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Amity or Camp Bird extension, Ouray County, Colorado


Academic year: 2021

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Denvor. 0010•• Augl1st 31. 1921.

The Vindicator Cons. Gold Mining Co•• Denver. 0010.

Gentlemen:-PIlrSwmt to you.r instruotiotl1't I have completed my investi-gation of the AlUTY property in the CamPBird distriet.near Ou.ray.Oolo. with a view of determining whether The Vindicator COIJl1lanywol1ld'be

warranted in taking a lesse and bond on this property and undertaking the nooessary campaign of development.

I will oite briefly the favorable and unfavorable features as they appear to me.

FAVORABLE:The Location of the property is on the extension of tho CampBird voin.Vlhich has proven to be one of the strongest

and most productive lodes of thestatetand covers a system (If veins whioh Cl'06S, the above at an angle of 40°. . .

The MonUl:1ontvein. which is the principal ;rein of the gronp. has been opened. by the Monumenttuzmel.driven for 1200 ft. a,:l.ong the ;rein.by drifts for 100 ft. each way :from the tunnel on the O(amecting Link claim and by a short drift 17 ft., along the vein.where It is cut by tho Windsor croas-cnt tunnel at about 1100 ft. :from the tunnel mouth. Thaae oponings prove the vein for abcut 3000 ft. along ita

conrae an<l show that it will probably maintain its character.width and val-ne :farther along the strik.e and downwardon the dip su-Uicient to assare a big tonnage of ore aVailable.

The Formation of reck.oat by the ;reins on this propertY,is known as l'ITheSan Jaan tn.ff


brl'lcoia".in which lie all the ot;hor most prodactivo veins of the diatrlct.The elevation of the au.rface

en this proporty runs from 11000 f1... to 13600 ft. above sea lo"vol, whioh haa proven the most likely hC'l'izon for oro bodles in thin


Umi'AVORA.:BLE:lllhera.cter of the MonumontVein Filling. Unlike the CampBird.,7hiah COXl'iOfl ita principal value in gold with quSJ'tz

gangue. the Monumontis heavily mineralized with lead and zinc.ancl with O~LYslight valaGs in gold and silver. Consequently a moro

elab-orato milling plant woaldbe reqUired in order to realize on.y reventlo fIlomthe lead and zinc content. InfllCt withOllt such rG;rentlo this

oreool1ld not be profitably handled. Untlor pre4ent depressed ma:rkiot oonditions no rovenue whatever oould be obtained from tho zina


only a small return wol1ld bo gained from the lead.

Both the Monl1t!lontand Vlii1dsor tunnels are at present bloc.l!:od by rock slides and caves so I ~~ unable to onter either;but I under-stand from !nforme;l;ian available that at DO plaoe in the 1400 :ft.

of drifting along this ;rein are the,ro snff::l.oient precious met.al values to aasure profito.blo mining and tre(\,tment.



2-As to the possibility of the enrichment of this vein on its intersection or Junction with the Camp Bird,! made particnlar enqttiry. I was able to have access to the Camp Bird mapl;!of this territory and throngh old personal acqlaintance with their superintendent,Mr.Woods, obtained direct information,which 1 believe ie absolutely reliable. I was informed that their lio.2.:r.e-yeltatabQ1ll.tthe same eleva.tion as the Monument tnnnel,has been extended easterly throngh its inter-section with the )!onwnent and for 2000 ft. lIIeyana,-upto the center of the Tramp claim. Alae that the vein lllaintain8snbatantially ita same course thronghont this territory and shows' no radical tums,

anglesnor branches. lttrthenaore this long drive haa not disclosed any co~erqial ore,eithe~ on the Oamp Bird vein 1ts61f,or on any

intersecting veins.

Working Oonditions at this altitude, through the winter,are very severe,neces.sitats substantial strnctures for living qUll.l,·ters, shops,etc. and ;l.nvolvehea-ry expense in the way of keeping trails open for handling neo.easary J:luppl:l,es,mine timbers and so on.,Espeortially during the coming winter ,now that all work at the Camp Bird property has been suspended,the fUll burden would fallon 'the new operator.

,o.therveins showing on the property have so little dev-elop-ment that they really amount to surfaoe prospects. The best of these is opened by three short tunnels on the Uranus Gl~lm and a Surface cut on the Mars .claim at the /3011th-easternend of the property on 'the

Ironton side. :In his way it is exposed for about 1700 ft. along the lIDt

outcrop. It shows a fairly ~onsistent Width of a foot to two feet,put is not particularly well mineralized and did not show corillUeroie.l ore at any place ~ ~ould get to.These short t~els are all caved at the mouth so one can net get inside.

OO:NOLUSION: The d,1:t'fionltieaand expense involved in the way of eqUipment fer rehabilitating the upper tunnels and oarrying on

work throngh the coming w:l.nterare such that, in my Opinion ne

Vinnicator Oo~e.ny are not justified in undertaking the development of the Monnment territory at this time. In ~aot ~ believe it.will not be warranted until suoh time as the market value of such a. lead-zinc ore enhances very materially.

On the other hand a ama.ll surface cBtj!paignof development of the veins at th!'!lower end of the propert;y from the Ironton side might be carries on to advantage during the spring and summer months when and where a great de$! more work oan be acoomplished for the


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