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Real-time labeling of non-rigid motion capture marker sets


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Citation for the original published paper (version of record):

Alexanderson, S., O'Sullivan, C., Beskow, J. (2017)

Real-time labeling of non-rigid motion capture marker sets.

Computers & graphics, 69(Supplement C): 59-67


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a KTH - Speech, Music and Hearing, Lindsetdtsv. 24, Stockholm 10044, Sweden b Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 1, Ireland












Article history: Received 1 August 2017 Revised 1 October 2017 Accepted 2 October 2017 Available online 12 October 2017

Keywords: Animation Motion capture Hand capture Labeling









Passiveopticalmotioncaptureisoneofthepredominanttechnologiesforcapturinghighfidelityhuman motion,and isaworkhorseinalargenumber ofareassuchas bio-mechanics,filmandvideo games. Whilemoststate-of-the-artsystemscanautomaticallyidentifyandtrackmarkersonthelargerpartsof thehumanbody,themarkersattachedtothefingersandfaceprovideuniquechallengesandusually re-quireextensivemanualcleanup.Inthisworkwepresent arobustonlinemethodforidentification and tracking ofpassivemotioncapture markersattached tonon-rigidstructures. Themethodisespecially suitedforlargecapturevolumesandsparsemarkersets.Oncetrained,oursystemcanautomatically ini-tializeandtrackthemarkers,andthesubjectmayexitandenterthecapturevolumeatwill.Byusing multipleassignmenthypothesesandsoftdecisions,itcanrobustlyrecoverfromadifficultsituationwith manysimultaneousocclusionsandfalseobservations(ghostmarkers).Inthreeexperiments,weevaluate themethodforlabelingavarietyofmarkerconfigurationsforfingerandfacialcapture.Wealsocompare theresultswithtwoofthemostwidelyusedmotioncaptureplatforms:MotionAnalysisCortexand Vi-conBlade.Theresultsshowthatourmethodisbetteratattainingcorrectmarkerlabelsandisespecially beneficialforreal-timeapplications.

© 2017ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved.

1. Introduction

Opticalmarker-basedmotioncaptureisamatureanddominant technology for capturing detailed human motion in many areas suchasbio-mechanics,filmandvideogames.Thetechnology pro-videsmanydesirablefeaturessuchashighaccuracyandsampling ratesandcanbeusedasasinglemeanstocapturebodyand fin-germotionaswellasfacialexpression.Amongthemainchallenges foropticalmotioncaptureusingpassivemarkersisthe identifica-tionandtrackingofthemarkers,commonlyreferredtoaslabeling. Thedifficultiesariseduetothefactthatthemarkerslookidentical fromthepointofview ofthesystemandtheir identitiesneedto be inferred fromstructural cuesortracked over time, something thatisfurtherchallengingincasesofsevereocclusions.

Currentstate-of-the-artmotioncapturesystemscanreliably la-bel markerson thelarger partsofthe humanbody,also inlarge capturevolumes. However,markerson themorearticulatedbody parts, such as the face and fingers, pose unique challenges and usually requireextensive manual labelling. For facial capture, al-ternative markerless methods (such as video based tracking us-inghead-mountedcameras)hasgainedinpopularity,butthisadds

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: simonal@kth.se (S. Alexanderson).

costandcomplexitytothesetup,andtherearestillmanydomains inwhichhead-mountedcamerasaretoointrusivetobeused.For fingercapturing,theonlyviablesolutionsforlargevolumesareto useeither dataglovesor sparse markersets withoptical motion capture, [1]. In our work, we connect to the recent advances in data-drivenmethodsto producehighqualityhandandfinger an-imationfromsparsemarkersets [2–4],andaddress theproblems ofautomatic labellingof such markers.Sparse marker sets prove tobeespeciallychallengingforexistinglabelingalgorithms.Thisis mainly dueto the fact that sparsityreduces the structural infor-mation available to the point where underlying skeleton models, commonlyusedinexistinglabelingalgorithms,aredifficultto ap-ply.

Inthispaper,we presentan extendedversionofourpaperon robustalgorithms forautomaticlabeling offingermarkers, [5].In addition topreviously reportedwork, we show how our method can be extended to simultaneously labelmultiple marker sets in closeinteraction,andpresentnewresultsoflabelingfaceand fin-ger markers in a full performance capture setup. We also show how ourmethod integrates withdata-driven methods for recon-structingfullmarkersetsfromsparsedata,andhenceallowsusers toreducethe numberofmarkersina capturewithoutsignificant lossofquality.

At the core of our system is an algorithm to generate mul-tiple assignment hypotheses based on the spatial distribution of



60 S. Alexanderson et al. / Computers & Graphics 69 (2017) 59–67

Fig. 1. A selection of sparse marker sets for finger capture: (a) and (b) [6] ; (c) Opti- track Motive; (d) [7,8] ; (e) [3] ; and (f) [9] . The top row shows common marker sets used in the industry, and the bottom row shows the recommended marker sets from the research community. Note the large marker separation in the top row, fa- cilitating automatic labeling.

Fig. 2. Capture volume of 7 m × 12 m × 5 m.

themarkers,andanotheralgorithmtoselectthebestsequenceof assignmentsintime.Akeycharacteristicofourmethodisthe do-main in which the assignment hypotheses are generated. While othermethodsgenerateassignmentsfromthetemporaldomain,i.e. fromthepredictedmarkerpositionsateachframe,andusean ini-tializationphase(usually involvinga T-pose)to commence track-ing,ourmethodcontinuously generatesafixed setofassignment hypothesesfromthespatialdomain,andtreatstrackingasan opti-mizationproblemtofindthemostprobablepaththroughthe hy-pothesisspace.Inthisway,ourmethodcancontinuously reinitial-izethe markerlabels even afterlong occlusions. Byusing multi-pleassignment hypotheses, no hard decisions are madeat times where the assignments are ambiguous due to occlusions and/or ghost markers, andthe algorithm has a chance to correcterrors asmoreevidencebecomesavailable.

Weevaluate ourmethodinthreeexperiments.Thefirst exper-imentcovers finger capturingusing a variety ofdifferent marker sets described in the literature (see Fig. 1), and shows that our methodisabletoprovidecorrectlabelsforover99.6%ofthedata for all of the marker sets. The second experiment covers finger capturing in a large volume (see Fig. 2). Bench-marked against two of the most dominant commercial platforms, Motion

Anal-ysis Cortex1, and Vicon Blade2, our method is better at attain-ing correctmarker labelsin generaland isparticularly beneficial for fragmented data. The third experiment covers simultaneous labelling of face and finger markers in a full performance cap-ture and demonstrates how the method is used in conjunction withdata-driven methods to generaterich datasets from sparse markers.

As our methodis workingin real-time, itis of specialuse to the video-games andfilm industries,which requirelarge capture volumesforin-game motionandcinematics, andreal-time capa-bilitiesforVirtualReality,PrevisandVirtualProduction.

2. Relatedwork

Earlymarkerlabelingtechniquesemergefromthefieldof Mul-tiple Target Tracking (MTT) [10], which was originally developed fortrackingradarplots.OneofthemostsuccessfulMTTalgorithms isMultipleHypothesisTracking [11],whichallowsforsoftdecision makingwhentheobservationsarenoisyandthetrackingsituation isambiguous.AlimitationofusingMTTalgorithmsformotion cap-tureis that they donot take structuralinformationinto account, andthus needs tobe manually initialized atthefirst time frame as well as after longer periods of gaps. In most motion capture scenarios,themotionsofthemarkersarecorrelatedinsomeway, whichmaybe exploitedforlabeling.Gennarietal. [12] integrate shapeconstraintsinMTT,butdonotinitializemarkeridentitiesor usemultiple hypotheses.Also Yuet al. [13]exploit structural in-formation,buttheiralgorithmrequiresalargenumberofmarkers andisnotsuitableforsparse,non-rigidmarkersets.

Other studies focus on simultaneous labeling and skeleton solving using an underlying skeleton model. Ringer and Lasenby

[14] developed a multiple hypotheses tracker and demonstrate their method on human body motion. Meyer et al. [15] used a probabilistic frameworkforautomatic onlinelabelingoffull-body marker sets, and Schubert et al. [16] extend this method to be abletoinitialize thetrackingusingan arbitrarypose. Asopposed toourapproach,thesemethodsrequiredenseenoughmarkersets touniquelydefinetheposeoftheunderlyingskeletonmodel.Our methodisdevelopedforsparsemarkersets anddata-drivenpose estimation,whereasfewas3markersmaybeusedtodrivemore than 20 degrees of freedom of finger motion.Recently, Maycock et al. [9]developed a labeling system using an inverse kinemat-ics (IK) based skeleton, and demonstrated it for capturing hand and finger motion. However, their method requires a specialized initializationposeanddoesnotusemultiplehypotheses,anditis notclearhowitwouldreinitializeincaseswhereseveralmarkers are occludedfor longertime periods.In a studyby Akhter etal.

[17], a spatiotemporal modelwas developed to perform simulta-neouslabeling andgap-filling. The methodwasdemonstrated on adensesetof315facial markers.However, incontrasttoour do-mainwhereonlyafewlooselycorrelatedmarkersexist,theirdata setcontainsa largeamountofspatiotemporal correlation,making itpossibletodeducelostmarkerpositionsfromthetrainedmodel. The capturingof handmotion isan active research field with manyrecentpublications(seethestate-of-the-artreport [1]foran overview).While therehavebeenmajor improvementin marker-lessmethodsbasedoncomputervisiontechniquesanddepth sen-sors, these methods still impose severe restrictions, e.g. on cap-turevolumes,frameratesandtrackingofpartsthatareinphysical contact. According to [1], they are onlyappropriate in small vol-umesandhavedifficultiesinreconstructingcomplexhandshapes. Other techniquesexist basedon instrumentedglovessuch asthe

1http://www.motionanalysis.com . 2http://www.vicon.com .


Fig. 3. The three highest ranked assignment hypotheses ordered from left to right. The left hypothesis is correctly labeled..

Cyberglove3.Thesesystemstendtobeexpensiveandinvolve cum-bersome andfrequent calibration procedures, anddo not deliver thesameaccuracyasmarkerbasedsystems [1].

Motioncaptureforfilmandvideogames isusually performed inlarge studioswheretheactors canrun,jump andperform dif-ferentkindsofstunts.Aslargevolumesrequirelargemarkers (typ-ically 10mm)andreduced markersetsforthe hands,therehas beensubstantialresearchonmethodstooptimizeanimation qual-ity from sparse marker configurations. The main objectives have beentofindoptimizedmarkerlayoutsandtoreconstructfullhand poses from previously recorded data. Proposed methods include using a combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and locally weighted regression (LWR) [2], mixture of factor analysis (MFA) clustering [4],andsubspace-constrainedinversekinematics

[3].Hoyetetal. [18]investigatetheperceptualdifference between animatedhandmotiongeneratedfromarangeofmarkersets,and recommendasparsemarkersetof6markersasgoodbalance be-tweenmanualpost-processingeffortsandanimationquality.While thesestudiesdemonstratetheviabilityofmarkerbasedhand cap-ture in large volumes, they donot address the labeling problem whichisthefocusinthispaper.In Section4.3weusean alterna-tive data-driven method derived from [19]to reconstructmarker datafromsparsemakersets.Thisisdonetoshow theviabilityof ourcapturingpipelineandwe donotprovidecomparisonstothe studiesabove.

3. Method

Theunderlyingproblemforpassivemarkerlabelingarisesfrom a lack of individual discriminating features for identifying the markers.Instead,existingalgorithmsbasetheassignmentson spa-tialinter-relationsandtemporalcoherence.While markersplaced on rigid objects or kinematic chains (such as human skeletons) provide structurally invariant features, marker placed on flexible structures such as fingersandfaces yield much moreambiguous information.Whenusingmarkersonlyonthefingertips,for exam-ple, several different assignmentsof marker labels maygenerate equally validhandposes(see Fig.3). The uncertaintyinthe spa-tialinformationisespeciallyproblematiciftemporalcoherenceis deterioratedduetofrequentocclusionsorstretchesofnoisydata. Finger markers are particularly prone to occlusion when the fin-gers are flexed towards the groundor the body [20], and mark-ersplacedclosetoeachothermaybefalselyreconstructedasone single marker, causing uncertainty in which trajectory the false markershouldbelongto.

Toaddresstheseproblemswe baseouralgorithmontwo core features: an assignment generation methodfor generating multi-ple ranked hypotheses from the spatial distribution of the unla-beled markers ineach frame; and ahypothesis selection method forselecting a smooth sequence ofassignments intime. By gen-erating ourassignmentsfrom thespatialdomain ratherthan the temporal, we can automatically initialize the systemafter occlu-sions.Byusingmultiplehypotheses,wecanalsohandleambiguous situationsandpostponedecisionsuntilmorediscriminative obser-vationsarrive.HypothesisgenerationusesacollectionofGaussian

3http://www.cyberglovesystems.com .

MixtureModels(GMMs)tomodeleachmarker’slocationinspace, whilehypothesisselectionusesKalmanfilters [21]andtheViterbi algorithm [22] to determine the best sequence of hypotheses in time.Thesemethodshavethebenefitofbeingfastand probabilis-tic,makingthemespeciallysuitableforreal-timeapplications.Our unoptimized Matlab prototype runs at 58 frames per s using 5 markers and5 hypotheses per frame on a Intel Corei7 2.6GHz laptop.

3.1. Hypothesesgeneration

A prerequisite for our method is that the unlabeled data is transformedtoalocalcoordinatesystemfollowingthemarkerset. This is achievedeither by placing markers on the head or hand baseformingarigidstructureor,ifthealgorithm isrunin paral-lel withfull-body capture, by providing the world-to-local trans-formfromtheskeletonsolver.GivenamarkersetwithMmarkers





,wemodelthespatialdistributionofeachmarker withaGMM,thusgivingusacollectionofMGMMs.Atanyframe

tcontainingKunlabeledobservations,theloglikelihoodLt i j ofan


j, j






Lt i j



















com-ponentoftheGMMformarkermi,At istheworld-to-local

trans-formation of the marker set, and f(x,



) is the multivariate Gaussianprobability. f
















−1 2












Thelikelihoods from Eq.(1)forman (M× K)matrixL andthe bestassignmenthypothesescanbefoundbysolvingtheLinear As-signmentProblem (LAP) usingL as a rewardmatrix. LAPcan be efficiently solved using several algorithms, see for example [23], andcanbe extendedto finda rankedsetof Nbest solutions us-ing Murty’s algorithm [24]. We store the N highest ranked as-signments asour hypotheses,






foreach frame t, and usetheloglikelihoodofeachassignmenthypothesisasthe corre-spondingemissionscore.

A commonsituation in optical motion captureis the appear-anceofghost markers.Ghostmarkers mayoccur fromreflections fromglossyobjects inthevolume orfromerrorsin3D point re-construction,mostnotablyformarkersclosetoeachother.Asitis difficultfor thelabeler to distinguish a noisyobservationfroma simultaneousgapandaghost,thealgorithmneedstoapplysome tolerancethresholdforanobservationtobeconsideredasa candi-datemarker.Generally,temporallybasedlabelersdothisby spec-ifying a radius fromthe predicted positions according to the la-beled markers’ trajectories.This ishowever problematicfor frag-menteddataasthepredictionsrapidlydeteriorateinthepresence ofgaps andnoise. In ourmethod, we baseour thresholdon the spatialmodelratherthanthetemporalone.Weintroducea mini-mumloglikelihoodtolerance







Inorder totune the statisticalmodels, themethod requiresa shorttrainingsequencewherethesubjectperformsafullrangeof motion(RoM) of the markers. Agood practice is to perform the trainingmotionwithspecialcaretakentoproduceasfewgapsas possible.Thetrainingdataaremanually labeledusingthemotion capturesoftwareorasimpleMTTtrackingalgorithm.Inour expe-rience,thisisstraightforwardandtakesjustafewminutes. Fig.4


62 S. Alexanderson et al. / Computers & Graphics 69 (2017) 59–67

Fig. 4. Left: Spatial distribution of a marker set with 5 markers on the finger tips. Right: fitted Gaussian Mixture Models with 3 mixture components per marker.

Fig. 5. Viterbi trellis displaying the evolution of the state machine having N = 3 hypothesis in time. χt

i denotes assignment hypotheses and s ti underlying temporal

states. The red path shows the most probable path at the last frame. (For interpre- tation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

be seen, the spatial distribution of the markers contains several overlappingareasthataccountforambiguitiesoftheassignments. The trainingdata are used to fit the GMMs foreach marker us-inganExpectation Maximization(EM)algorithm.Forthepurpose ofthisstudywe found that 3components inthe GMMgave the bestresultsforfingermarkers,and1componentforfacemarkers. Weemphasizethatoursystemmodelsallmarkersindividuallyand doesnottakeinter-marker relationsintoaccount.Therefore train-ing datadoes not need to be similar to test data aslong as the individualmarkerdistributionsarerepresentative.


Inthissection,wedescribehowweselectthebestsequenceof assignmenthypothesesintimeusingtheViterbialgorithmandthe Kalmanfilter.GivenasequenceoflatentstatesunderaMarkovian assumption,theViterbi algorithmselects themostprobablepath inthetrellisspannedbythediscrete timesequenceofstates(see

Fig.5).Thealgorithmusestheprobabilityateachtimetof observ-ingthedatagiveneachstate(calledtheemissionprobability),and theprobabilityofeachstateattimettotransitiontoeachstatein thenexttimestept+1(calledtransitionprobability).Inourcase, the emission probabilities are given by Eq. (1). To calculate the transitionprobabilities, weset up atotal ofN× MKalman filters, oneforeachmarkerineachhypothesis. Themotionofthe mark-ersismodeledasadynamicsystemwithvelocityandacceleration,

s=[x,x˙,¨x],andthesystemandobservationnoiseparametersare manually tuned against the trainingdata. Giventwo consecutive timeframest− 1andt,eachwithNhypotheses,wefindthe tran-sitionprobabilityTnmforgoingfromhypothesis


nt−1 to


mt as



nt−1 is

performed, generating M predicted positions



. For each marker mi we calculate the prediction residual (also called

innovation) as the difference rt

im between its predicted position

andits observedposition atframe taccording toassignment hy-pothesis



m.The transitionprobabilitycanbe calculatedfromthe


Ttnm= K












) isthemultivariate Gaussian probabilitygivenin

Eq. (2), and St−1

in the residual covariance matrix for the current

state of the Kalman filterfor mi in hypothesis


n. Formore

de-tailedinformationwerefertothesectiononKalmanfiltersin [25]. Ifamarkerinthenewhypothesiswouldbeassignedasan occlu-sion,weextrapolateitstrajectorybyusingthepredictedstatefrom the Kalman filterandomit the innovation update step. We limit the extrapolationto a short periodof time (we found 10frames tobe agoodlimit).Longergapsare reinitializedafterthegap,in whichcasewedonotcalculatethetemporallikelihoodforthefirst twoframes,afterwhichthefilterhasstabilizedtothenew trajec-tory.

During online capture, each incoming frame consists of a set ofunlabeledobservationsin3Dspace.Atthefirstframe,our algo-rithmcalculatestheNassignmenthypotheses






spatialmodel describedin Section 3.1 andinitializes the Kalman filterswiththemarkerpositionsaccordingtotheassignment.The velocityandaccelerationaresettozero.Thefollowingtimeframes proceedasfollows:

1: Predict new positions for each of the markers in the previ-ous frame’s assignment hypotheses, using the corresponding Kalmanfilter.

2: Calculate N newassignmenthypotheses forthe currentframe using the spatialmodel,takingno account of temporal infor-mation.

3: foreachnewhypothesis


t mdo

(a) Calculate the transitionsprobability matrix T accordingto Eq.(3).

(b)Determine thebesttransitiontothenewhypothesisusing theViterbialgorithm.

(c)Update theKalmanfiltersforeachmarkermiaccordingto


4: endfor

3.3. LabelingMultipleMakerSets

Whilethealgorithmdescribedaboveisadequateforsituations where only one marker set is present in the volume, or when different marker sets are enough separated to be considered as independent, there are many practical situations where multiple markersetsinteractclosely,anditis hardtodetermine towhich markersetan unlabeledmarkerbelongs.Inthissection,we show how our algorithm naturally extends to handle multiple marker setsincloseinteractionbyfindingglobalhypothesesforallmarker labels. To modify our algorithm for this purpose, we revisit the likelihoodmatrixin Eq.(1).Theequation includesanaffine trans-formation, At, which transforms the unlabeled marker positions

to the localspace ofthe markerset. When multiplemarker sets arepresent,each withan associatedtransformationAt


likelihoodmatrix,containingthelikelihoodsforallmarker assign-ments,taketheform

Lt i j














(4) where At

i is the transform of the marker set to which marker


Fig. 6. Experiment 1: Images from the data recording. Left: Ten markers placed on the fingertips and proximal joints. Right: Grasp motion.

vertically concatenated matrices of all marker sets and has the form (Mtot× K), where Mtot is the totalnumber ofmarkers. After

constructing the globallikelihoodmatrix, thehypotheses genera-tionandhypothesesselectionalgorithmsareappliedasbefore.

The training data for tuning the marker set GMMs may be recorded in parallel or in separate takes depending on what is mostpractical.Inourexperimentwithsimultaneousfaceand fin-gercapture,weperformtherangeofmotionofbothhandsinone recording,andthefaceinanother.

4. Evaluation

Toevaluateourlabeling algorithm,wepreformed three exper-iments using independent data sets. In the first experiment, we evaluate theaccuracyofthealgorithmforlabellingdifferent con-figurations offinger markers.In thesecond experiment, we eval-uate the algorithm in a large capture-volume and compare it to commercialsystems.Inthethirdexperiment,wedemonstratehow themethodisusedtosimultaneouslylabelfingerandfacemarkers inafullperformancecapture.

4.1. Experiment1:Accuracy

In thefirst experiment, we evaluate theaccuracy ofour algo-rithm, and how generalizable it is to different marker sets. The dataforthisexperimentwasrecordedinourmotioncapturelab, which isequippedwithaNaturalPointOptitrack4 system(Motive 1.10.0) with16Prime 41cameras. The camerashavea resolution of4mega-pixelsandwere operatedwithaframe rateof120fps. Theactivecapturevolumeisapproximately5m × 5m × 3m.

The recordings consist ofa 9000 frameslong clip with a full range-of-motion of the finger joints, followed by a 9600 frames long clip witha series of grasping motions aswell asa general exercising of thefingers. Weused a markerset with10 markers placedonthefingersaccordingto Fig.6a.Aftermanuallylabeling themarkers(approx.20minforthetrainingdataand3hforthe test data),wegenerated5independentdatasets (oneforeachof themarkerlayoutsin Table1)byfilteringoutsomeofthemarkers fromthetrainingandtestdata.Finally,we appliedouralgorithm toeachdataset,withparameterssettingsN=5and



Table1showstheresultsofthelabelingprocess.Ascanbeseen inthe table,thealgorithm producedhighlyaccurate results,with 99.67% to 99.98%correct labels andonly a total of80 erroneous labelsforthemostcomplexmarkersetwith10markers.

Tofurtherourassessment,wemanipulatedthedatatoseehow accurately our method can handle the initialization phase when (re)entering thevolume, andhow theinitialization isaffected by the number of visible markers. We hypothesized that scenarios whereoneormoremarkersisoccludedduringinitializationwould

4http://www.optitrack.com .

Fig. 7. Experiment 2: Images from the 3 sets of recorded motion. (a) Marker place- ment. (b) Sign language. (c) Gestures. (d) Grasps.

beharderto labelthanscenarios whereall markerswere visible. Toprovidedataforthetest,werandomlyselected100fiveseconds longsnippetsfromthetestdatawith5markersonthefingertips, andsubsequentlyranourlabelingalgorithmoneachsequencefour times,each time randomlyremoving more markers. Fig. 8shows theaveragelabelingerrors.As canbeseen,ouralgorithmcan ac-curatelyhandleinitializationingeneral,withaccuracyscores rang-ingfrom0.23%to4.10%.Theworstscorewasobtainedwhenonly twomarkerswerevisible.


Inthe second experiment, we evaluate themethod in alarge capturevolume(7m × 12m × 5m),andcompareitto commer-cialsystemsformarkerlabeling.Thedataforthisexperimentwas recorded in a high-end professional motion capture studio pro-vidingservices forfilm, commercials and AAAvideo games (see

Fig.2).ThestudioisequippedwithaMotionAnalysissystemwith 38cameras. The camerashavea resolution of4mega-pixels and were operated ata frame rateof 120fps. The recordings started witha 1.5minrangeofmotionfollowedbythethreesets oftest motion(see Fig.7). Thefirst setof testdata consist ofall letters in the Swedish Sign Language alphabet, the second of a variety ofgesturessuchaspointing,thumbs up,stone-paper-scissorsand boxing,andthethirdofgraspingmotion(usingmarbles,a spoon, abottle,apaperandamobilephone).Thetestsetsweredesigned toprovideavarietyofchallengingsituationsincludinguncommon fingerposes,object-fingerinteractionsandfastmotion.

Wepreparedfourversionsoflabeleddataforeachtestset:(a) manually corrected (ground truth) labels; (b) using Vicon Blade (version 2.6.1) in offline mode (labeling skeleton set up accord-ingto Fig.10);(c)usingMotionAnalysisCortex(version5.5.2)in onlinemode; and(d) usingour method(with parameters N=5,



sup-portonlinelabelingofimported data.Themanual cleanup ofthe RoMdatawasperformedbythestudio technicianandtookafew minutes.Thecleanupofthetestdatatookabout4h.


64 S. Alexanderson et al. / Computers & Graphics 69 (2017) 59–67

Table 1

Experiment 1: Labeling results for different marker configurations for the 9629 frames of test data. The number of instances is given by (number of frames) × (number of markers). We separately account for correct labels (markers labeled with the right label or correctly marked as a gap), erroneous labels (markers labeled with the wrong label), false markers (occlusions labeled as markers) and false occlusions (markers labeled as occlusions), as well as the number of gaps and mean gap and segment length. Marker set #instances 19,258 28,887 48,145 57,774 96,290 #correct labels 19,253 (99.97 %) 28,882 (99.98%) 47,986 (99.67%) 57,639 (99.77%) 96,049 (99.75 %) #erroneous labels 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 99 (0.21%) 78 (0.14%) 80 (0.08 %) #false markers 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 20 (0.04%) 16 (0.03%) 66 (0.07 %) #false occlusions 5 (0.03%) 5 (0.02%) 40 (0.08%) 41 (0.07 %) 95 (0.10 %) #gaps 66 63 180 192 552

mean gap length 11 frames 10 frames 11 frames 11 frames 9 frames mean segment length 274 frames 426 frames 248 frames 281 frames 161 frames

Table 2

Experiment2: Comparison of the accuracy of labeling the three sets of test data (Signs, Gestures and Grasps) with Vicon Blade v2.5.6, Motion Analysis v5.5.2 and our method. The data contain a total of 11,383 frames (56,915 instances) for the Signs data, 10,691 frames (53,455 instances) for the Gesture data and 13,067 frames (65,335 instances) for the Grasp data.

Labeling system Test set #correct labels #erroneous labels #false markers #false gaps Blade Signs 51,878 (91.15%) 4977 (8.7%) 21 (0.04%) 39 (0.07%) Gestures 53,329 (99.76%) 4 (0.01%) 0 (0.00%) 122 (0.23%) Grasps 49,825 (76.26%) 15,014 (22.98%) 232 (0.35%) 264 (0.40%) Cortex Signs 56,624 (99.49%) 226 (0.40%) 17 (0.03%) 48 (0.08%) Gestures 42,533 (79.56%) 10,085 (18.87%) 387 (0.72%) 450 (0.84%) Grasps 52,074 (79.70%) 12,638 (19.34%) 210 (0.32%) 413 (0.63%) Our Signs 55,490 (97.50%) 853 (1.50%) 269 (0.47%) 303 (0.53%) Gestures 53,142 (99.41%) 61 (0.11%) 84 (0.16%) 168 (0.31%) Grasps 64,800 (99.18%) 39 (0.06%) 77 (0.11%) 419 (0.64%) 5 4 3 2 1

number of visible markers 0 1 2 3 4 5

errors per marker (%)

Fig. 8. Experiment1: Labeling errors for different number of visible markers, aver- aged over 100 randomly selected 5 s sequences.

We then compared the manually corrected ground truth la-belswiththeoutputfromthedifferentlabelingalgorithms. Fig.9

showsa color-coded sequence of all the labels.Correctly labeled markersare coded asgreen, correctlylabeled occlusions as blue, erroneouslabelsasred,falsemarkers(occlusionslabeledas mark-ers)as cyan and false occlusions (markers labeled as occlusions) asyellow.Ascan be seen in Table2 ourmethod performedbest on average and was especially stable for the Gesture data set, which had the highest amount of fragmentation with 255 gaps (see Table3).

Table 3

Experiment2: Number of gaps and mean gap and segment length, where a segment is a trajectory fragment surrounded by two gaps.

Test Set #gaps Mean gap length Mean segment length Signs 38 14 frames 1310 frames Gestures 255 5 frames 198 frames Grasps 89 6 frames 687 frames

4.3. Experiment3:Performancecapture

Inthethirdexperiment,weevaluateouralgorithmwhenused to simultaneously labelface andfinger markers in a full perfor-mance capture. We also demonstrate how our method is used together withdata-driven markerreconstruction to provide high qualitydatafromsparsemarkersets.Forthisexperiment,weused a subset of the data froma previous studyon expressive artifi-cialagentscapturedinourmotioncapturelab [26].Thedata con-sistofan 8.4min(60,315 frames)longmotioncaptureclip ofan actorgivinginstructionstoan interlocutor,whilevarying the dis-playedlevelofengagementfromveryun-engagedtoveryengaged, aswellastwoshorterclipsofRoMdata(oneforthehands/fingers andone forthe face). The actor wore 43markers placed on the body, 5markers on the fingertips of each hand,and 19 markers on the face (Fig. 11a). In the RoM clips, additional makers were placedonthefingersandface,providinga totalof10markerson thefingersofeachhandand36markersonontheface(Fig.11b). Thelabelingprocedurewasperformedintwosteps.First,thebody markers(excludingfingersandface)werelabeledusingthe


kine-Fig. 9. Experiment2: Visualization of labeling results. Green - correct labels, Blue - correct occlusions, Red - erroneous labels, Cyan - false markers, Yellow - false occlusions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 4

Experiment3: Results from simultaneous labeling of face and finger markers. The data set con- tains 60,315 frames and 29 unlabeled markers (1,749,135 instances).

Marker set #correct labels #erroneous labels #false markers #false gaps Face 1,145,679 (99.97%) 5 (0.0 0 04%) 0 (0.00%) 301 (0.03%) Left fingers 301,214 (99.88%) 34 (0.01%) 41 (0.01%) 286 (0.09%) Right fingers 301,317 (99.91%) 12 (0.00%) 59 (0.02%) 187 (0.06%)

Fig. 10. Experiment2: Labeling skeleton for setup and calibration in Vicon Blade.

Fig. 11. Experiment3: (a) Marker set used for the test data. (b) Marker set with additional markers used for the range-of-motion.

maticlabeleroftheNaturalPointMotivesoftware.Thereafter,the remaining unlabeled markers were fed into our system together with the calculated transforms ofthe head and hands (with pa-rametersN=15,


min=−2).Ascanbeseenin Table4theoutput


After labelingwascompleted, we reconstructedthe additional markers in the RoM take using the method given in [19]. This method wasoriginally developed fordata-driven mesh deforma-tionusingasmallsetofcontrolpoints,but,asmarkershave sim-ilar properties, it also applies to missing marker reconstruction. The algorithm uses KernelCanonical Correlation Analysis (kCCA), trainedon pairs ofexample mappings between two multivariate spaces,toproduce newestimatesgivenunseendata. Forthe fin-gerdata, we reconstructed each ofthe markers on the proximal phalangesindividuallyusingthefingertipmarkeronthesame fin-gerasinput data.Fortheface data,we reconstructed all the ex-tramarkersintheRoMsetexceptthemarkers onthelower eye-lid,whichproved tohave toomuchuncorrelatedmotionto yield asatisfying result. Herewe used thecomplete sparsemarker set asinput data to the kCCA algorithm. We then solved the skele-ton and facial motion usingcommercial software (Autodesk Mo-tionBuilderandIKinemaAction forthebody andfingers, Softim-ageFaceRobotfortheface).Imagesfromtheperformancecapture andcorrespondingcharacteranimationareshownin Fig.12.

Toestimateerrorsforthereconstructionprocess,weperformed a seriesoftest on the RoM data. Fig. 13shows displacement er-rorsforreconstructedmarkersafter10-foldcrossvalidation,where subsequenttenthsofthedatawasheldoutandreconstructed us-ingtherestofthedatafortraining.As canbe seeninthefigure, themeanerrorsranged between0.4mm and1.9mm forthe re-constructed face markers, andbetween 4.7 mm and6.4 mm for thefingermarkers.

5. Discussion

Theresults ofthe firstexperimentshow that our method ob-tains high accuracy for a wide variety of marker configurations for finger capture. Unsurprisingly, the marker sets with 2 and 3 markers per hand,having best separation and fewest gaps,were leastchallenging forour algorithm, which generated almost per-fectresultswithoutanyerroneouslabelsandonlyafewfalsegaps. Moreinterestingly,theresultsforthechallengingmarkersetswith 5to10markers werealmost asgood,withaccuracy scores rang-ingfrom99.7%to99.8%.Althoughourmethoddoesnotutilizean underlying skeleton model, the results are well on par with the


66 S. Alexanderson et al. / Computers & Graphics 69 (2017) 59–67

Fig. 12. Experiment3: Images from the performance capture and the corresponding character animation.

LBro wOut RBro wOut Nose Tip LSne er2 RSne er2 LChe ek2 RCh eek2 LCh in

RChin LJaw1 LJaw 2 LJaw3 RJaw1 RJa w2 RJaw3 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 displacement error (mm) Pinky Ring Middl e Index Thum b -5 0 5 10 15 20 displacement error (mm)

Fig. 13. Experiment3: Displacement errors for reconstruction face and finger mark- ers.

online, model-based method of Meyer et al. [15]. Their method generated 99.6% correct labels for a series of full body motions and was compared with Cortex online, which generated 79.8% correctlabels.Specialtrialswereperformedtoinvestigatethe ac-curacyofinitializingthesystemwithdifferenttimeseriesofdata andhowthisisaffectedbythenumberofvisiblemarkers.The re-sultsshowed that initialization produced few errors even during difficultconditionswithseveralmarkersmissing.Weprimarily at-tributethistothespatialmodelprovidingrelativelylowoverlapof themarkerdistributions.Thismakesitpossibletofindthecorrect hypothesiswithinthetopfewcandidates.

Byinspecting theresultsofthe second experimentcomparing differentlabeling algorithms, the majorityofthe errors fromour methodoccurredduringthefirstsetofsignrecordings,andwere caused by finger poses outsidethe range-of-motion in the train-ingdata.Forexample,thesignfortheletter‘X’hascrossedindex andmiddlefinger,andthesignfortheletter‘R’hasextended mid-dlefinger,while therestofthefingersareclenched inafist.The shorter stretches of swapped markers in Fig. 9, lower left, arise fromthesesigns.When thesystem hasresidedinthe unfamiliar posefor some time, the Viterbialgorithm favours swapping to a moreprobableassignmentovermaintainingtemporalsmoothness. Thisintroduces a suddendiscontinuity inthemarkertrajectories. TheswapsfromtheBladeandCortexlabelers,however,occur af-ter gapsandthemarkers remainswapped untilthe next gap oc-curs. Consequently, ascan be seen in Fig. 9, thesesystems yield much longer periods of swaps,which implies that our systemis particularlybetterforreal-timeapplications.Apossiblewayto im-prove the results from our system would be to add more poses tothe trainingset.Anotherpossibilityisto introducea manually tuneableparametertoincreasetheweightoftemporalsmoothness overthelikelihoodfromthespatialmodel.Asafinalremarkto ex-periment2,itcanbe notedthatoneofthesystems(ViconBlade) inthecomparisonisruninofflinemode,whichtheoreticallygives itan advantageovertheothersystems.Yetinourtests, itis out-performedbyourmethod.

As seen in experiment 3,our algorithm also obtains high ac-curacyforlabellingfingerandfacemarkers inafullperformance capture. One problem we experienced in this experiment came fromtheprocedureoflabelingthebodymarkersinaseparatestep before-hand. Inthis process, one of the finger markers were oc-casionallymislabeledasbelongingtothebody.Theseerrorswere manually correctedpriorto feedingtheunlabeledmarkerstoour system. A limitation of our method is that it splits the labeling procedure intotwo stages,one forbody/rigid bodiesand onefor non-rigidstructures.Ideally,topreventerroneouslabelsinthefirst


stage, our method should be incorporated in the full body/rigid bodyalgorithms.

6. Conclusionsandfuturework

Wehavepresenteda systemforrobust onlinelabelingof pas-sive markers attachedtonon-rigid structures such asfingersand faces. Thesystemwasevaluated ona varietyof markersets cap-tured in medium to large volumes and was shown to provide highaccuracyresultsforallcases.Inacomparisonwith commer-cial systems,ourmethodwasshowntobe morerobust and pro-duce better results on average. The method is especially benefi-cial for reduced marker sets and data-driven methods for hand and face solving, but it also shows accurate results for larger marker sets with 10 markers on the finger-tips and proximal joints.

Infutureworkweaimtooptimizethecodetoimprove perfor-mance andto create preset databases oftraining data for differ-enthandsanatomies.Wewillalsoinvestigatewaystoincorporate data-drivenmethods forautomatic gap-fillinginout labeling pro-cess.Inourcurrentsystem,gap-fillinginperformedafterlabelling iscomplete.


We wish to thank Anton Söderhäll and Samuel Tyskling at ImaginationStudiosforprovidingmotioncaptureservicesusedin this study as well as valuable feedback and discussions on the state-of-the-artin the industry.We also thankLudovicHoyet for discussionsandforlabelingtheseconddatasetwithViconBlade.

Thisworkwasfundedby KTH/SRAICTTheNextGenerationand SciencefoundationIrelandPIgrant#S.F.10/IN.1/13003.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,at 10.1016/j.cag.2017.10.001.


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