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Swedish Province Catalogue for Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)


Bartsch, II.D.: Swedish Pro!ince Catalogue for Hovcrtlics (Diprcr-ä. Syrphidrc). [Provins- k2rt2rlog fi;r svenska blomllugor (Diptera, Syrphid{e).] tsnt(rrologisk Tidskrilt 122 (,1): 189 215. Lund- Sweden 2001.ISSN 0013-886x.

A cntrlogue biised olr the 30 Swedish provinces is presenled. employing six timc wind(xvs.

onc ti)r lhc lt)'r'ccntllry. 1i)ur (cach cover-ing a 25 ycar pcriod) tin the 20'r' century ancl one litr the beginnin!] ol the 2l' centuly. The sources are major Swedish rlruseurlr collections.

Sweclish privxle colleclions lnd IileråtLrre. The DNre th!n 370 species are presenled in al- pl'rrbeticirl order and with iln updated norncnclatllrc. A firsl statistical cvaluation ol thc clllaloguc is presented.

H.D. lJ(tts(h. S ii|iig?n 21. SE'177 70 Jiitfiillu, S*etlan E-ntrt i I : <lnn s. hu rt srh kl t( I iu.nnt>


The Diptera tanily Syrphidae lroverflies is a large and irnportlurt gloLrp of smrll to lnodcratcly sized insects of world wide disn ibutiorr. They are ofien coloultul rnimics of bccs and wasps. Thc nunber of species estinrate rrrore than 5000 in the worlcl- some 800 ol which have been recorded hom Europe. Many species visit flowers wlrich make thern attractive k) studcnts and collcctors.

Consequently lroverflies belong to the lather f-ew groups of insccts which arc well reprcsenlecl in older as well as more fecent insect collections.

Tladitionally knowlcdge ol thc Swedish launa

ol hoverflies has been good, ;rt least since the days of J. W. Zeltclsledl ( I785 ll]7,1). Two hund- red years of collecting and curating Syrphidae have producecl liugc collcctions of national and intemational importance in Swedish nruseums and of privalc propcrty. The major task ol'this

paper is to bring together ancl summarize all rele- vant infirrmation on specics identities and clistli- bution ol horelllier u irllil SweJeI lrorn pri\ te ancl public colJections. ancl to preseilt it in a han- dy manner and with an updated nomenclatLne.

This catalosuc is bascd on a malcrial of al

least 50 000 specimens lrom the collecting acti vities of more than 250 entomologists. Most of

the records given are based on specimens I have examined. They oliginate in the collections of major museums in Gothenburg, Lund, Stock holnr and Uppsala, as well as nany priv^te col- lections. I am imprcssed by how well the difl'e rcnt collections complenrent each other. I have checked most of the specimens that have been mentioned in literature and which are still availa- ble in Swedish museums. Additional literature records lcgarded as rcliable are included in the catalogue.

Accorcling to modern tradition Sweclen is sub- clivided into 30 provinces as shown in trg I (cfi

e.g. "Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica") and rhis system has been lbllowed here.

I have chosen k) pirrtition the 20'r'century re- colds into fbur time interval groups of 25 years, but to groLrp all records from the I9'r' century and earlier into one time interval. I l'irst employed thi. \)\lern nrirny yerr\.rgo. ulren ente|inp neu lecolds into a prelin'rinary "hand" version catalo

!lrc. AI lhrl tirnc I lirrr.e,l ,rn rn('\l re(enr Iirne



winclow rrcords. as givcn in my chccklist (Bartsch 1995). That prelirninaly catalogue provcd later to be a helpful source of inlbn'na lion in thc process of looking til hovelfly candi- drtes lbr the Swcdish red list 2000, a projcct that now encouraged ure to include carlier recrltcls, tI()nl the l9'r'century onwards.

M1 rrtttt i' 1,' pr',,r iJc l collrllcllcn\i\e ,r\ir- vicw of old tnd new recorcls. so th!il thc cata lorue will be a usetul tool

'! tbr furthel collecting ol Sylphidae in the cen tury that has.jus{ bcgul't

'r' lbr recognizing or leponing unpublished re- cotds liom earlier centuries

t'1(] encoulrgc collecting in poo|ly studied provinces

' Ir) l\fo\ iJe rr :nlid hi$i. ti'r rr'd li.t rer i.ions.

taxoDomic )evisiolls or other special studies.

Ent. Tidskr. 122 Fi!:. L Mttp rt Svetlan )rith leli litdtiott unr! tatlirtg

d !he ttsed fuunisti( pto|inc(s.

KLu td ih'(r St'(rige tiletl ot'griittsning och aktueIl .lijr' k



t t

i n g (


\'.f i! u nd !) t


)\, i tt sc r-nd.

To Lu Pi LJ Nb Vb Än Jä Hr Me Hs



Up sii Nii Ds Bo Yg Og GS Gtr


Srr Ha BI


Td-ne lappnlilrk Lule lappmark Pite hppn)alk Lycksele lappnralk Äsele lappnralk Norrbotlen Viisterbotlen Ånger-nranltnd

.liilrllhrd Hlirjedalcn Medelpacl Hilsingland Gästrikland Dalaroa Viirrnland Västrnanland UpplaDd SödcrnraDlitnd Niirkc Dalsl nd Bohusliin Viister-!:ötlnnd Ostcrgajtliind Cotskir Saodiir Gotland Ölancl Srrirland Halland Blekingc

S kåne



In the text |lccot'uplutying the cataloguc tlle hacllt,'uttd lo lll) $,'lk on llli\ lrt,jrcl i. :llrll-

marized, preliminiu'y statistical results lllc pre sented. some interpretittioll problcms ale dis- cussed and possible future developmenls are considcled.

Earlier works, lists ånd catalogues

Zctterstedt (llll9, 1838. lll43. 1849, l8-52.

1855, 1859) in r]iury insttnccs gave detailed in

lbrmatiolr about collccling site, collector urd Llrle ol e\jelllial tecotrls. .r: uell il\ irll \lr(ci(\

rbundance. Surprisingly much ol'his taxononry

is still valid. or hns ploven to be valid tglin.

However nany clranges have occttt red in nantes

hc uses and the language employed in his wolks

is Latin, so they are not easy to Lligcst.


Enl. Tidskr 122 (2001)

Maln ( 1863) gives a detailecl summary lbr

the provinces Vg ancl Bo (in Swedish).

Wahlgren ( 1909a. 1909b) givcs a sunrmrry ofdistlibution arcas but does not usually reter to provinces or other detrilecl infirmrlion within these rrli;rr. Lrpli]nJ is lrcrled il' 611c' 1q1ir,1t. n,rt clivided into provinces. The papcr gives the t'irst ,.,'rnlletc i,lcrrtriieutron ke1 in 5w<,.lish rrtt,l u.ts used in Sweden dLrring more thrD 50 ycars.

Rirrvtlrrhl prcprrretl ln eA(ellent pl,r\ ir\'e calirlogLre. dated 22 October 1954, which inclu des most ()1 lhc malelial in Swedislr nruseurns at that time. his own colleclions and thosc of his friencls as well ls litelature rec(nds. The crtrlo- gue comprises l7 sheets in which about 1800 dots indicatc rccords lbt'30 Swedish provinces tbr the 275 species known. Thc original dots ale in lerd whilc rbout 90 ofthe dots are in ink. The- sc latler dots were also rnatlc by RingdahJ bur plobably alicr 1954 (pers. com. H. Anclelsson).

Unfbltunately Ringclahl's cillirloguc was never publishecl. His catalogue is little known - but

has been of consiclerable help to me. I have ma naged to validale or to understurcl mest of his

"dots" during the preparrtion of tl'tis paper.

- Hcdslrörr (1990,1991) sunrnrarises Swe-

\irsh literillure ret r',ls rrntl :pccirtten. rn rnttse um collcctions in Uppsala, his own collectiorr rnd those of sever..rl othcl collectols in the Upp- sllla rcgion. The papers preseDt about 20(X) pro- vince recor-ds for 338 spccies.

- Daniclsson's province list fbr Sylphidac in the main collection irt thc Zoological Museurn in

Lund gives r good survey of mrterial in

Sweden's largest collcction. It has been valuable

firl planning my visits there and firl lcqucsls ol' loans. The Iist is regulally updated and publis- hcd on the Internet (Danielsson 2001).

My checklisl (BiI sch 1995) introduces time winclows lbr the regiorrs Giitrlrnd. Svcr- land. Norrland (excl. Laplantl) and Lapland.

However, it shows only the latest time window tbl recorded species known by rne. lt includes recorcls fiom the Swedish Museum ol'Nutional fli.lnr'1 irr St,r. kh.'lrn rrnJ lrorn rnrn) ptir le collcctions. The checklist resulted iD at lcrst 1400 ptovince lccolds additional to those of Hedstrijrr (1990. l99l). but only about I130 ol' lhe lnore intelesting rccords iue quoled.

Sr?di\It I't()t iIke CdtLtIogt!c li Hovilie.t

Sources Geueral

For a numbel of years I hlve sludiccl and sorted material in the Swedish Museunr ol Nationrl History in Stockholm. During the past lwo years I havc systematically rechecked most of the sor- ted material thele as well ls thc collcctions at the

Zoologicll Museum in Lund, the Zoologicrl Museun in Uppsala rurd thc Zoological Muse

un in Gothcnbulg. Sone specirnens had already l.reen checked and rccoldingJy labelled by spe citrlists (C. Claussen, T. R. Nielsen. U. Schmicl, E. Torp etc.). Loans fbr ongoing revisioDs made some museum material unavlilable ancl more records will certainly rppear when that material has bcen evaluated.

I have also stLrdicd many Swedish private collections. fro|n all over the countly. SoDre of

the m{telial was rlready identificd and so ed in a convenient way, but much of it was not. I havc beerr able to tlanscribc mosl ol the label data inlo my con'rllutel. I have critically reviewcd tlre

inlbrnrrtion rrrrtl hlrc lc-er:rmine,-l rpccimerts where there has been some doubt. The nratelial is to a great extcnt in the hands ol the collectols, sorne of il has been donated to one of thc musc- ums mentioned above ancl a lew specimens I

have received fbr my own reference collection.

As part ol'this exercise I have conducted a recent cliticll ler icu r,l the rnrrteli:rl ir rn1 own collection. Specimens of critical species have been sent during the last l0 years to specirlisls such as C. Claussen. D. Doczkal. P Goeldlin de Tielenau, L. Mazinek and T. R. Nielsen, tirl pur- poses of conrparison and identilication. This has proved valuable and hrs also rcvealed r numbel of species ncw to Sweden.

Available Swedish ancl fircign literature

which ref'ers to Swcdish lecords has been check- eLl r\ceLilelrluler.Onl) recufd\lhirl in rn1 ri.u

ale rclirblc havc been included in the catalogue.

I have seen a large numbel of poorly labcllccl specimens. At first si-sht it was often inpossible to know r-l lrcn lId/or whele th,':.e 'l'ceirncrrr were collcctcd. Therefble I have produced a

''eolleclor". cirtirl,'sue usin; thr gir,.n pri'r irr- ces and time windows lntl a checklist of sonre

less well known abbreviations. Iocalities etc that occur on labcls. Genelous help given by



R. Danielsson. L. Hedstr'öm and B. Viklund,

backed up by corlelation with literaturc fef-eren- ces by or abottt some of the collectors, has hel- ped me to make a reasonable intel-pretation of a number of poorly labclled specimens as well, insteacl of havin-s to discard the records entirely Tinrc Wintlcnv 0 (TW\, <1900)

The intensity of recording, descdption and do- curnentation which occurled dul in-g the era of C.

F. Falldn, J. W. Zetterstedt, P F. Wahlberg, C H.

Boheman and A. W. Malnr (about I 800- | 1160)

nevcr ceases to amaze me. Htlwevet. most labels tr-orn this time give only limited and coded inlbr

mation. such as abbreviations ol colourcd pieces

of papers. An exception are Malm's labels - [

presume that these labels were produced later,

tbllowing Malrr's detailed notes. Fortunately

The literaturc ofZgtterstedt. Boheman and Malm provides a lot of the missing details. Persson

( 1987) gives a handy summary of entonrological expeditions into northern Sweden during this period. Conbining the intbnnation fiolr label- led specimens and corresponcling literature helps b clarily things and ploduces useful de- tails. C. J. E. Haglund used Printed locality la bels often without name of province - it takes

some time to learn which provinces they belong to. The|c 0r'c ll',r lllln1 trnlcbelled specinrens in the collections ofC. Stenhammar and L. Gyllen- hat. Most of these specimens probably originate fiorr Ög and Vg but unlbrtunately they are mix cd with specimens which would not be expected to oliginate f'rom these provinces. For now I pre sume that these specimens come ftom the spon- sored expeclitions undefiaken by Zetterstedt and othel enlornologists to no hern Swedcn. Thus the Stenhrnrmar and Gyllenhal - collections can be considered rs confirmation of better-labelled specimens bul not as plimaty infbrmation (tttl less quoted in Zette$tedt ( ltt38 etc.)).

"Vlsterbotten" in Wahlgren (1909a, 1909b) apparently comprises both Vtr ancl Nb. which has caused confusit)n. Hence t Iot ofVb in Hed-

strörn ( 1990) actually apply to Nb - this is cor-

rectcd here because I have usecl the oliginal sources.

Not all of loday's province nilmes werc used cluring the l9'r' ccntury. For example , "HIm"


(- Holmia = Stockholm) was usecl for records lr,)rn Sto\'Lhr)lnl. coverin!t pirrl\,'l tuo provinc-

es, Sij and Up. Hcle I fbllow the principle of

emplolinp bell c^perl upinion. A. universities are located in, and most people lived in northern parts of Stockholrn, I have registered sucll re- cords as taken in Up. Fufthermore, the habit ()1' naming the provinces in Lapland and otller northem parts of Sweden was difTerent during the lgth cantury. Reading travel reports. Pcrsson (1987) and other intbrmation, made it possiblc

to identify the dght provinces or to make best estirrltes, which could be used for the pulpose

01' the catalogue.

Delving into the l8'r' cenlury was not part ol' my ambition at this time. However, it is imprcs sive that Linnaeus and other authorities f}(nn that century desctibed more thaD 90 of the ho vel.fly species in the catalogue.

Time Wintlovv I antl 2 (TW I = I900 -1924, TW2

= t925 1949)

Several nole or less well-known entomologists were collecting hovelflies mainly between 1910 and 1950, with fulthet records up to 1970. Mosl ol the specimens are labelled with province, lo- cality and date and some cary additional infbr- mation. Most specimens in the collections of C.

8., D. and S. Gaunitz, O. Ringdahl and E. wies- lrnder rre cxcellentll labelle,l. coveling rnrnl provinces over r long peliod of time. Ringdahl collected in at least half of the provinces fron.t the very south to the very north of the country and publishcd a rich documentation. For sollle reason he used a different interpretation of the boundary between Lu and Ttr which has caused some contusion (see Baltsch 1997). That is cor- rected in this paper. The Caunitz tirmily has

also been active in recording, with nlany rccords

tion all over Sweden, and S. Gaunitz ptoduced a rich documentation. One vely well-so ed and

well labelled collection in the Swedish Museum of National History is the result of the activities of E. Wicslander, wllo collected mainly in Dr, but rl'o in In('sl .otllhellr ptovitrce'.

Many ol D. Melin's labels only give day and

lnonth, not the ycal of the record. Following thc

procedure as desctibed above I have lealnt lllat

most of these rccords, exccllt those liom Vg,


Ent. Tidskr 122 (2001)

plobably were collected in thc period l9l8-

1q24. Tlrereli'r'c I hJrc lreill(J \uch sper illrcn\

r. TWl. onll tho:e lrirn Vp hurc.ontetitne' been treated as TW2. Records of e.g. K.-H.

Fotsslunrl, G. Hedgten ancl O. Lundblad ntay originate tr-om two or even thtee time winclows.

Somc of them are properly labcllccl, others not. I

hlte rrrrde hert choice. whertcret ner'e::rrt). ur orrflincrl above-

Tinte Wintlov' 3 ontll (TW-l = 1950 1971,1'W1

- t975, t999)

Recolds liorr TW3 and espccially TW4 origina- te nrostly film p vate collections.

H. ADdersson and othcr cntomologists at the

I nirer.it; ,'l Lrrrd hur.e dor)e e\lcr\i\c r.ror cling in southern and also in no hern par-ts of

Sweden. Those records iue part of the main col lection of the Zoological Museum in Lund. They have been chccked by me and are includcd in Daniclsson's province list. H. Andelsson's piF pers give detailcd clata on only telrtivcly lew of

these records. Fortunately M. Sölensson, J. r,ln Steenis ancl F Östriurd have recently published ol arc in the process of publishing recotds flotn southern Swedcn hom the 1990's oI latcr. Only thc most essential records o1'L. Huggert llorn

tlre same pcriod have been published. This cata logue includes this infi)rmiition and part of the as

yet unpublishccl records fiotn the enttlIrtologists nrenlioned. An altogether morc complete pictule

nl .r'lrlh( fn Sue,-len ertrer-t<.. th.rn i: Sircn irl Hcdslrönr (1990. l99l) and Barrsch (1995).

L. Hedstliirr's records originate largcly lionr TW3. t'r'oln Up and nrany other pfovinces. Most

of thesc lccords we|e published in Hcdslröu]

(1990, l99l). togethcr with those fl-om other collectols in the Uppsala area. For ccnlral Swe clen (Svealarrd). my own collectiolls comple- nent this picture in a satistäctory way tirl TW,l.

Fronr notthern Swcclen. L. Gustalison. T.-8.

& R. Engelrrark have exiting colleclions l'rom 1960 and onward. After about 1990 there has been a rcnrarkable increase in lecorcling activiti cs in nolthern Sweclcn. R. Pettersson and othet people Iiving in Umeå have ptoclucccl interes tin-u records and papels. Now not only afe thele people visiting. bu1 itlso entonrologists actually Iiving in nortbern Swedcn, who collect in their

Swetli';h Pntinta CataltBIt(.lbr Ht)rcrflits surroundings. Altogether', this particularly has

Ie.ulted ir ttrrnl TW4-tciord- for these pr','r in- te'..,'rrlrrrninc lhe occunence,'l rnrrr) .pecics in the arca. This rray also pa ly explain why the dist|ibution limits fbr rnany specics have noved northwards in the prcsent cataloglle.

Altogether I have checked. complctely or ct.i tical parts ot', the mrjol private collections of thc

li rllr ru ing entornolo! irt\ r mrin origr rr rcgions , rl provinces are given in parentheses): J. Abenius (OI. Sö. Vs. Jli, An), H. Ahnlund (Sö), H. An delsson (Sk, Ha, Sn, Öl and Lapplancl), R.

Engelrrark (Ån, Vb). T.-B. Engelmalk (Up, Nb.

Ly. Lu), L. Hedstrijm (Up etc as in Hedslröm

( 1990. l99l)), S. Hellqvist (Me, Ån. Vb. Nb), B.

Henriksson (Hs), L. Huggert (Sk, Bl, Ha.. Sm).

T. Ivarsson (Snr, Me, Vb), L.-A. Janzon (Ol). S.

Lundberi (Nb), G. Nilsson. (Vs). L. A. Nilsson (Ol, Up. Bo). L. Norin (Ol, Sn, Up, Vs), A.

Orhe (5i'), R. P.llcrssort tBl. Me. An. Vh. Nh.

Ly. Lu), l. Stluwe (Ög, Sij. Vs), M. Sörensson (Sk, BI, Snr, Ly). U. Quick (Sö). B. ViklLrnd (Sii.

Up, Lu). L. Wikars (Me). Mrny ol'lhese also in- clrr,.le v,rlrlrbl. r'ecor'.1. llorn provirce: n.'l

mcntioned. Additiorral checkcd private material was collected by C.-C. Coulianos, S. Dahlskog,

B. Gustafison. K.-J. Hedkvist. B. Strön. M.

Wadstein etc.

My own syrphid collcction consists of morc than l0 000 spccimcns. From I976andonwttds I have collected applox inrately 300 species in 2l provinces, of which some 250 species are fiorn Up and 100 tr-om each of Sij, Dr and Ly.

C. Claussen's unpublished list of captutcs

lr rn VI givcs rnilly recllf(1. l','r lhrl prL)\ in(e.

His unpublished list of C/icllosit llorl ZML has becn essential fbl dealing with this genus.

Tinte \lintlov 5 (TW5 = 2000- )

My intention was originally not to include re- cords lrom the 2 l'' centuly (TW5) in the catalo

gue although signil'icitnt nunben have accu-

rllulltcrl ulr'elrd5. Houever'. IoI r'rrIe spceics. ot where recor.ds Irom TW,l are missing, I tbund it valuable to include TW5-recolcls known to me.

Besides the occun-cnce of incleased collec- ting since the end of the 20'' centrry another positive lact is thlt scvcral entomologists spe-

cirlizing in Coleoptera, Hymenopterr o[ other



Diptera-families have started to collect Sylph- id:re. This has rllcady re'ulted in some ttrrplire\

lnd open. a clirerse:rpptolclt l(r lulule recor-



My previous time window-based "hand" plo vince catalogue mentioned above did show soulces by rneans of symbols and colours and proved vely convenient lol a Iong time. How- ever it could not be reproduced and in thi] end becarne almost illegible looking nole like sheets wherc flies had lefi theil calling calds ! As mentioned, when detelmining or checking spe- cimens,I entered colnplete labcl information for rrost of the rccorcls itt private collcctions, as well as many recolds llom nruseunr collections.

into computer data files. Tlte result was a bunch

of files produced on diflerent computers and using difltlent versions ol spreadsheet sot'twarc.

I have now combined all these flles into two

databases: one fbr my own records and one fbr .'lhcr.. lt sh llld be posiihlc lo reltieve lnorc rhan hrll ol llte gi\cn lime uin,lL'u prorince

records fiom rny data tiles, including basically all records 1or rcd list species. For thc rentaining records hiurdwrilten notes fiom my visits to the mentiened museums. or delving into literatllrc or the web. should nake it possible to retrieve the sources used.

My files give additiontl inlormation lbr

many records, such as Swedish standard grid re- ference, with 50 krn or smaller squares (Rikets nät). For the other filed rccords it should also be possible to bring the locality information into ilny national or internlllional grid syslcm and thus provide distribution maps (with apptopriatc technical and financial support).

Today, to rry knowledge. neither guidelincs nor protocol exist 1br documenting or labelling relclcnce .pecirncrr: on a prtr inee ot linle $ in- clow basis. or even on r national basis. I think rhi' rcquire\ Lli.cu:.ion rttd tleci:ion ort an intct' national basis. When iin agreed probcol llas been establishecl it sllould not bc too difficttlt ttr produce corresponding files fbr all Swedish


Comments on genera and speci€s

The catalogue lists in alphabetical order species whose presence in Sweden has been verified (uo named varieties of species are shown). The no- menclatur-al component ef the list, encompas-

'ing n:rrne chirnges. new species- \ynon) mie:.,'r species splits, remains quite dynamic. In order to up-date my tilxonomy to a latest slate of the alt condition I have closely reviewed the Danish checklist in Torp ( 1994), the Norwegian check-

list in Nielsen ( 1999), the German clrecklisL in Ssymank et al. (1999), the latest version of

"Syryh the Net" (Speight 2000) and various othcr papers, including those in "Diptera Di- gest" and the issues of "Volucella" firr- ?000

Only in some nrinor details, such as years of publication of original descriptions, do these pa- pers show differences. In such_cases I have done some more research. "AMEDEE LEPELETIER

DE SATNT FARGEAU" is the spelling in Lepeletier's major work about Hymenoptera.

Hence I use "Lepeletier" as auctor name wltere- ever applicable (I was unable to get hold 01'the original paper).

My litn hrrs becn to itrrt rrltcsh. It is er.ieI t,' add t'ufther rccords in an upgraded vcrsion than

b delete any. For exampJe, practically all speci- nens labelled or rcferred to ts "Heringio fulvi- nnnus (Zett.\" and"Microdon tletius (L.)" ha.ve provecl to belong to other species. Therefbre I have started fiom scratch and only indicate the recorcls that have becn recently checked and matched with recert keys. Thus I have only in- cluded records fronr the literatule if I have been able to re-exarnine the specimens on which they are based. or if I am convinced 1br othcr reasons that the identity of the specimerls is co[ect. Re- colds based on specimcns in bad conclilion ot ott 1'cmales that in my experiencc still cannol be identified with accuracy are generally omitted see also comments on genera and species below.

When I llrst enterecl infolmation into this ca-

talogue I usecl numelous special marks fbr citscs

where the time window or the identity ol tlte re-

cord was not obvioLls or where lecords flonr li-

terature were checkecl and found to belong to

other species. This was helptil to begin with bul

made the catalogue ditlicult to rcad. I rcalized

that it would be dillcult to ploduce catalogue


Ent. Tidskr. 122 (2001)

statistics if numbers irncl lcxt in a cell were mix ed. As time went by I solved most of these pro- blems and req-ientecl lowards a cleirn catalogue with only time wirdows. As a consequence, thl]

number ()f onritted recolds or con'lments to be -qiven below has slightly incrcased. A rcmaining problem was how tr) show records that still have

ln ttncerluin id(ntil). The.rrlttliln u:rs Irr r,,, rilc lhelr in l/,//l{.. Rccurdr lbI r.rhich no certrrin

time window could be decided alc indicated with an "x", but only lbr cells with no other re- cord. This way doubJing ol lecords is avoided.

Comments on changes irtroduced subse-

quent to my checklist of 1995:

'i' Nunrcrous names have been changed. A glance in the literatule will clarily most clrses.

An updated version of my checklist is plannecl, which will show these changcs more clearely.

'r'Some spccics earlier indicated as being of doubtfll status have now bccn upgladed to valid species.

':'Sorne species prcviously reltrred to as like ly to occur in Sweden have now been rccordccl G.g. Platrclleints oiorlrri.r Coeldlin, Maibach

& Speight).

t'Some species, such as Bleizr r:orr (Stackel ber g), Le u tt r o n t i rut p i t t

u I

u D Ltczk.rl. PtL ru s r r- ltltus 1tx\inrt.t Mutin (Ba sch 1999) and P/rih' cheints urukuwertsi! Matsunrul-a (Siircnsson 2001) have tulnccl up quite unexpectedly.

" The description ol r new spccics ol'

Sltluex4tlnriu is in pleparation (Goeldlin &

Baltsch in prep.).

" Some specics, such as C/in.ro.n r7lrar nrrrri tus (.Ze[.) were already desclibcd ls separale species oI vtrianls by Zetterstedr o[ other erl Iier ruthontie\ illtd lrar e heen teittsl:rlcrl

Br^chloptt Veilicirlions lot B. lorsatd ZeII. t'J(l B.2an:crr Cofl_e a|e based on nrles only becallse. lo nry knowledge. existing kcys do not scparrtc lclr lcs wilh rccluacy. R biLolor (.Ft!ll€tl) lilr Ly is onritted duc 1o misidenlillcrtion. B. .1,r.,,"r W.rhlberg tin Vb0 is ornillcd- Thc rccord relers 1() Nbo (Barlsch 1997).

C.r//icer?: Hedqvist s "C. .tpittoht (Fiircnings nreddelandcn 1993)is aL .r.,/?( d (F).

Chalcoslrphus. C. nigriltts (Zctt.) fi)r Dr ils in Wahl-srcn ( 1908) is in italics. bcciLuse no lndterill has been firLrnd (Anderssor l98lla)-

St ed ish P tovi nt e Cutu Iollue.t'ör Hot e il ie s

Cleilosia: Thele has been much conflsion of spe- cies and nanres - many older literaturc rccords rvere omitled tbr this rciLson. C. ulbitursis (Meig.): Re- checked rccords fiom Up4 belorg to C d/lrildlrlr and t\ol C. ftnunculi Dozkul, as probably do lhe other re- cords shown. Torp (1994) rcfcrs indircctly () the pre- scD.c 0r r'. ,rrli,/,r/ rMei! r t|J C. 1,, i.t, tt,r,tttttttt (Becker) jn Sweden. As I hrvc not managed to lind any voucher specimens I do not include these specics in the cåtalogue - however thcy rre clear candidates lirr occur-rence in at least Sk. Morc species arc likcly to come fir-ward. The tirllowing province lecolds gi- ven in Gaunitz (1957, 1960.1963) have proved not to be valid (pc C. Claussen 1992): C. antiqttu (Ly2), C.

atntaphalu Loew (Ly2). C g(/r/li( l(r-i Bccker

(Ly2), C. hcrcvritt Locw (Ly2). C. ,^zr1is Becker' (Ly3). C. totr!ndicortri.\ Hell6n (Ly2). In Hcdslrijnr (1990) the record gilcn tbr C. rr)/?r.(Zelt.) (Up) be- longs b anolher species.

ChrJsotoxun: Thc kcy in Slubbs & F.rlk ( 1993) car be Lrsed to seprrate C. cleguns Loe\r. C. tx to tut

(r/drrrn Curtis rnd C r,.,/?11i Collin. A.ldilionll chnr- aclers conllrming this werc tbund. No literrturc re cords are reliablc due to great coniirsi(nl and niriden- lillcr{ions. "C. elegmts" fr\r l-ll. VgO (Malm l863)

bclong to other species, as do plobably records from Sk0, Slno. Ö10. Sever-ul specinrens in collcctioDs la helled 'C. .,/.,gdnr" i\rc C. oLk)ntatuldtutn or olher species. C ottonuurlutmn" frorr LlpplanclO and probrbly Up0 refer lo other species.

Dasysyrphus: Under D. lilrl(r.\ir van cler Coot a|c only "nothcrn Sweden type specinlens (tergile 3&4 wilh \'ery strongly const.icled or dividcd Inar kings) indic.rted.

tdslalis: Due to lnalcrial out on loan. only prrt of thc lnLlsclrm nraterial is represenled in the c|llllogue.

tr.rrerr.t: I prcsunre thrt thc rccoftl ol E- laralr) ,rurr (Fall6n)1fom UpO (Wahlglen 1908) i! b sed or r

nlisLrDderstånding (r. S/r//r./i! Mcig. l). Thercfi)re lhat rccord is onritted. Verifications ol Ä. r.)s./i.rIl.!

Stlckelber-s ure based on nrrles wilh chcckcd geni talia only.

Dupeodesa C(ittcal rccords of /t(ps.).k.r havc rc ccntly been exarrined by L. Mlzliiek. E. horctrlis

Dr.rsek & LIska ( lledslrönr l 99l ) turrcd out ft) bclong to anothcr species.

Iter-irgiarAll verilied rccords arc bescd olr rcccrlt ly chcckccl nlatcrial. In males, this included exanina- tion ol lhe lerminalir.



Mela glnt Northcm M. utilbelk utuln (F.) pto' bably bclong to other species. The status ol M. spec. A as mentioned in Bartsch (1997) is nol clarificd.

Melanogaster: Only recently checked M. acr?sa (Loew) arrd M. purutltltliutt( (Loew) arc included. I

have difflculties in separating these species with exis

lint,ke)'. Re(h(ckint,'l .,l,lel r'<corLl. rBl. Ol. Co.

Bo. Nii. Sit. Gii, Jä) ol."M. t uLtuar!iLoe\\"

^nd t\bar Icr underslanding of thc species will inlplove lhe pic lurc. Only rccently checked M. rrlr/1l (Macquårl) ate rnilu.tstl. Reror'ri. rn lrlelrlure lrrrrrr Öl r.' Nb.rrs believed Io beloni! to olher species.

Mela ostona: Srigcs{ions ol-the existcnce of un desclibcclspecies within this gcnus come Lrp rlow and thcn. I believe this is.iustified. While waiting lbr a

revision. I indicale under M. spcc. A only d recent re- cord fi-oln literature.

Merorlon: van Steenis ( 1998r) rcltli\ to Hurkmans (lt)93) wilh regard lo a speciDlen {)1 M. tluvipes (.F.) in the Musclrm of Paris. labcllcd "leg. Malm in Bd


See under' /o/rrtel/rr bclow - lbr'the samc rcason I hiive not includetl this species in the catalogue.

Mictodorr Rccords ol "M. rrlrr'li;r'nris (Dc Geer')"

ifial "Il l?\'ius (L.)" tn earlicr literature rnay concer-n scveral species und arc onlitted unless the idcntity of the specimcns on which they rrc based hrs been chccked or olherwisc contirDled (Jai0. To0 ctc). M.

spec. A in thc catalogue reftrs to specinlens without spines on the posterior scLrtellar nl:trgin. collccted in noihern Sweden. Sone of lhesc were rcle ed lo in Ba|tsch ( 1997). Whclhcr these specimens belong to

M..//,.///L,V:ic(lltJ rr,t ln.r'\'prrjrr( \fcJie. i:. )el 1,, bc e stablishecl. M nwobilis \L.) (wilh a violct label) is given fbr Lyo. but may originalc cither in Luo ol To0. I'ollowil1g contlrnlation ol-r recent record fioln GS I have rcconsidercd lhe sillrati{)n iLnd colclLlde that fte r-ecold lionr CS0 ("Apltrithi.t dpi|intii') \ety probably rcltrr to M. .//?.rli.\.

Naoan_aid: Since lhcle h{ve lreen significant no menclittLtrltl chalrges iLnd taxonontic dcveloPmel1ls re- latcd to the Eur'opelu species ol this ge Lls. ntost ol- the lviiilablc nr.lterial l]as been chcckcd. The|lirr'e all confirned records arc brscd on recenlly re-exalllilllrd specimens.

Otlhoneva. VeriUed recor-ds ol-O. intcnlalia Lundbeck and O. sktL ke lb( r.qi 'fhot.,lpso n & Torp ire basccl on exalninalion oi lnale lerninalia. Fcnlales have not been inc|.rded. Inr,alid rccord: a). .,leg,l,?t Wicdcmrnn lionl Up.


Paragzs: Nearly all vcritied records are brscd on re-exaninalion of specimens based on use olthe stiln- dard keys applicable fbr the rcgion, backed up whcre necessåry by letcrence to the male tellninalia. Only part of the tolal museum material has been availablc for use. due to a nlrmber ol specirncns being out on loan. More species mry r€nlain lo be rcvealed. The record ol P lillirlln s Goeldlin tl-om To3 (Hedstriim l99l ) turned out 1() relet to P ftn(luldlus ZeIL So c of the records givcD in ilalics lin-P tirirlir (Fall6n)

may prove to refer lo P /rrrcrrar'r,rts (Meig.). A fet, P rlöralis lr'orr Go and Sij were checked t-gailtst P ..)/r_

srridrlr Simic, 1986 without positive lesult.

Parasyplus: A tllxt glance at thc catrlogue indi- cates that this genus seems to bc uncommon in south crn Sweden but vcly conmon lioln the Stockholn area northwards. Whetl'ler this is a true rellection ol

reality, or molc dependcnl on a hisloric diffirence in recording/dcterminalion is one oflhc questions $rhich :llc elJLiJirleJ by llrc frhli..rli,'r] ol llri\ lr,'\ in.'e Li,

talogLre. ScvcriLl recor'ds ol P ,r.g/irrlrtl.r (Zell.) given in eärlier literalnre arc omitled here. duc to their un certain statlrs. The only lecords oi /l /)/1).ri/nrl.r Mutin included are lhose based on iules. P /7,zrtirr SK4

(\,arr Steenis ct rl 2001) l'las turned olrt k) be P ,rrl//i- nailrr.r (Collin) (pc J. vnn Steenis). Fot P ntulittelItts.

the identily of at least one nrlle hrs been ver ilied tbr crrch ,'i trre llovincr's lirf $ lli,Jlt the .f(. :r'. r\ rc.,t

ded. I anr unrble 10 eslablish lhc identily oi the tdxon reterred lo in literrllllc irs P- rali(lus (Zctt.). I have included Zetterstedl s lype-record rnd anolher record fiom the lileriitLu-c (in italic) on a provisional basis.

However thc sitlrltion ol lhis taxon in Sweden cd not bc clarified Lrnlil the BLlrcpean ParrtslrTrlru.t species

hive bccn revised. The material checked wds not coInplete due 10 cxtcnsive k)ans.

Pipr?a: This genus is badly in need o1-revision. I have done rry very bcst with existing kcys which

nlay provc to be inirdeqLute. I hrvc omitted polentirl r-ccords olP n.)1,rr./ Mcig.. P .!l,qn.lt./ Meig. or P spec.

lbr now and only include a rcccnt litemlure reco-d ol'

P- letrc.rtrata Meig. P ntrtriottella Zell.. which Zetter sled{ descrihcd f'folll Denmrrk (Cocldlin 1997). is u tirdler candidate fbr inclusion on the Swedish list.

Pipizella: "P vi,?//.r" has bccn the nalne used li)l

^ll Pipi:clkl in old collcctions. I have not tbund :Lny

lrue Swcdish P v,zrrs (F). Peck (1988) gives P

rrrrrrlesrrrs Fall6n (SkO) as a synonyn. I refel to dlis

record and onc tion ÖL4. but in itllics since thev


Ent. Tidskr. 122 (2001)

require verilication. Thc taxonolllic undelstcnding ol Eulopeirn Pryrrael/o has advanced consiclerably recently. giving risc to dle possibilily thiLt there could be addilional taxa llreserlt in Sweclel. P Iiduola (L.)

seenrs to be ver-y vlr-iable itnd nlost ol lhe rtraterilt]

checked bclongs to this spccics. I have not bcen able to t'ind iLny corectly deterlnined Swcdish Dlateaial ol

P. annulutu (M]\c(lrarl). so I cxcltlde that specics fl.onl the catllogLre tbr thc tine being. I have soile other ocld looking specimens, probrbly belonging to /l |i lt.lutu brl these together wilh onc ol lny records tiolll Nii thilt kcys out as P .crlrr Vil)lovitsh (pc -l- van Steenis) will hrve to !vri110 be includcd until ongoing revision ol the genus is finishcd.

PkttJcluirus. Thc Iecords given fi)r 1'1./n1y'/('ilrl.!

have all been checked. Re-cxarrrinalion of lnltcrial slanding under the nrr}],cs P albinnnut (F.). P attgu.;' tLtus lze\t.), P. (l\?edtus (Mcig.), P inuttutsitl!ttts

(Zet), P. ldti runus (wahlber-s) LtoJ P l?ltutus (Meig.) in collcclions resullcd in records olsuch spe cies as P /1.)/r//1 ti(r/.! V)cke roth. P lrrr',(lll Nielsei, P lli.,1.\d/ri Vockcr'olh, /? occrrlars Goeldlin, Maibach &

Speighl ctc.- iLs might bc anticiprted. Probable lirrlher specinens ol such species rcnl{in nlisidenlilicd among unchecked rrllltelial. ln the P Txllrar^ grortp

temales have bccn checked using the key providcd by virn Steenis & Goeldlin (1998). Mrny "P itrttnatgitkt' lrl! _ records Proved to rcler 1o P /r.'/7)d11i./as (Vermll).

The record ol P or'.ullrri'lrorn Än4 (lvalsson 1999) turncd out to bc P dryteunt:s. P . rrl l/rrrll/.t Clrrran re lnirins a candidale lbr discovery in Dorthem Sweden.

Sericotnli Whcre the only rccords are lemalcs.

pr-ovince rccords lot S. d)-(li(a Schirnler ilnd S. irlllr- ril./ (Stackelber-s) arc shown in itdlics. The rcrllaining records refer to m les only. There are llso indctelnli- r1iltc specimens l'rcnr Ly lilnd To3.

Spl&erophorio: Tlle crtrlo,!tue recolds arrc bitsed on nulcs only. exccpl in the c!!e ol .t. lo?wiZell. r\!1d

S. rucppallii (Wieclenan ). Fufthernore. ldditionll museum maleLial rem{ins 1() be chccked. bec use some o[ it sccrns to be out on ]oan. The recold of 'J.

lrarrrrt' Coelcllin lionr Lr4 in Sahl6n et al- ( 1999) re- lcrs to S. /ra)lr.!).

Volurtlla'. ''lit:l Slccrli\ r la')8i' tncnli,'lr. il lr,''-

sible record ol U iitflfio (F.) l'ronl Sweden. J.A.W Lucus has kindly sent mc the label lb lhc specinlen

irr'"lr.d. uhielr.:r1. VUsFUV PARIs. sUFDL.

tsOHUSl A\. MALN4 txhl.. Vi,lrn , ,l(\ iIlrens nornrally cluy his own identillcalion l{bel ald this is

Swatl i sh P r tvittL:e Catu I o gue.lb t H ot,( tJI i ( s not the casc here. As A.W. Malm was skilled in detel rnining Sy|phidae he would have recognized the spe- cies and there should huve becn solne Dote of this re cord in the Swedish litcrrturc. Malln did v isit Gernla- ny. France and Britain in l86l rnd may håve collec ted or received the nctnal specilnens lhclc. Therelin-e I have not included V ittllutu in the caltlogue. FLI[her invcstigation of othel Malm specimens in the Muse- uln ol Paris and how lhey alrived there. night hclp to Llccidc rhc,,r i!i nr llrc cni!rn.rli. U/r/1,,/,, .pc. irnert.

XJloLr Mutin & Cilbert (1999) triggered nrc to check tlre idenli{y of.rll .rvailable "X ()etu!ei\'. t)-is alrct."- More than t)97. llroved rc bc X../ttlll1.r1r,, Bl

giltsharova. 1980. Bcside the type spcciDlens ol- ZeF tersledt (il poir in copula). only three Swedish nralc X.

t tr(ru|(iv t is Ze[. wcrc tbund (Ba sch.Nielsen&

Speight in prcp.). "X..floruni'(Fr.) 1i!nr GS2 lumed oll to bc X. .juktttu)runt.


Thc rcsults of this project are shown in the cata- logue tables presented in the Appendix, which include province recolds tbl 372 species. As in- dicated in thc comnents above the stilttls or ex

i:1.ttcc in Suedetr trl firc ol tht'c \pecie\ Ie- mains uncc ain. Neverthelcss the presented

Swedish syrphid tluna shows an increase of lU ,, i the nltmb(r r)l ret.oIJed .pecies. sirrcc publication of my 1995 checklist. No doubt the presence of morc species will be verifiecl in the

nelll lulltle. The tr,tlrl nurrtlrcr r,l ll,'r in(e re-

cords now excceds 4500. which is more than twice as many as are given in Ringdahl (195'1) or Hedstriim (1990, l99l).

Table I gives the nLmrber of species and the number of province rccords lbr each time win- dow. Both are ways to express quantitatively the

colleclin! elli'tt errtried olll in lhe.e tilne \ in- dows and basically show the same result. TW4 is outstanding, with lecords tirl ca 3-50 of the ctr 370 velified Swedish species, which is about 50 species mofe than Ib[ the eatlier lilne windows (fbr eatliel time wirdows however a number of collections may have been destroyed). Fol TW5 less records than available are given. The reason

tbr including only some of them is described above. These TW5 records are indicated in pa lentheses.

One species is velified lrom all 30 provinces



Trlt l.'litul nun rr ol speL:ies antl prorinca-raron!.r .för redl Tin? Windo)r (TW) tuttl ct:i u ttlnle.

Antal artcr oclt lttr^itrll\i1tl p?t tilsflitsto oth k)lul1.

Enl. Tidskr.

Meig. (Sk4), Plul\\:lleirus &r.rt.rtta?.ti,t Matsu- mula (Ly4). fithuentpltoriu nov. sp. (Ll4),

Sp h i irn orp ltt subsesslllls (llliger) (Up3 ). Seve- ral species recently added b the list nlay leave tl'ris bottom rank (now that they are known), but othcrs in tl'ris group of mrely recorded species

will probably remaiD so. Removal of sorne spc- cies ol uncertain status flonr the Swedish list can be expected, if t'urther work demonstrates thrt

they have been effoneously included.

The maximum ol'llve time wiIdew rccords is achieved tbr ca 400 cells in thc catalogue. This crn be r ieuc,-l ls urr rxpres\io ol lhe \ r'rlinlril) of local collecting effbrt over the yeius. As anti- cipated, Sk tnkes the lead with 109 specics with lirll cells. tbllowed by Up with 91 such cases, tät

aheacl of alf the other provinces. St'rpu.s ribtsii

takes the lead with all five time windows fbr l0 provinces. How cv cr', Vt I ut a I I u åoltår'1rals tlkcs the lead tlom Svlthus ribesii with 100 records when thc lolal numbel of time winclow lecords lbr all provinces is consiclered.

Nearly 2000 cells include only rccorcls lbr

one lil)te \\ irdow. Vrrle thln lO50 llovitrce re- colds are only documented trorn TW4.

Diagrilrn I shrrws tht rurnber ol-provirce re- corcls for cach plovince. This dia-9ram can be consideled as an expression of the potential

nunrbcr ol'species in cornbination with thc cflb ofcollecting during llle years.

Therc is a hard fbught battle betwccn Sk ancl Up, both with mu.e than 260 province recotcls.

This is not surplising, becaLrse they have been the home provinces ol'leading collectors. How- ever the nulnber of rccorcls for Sk rnay also be due to this p|ovincc being part of the nemoral zone and the high nurnber fbl Up thc rcsult of being paft of thc boreonemoral zone cornbined with a gleat diversity of suitablc habilals 1or ho vertJies (tiesh rnd brackish water archipelagos, wetliiDds. meadows and nrixed forcsts) and a flluna containing southem, eastern ard nol1hern elcmenls. For six provinces in Gijtaland and

Srerlrnrl rrrolc thrn 200 \p(cie\ per pt,'rin,,'

ale confirmed.

The plovince Me and several other northeln provinces show a rcnrarkable increase in records during TW4 and confirmation of the presence of 200 species in several of them crn be cxpected

Spccies Province-records

5 2000/2001 4 1975 1999 I 1950- l97rt 2 1925 1949 r 1900- r924 0 iltc)g


( r00) 319 )41 296 285 29.t ca 170

( 126) 3075 166,1 1962 t210 l75l

ca 9800

- the cosmopolitan S|r'llln 7117rfu,rrs (L.). The spe- cies l)rrstslrJr/rrs r'.rii.r/l/J (Meig.). Eristtrli.s iu- terrupto (Podt). Eristulis intriariu (L.), Eupeo tl e.y t o t ol I a e ( F.), S e ri tttn t iu .!ilctair (Harris),

Slrphus lorvt.\ Osten-Sacken atxl Vtlutellu

bonrlryluns (L.) slill lack records t'urm one pro vince only (otien Pi), while Clrcilosiu longult (Zett.), Dds|s\rphu,\ I ri(inclu.t (Frll6n). E,-irtur- lis arllrstonun (L.). Eristalis tern.r (L.), Helo- pltilu.r pentlultrs (L.), Meltuto.slonta ntellirtuttt

(L.\, Meluto.storttu st'ulure (F.), Meli.vttet'ct dnct e ! la (Zett.), P l.t|drci ftt.\ ulbinttutus (F.1,

\t rii,,t tt.t i t l tl\tt ut, r t L. t. S1'l t, tt r,'pl t,'t i,t .t, ti 1, t,r (L.), Slrp/rrs ribesii (L.) .rnd Xtlold .jdktionltn

Bagatshanova lack rccords t'r'om only two p|o- viDccs. These 2l species are also among tlle top 30 species with rcgald to nu|nbers of time win- dow rccords. lt should not be kx) dillicult to in crcase the number of species verified firI all pro- vinces to llt least 50, since the catalogue shows more than l(Xi species with a range that covers all of Sweden (except GS. which is believed to contain only about 70 species (Bartsch 19913a)).

The tbllowing species are only known fionr one timc window, 1'rom one plovince: Blera eou (Stackelberg) (Nb5). Bizrty'r'r4rzr puu:.eri Gotfe (.5k1). Calipnfuolu spt'tio.stt (Rossi) (Sk5),

Cheilosict ltuiLnrnis Rondani (Sk4), Cltrt'sogcts- ter vircstens Loew (Sk4). Cltrvsoto.run lincare

r Zett. r t Ö10t. f1,751' v77rl111' Tri,rrr'/,r|ir{ /, Sly\ &

Moucha) (Up4). F/c loltltilu.t bottnicus Wahlberg (NbO), l/crirgla turlldl'.ri.r (Egger) (Up4), Neo-

cr.s(: i d Lu1t1(xt (Miil ler) (Sk4), P ilt iz a .fe ne s t ratu


To Lu

Pi Ly

Äs Nb Vb Ån Jä Hr



z\ L.J Me


Gä Dr

Vs Up

Sö Nä Ds BO

Vg ög GS Go ör Sm Ha BI SK

Ent. Tidskr. 122 (2OOl)

DidgftDn l. Ntmber ol hoyulh sl)t?ci(s .lbunl in th(

lilfetent pm,intes u1t to the vor 2001. Tlrc highest nunttte r.s ara.lbunl i Sk untl UP.

Attultt blontluxenttcr linntLt i tla oliku landskapen

.linn till år 2a01. Flcs! artu har pinrti.fJitrs i Skånc

Strl'lish Pnnince Catalo?Lrc lltr Hove lies in the near f'uture.

Ol'norc than 260 species verified for Up

only 9 species l]ave not been taken atter 1975.

Thc proritr.c Pi trke' the h,,ll nl po\ilion with only a few veril'ied rccords. I anr convinced that one day of collecting under good circum- stances in low ranked provinces will increase

the number el recorded species substantially.


It Irust be understood that this catalogue does not reflect the real wolld or give an unbiascd picture - such a thing is impossible. In nry view the catalogue reflects the interaction of several lactors, like disttibution in space and time, hu- man collecting eflbrts (or lack ot), activity pll-

tems of Syrphidae and our undeNtanding of the subject. The cirtalogue musl be interpreted with care. Tiny ciark species are genelally less collec ted than large colttutfitl species. The salle otien

rp|lie{1,,\rrrll irnd \cr) rilnilrr lookirrg :pccie- who cannot be identified in the field. More abuDdant species et1'ectively ovcrslladow other species in the field lnd in collections. The genus 11?ril?gid rcplesents a typical exanlple ol this.

Even iitl're catalogtle shows recqds of a spe- cies tbt a padiculal province fronl lll time win dows this does not necessalily mean tllat the species is common thele. lt may even be a threa tened species. However, in cases where the cata- l,'gue indi.rte. thJl lhere 3re mJl)y prLrrillces with rccolds of a given spccies, and tio|n most tinre windows. tl'ris clearly shows that the spe cies is common. On the other llancl, intell]re- tation of an absence ol records dclnands more caleful .judgement.

It is obvious that the catalogue is Ilot comple te fbr the past cl]ntudes. Botll sofied and unsot-

tcd material remains to be to checked and a

number o1'pt'oblems ltave to be solved. However I consider it more appropriate to publish nry fin dings now rather tltan delaying publication fudher to allew tbr minor imptovenents. In my opinion there may be sonre 5000 l0000additio- nirl specimens in Swedish colleclions that have not been checked recently. For example, collec- tions from thc l9'r'century ot earlict. which ale not included in the main collectiotts of muse- ums, are only covercd here in cases where the



litcrature inlbrmation can be regarded as rcli able. Other nraterial not covered is located in

.(hrr)l:. l,'.rl rrlr\cl|lT]\ Jrrl renr:rinin:' pri\JIc collections. AIso collections maintained outside llle counlry may rcpresenl a valuable source l]1' records frorn Sweclen - I gratefully acknowledge any relevant inlbn'nation. However, the numbel of additional province lecolds tlonr such sour- ces is anticipated to be well uncler one percerrt of

those alleady available. and the nunrbet of addi- lional province limc window indications in the order ()f one t() live pefcent.

Plans for complcmentary information on CD and future prospects

In nry vieu, ptovince catalogues tin- Diptera shoulcl become more imrnediately accessible.

They have to becorne easier to handle tbr both users and conl bulols.ls wcll as thosc rclcasing ofllcial versions. IT seems to nrake this possible.

Hence this catalogue must not be regarded as

definitive, tather as a first step along the path ol

lulure recording Swedish Syrphidae.

The next step would be to establish a wotking base fbr TW5 records and update this on a re- gular basis.

Thc cdition ol' 100 copics of rry 1995 chcck- list is "sold out". Hence I plan to make a com- plete updale 1(]) satisty my own needs and those of othets who have beconre accustomed to it.

As indicatecllbove I have lbr my own purpo- ses developed sonre tools tbr hiurdling infbrma- lion rboul collectors, locality nanes elc. I vcn- ture that some of this intormation might become a usclll tool lbr otllcn aftcr l'urtllcl' trcahnent.

Flnrn hotlr.r plirc(icirl :ri u ell irs ar econonri ca1 point o1'view a lelease ol suclr inlornration

,'r CD ,'t sirnil:rI IT-rnedirr \e(llr\ prorni.ill!.

Thc whole package could in lllal casc clsily in- clude a more complete literature list, some of rny earlier papers. some species accounls.

spiced with some photos etc. Tlre reader is wel conrc k) givc comments on this fir a filst version during 2002.

An increasing nunlber ol'rccords will bc do- cumented in data bases riglrt fiom the start, by thc onc who collccts or cletermines the speci- mens. This way the updating of province lists could bc simpliliccl. It nray become possible to


call for your province catalogue on line in llle field and to entet your input directly or after ha-

ving checkecl records latcr thal day. Complctc data tbr all rccords in a database will give those intelested the opportunily to choose the right tiDre intervrl appropr iate tbr their stucly.


Many people have conlributed 1() nliLke this p pcr possible. My sincere thanks lo all those who have col- lected and ulade their collections available or who ha\e helped me with nratc|ial and intinlution in llnd liom museums. The sane applies k) those who h ve deternined or confinned milteridl ti-om me or helped nrc in any othcr way in lhc taxonomic licld. I thrnk the Entonological Society of Stockholm lirr-sponso

ng sonte lravels lLl museulns. I am lrlso gr telirl k) ll're Swedish Thrc:llened Species Unit lbr eng|girlg nrc in thc Rcd t-ist 2000 prolcct and thLrs crrablirrg nrc to fi)cLrs on rcd list or near red list species. Special thiinks 1(] Johrn Äbeiius. Fledik Sjöbelg uncl ny

daughter Mdliii ti' critical comments to an ei]lly ver- sion of dris prpcr. k) lvan Krlrys ti)r carly conlnrcnts on the English. to Mikael Sörensson and Ragna| Hall ,br scientilic rnd edilorial sullport. Lrsl bLrl nol lersl to my witc Eva and all of you who hrvc cncouraged me during the lonS process of b.inging this pr'ojcct ft) liuition. I arn indebted lo Ma|tin Speight lirl a najor' brlrsh up of the English.


Thc litcraturc lisl incluclcs all rctcrcnccs clllotcd above plus nlrny other more or less illlportant llublis- hed as rvell as some unpublishccl sour-ccs rvhich r-ctir

t,''lrplriJ' ri L!ru,rl iI SweJcI Prper. irr p|cp.r|r.tr,' (illso ii l]lentioned in the paper) re not includetl. ho wever sonre papers rcrdy fin-print .lre includcd.

Rclercnccs in Hcdstrijm ( I 990. I 99 I ) conlainin-s inlinna(ion on records ltrrr Sweclen are trealed in the cataloguc. Thcsc papcrs arc not includcd in the lilera- ture Iisi trelow. instei:ld lhey are lisled rs tbllows: Anl- mirzböll 1915, 1917. l9l8: Ander 1952r Andersson 1966, 1970a. I970b. 1970c. 1971. l9Ulta. l9SilLr:

Ardiil95TlAlrivillius 19071 Bir sch 1990r Blinck &

Wingstrand l95l;Claussen & Tolpl980; Dahl 1966;

Dccleer I9il9; Dusek & I-iskn 1973. 1976. l98l:

Forsslund l95ll G unilz 1925. 1928a. 1928b. 1933.

r935. 1936. t931. t941. r948. 195r. 1951. r954.

I957(a). 1963. 19691 Coeldlin de Tieleniu 1976.

1989: Hedstrijn 1985: Heqvist 1957; Hippa l96ll;

Jansson 1922. 1925. lt)35. I950; .lanzon l9El: Klel- heck l9l3: I-Iskr & Bicik 198.1: Lrullblarl l9ll

1954. 1955; Liihr 1990r Nielsen 1971. lt)12, 1914,

l98l; Orbc l9lJ7; Pc$son i983: Qvick l9lt6a. l9il6bt


Ent. Tidskr. 122 (2001)

Ringdahl l9ll. 1914. l9l5a. l9l5b. 1917. 1921.

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1939. l9,1la. l9.1lb. l9;t3. I947. 1950a. I950b. 1951.

1952. 195,h. 1954b. l95lt. 1959. 1960; Roth 11196.

1897: Saienssorl 1989r Tholnpsol] 19801 wagner I91'iIiWahlgren I901t. I90911, I909b. I9l-5.

AhnlLrnd. Il. 1996. Vcdinsekter på cn sijrrnliindsk rsp

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