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Comparison of the EU’s Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) and the Swedish planning support Transport for an attractive city (TRAST)


Academic year: 2021

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Kerstin Robertson

Comparison of the EU’s

Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP)

and the Swedish planning support

Transport for an attractive city (TRAST)


apport 844A


Comparison of the EU’

s Sustainable urban mobility plan and the Swedish planning support T

ransport for an attr


e city


VTI rapport 844A

Published 2015


VTI rapport 844A

Comparison of the EU’s

Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP)

and the Swedish planning support

Transport for an attractive city (TRAST)

Kerstin Robertson


Diarienummer: 2012/0251-24

Omslagsbilder: Karin Andersson, VTI, Hejdlösa Bilder AB

Tryck: LiU-Tryck, Linköping 2015


VTI rapport 844A


The planning support developed in the EU’s Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) and the

Swedish planning support system Transport for an attractive city (TRAST) aims at developing

sustainable transport in cities. Both systems include the formulation of one or more plans and support

for the planning process. This analysis and comparison of SUMP and TRAST is based on the SUMP

Guidelines, the two main TRAST Handbooks and the TRAST Guide. The comparison is structured in

accordance with the SUMP Steps.

This comparison showed that identical or similar areas and requirements are addressed in SUMP and

TRAST regarding the planning process. Both SUMP and TRAST include instructions in the form of

guidelines that must be interpreted and translated into a plan, practical planning and actions by cities.

TRAST, however, also includes handbooks and guides with suggestions, discussions and examples of

measures, actions and policies. TRAST is furthermore developed for integrated implementation with

spatial planning. Implementation of both TRAST and SUMP is supported through projects and

networking, e.g. for facilitating exchange of experiences between cities.


Comparison of the EU’s Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) and the

Swedish planning support Transport for an attractive city (TRAST)


Kerstin Robertson (VTI, www.orcid.org/0000-0003-1041-1981)


Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)


Publication No.:

VTI rapport 844A



Reg. No., VTI:






Commissioned by:

EU/IEE/Swedish Transport Administration


SUMP, TRAST, Sustainable urban mobility plan




VTI rapport 844A


Det planeringsstöd som har tagits fram i EU, SUMP (”Sustainable urban mobility plan”), och det

svenska planeringsstödet TRAST (Trafik för attraktiv stad) syftar båda till att stödja utvecklingen av

hållbara transporter i städer. Båda systemen omfattar utveckling av en eller flera planer och

processtöd. Denna analys och jämförelse mellan SUMP och TRAST är baserad på ”SUMP

Guidelines”, de två TRAST-handböckerna och TRAST-guiden. Jämförelsen har strukturerats i

enlighet med de olika stegen i SUMP.

Jämförelsen visade att motsvarande områden och krav tas upp i SUMP och TRAST när det gäller

planeringsprocessen. Både SUMP och TRAST omfattar anvisningar som av städerna måste tolkas och

omsättas till en plan, till praktisk planering och till åtgärder. TRAST-handböckerna omfattar dock

även förslag, diskussion och exempel på åtgärder och policys och TRAST är vidare anpassat för

integrering med övrig stadsplanering. Implementering av både TRAST och SUMP stöds ofta genom

projekt och nätverkande, till exempel för att underlätta utbytet av erfarenheter mellan städer.


Jämförelse mellan ”Sustainable urban mobility plan” (SUMP) och det

svenska planeringsstödet Trafik för attraktiv stad (TRAST)


(Kerstin Robertson VTI, www.orcid.org/0000-0003-1041-1981))


VTI, Statens väg och transportforskningsinstitut


Serie och nr:

VTI rapport 844A



VTI:s diarienr:









SUMP, TRAST, Trafikstrategi




VTI rapport 844A


This report is developed within the EU project EU-wide establishment of enduring national and

European support networks for sustainable urban mobility (ENDURANCE) which is coordinated by

EPOMM and co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Union. The

Swedish participation is also funded by the Swedish Transport Administration.

Linköping, June 2015

Kerstin Robertson

Research Director, Transport and Environment

Project leader


VTI rapport 844A

Quality review

Internal peer review was performed on 15 June 2015 by Tomas Svensson. First author; Kerstin

Robertson has made alterations to the final manuscript of the report. The head of research department

Mattias Viklund examined and approved the report for publication on 24 August 2015. The

conclusions and recommendations expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect VTI’s

opinion as an authority.


Intern peer review har genomförts 15 juni 2015 av Tomas Svensson. Förste författaren; Kerstin

Robertson har genomfört justeringar av slutligt rapportmanus. Avdelningschef Mattias Viklund har

därefter granskat och godkänt publikationen för publicering 24 augusti 2015. De slutsatser och

rekommendationer som uttrycks är författarens egna och speglar inte nödvändigtvis myndigheten

VTI:s uppfattning.


VTI rapport 844A

Table of contents

Summary ...9

Sammanfattning ...11

1. Introduction ...13

1.1. SUMP ...13

1.2. TRAST ...14

2. Overview and comparison of SUMP and TRAST ...16

3. Comparison of SUMP activities with the TRAST Handbooks and the TRAST Guide ...19

3.1. SUMP Step 1: Determine your potential for a successful SUMP ...19

3.2. SUMP Step 2: Define the development process and scope of plan ...21

3.3. SUMP Step 3: Analyse the mobility situation and develop scenarios ...23

3.4. SUMP Step 4: Develop a common vision ...24

3.5. SUMP Step 5: Set priorities and measurable targets...25

3.6. SUMP Step 6: Develop effective packages of measures ...26

3.7. SUMP Step 7: Agree on clear responsibilities and allocate funding ...27

3.8. SUMP Step 8: Build monitoring and assessment into the plan ...28

3.9. SUMP Step 9: Adopt Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan ...29

3.10. SUMP Step 10: Ensure proper management and communication (when implementing the

plan) ...30

3.11. SUMP Step 11: Learn the lessons ...31

4. Concluding analysis and comparison of SUMP and TRAST ...32


VTI rapport 844A



Comparison of the EU’s Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) and the Swedish planning

support Transport for an attractive city (TRAST)

by Kerstin Robertson (VTI)

The planning support developed in the EU’s Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) and the

Swedish planning support system Transport for an attractive city (TRAST) aims at developing

sustainable transport in cities. Both systems include the formulation of one or more plans and support

for the planning process. This analysis and comparison of SUMP and TRAST is based on the SUMP

Guidelines, the two main TRAST Handbooks and the TRAST Guide. The comparison is structured in

accordance with the SUMP Steps.

This comparison showed that identical or similar areas and requirements are addressed in SUMP and

TRAST regarding the planning process. Both SUMP and TRAST include instructions in the form of

guidelines that must be interpreted and translated into a plan, practical planning and actions by cities.

TRAST, however, also includes handbooks and guides with suggestions, discussions and examples of

measures, actions and policies. TRAST is furthermore developed for integrated implementation with

spatial planning. Implementation of both TRAST and SUMP is supported through projects and

networking, e.g. for facilitating exchange of experiences between cities.


VTI rapport 844A



Jämförelse mellan ”Sustainable urban mobility plan” (SUMP) och det svenska planeringsstödet

Trafik för attraktiv stad (TRAST)

av Kerstin Robertson (VTI)

Det planeringsstöd som har tagits fram i EU, SUMP (”Sustainable urban mobility plan”), och det

svenska planeringsstödet TRAST (Trafik för attraktiv stad) syftar båda till att stödja utvecklingen av

hållbara transporter i städer. Båda systemen omfattar utveckling av en eller flera planer och

processtöd. Denna analys och jämförelse mellan SUMP och TRAST är baserad på ”SUMP

Guidelines”, de två TRAST-handböckerna och TRAST-guiden. Jämförelsen har strukturerats i

enlighet med de olika stegen i SUMP.

Jämförelsen visade att motsvarande områden och krav tas upp i SUMP och TRAST när det gäller

planeringsprocessen. Både SUMP och TRAST omfattar anvisningar som av städerna måste tolkas och

omsättas till en plan, till praktisk planering och till åtgärder. TRAST-handböckerna omfattar dock

även förslag, diskussion och exempel på åtgärder och policys och TRAST är vidare anpassat för

integrering med övrig stadsplanering. Implementering av både TRAST och SUMP stöds ofta genom

projekt och nätverkande, till exempel för att underlätta utbytet av erfarenheter mellan städer.


VTI rapport 844A




The planning support developed in EU, Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP), and the Swedish

planning support system Transport for an attractive city (TRAST) are aimed at developing

sustainable transport in cities. Both systems include the formulation of one or more plans and support

for the planning process. Many cities in Sweden have already developed or are developing mobility

plans (e.g. Traffic strategies) based on the TRAST guide. The aim of the present analysis was

therefore to identify similarities and differences between the TRAST and the SUMP guidelines, since

it is necessary to determine whether documents and processes developed according to one system are

applicable in the other.

The comparison of the guidelines were carried out by analysing the instructions in the SUMP

Guideline, the TRAST Handbooks and the TRAST Guide.



The Sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) was defined in EU Commission communication COM

(2009) 490 final, entitled “Action Plan on Urban Mobility”. The action plan proposes a programme of

actions to support sustainable urban mobility centred on six themes corresponding to the main

messages that emerged from the Green Paper consultation. Among these six themes, Theme 1

(Promoting integrated policies) includes a total of 13 actions, the first of which is accelerating the

take-up of SUMP:

Themes 1-6 and their component actions in the EU action plan on urban mobility (COM(2009) 490 final)

Theme 1 – Promoting integrated policies Action 1 — Accelerating the take-up of sustainable urban mobility plans Action 2 — Sustainable urban mobility and regional policy

Action 3 — Transport for healthy urban environments

Theme 2 – Focusing on citizens Action 4 — Platform on passenger rights in urban public transport Action 5 — Improving accessibility for persons with reduced mobility Action 6 — Improving travel information

Action 7 — Access to green zones

Action 8 — Campaigns on sustainable mobility behaviour Action 9 — Energy-efficient driving as part of driving education

Theme 3 – Greening urban transport Action 10 — Research and demonstration projects for lower and zero emission vehicles

Action 11 — Internet guide on clean and energy-efficient vehicles Action 12 — Study on urban aspects of the internalisation of external costs Action 13 — Information exchange on urban pricing schemes

Theme 4 – Strengthening funding Action 14 — Optimising existing funding sources Action 15 — Analysing the needs for future funding

Theme 5 – Sharing experience and knowledge

Action 16 — Upgrading data and statistics

Action 17 — Setting up an urban mobility observatory

Action 18 — Contributing to international dialogue and information exchange

Theme 6 – Optimising urban mobility Action 19 — Urban freight transport

Action 20 — Intelligent transport systems (ITS) for urban mobility

In the publication “Guidelines – Developing and implementing a sustainable urban mobility plan”

(www.mobilityplans.eu), SUMP is introduced as a “new planning concept and paradigm” and as a


VTI rapport 844A


“strategic plan” that address transport-related challenges in urban areas in a more sustainable and

integrated way. It places particular emphasis on the involvement of citizens and stakeholders and the

coordination of policies between sectors. The overall aim is better quality of life. The guidelines are

intended for urban transport and mobility practitioners and other stakeholders involved in the

development of a sustainable urban mobility plan. Handbooks and tools in specific areas are

continually being developed.

The SUMP guidelines include 11 steps that are subdivided into a total of 32 activities. The guideline

activities has a clear focus on planning process guidelines and does not include guidelines regarding

the content of SUMP, except for the development of scenarios. Each activity is defined briefly (1-1.5

pages) in the guideline document including rationale, aims, tasks, activities, timing and coordination,

and a brief checklist (see SUMP Guidelines).



TRAST comprises a set of Swedish guidelines developed by the Swedish Association of Local

Authorities and Regions (SALAR), the Transport Agency and the Swedish National Board of

Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), with the aim of supporting integrated planning and the

development of balanced and sustainable urban transport systems and attractive cities. The first edition

was published in 2004, the second edition in 2007 and a third update is under development. The

material includes two main handbooks, a guide and a number of additional background reports and

supporting handbooks that are available at:

www.trafikverket.se/Foretag/Planera-och-utreda/Samhallsplanering/Tatort/Trafik-for-en-attraktiv-stad. One of the handbooks includes

background (facts and information) about activities and measures for urban and transport system

development and the other handbook and the guide aim at supporting the planning process.

The TRAST planning process handbook includes three main sections:

“Attractive city” (Attraktiv stad), where qualities of an attractive city and planning strategies

are defined

“Local planning of travel and transport” (Kommunal planering för resor och transporter), in

which suggestions regarding structural support for local planning can be found

“Local strategies, plans and programmes” (Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och

program), where planning process support is presented.

The TRAST Guide provides support to municipalities of all sizes that are in the process of

developing a mobility plan. The guide is designed to help create a systematic and lucid working

process and is divided into three phases:

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment (Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag),

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan (Fas 2. Ta fram en trafikstrategi), and

Phase 3. Implementation and management (Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta).

The TRAST Background Handbook is a review that addresses activities and measures and includes

the following sections:

City qualities

Transport planning


Safety and security

Traffic safety

Traffic and environmental effects

Transport systems (including subsections on pedestrian, bicycle, moped, public, rail, car, goods

and emergency traffic).


VTI rapport 844A


The planning process recommended in TRAST is structured in three planning stages, of which the

TRAST recommendations can be applied in the first two:

Strategic planning: including spatial planning and the development of one or several mobility

plans (e.g. a Traffic strategy)

Action planning: including for example transport plans and identification of measures

The third stage is Project planning.


VTI rapport 844A



Overview and comparison of SUMP and TRAST

This overview and comparison of SUMP and TRAST presented in this report is based on the SUMP

Guidelines, the two main TRAST Handbooks and the TRAST Guide. The overview is structured in

accordance with the 13 SUMP steps and corresponding sections in the TRAST Handbook and Guide

have been identified and are presented below. Headings and section subheadings in the TRAST

material are translated to English, and the corresponding Swedish terms and concepts are given in

brackets. A more detailed comparison is done in the next section.

SUMP Step TRAST Planning process handbook (section)

TRAST Guide (section)

Phase 1: Preparing well Step 1: Determine your potential

for a successful SUMP

Section: Attractive city (Attraktiv stad) Section: Local planning of travel and transport (Kommunal planering för resor och


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag)  Acceptance within the municipality

(Avstämning inom kommunen)

Step 2: Define the development

process and scope of plan

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes (Kommunens arbete med

strategi, planer och program)

- A defined process (En tydlig


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag)  Develop an assignment, including schedule

and organisation (Ta fram ett

uppdragsförslag inklusive tidsplan och organisation)

Step 3: Analyse the mobility

situation and develop scenarios

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes (Kommunens arbete med

strategi, planer och program)

- Current situation (Nulägesbeskrivning) - Alternatives and analysis

(Alternativ och analys)

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Analyse current plans and programmes (Ta

fram tidigare planer/program/utredningar)

 Compile basic data and initiate analysis of current situation (Ta fram enkla basdata

och påbörja en översiktlig nulägesanalys)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi)  Analysis of current situation


 Develop a common vision, scenarios and measures (Arbeta fram en vision för

trafiken, skissera olika scenarier och tänkbara åtgärder)

Phase 2: Rational and transparent goal setting Step 4: Develop a common vision

and engage citizens

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Vision (Vision) - Develop wide support


Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi)  Political agreement and decision

(Förankra och besluta (politiskt) om


 Develop a common vision, scenarios and measures (Arbeta fram en vision för

trafiken, skissera olika scenarier och tänkbara åtgärder)


VTI rapport 844A


SUMP Step TRAST Planning process handbook


TRAST Guide (section)

Step 5: Set priorities and

measurable targets

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Targets (Mål)

- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Set targets (Formulera mål och välj


Gain acceptance for targets (Förankra mål

och inriktning)

Develop an action plan (Förslag till

handlingsplan; Skissera genomförandet (tidsplan och budget)

Step 6: Develop effective packages

of measures

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Choice of alternatives (Val av


- Action planning (Åtgärdsplanering)

TRAST Background Handbook (TRAST

Handbok: Underlag)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi)

Develop a draft mobility plan (Ta fram ett

förslag till trafikstrategi)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta)  Develop packages of measures

(Genomförandeplanering, inkludera

åtgärder i verksamhetsplaneringen)

Phase 3: Elaborating the plan Step 7: Agree on clear

responsibilities and allocate funding

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- A defined process (En tydlig


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag)  Define an assignment including schedule

and organisation (Ta fram ett

uppdragsförslag inklusive tidsplan och organisation)

 Political agreement and decision (Förankra och besluta (politiskt) om

uppdraget; Kommunicera, remissbehandla, revidera)

Step 8: Build monitoring and

assessment into the plan

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Monitor, assess and communicate (Följ

upp och utvärdera, kommunicera resultaten)

Step 9: Adopt Sustainable Urban

Mobility Plan

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Develop wide support (Förankring)

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag)  Political agreement and decision

(Förankra och besluta (politiskt) om


VTI rapport 844A


SUMP Step TRAST Planning process handbook


TRAST Guide (section)

Phase 4: Implementing the plan Step 10: Ensure proper

management and communication (when implementing the SUMP)

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- A defined process (En tydlig


- Develop wide support (Förankring)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi)  Communicate, consult and revise

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla, revidera)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Monitor, assess and communicate (Följ

upp och utvärdera, kommunicera resultaten)

Update steering documents (Uppdatera

styrdokument (nuläge, mål, inriktning) och handlingsplan; Aktualitetsförklara)

Step 11: Learn the lessons Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Monitor, assess and communicate (Följ

upp och utvärdera, kommunicera resultaten)

On a general level, identical or similar guidelines are included in both systems. However, the focus in

SUMP is on planning process guidelines, whereas TRAST also includes instructions and suggestions

regarding the development and content of a plan document. The SUMP Guidelines provide very

general support in the form of a checklist, while the more detailed interpretation and implementation

can be defined by the organisation applying the guidelines.

The TRAST material, on the other hand, takes the structure of a handbook, including the TRAST

Guide, with the focus on describing background information, experiences, discussion and suggestions

about how to develop the planning process and the plan, and how to identify measures that may

contribute to developing sustainable urban transport systems.

This difference may reflect the fact that the SUMP guidelines are very recent, whereas the

development of TRAST started over 10 years ago. A more detailed comparison of SUMP Steps 1-11

and the corresponding TRAST guidelines is presented in the next section.


VTI rapport 844A



Comparison of SUMP activities with the TRAST Handbooks and

the TRAST Guide

In this section a step by step comparison on activity level between SUMP and TRAST is presented.


SUMP Step 1: Determine your potential for a successful SUMP

SUMP Step 1. Determine your potential for a successful SUMP

TRAST Handbooks TRAST Guide

Activity 1.1: Commit to overall sustainable mobility principles


 Analysis on the extent to which sustainability principles guide current policies relevant to urban mobility completed.

 Overall commitment to sustainability principles from key stakeholders achieved.

Section: Attractive city (Attraktiv stad) Includes:

- A description and a vision of the attractive city

- Motivation for the relevance of attaining a common vision and goals regarding the development of the city and the traffic system (Visioner och


- Presentation and motivation for agreeing on sustainability principles in municipal planning (Hållbar


Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Vision (Vision)

- Overall commitment


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Acceptance within the municipality

(Avstämning inom kommunen) Inventory of visions and goals

(Invertera visioner och mål)

Activity 1.2: Assess impact of regional/national framework


 Relevant documents from national and regional level reviewed and results summarised.

 Opportunities and potential problems that might result from regional and national framework conditions identified.

Section: Attractive city (Attraktiv stad) Includes:

- Both regional and national

perspectives are important – for

example coordination and cooperation between municipalities is required (Regionala samband) - Opportunities and problems (Att

planera för den attraktiva staden; Hinder på vägen)

Section: Local planning of travel and

transport (Kommunal planering för resor

och transporter)

- Relate to national and regional strategies, programmes and goals

(Statens intressen I den fysiska


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Acceptance within the municipality

(Avstämning inom kommunen) Includes:

- Inventory of strategies, plans and programmes

- Development of regional and national cooperation

Activity 1.3: Conduct self-assessment


 Appropriate self-assessment carried out.

 Strengths and weaknesses with regard to developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan identified.  Results summarised as starting

point to optimise local planning processes.

Section: Attractive city (Attraktiv stad) Includes:

- Opportunities and problems (Att

planera för den attraktiva staden; Hinder på vägen)

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Acceptance within the municipality

(Avstämning inom kommunen)

Activity 1.4: Review availability of resources

Section: Local planning of travel and

transport (Kommunal planering för resor

och transporter)

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment


VTI rapport 844A


SUMP Step 1. Determine your potential

for a successful SUMP

TRAST Handbooks TRAST Guide


 Required skills and financial resources for planning process analysed.

 Skills management plan compiled.  Budget for running sustainable

urban mobility planning process politically approved.

 Likely budgetary framework for measure implementation assessed.


- Municipal goals and budget

(Kommunens mål och budget)

Formulate and agree on a project

description (Formulera och förankra en


Includes: Goals, description, political commitment, communication/information, organisation, schedule, budget/resources and risk analysis.

Activity 1.5: Define basic timeline


 Realistic basic timeline for sustainable urban mobility planning process and measure implementation prepared.  Timeline approved by decision


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Formulate and agree on a project

description (Formulera och förankra en


Includes: Goals, description, political commitment, communication/information, organisation, schedule, budget/resources, risk analysis

Activity 1.6: Identify key actors and stakeholders


 Stakeholder groups identified: Primary stakeholders, key actors, intermediaries.

 Analysis of actor constellations carried out.

 Basic stakeholder coordination strategy developed.

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Formulate and agree on a project

description (Formulera och förankra en


Includes: Goals, description, political commitment, communication/information, organisation, schedule, budget/resources, and risk analysis.


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 2: Define the development process and scope of plan

SUMP Step 2. Define the development process and scope of plan

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 2.1: Look beyond your own boundaries and responsibilities


 Most appropriate Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan area identified.

 Agreement achieved on geographical coverage.  Agreement achieved on the basic

roles and responsibilities of authorities and politicians.  Planning team created.  Political agreement signed and

adopted by all municipal council

Section: Attractive city (Attraktiv stad) Includes:

- Planning for the attractive city (Att

planera för den attraktiva staden; Hinder på vägen; Hållbar utveckling)

Section: Local strategies, plans and programmes

(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)


- A defined process (En tydlig


- Vision (Vision)

- Overall commitment (Förankring) - Goals (Mål)

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Formulate and agree on a project

description (Formulera och förankra

en projektbeskrivning)

Includes: Goals, description, political commitment, communication/information, organisation, schedule, budget/resources, and risk analysis.

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Analysis of current situation


Develop a common vision, scenarios

and strategy (Ta fram vision, mål och


Activity 2.2: Strive for policy

coordination and an integrated planning approach


 Relevant policy linkages identified (synergies and conflicts).

 Initial options for policy integration assessed.

 Dialogue established with all concerned actors about integration possibilities.

 Initial prioritisation of integration options decided.

 Assessment and prioritisation specified according to advanced scenario building results (> Activity 3.2).

Section: Local planning of travel and

transport (Kommunal planering för resor

och transporter)


- Strategic planning (Inriktningsplanering) (which includes the use of scenarios) Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)


- A defined process (En tydlig


- Vision (Vision)

- Overall commitment (Förankring)

Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Acceptance within the municipality

(Avstämning inom kommunen) Includes: Commitment, coordination, the development of common visions and goals, and a workshop.

Formulate and agree on a project

description (Formulera och förankra

en projektbeskrivning)

Includes: Goals, description, political commitment, communication/information, organisation, schedule, budget/resources, and risk analysis.

Activity 2.3: Plan stakeholder and citizen involvement


 Planning of different involvement strategies finalised.

 Communication plan elaborated and approved.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)


- A defined process (En tydlig


- Commitment (Förankring) (which includes the development of a communication plan)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Establish commitment for vision,

targets and strategy (Förankra vision,

mål och inriktning)

Includes: Consultations, workshops and dialogue.


VTI rapport 844A


SUMP Step 2. Define the development

process and scope of plan

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 2.4: Agree on work plan and

management arrangements


 Political mandate and support for your plan concluded.

 Coordinator of the planning process determined.

 Strategy for risk management and quality management devised.  Work plan for your planning

process developed and politically approved.

Section: Local planning of travel and

transport (Kommunal planering för resor

och transporter)

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)


- A defined process (En tydlig


Phase 1. Initiate and get an assignment

(Fas 1. Starta arbetet och få ett uppdrag) Formulate and agree on a project

description (Formulera och förankra

en projektbeskrivning)

Includes: Goals, description, political commitment, communication/information, organisation, schedule, budget/resources, and risk analysis.


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 3: Analyse the mobility situation and develop


SUMP Step 3. Analyse the mobility situation and develop scenarios

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 3.1: Prepare an analysis of problems and opportunities


 Suitable indicators selected to describe the status.

 All necessary data made available by the actors concerned. (If sufficient data is not available, start with what you have, but draft a plan on how to close the data gaps.)  Review and analysis concluded.

Baseline scenario developed against which progress can be measured.  Key problems to be addressed by

the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan prioritised.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Goals (Mål) - Current situation


- Alternatives and analysis (Alternativ

och analys)

Includes: Scenarios

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Analysis of current situation


Develop a vision, goals and

strategy (Ta fram vision, mål och


Activity 3.2.: Develop scenarios


 Do-nothing scenario elaborated (qualitatively and quantitatively).  Business-as-usual scenario

elaborated (qualitatively and quantitatively).

 Different alternative policy scenarios described (qualitatively and quantitatively). Choose which scenario serves the vision in the most efficient and effective way.  Appropriate techniques applied to

support the scenario development and appraisal.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer och


- Alternatives and analysis (Alternativ

och analys)


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 4: Develop a common vision

SUMP Step 4. Develop a common vision and engage citizens

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 4.1: Develop a common vision of mobility and beyond


 Vision board established.  First draft of vision developed.  Draft discussed with stakeholders.  Agreement on final draft of vision.  Vision outcomes published in

attractive format.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Vision (Vision)

- Overall commitment (Förankring)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Develop a vision, goals and strategy

(Ta fram vision, mål och inriktning) Establish commitment for vision,

targets and strategy (Förankra vision,

mål och inriktning)

Workshop (Trafikdag/workshop)

Activity 4.2: Actively inform the public


 Notes from stakeholder meetings made public.

 Attractive information material about vision building and its outcomes elaborated and disseminated.

 Media involved.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Vision (Vision)

- Overall commitment (Förankring) Includes: Communication plan, methods for dissemination

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Develop a vision, goals and strategy

(Ta fram vision, mål och inriktning) Establish commitment for vision,

targets and strategy (Förankra vision,

mål och inriktning)


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 5: Set priorities and measurable targets

SUMP Step 5. Set priorities and measurable targets

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 5.1: Identify the priorities for mobility


 Vision reviewed to guide the development of the objectives.  Draft objectives developed.  Draft discussed with key


 Final draft of the objectives formalised.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Vision (Vision)

- Overall commitment (Förankring)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Political agreement and decision

(Förankra och besluta (politiskt) om


Develop a common vision, scenarios,

and measures (Arbeta fram en vision för

trafiken, skissera olika scenarier och tänkbara åtgärder)

Workshop (Trafikdag/workshop)

Activity 5.2: Develop SMART targets


 Develop a suitable set of locally relevant targets.

 Reality check of objectives (> see Activity 5.1) completed.  Formal adoption of targets and

trajectories by all stakeholders as part of the action and budget plan (> Activity 7.2)

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Targets (Mål)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Set targets (Formulera mål och välj


Gain acceptance for targets (Förankra

mål och inriktning)

Develop an action plan (Förslag till

handlingsplan; Skissera genomförandet (tidsplan och budget)


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 6: Develop effective packages of measures

SUMP Step 6. Develop effective packages of measures

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 6.1: Identify the most effective measures


 Framework of resources re-assessed.  Options of possible measures defined

and summarised.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Alternatives and analyses (Alternativ

och analys)

- Choice of alternatives (Val av


- Action planning (Åtgärdsplanering)

TRAST Background Handbook

(TRAST Handbok: Underlag)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Develop an action plan (Ta fram


Compile the mobility plan

(Sammanställ Trafikstrategin)

Communicate, consult and review

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla och justera)

Adopt the mobility plan (Anta


Activity 6.2: Learn from others’ experience


 Identified interesting places that have implemented a measure.

 Exchange with implementers established.

 Key results summarised.

TRAST Background Handbook

(TRAST Handbok: Underlag)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Develop an action plan (Ta fram


Compile the mobility plan

(Sammanställ Trafikstrategin)

Communicate, consult and review

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla och justera)

Activity 6.3: Consider best value for money


 Suitable measures (and packages of measures) assessed with an eye to costs and benefits, as well as value for money.

 Results summarised for discussion on final measure selection.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Action planning (Åtgärdsplanering)

TRAST Background Handbook

(TRAST Handbok: Underlag)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Develop an action plan (Ta fram


Compile the mobility plan

(Sammanställ Trafikstrategin)

Communicate, consult and review

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla och justera)

Activity 6.4: Use synergies and create integrated packages of measures


 Effective packages of measures and possible synergies identified.  Packages of measures checked with an

eye to integration with land use planning and other sectoral planning activities.

 Set of packages of measures selected as input for discussion on final selection and action and budget plan (> Activity 7.2).

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Action planning (Åtgärdsplanering)

TRAST Background Handbook

(TRAST Handbok: Underlag)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Develop an action plan (Ta fram


Compile the mobility plan

(Sammanställ Trafikstrategin)

Communicate, consult and review

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla och justera)


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 7: Agree on clear responsibilities and allocate funding

SUMP Step 7. Agree on clear responsibilities and allocate funding

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 7.1: Assign responsibilities and resources


 Final set of packages of measures proposed.

 Responsibilities and possible funding sources identified.

 Discussion with concerned stakeholders concluded.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi,

planer och program)

- A defined process (En tydlig


Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Action planning

(Genomförandeplanering, påbörja


Activity 7.2: Prepare an action and budget plan


 Action and budget plan drafted.  Formal agreement from decision

makers and key stakeholders.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi,

planer och program)

- A defined process (En tydlig


Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Action planning

(Genomförandeplanering, påbörja


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 8: Build monitoring and assessment into the plan

SUMP Step 8. Build monitoring and assessment into the plan

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 8.1: Arrange for monitoring and evaluation


 Suitable indicators (based on indicators selected in Activity 5.2 Develop SMART targets) selected.  Suitable monitoring and evaluation

tools agreed on.

 Work plan and responsibilities for data collection and management agreed.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Monitor, assess and communicate

(Följ upp och utvärdera, kommunicera


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Step 9: Adopt Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

SUMP Step 9. Adopt Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 9.1: Check the quality of the plan


 Final draft of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan compiled.  Internal and stakeholder review


 Final amendments completed.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- A defined process (En tydlig process) 3.3 Develop wide support

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Communicate, consult and review

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla och justera)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Update steering documents

(Uppdatera styrdokumenten,


Activity 9.2: Adopt the plan


 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan adopted by elected representatives of pubic body/bodies responsible for planning.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- A defined process (En tydlig process) - Commitment (Förankring)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Adopt the mobility plan (Antagande

av Trafikstrategin)

Activity 9.3: Create ownership of the plan


 Public relations and involvement activities planned and carried out.  Adoption of Sustainable Urban

Mobility Plan celebrated with citizens and stakeholders.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- A defined process (En tydlig process) - Commitment (Förankring)

Phase 2. Develop a mobility plan

(Fas 2. Ta fram en Trafikstrategi) Communicate, consult and review

(Kommunicera, remissbehandla och justera)


VTI rapport 844A


3.10. SUMP Step 10: Ensure proper management and communication

(when implementing the plan)

SUMP Step 10. Ensure proper management and communication (when implementing the plan)

TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide

Activity 10.1: Manage plan implementation


 Work plan on management procedures and actor responsibilities agreed on.  Risk contingency plan elaborated.  Reporting formats agreed on.

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Action planning

(Genomförandeplanering, påbörja


Monitor, assess and communicate (Följ

upp och utvärdera, kommunicera resultaten)

Activity 10.2: Inform and engage citizens


 Citizens and stakeholders who are directly affected by measure implementation involved.  Solutions for mitigation of negative

effects during implementation elaborated.

 General public informed about progress of measure implementation.

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta)

Monitor, assess and communicate (Följ

upp och utvärdera, kommunicera resultaten)

Activity 10.3: Check progress towards achieving the objectives


 Implementation of measures continually monitored.

 Impacts evaluated at regular intervals.  Evaluation report prepared and


Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Action planning

(Genomförandeplanering, påbörja


Monitor, assess and communicate (Följ

upp och utvärdera, kommunicera resultaten)

Update steering documents (Uppdatera


VTI rapport 844A


3.11. SUMP Step 11: Learn the lessons

SUMP Step 11. Learn the lessons TRAST Handbook TRAST Guide Activity 11.1: Update current plan regularly


 Necessary amendments in implementation of measures identified.

 Amendments discussed with actors concerned.

 Plan update concluded.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Monitor, assess and communicate

(Följ upp och utvärdera, kommunicera


Update steering documents (Uppdatera styrdokumenten,


Activity 11.2: Review achievements – understand success and failure


 Ex-post evaluation of planning process and measure implementation concluded.

 Lessons learnt documented.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Targets and metrics (Mål och mått) Includes: Evaluation

Activity 11.3: Identify new challenges for next SUMP generation


 New challenges ahead for urban transport and mobility identified.  Lessons learnt from current planning

cycle used for development of next Sustainable

 Urban Mobility Plan.

Section: Local strategies, plans and


(Kommunens arbete med strategi, planer

och program)

- Evaluation (Uppföljning)

Phase 3. Implementation and management

(Fas 3. Att genomföra och förvalta) Monitor, assess and communicate

(Följ upp och utvärdera, kommunicera


Update steering documents (Uppdatera styrdokumenten,


This detailed analysis and comparison based on SUMP activity levels revealed that identical or similar

guidelines are included in both systems. SUMP still focuses on planning process guidelines, whereas

TRAST includes instructions and suggestions regarding the development and content of plan documents

even on this more detailed level. The TRAST Background Handbook has no counterpart in SUMP, but

additional support is under development, for example city networks, benchmarking activities and

additional supporting tools.


VTI rapport 844A



Concluding analysis and comparison of SUMP and TRAST

Both SUMP and TRAST include instructions in the form of guidelines that must be interpreted and

translated into a plan, practical planning and actions by cities. In addition, the TRAST support

includes handbooks and guides with suggestions, discussion and examples of measures, actions and

policies. In both TRAST and SUMP, implementation is supported through projects, for example

facilitating the exchange of experiences between cities.

This comparison showed that identical or similar areas and requirements are addressed in SUMP and

TRAST regarding the planning process. However, the TRAST material also includes a comprehensive

handbook addressing the development of traffic strategies, traffic plans and actions (Table 1). In

conclusion, the TRAST planning support includes all areas included in SUMP.

Table 1. Summary of comparison of SUMP and TRAST.

Type of support SUMP TRAST

Instruction (checklist) for integrated planning

Guidelines TRAST Handbook: Planning process

TRAST Guide Design and development of an integrated

planning process

TRAST Handbook: Planning process TRAST Guide

Development and content of a sustainable mobility plan

TRAST Handbook: Planning process TRAST Background Handbook - Facts and information


VTI rapport 844A



SUMP Guidelines – Developing and implementing a sustainable urban mobility plan. Available at


Transport for an attractive city - an introduction to TRAST, 2014, available at


TRAST, 2007, second edition, Trafik för en attraktiv stad (Transport for an attractive city). Handbooks

available at

www.trafikverket.se/Foretag/Planera-och-utreda/Samhallsplanering/Tatort/Trafik-for-en-attraktiv-stad/Rapporter-om-TRAST/. In Swedish.

TRAST-guiden, 2011. Guide available at

www.trafikverket.se/Foretag/Planera-och-utreda/Samhallsplanering/Tatort/Trafik-for-en-attraktiv-stad/Rapporter-om-TRAST/. Also a checklist

is available. In Swedish.



VTI, Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, är ett oberoende och

internationellt framstående forskningsinstitut inom transportsektorn.

Huvuduppgiften är att bedriva forskning och utveckling kring

infrastruktur, trafi k och transporter. Kvalitetssystemet och

miljöledningssystemet är ISO-certifi erat enligt ISO 9001 respektive

14001. Vissa provningsmetoder är dessutom ackrediterade av Swedac.

VTI har omkring 200 medarbetare och fi nns i Linköping (huvudkontor),

Stockholm, Göteborg, Borlänge och Lund.

The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI),

is an independent and internationally prominent research institute

in the transport sector. Its principal task is to conduct research and

development related to infrastructure, traffi c and transport. The

institute holds the quality management systems certifi cate ISO 9001

and the environmental management systems certifi cate ISO 14001.

Some of its test methods are also certifi ed by Swedac. VTI has about

200 employees and is located in Linköping (head offi ce), Stockholm,

Gothenburg, Borlänge and Lund.





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