ey r r igat ion Company, QQrtez,.Qolorado„ Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation, No. 906

issued to


June 17, 1930,


Denver Joint Stock Land jank, Mortgagee, & Guy 0. Harrison, Equity Owner, has been pledged by Guy Harrison with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 5,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mx. S. M, Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

June le, 1900.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 970 for 124 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint Stock Land 134X1k, Mortgasee, and Dorothy E. Harrison, Equity 0 Is been pledged by

Dorothy. E. Harrison with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr S. M. Burke,

Denver, Colorado. Ju.n.e...1.8, 19.30.

Secretary, The.lionteztuna Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 941 for 147 shares

issued to The Denver Joint Stook Land :bank, Mortgagee, G. U. itarrison 6., C. H. Rudy, Equ.ity Owner, has been pledged by Guy 0. Harrison, Et Al with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,,gQ(400 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.




June 18, 1930.

Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez ..Ooloratio.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 967 for 146 shares

issued to The Public Truotee c!f Montemuna Oounty for tb.e u.s.e of The Denver Joint Stock Land. Bank, Mortgagee, and Tyler 6mi.th, -,Equity Owner, . has been pledged by

E. Tyler Smith with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $...3.,500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. June 18, 1930.

Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Corap43..uy, Cortez, Colorado,

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 6t for 1:58 • shares

issued to The .Lenver Joint Stock Land. -Bank, Mort,..;agee, Robert B. Dunham, Equity Owner, has been pledged by h„ B, Dunham, Et Al with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,800,00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

Jun 20. 19 X .

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1030 for 202 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint Thompson, Equity Ow,ner, .Stock.Larid..Bank.,....11ortgag.ea, and. Lena Thompson and John A. has been pledged by

•Lena Thompson for the payment of $ 4,500.00

with the undersigned as collateral security and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. June 19, 19a).

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1124 for 262.' shares

Denver Joint stock Lan -Dank o Mortgagee, John. A. Thompson, Equ.ity Owner,

Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation C ompany, Cortez, Colorado,

Dear Sir:

issued to

John A. Thompson for the payment of $.12,000.00

on the books of the corporation of that fact, ing certificate to the undersigned.

.. has been pledged by with the undersigned as collateral security and you are requested to make a memorandum and fill in, sign, detach and forward the



Mr, S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Monte zama Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez4.. Colorado, Dear Sir:

June 20, 19 a) ,

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1048 for 72 shares

issued to Denver Joint Stook Land Bank, Mortgagee, and Cora Lee Randall, Equity Owner, has been pledged by

Cora kiandal 1 with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $..10500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr • S. M. Burke, Secretary, .1he Momezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado. Ju.nel9, 1930.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1021 for 239 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint S t ock Land Bank,...Mortgagee . LT. Morgan,. .E qui ty Owner, has been pledged by

H. F. Morgan with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 6,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mr. S. M. Bu.rke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley I rr igat ion Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

June 20, 1930.

No. 1035 for 75 shares

issued to The Denver Joint Stock Land bank, Mort 'agee, and John L. Dunbar, Equity

Owner, has been pledged by

W. P. Smedly with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 2,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



.1Ir .S. BLIrke.,. Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irritation Company, Cortez, Colorado,

Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1024 ' for 270

June 19, 1930.

shares issued to .Tb.e...Publio Trust.ee..of...LIontezuma .C.otInty....for...the...u.se. of Denver Joint .Stock

Land _i3ank, Mortgagee.,....and R.. L.e.w.i.a., Equity Owner, has been pledged by W. R. Lewis with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 8,500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.




Mr. .S. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1009 for 77

Julie 19, 1900.

shares issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint Stook Land Bank, Mortgagee, and J, M. James, Equity Owner, has been pledged by

J. James. with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 2,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. June .20., 3.930..

Mr...s . Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irriat ion Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1033 for 71 shares

issued to 1)enver Joint tock Land ank, Mortgagee, and Gertru,de F. Hilt z, Equ,ity.

Owner, , has been pledged by

Gertrude F, Hilt z with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1,800.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



June 19, 1930.

Mr. S. M, Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado, Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1028 for 242 shares

issued to . The.2u,blio.Trustee of Montezu.ma County for .the•use of The Denver Joint

Carlile, Equity Owners Stoa Land Bank, .Mortgagee, and William H. Carlile and josephinjus been pledged by

William H. Cathie with the undersigned as collateral security 60.00

for the payment of $ ,00 • and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. July 28, 1930

Kr. S. M• Burke Secretary,

Montezuma Talley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 95,4 for



issued to Public Trustee of Montezuma County for use of Denver Joint

eity olAn,irs Stook Land Bank as Miss., N. E. Carpenter and G. H. Taloottas been pledged by

N. E. Carpenter with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1,500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the Corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.




Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Llont e zuma Valley I rr i gat ion C cop arky ,

Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

June 18, 1900,

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 962 for 57 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint, Stock Land Lank, Mortzagee, and Leslie A. Cooper, Equity Owner, has been pledged by

Leslie E. Coopor with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1 5.(0 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr. S. M. Burke,

Denver, Colorado. June 18, 1930,

Secretary, The...Montezuma Valley Irrigat ion Company.,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 956 for 20 shares

issued to The Public) Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of the Denver Joint Stock 'Auld Mortgagee, and J. W, Berlin, Equity Owner, has been pledged by

J. W. e.r1in with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 500,00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.




June 14, 1930.

Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 955 for 30 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for use of. The Denver Joint Stock Bank . Mortgazee, and John E.. 3 rown, EquiV Owner, has been pledged by

John E. 3rown with the undersigned as collateral security

for the payment of $ 800.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr...S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado. June J.,...1930..

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 972 for 160 shares

issued to . The Public l'ruetee of Montezuma County for the aae .of The Denver Joint Stock Land Bank, Mortgagee, and C E. Blackmer, Equity Owner, has been pledged by

Q. N. Blaclaner with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



1930. .

... S. M. B4rk.e, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 989 for 113 shares

issued to. The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint M. McCiller, E. 0. and Clarisdias been pledged by St ock and-Charles E..-- .61acigrier

C. E. Blackmer with the undersigned as collateral security

for the payment of $?., . 00.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado. Jane 18,. 1930.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 960 ' for 155 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for use of The Denver Joint Stock Land Bank, Mort,-;agee, and John J. Downey, -gutty Owner, has been pledged by John J. Downey with the undersigned as collateral security


for the payment of $ and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Denver, Colorado. Ju.ne 18, 1930.

Mr, S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado,

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 950 for 26 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma Cou.nty for use of The Denver Joint Stock Lp,nd Bank, IttlortL,agee, and Clarence W. Dennison, ciuity Owner, has been pledged by

Clarence W. Dennison for the payment of $ 900.00

with the undersigned as collateral security and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Burke „ Secretary, The Montezuma Valley I rrigat ion Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 888 `l for

June 17, 1930.


issued to

Denver Joint Stock Land 3ank, TvlortLAgee, SG Grant M. H vs, Equity Owner, has been pledged by Grant M. Hays with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $1.,QQ0•QQ and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



June 19, 1900,

Secretary, The..Montazuma Irr.igation C Orn.pany ,

Corte . Colorado,

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 993 for 40 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezw.n.4 Coualty. for the. use...of.The..Denver Joint Stock .14ancl, Bank, Mortgagee, and Mark .G Larcl, Equity Owner, has been pledged by

Mark G. Lord with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ .Z.,000.00. ...and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr. S. M. Burke,

Denver, Colorado. June 19, 1930,

Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 995 for 77 I shares

issued to '21Le Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the u.se of The Denver Joint Stock.Land _Bank., Mortgagee, and Mark G.. Lord., Equity Owner, has been pledged by

Mark G. Lord with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,000,00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mr „ .S...M... Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado, Dear Sir:

June 18, 1930.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 986 for 63 ' shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint St.o.ok..Lan.d Bax)k., .Mortgaciee. and Charles L....Kelvin, Equity Owner4as been pledged by Charles L. Melvin with the undersigned as collateral security $ 2,000.00

for the payment of and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


S. M. Burke, Secretary, ..Lie Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado. June 18, 1930.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 985 for 134 shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Owner,

Joint Stock Land Bank, Mortgagee, and Joseph C. McCluer, Equityhas been pledged by Joseph C. McCluer, Et Al with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 5,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irr4ation Company,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 971 ' for 139

June 18, 1930.

shares issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint Stook _Land Bank, Mort:1"agee, and, J. C. MoOluer, Equity Owner, has been pledged by J. C. McCiu.er with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,500.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. June 18, 1930.

1a.„5. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 963 for 147 ' shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint Stock Land Bank, Ilortg•age.,, and Ellen L. itud,y, Equity Owner, has been pledged by B1len 10. Itqc1.Y.,..Et Al with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,600.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.




Mr, S Barka, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado, Dear Sir:

June 18, 1930.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 9.64 for 8.0. shares

issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of T he Denver Joint Stock Land Bank., Mc.rtgagee, ancl 01,e,ytcn Rudy, Equity.. Owner , has been pledged by Clayt on H. hudy, Et A1 with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1,600.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. June 18, 1930.

Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 940 for 130

issued to The Denver Joint Stock Land Isank, Mortgagee, 44

shares C. Harrison O. A. Rudy, Equity Ownars, has been pledged by Clayton II, RucV, Et Al with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $4,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mr, S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The montezkuna Valley Irrigt1.on Company.,

Cortez Colorado. Dear Sir:

issued to

June 17, 1900.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 922 for 145 shares

Denver Joint Stook Land Bank, Denver, Mortgagee Ellen L. Rudy, Equity

Owner,. has been pledged by

• Clayton H. Rudy with the undersigned as collateral security 4, 500.00

for the payment of $ and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr. S. M. Burke,

Denver, Colorado.

Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company,

Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 983 for 48

June 18, 1930.

issued to The Public '2ru.stee of Montezuma County for the use

shares of The Denver Joint St ock. Land . Bank ,. .11Lortgag.ee ,...and...Boy al . ualk ins , ET). 0.wner., has been pledged by

Royal W, Calkins, with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1,500.00• and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Secretary, The Mont e z urna Val ley Irr igat ion. Company.)

Cortez, Colorado, Dear Sir:

June 18, 194O.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 975 for 29 shares

issued to The Public ,11-13.stee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint.. Stock and Ban.k, Mortgagee., and 0... aulcan Equity Owner, has been pledged by

O. W. Duncan with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1 200 .00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Denver, Colorado. June 21, 1900.

Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 1060 for 45 ' Mures

issued to Denver Joint Stock Land Bank, Mortgagee, Simon Thorpe, Equity Owner, has been pledged by Simon Thorpe .with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 1 100.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company, Cortez, Colorado,

Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 988 for .9...

June 18,

shares issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma County for the use of The Denver Joint

Sto Gk. Land 4aenk, ldortgeee, and Illieba H. Belden, Equity Ownerlias been pledged by Elisha H. Belden with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 3,000.00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Val ley Irricati on Company, Cortez, Colorado.

Dear Sir:

Denver, Colorado.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 9.73 for

June L8,...1930..


issued to The Public Trustee of Montezuma CountY for .the use of The Denver Joint Stock.Land -13ank.,...Mart ,E44 es ,.. Humphrey.. Fulls rton • Lquity owneAas been pledged by

Humphrey Ful le rt on with the undersigned as collateral security •

for the payment of $


Q .0 Q and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach


forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.



S. M. Burke , the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company , a corporation, do hereby certify that on the 18 day of August , 19 30 , I caused the following memorandum to be made upon the books of said corporation:

August...18 , 1930 , Certificate No. 900 of this corporation has been pledged by Idella

with Denver Joint Stock Land Bank of Denver, as collateral security for the payment of a loan in the amount of $ 4,000.00

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the corporation this 18 day of August , 193() ... .



I, S. M. Burke


., the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of .. The Montezuma Valley I rrig at ion Corapan,y , a corporation, do hereby certify that on the .... 189 day of August , 130 , I caused the following memorandum to be made upon the books of said corporation:

AURIla t18 , 1930 , Certificate No. 6 of this

corporation has been pledged by liae.114 _Talc ot t

with Denver Joint Stock Land Bank of Denver, as collateral security for the payment of a loan in the amount of $ 4,000.00

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the corporation this 18 day of Augus t , 1930


Mr. S. M. Burke, Secretary,

The WiAtemma Valley Irrigation Company

Cortez,. Colorado. Dear Sir:

issued to

June 17, 1930.

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 900 for 94 shares

Denver Joint Stock Land Bank, Mortgagee, & 'della Talcott, Equity Owner, has been pledged by Idella Talcott with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 4,000,00 and you are requested to make a memorandum on the books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.


Denver, Colorado. June 17, 1950,

Mr, S. LI, Burke, Secretary, The Montezuma Valley IrriationCornpany,

Cortez, Colorado. Dear Sir:

You are hereby notified that certificate in your corporation,

No. 6 for 64 shares

issued to Denver Joint stock Land Bank, 1VLort._;aee, and G. H. l'alcott, Equity Owner, has been pledged by 'della •Taloott with the undersigned as collateral security for the payment of $ 4,000,00 and you are requested to make a memorandum (_:_in...t_h_e_books of the corporation of that fact, and fill in, sign, detach and forward the accompany-ing certificate to the undersigned.

Aa...A.a.a. •-..11.116 ...a




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