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[COVID-L] Colorado State University COVID-19 update


Academic year: 2021

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[COVID-L] Corrected link- Colorado State University COVID-19 update COVID-L <[email protected]>

on behalf of

UCOMM COVID-19 <[email protected]> Tue 9/1/2020 2:31 PM

To: [email protected] <[email protected]>

**The link to the dashboard has been corrected below.

This digest provides frequent updates about CSU’s COVID-19-related planning for the university community and highlights recent decisions and important updates. All faculty, staff and students will automa cally receive the digest. Others – including students’ parents and family members – can subscribe. For comprehensive informa on about the university’s COVID-19 planning, visit h ps://covidrecovery.colostate.edu/.

Tes ng con nues on campuses

As part of our COVID-19 surveillance strategy, the university has conducted more than 8,540 tests tested for students, faculty and staff through an on-campus tes ng system since Aug 17. This is ed to monitoring wastewater from residence halls, which can provide indica ons of early signs of COVID. In addi on, CSU’s Public Health recommends or requires tests for close contacts of individuals who may be exposed through academic or personal interac ons. All of these cases are tallied on the dashboard, along with cases that the university is made aware of through Larimer County and other sources since early May. CSU contact tracing explained

Wondering how public health officials at CSU trace close contacts? This diagram explains how contact tracing works. University COVID policy

The University’s COVID-19 policy outlines expecta ons and requirements for students, faculty and staff. Faculty, staff training

Colorado State University faculty or staff members who are working on university grounds are asked to take this training to provide them with more informa on about COVID-19, university disinfec ng protocols, and repor ng concerns.

Comprehensive informa on about CSU’s COVID-19 planning is posted and regularly updated at



Complete the Daily Symptom


Always wear a mask in all buildings except when you’re in your own home. This is mandatory. Wear a mask outside if you cannot be more than six feet from others. Physically distance from other individuals at least six feet at all times.

Limit all social gatherings to 10 people – on campuses or off. In all gatherings, everyone must wear masks and observe physical distancing requirements.

Avoid gatherings – on and off campuses – where there are more than 10 people. In all gatherings, everyone must wear masks and observe physical distancing requirements.

Wipe down your individual desktop, work station, meeting tables, seats and other

surfaces upon entering the space with disinfectants, which will be provided. Supervisors are expected to allow a few minutes of time throughout the day for frequent disinfecting

Follow directional signs when entering and exiting buildings, classrooms and other public spaces if signs are present

Stay home if you are sick, believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, or if COVID INFORMATION & RESOURCES

Masks. Social distancing. Working remotely. Teaching hybrid classes. No one imagined this is what Fall Semester 2020 would look like, but Colorado State University employees are up to the challenge, because we are dedicated to the quality education of our students. From the hard-working crews who keep university facilities clean and healthy to the staff who are on top of

everything from constantly evolving class schedules to the technology needs of faculty and students, everyone is working together to see that we get through this pandemic – together.


you test positive for COVID-19.

Support Services


Faculty and staff may access the Employee Assistance Program

for free, confidential referrals to a number of resources including COVID-19 specific support. 

The CARE program is a CSU resource that connects employees with a directory and hands-on guidance to social services and health services resources including resources for those with financial insecurity.

International students and scholars Frequently Asked Questions

Keep Engaging resources help you stay connected, take care of your own well-being, and find assistance to help manage a variety of concerns.

Keep Working is resource to support routine work or academic function.

Teaching Resources

The Institute for Learning and Teaching helps students, faculty, and staff use research-based learning and teaching methods to support academic achievement, equity, and post-graduation success for all CSU students. 

Instructors and masks, face coverings and face shields Keep Teaching has curated tips, resources, and information to help you keep teaching as we all adapt to new circumstances, including designing effective online & hybrid courses.

Process for preparing for a field trip

Script for Academic Faculty Regarding Face Coverings and Students in Class and Student face covering accommodation process

Seating Chart information

Success Guide to Online Classes helps students discover online success strategies, improve academic performance, develop effective academic skills, and find resources.

Teaching checklist for in-person instruction provides guide instructors through CSU’s pandemic protocols.


FAQs for in-person instructors

Research Resources

Administrative updates

Instructors and masks, face coverings and face shields

COVID-19 Resources and Education offers information for CSU specific biosafety guidance and disinfectant guidance

Script for Academic Faculty Regarding Face Coverings and Students in Class and Student face covering accommodation process

Return to Research Frequently Asked Questions 

Resources related to COVID-19


COVID-19 Case Guidance for Faculty and Staff Faculty and staff guide to addressing

reports of COVID-19 exposure

Faculty and Staff Training on COVID-19

Human Resources COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Office of Equal Opportunity COVID-19 Guidance including Face Covering Exemption Forms, Scripts for Supervisors and Academic Faculty around face coverings and students in class and COVID Public Health Behavior Report Form

Parking and Transportation Services

Requests for Temporary Work Adjustments for Faculty and Staff Return to working in-person on university properties has


guidance for in-person, on-campuses guidance, public health requirement, and professional and personal travel for employees. 


Office of Equal Opportunity COVID-19 Guidance including Face Covering Exemption Forms, Scripts for Supervisors and Academic Faculty around face coverings and students in class and COVID Public Health Behavior Report Form 

Child and Dependent Care Guidance for Supervisors COVID-19 Human Resources FAQs

Faculty and Staff Training on COVID-19

Script for Supervisors Regarding Wearing Face Coverings and Following Public Health Orders

When does a supervisor complete the Daily Symptom Checker on behalf of an employee?


Articles for Employees, Faculty

and Supervisors



45 articles


49 articles



19 articles  Testing summary – 10/08/2020  CSU saliva screening test  Wh Testing summary – 10/08/2020  CSU saliva screening test   Why student employees complete the Employee Daily Symptom Checker 



Agricultural Sciences Business

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Health and Human Sciences

Liberal Arts

Warner College of Natural Resources Natural Sciences

Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Show all Show all Show all  Why student employees complete the Employee Daily Symptom Checker  As a student employed at CSU, which Daily Symptom Checker do I complete?  University testing strategy, protocols and updates  University testing strategy, protocols and updates  Where can I get a flu shot?  Wash hands for 20 seconds  University testing strategy, protocols and updates  Wash hands for 20 seconds  Printable Resources  If an employee has been exposed or has had COVID-19, when can they return to work? When can a student return to in-classroom experiences?



Schools & Programs:

Graduate School International Programs Online Degrees and Courses

School of Music, Theatre and Dance School of Biomedical Engineering School of Education

School of Global Environmental Sustainability School of Social Work

School of Public Health

COVID-19 INFORMATION Apply to CSU Contact CSU Disclaimer Equal Opportunity

Privacy Statement




Physical Distancing

stay home, maintain distancing, and self-quarantine for 14 days after the exposure.*

You do NOT meet close contact exposure criteria. But keep wearing your mask

and distancing!

I have developed

COVID-19 symptoms. I have no symptoms after 14 days. I was within 6 feet of the

person for at least 15 minutes.


I was NOT within 6 feet of the person or our contact

was less than 15 minutes.

receive educa on, info, and support. If they meet

All contacts close contact criteria, they also receive info about physical distancing, self-monitoring, and their poten al to spread the virus to others even if they are asymptoma c.

Someone who: tested posi ve; poten ally was exposed; or reported COVID-like symptoms. CSU students, faculty and staff should use the daily symptom checker:

h ps://covidrecovery.colostate.edu/daily-symptom-checker/




Case inves gator gathers informa on about suspected or confirmed infec on and works with person to recall everyone with whom they had close contact while poten ally infec ous.


Contact tracers reach out to those who may have been incontact with the ill person or posi ve individual and gather info about the nature of the contact and poten al exposure.





ave you been in close contact* with someone who has

covid symptoms or has tested positive for the virus?

Please answer your phone when a contact tracer calls. You must COMPLY with CSU contact tracing and public health directions!

* The Centers for Disease Control Define “close contact” as someone

who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours

before illness onset until the time the patient is isolated.

I may have been exposed to someone with COViD-19.

you can rejoin the world, but keep wearing your mask

and distancing!

*close contacts also may be tested


Policy Title: COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy Category: Public Safety/Risk Management Owner: Vice President for University Operations Policy ID#: 6-6021-007


Environmental Health Services Web: http://www.ehs.colostate.edu/

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (970 491-6745

Original Effective Date: 8/30/2020

Print Version: Click Here to Print


This Policy is intended to mitigate the risks and spread of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”),  help protect the health and safety of the Colorado State University (CSU) community, and minimize disruption to the normal conduct and operations of the University. 

In response to COVID-19, the University may take any action in order to comply with any law, executive order, public health emergency order, and/or public health guidelines or recommendations, including without limitation temporarily closing or limiting access to campus and campus facilities, such as classrooms, of ces, and on-campus housing, as well as temporarily closing or modifying University operations and modifying the method of academic instruction from in-person to remote or online instruction, or such other academic modi cations as may be reasonable, practicable and necessary in response this public health emergency.  Although the University takes reasonable steps to minimize the risks of COVID-19 to public health, the University cannot and does not guarantee protection from illness or complications that may result from illness.  Members of the CSU community are responsible for educating themselves regarding all potential risks associated with COVID-19 and are required to take all necessary and reasonable steps to protect their health as well as the health of the CSU community. 

This policy may be updated, supplemented, or modi ed by the University at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to, complying with revised executive orders, public health orders or public health guidelines. 


For the purposes of this Policy:




Close Contact is anyone who was within six (6) feet of a person infected with COVID-19 for more than fteen

(15) minutes.  This could include, but is not limited to, living in the same household with a person infected with COVID-19, caring for a person infected with COVID-19, or being in direct contact with the bodily uids of person infected with COVID-19 (such as being coughed on, kissed, sharing utensils, etc.).  

Contact Tracing is a method of identifying individuals who may have had Close Contact with a person who has

tested positive for COVID-19.  

COVID-19 Symptoms are indicators that a person may be infected with COVID, including the following

symptoms that have been identi ed by the Centers for Disease Control:  u-like symptoms; a cough; shortness of breath/dif culty breathing; a fever of 100.4 or higher; a sore throat; chills; body or muscle aches; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea; or a loss of taste or smell.

Employee is any individual employed by Colorado State University including, but not limited to, faculty,

administrative professional employees, state classi ed employees, student hourly employees, non-student hourly employees, and graduate assistants.

Face Covering is a cloth, paper or disposable material, including, but not limited to, a mask or other covering

that ts snugly and securely with no gaps over the face and, at a minimum, extends from the bridge of the nose to below the chin and can be safely secured in place (e.g., looped around ears or around the head) while in use.  Face Coverings are not a substitute for surgical masks needed in health care settings or personal protective equipment (“PPE”), such as N95 respirators.  PPE should be reserved for those with job-speci c PPE requirements or as otherwise designated by CSU’s Environment Health Services Of ce.

Physical Distancing also referred to as “social distancing,” means keeping a safe space between individuals who

do not live together in a shared living space (e.g., in a dorm room, apartment, house, etc.). To properly practice physical distancing, individuals should stay at least six (6) feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other individuals with whom they do not live.

Public Space is any indoor or outdoor space other than a private of ce used by a single person, residence

including residence hall room or apartment, or personal vehicle occupied by a single person.  Public Spaces include, but are not limited to, classrooms, laboratories, outdoor sidewalks and spaces, lobbies, library, student center, campus buildings, restrooms, cafeterias, hallways, stairwells, elevators, conference rooms, break rooms, common areas, shared vehicles,  or any outdoor space where people are not able to reliably maintain at least six (6) feet of distancing.

Quarantine is separating a person from others based on that person’s possible exposure to COVID-19.  A person may be Quarantined for reasons including, but not limited to, having Symptoms, the person’s own knowledge of a possible exposure to someone infected with COVID-19, or because the person has been identi ed through Contact Tracing as a Close Contact of person who is infected with 19.  Quarantine helps prevent spread of

COVID-19 that can occur before a person knows they are sick or when they are infected with the virus without feeling Symptoms. People in Quarantine must stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directives from the University public health of ce as well as county or state health departments. 

Recent Exposure refers to close contact or exposure to an individual who is COVID-19 Positive in the previous


Self-Isolation is separating someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 from others. People in

self-isolation must stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directives from the University public health of ce as well as county or state health departments.

Symptom Checker is a form, paper or electronic, that all Employees and Students who are working or

attending classes in-person on any CSU campus or CSU property, must use to log symptoms before reporting

for work or class.  The Symptom Checker can be accessed


Visitor is any individual visiting any University property including, but not limited to, members of the public,

guests, visitors, af liates, volunteers and vendors, agents, contractors and subcontractors. 


This policy applies to all members of the University community who are subject to the jurisdiction and authority of the University with respect to matters of behavior and conduct, including Employees and Students.  Visitors are subject to this policy while on University property.  All University business units, wherever located, are covered by this policy. 


Compliance with this policy is required of all Employees, Students, and Visitors.  Failure to do so endangers the health and welfare of the CSU community as well as the communities in which CSU’s Employees and Students live and serve. Any Employee or Student who knowingly and intentionally violates this policy is subject to University discipline, including but not limited to, disciplinary action pursuant to the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual, HR Manual, State of Colorado Personnel Board Rules, or Student Conduct Code.  Any visitor to campus who knowingly and intentionally violates this policy will be asked to leave

University property and may be excluded from University property.


All Employees, Students and Visitors shall meet the following expectations and requirements:

1. Public Health Orders:  In addition to complying with this policy, Employees and Students are required to comply with all federal, state, and county public health orders related to COVID-19. 

2.  Public Health Guidelines, Directives, and Instructions:  In addition to complying with this policy, Employees and Students are required to comply with all federal, state, and county and University public health guidelines, directives, and instructions related to COVID-19, including, but not limited to:

a. wearing a Face Covering in Public Spaces (see Section 5, Part 4)

b. washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds or, if soap and water are unavailable, clean hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least sixty-percent (60%) alcohol;

c. avoiding close contact with people who are sick; d. engaging in Physical Distancing;

e. covering coughs and sneezes;

f. cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces as often as possible but not less than daily, including but not limited to, doorknobs, light switches, desks, countertops, handles, phones, keyboards, and faucet handles.


3. Symptom Checker:  Before reporting in-person for work, all Employees are required to log their symptoms by utilizing the Symptom Checker, regardless of whether they are experiencing Symptoms.  Before attending in-person classes, Students are also required to log their symptoms by utilizing the Symptom Checker, regardless of whether they are experiencing Symptoms. Students who live in

University housing should complete the Symptom Checker before leaving their room.  If Students do not have any Symptoms, but do not have access to technology, they should self-report using the Symptom Checker immediately after arriving on campus, prior to attending any classes, study sessions or other academic activity.  If possible, the Symptom Checker should be completed before entering a building.  Any Student who believes they have had a Recent Exposure to COVID-19 or is experiencing Symptoms should report this through the Symptom Checker and remain at home or in their residence hall room. The

Symptom Checker can be found at https://covidrecovery.colostate.edu/daily-symptom-checker/. If, based

on their responses, an Employee or Student receives a noti cation that they should not attend work or classes, they must comply with the noti cation.

4. Face Coverings:  Face Coverings shall be worn in all Public Spaces while on University property.  A Student or Employee who may need an adjustment or exemption from the Face Covering requirement due to a medical condition may request one by contacting the Student Disability Center at (970) 491-6385 (Students) or the Of ce of Equal Opportunity (970) 491-5836 (Employees).  Children under ten (10) years old are not required to wear Face Coverings.  Face Coverings are not required when:

a. working or spending time alone in a personal of ce with the door closed; meetings should not occur in this of ce for several hours after a person without a mask has occupied the space even with masks, however, as virus may remain aerosolized for several hours;

b. operating a single occupancy vehicle;

c. teleworking (i.e., not reporting in-person to a University work location); d. inside a private on-campus residential unit;

e. eating or drinking, however, at least six-feet physical distance between people is required.  5. Events, and Meetings: All in-person events involving persons and/or organizations external to the

University are canceled for the duration of the Fall 2020 Semester.  Internal University meetings that support the University’s academic or business and operational functions that cannot otherwise be held virtually may be held in-person as long as the public health guidelines and policy directives detailed herein are adhered to. Unless otherwise permitted by this policy, individuals should avoid congregating on University property, and in no case should a casual gathering of people exceed 10 (ten) people.  For the purposes of this provision, the terms “events,” “meetings” and “gathering” do not apply to in-person classes and/or instruction. 

6. Testing:  When directed by the University to complete COVID-19 testing, it shall be mandatory for Employees and Students who are working or attending classes in-person on University property in Larimer County.  In certain cases, a person may be tested more than once.  Employees and Students may be exempt from being tested if they assert that they have a medical reason (i.e., a physical condition that is such that COVID-19 testing would endanger the person’s life or health or is medically contraindicated due to other medical conditions) or (2) religious  reason (i.e. a person is an adherent to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to medical testing). 

7. Individuals Who Have Tested Positive for COVID-19, Have COVID Symptoms, or Who Have Had

Recent Exposure. Any person who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous fourteen (14) days,

has COVID-19 Symptoms, is waiting for the results from a COVID-19 test, or has had a known Recent Exposure to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 shall avoid close contact with other


individuals and follow all orders, directives, or instructions from campus, county and/or state public health of ces, including directives to Quarantine or Self-Isolate.  In addition, to these requirements, the following apply:

a.  Employees:

i. shall not report to work or otherwise be in Public Spaces on University property;

ii. shall report symptoms through the Symptom Checker even though they are not reporting to work; iii. shall contact their supervisor as soon as possible to notify their supervisor that they will be absent

from work;

iv. shall contact the CSU public health of ce (491-4600) to report and receive guidance and direction. v. shall fully cooperate and with Contact Tracing by University and/or county public health of cials; vi. shall not return to work until allowed by the CSU Public Health Of ce or county health of ce. b.  Students:

i. shall not attend in-person classes, gatherings, meetings or any other events off or on campus; ii. shall not be in Public Spaces on University property;

iii. shall contact the CSU Public Health Of ce (491-4600) to report and receive guidance and direction.

iv. shall comply with all directives to relocate housing to Quarantine or Self-Isolate if student is living on campus;

v. shall fully cooperate and with Contact Tracing by University and/or county public health of cials; vi. shall not return to classes until allowed by the CSU Public Health Of ce or county health of ce. c. Visitors who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous fourteen (14) days, have COVID-19

Symptoms, are waiting for the results from a COVID-19 test, or have had a known Recent Exposure to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 shall not be on University property. 

d. No person shall attempt to pressure, coerce, intimidate or otherwise in uence an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous fourteen (14) days, has COVID-19 Symptoms, is waiting for the results from a COVID-19 test, or has had a known Recent Exposure to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 to engage in any activity or behavior that may cause the spread of COVID-19, including but not limited to:

i. violate any University policy, guidance, instruction, or directive; ii. violate any public health order, guidance, or directive;

iii. report to work in-person; iv. attend class in-person;

v. participate in activities, gatherings, or meetings in-person;

e. No Employee or Student shall attempt to dissuade or prevent another person from participating in Contact Tracing or from reporting COVID-19 Symptoms or Recent Exposure, seeking medical advice regarding such Symptoms or exposure, or otherwise receiving a diagnosis for COVID-19.   


Centers for Disease Control (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html)

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (https://covid19.colorado.gov/)

Larimer County Department of Health and Environment (


CSU COVID Resources (https://covidrecovery.colostate.edu/)

Symptom Checker (https://covidrecovery.colostate.edu/daily-symptom-checker/)

CSU Public Health Of ce 970-491-4600 CSU Health Network 970-491-7121


Student Disability Center—Mask Exemption for Students:


Of ce of Equal Opportunity—Mask Exemption for Employees:

( https://oeo.colostate.edu/media/sites/160/2020/08/CSU-Face-Covering-Exemption-Form-for-Employees.pdf


COVID-related Executive Orders Issued by Governor Polis

COVID-related Public Health Orders Issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment COVID-related Public Health Orders Issued by Larimer County Department of Health and Environment Colorado State University System Board of Governors Policy 131


Approved August 30, 2020, by Joyce E. McConnell, President.



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