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Academic year: 2021

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Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry

Bjarne Bergquist

Quality Technology

Tracing Granular Products

using RFID


Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry

Tracing Granular Products using RFID

Industrial partners and funding agents:

Electrotech AB LKAB


EU structural funds Mål 2




Project idea


1. RFID pellets behaving as pellets

2. Robust measurement equipment

3. Statistical models of

pellets flow


Kvarnström, B. & Vanhatalo, E. (2010). Using RFID to improve traceability in

process industry: Experiments in a distribution chain for iron ore pellets,

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 21(1), 139-154.


Reader 1

Reader 2

Antenna 2

Antenna 2


Signal stre ngth

Detection limit


Signal stre ngth




T. Lindgren B. Kvarnström J. Ekman (2010). Monte Carlo simulation of an radio frequency identification system with moving transponders using the partial element equivalent circuit method, IET Microwawes,

Antennas & Propagation, 4 (12) 2069–2076

Antenna around belt


Antenna below belt


Read rate, all types of transponders

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Reader 1 Reader 2 Total read

R a te of r ead t ran sp o n d er s


Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry







Reader 1 and 12 mm

transponder size

Reader 1 and 22 mm

transponder size

Reader 2 and 12 mm

transponder size

Reader 2 and 22 mm

transponder size

R ead r a te


Brazil nut effect



Iron ore pellet


Parameter Estimates

Predictor Coefficient S.E. Coef Chi-Sq. Prob.>Chi-Sq.


 ˆ

6 -1,5141 0,3184 74,1640 <,0001*


 ˆ

7 0,6616 0,3184 13,0226 0,0003*

Trans ponder s ize 22

8 2,3239 0,3184 267,3075 <,0001*

Reader *Trans ponder s ize 22

 ˆ

9 -1,2076 0,3184 46,8416 <,0001*

Goodness-of Fit Tests

Method Chi-Sq. DF Prob.>Chi-Sq.

Pears on 18,7303 26 0,8476

Deviance 23,2271 26 0,6201

Likelihood Ratio Test

-Log Likelihood DF Prob.>Chi-Sq.

Difference between

reduce and full model 158,4281 3 <,0001*


, y


Max imum s ign al s tr eng th


2 3 4 5 6

Small transponders

Large transponders


Residence times of two experiments

B o x - a n d - W h is k e r P lo t

B .R e s id e n c e T im e




5 8 6 0 6 2 6 4 6 6

( X 1 0 0 0 ,0 )

Box-and-Whisker Plot

A.Residence time




3200 4200 5200 6200 7200


Follow up experiments

A-type: spheres with 12mm tags, 4.3 g/cm 3 density

M-type: spheres 4.3 g/cm 3 density (same as pellets)

H-type: spheres 6.1 g/cm 3 density

Iron ore pellet


Kvarnström, B., Bergquist, B. & Vännman, K. (2011). RFID to improve traceability in continuous granular flows: an

experimental case study, Quality Engineering, in press.

5 4

3 2

1 30000

25000 20000 15000 10000 5000



Residence time




Ongoing work

Two readers relocated to Narvik SILA station

Difficulties obtaining signals


Practical difficulties

Products going to different warehouses Loss of contact with readers

Loss of power to readers Loss of GSM connectivity Antenna failures

Belt deflection likely to interfere with antennas encircling belts Harsh, dusty environments

Experiments in these organizational and mechanically harsh

environments need to be foolproof


Academic output



Theses, Dissertations

Kvarnström, B. (2010). Traceability in Continuous Processes – Applied to Ore Refinement Processes, Quality Technology,

Book chapters

Kvarnström, B. & Oja, J. (2010): Applications of RFID to

improve traceability in continuous processes, in Turcu, C.

(red) Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions).

Vienna, Austria : In-Tech s. 69-86.


Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry

Journal publications (published, in press or accepted for publication) Kvarnström, B., and Vanhatalo, E. (2009): Using RFID to improve traceability in process industry: Experiments in a distribution chain of iron ore pellets, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 139-154.

Lindgren, T. Kvarnström, K., and Ekman, J. (2010): Monte Carlo simulation of radio frequency identification system with moving transponders using the partial element equivalent circuit method, I E T Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 2069-2076.

Vanhatalo, E., Kvarnström, B., Bergquist, B., Vännman, K. (2011) A Method to Determine Transition Time for Experiments in Dynamic Processes, Quality Engineering, 23(1), pp. 30-45.

Kvarnström, B. & Bergquist, B, Vännman, K. (2011): RFID to Improve

Traceability in Continuous Granular Flows. To appear in Quality Engineering.

Kvarnström, B. & Bergquist, B. (2011). Improving Traceability in Continuous Processes Using Flow Simulations. To appear in Production, Planning &



Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry

Invited conference presentations and papers

Bergquist, B. & Kvarnström, B. (2011) Tracking and Tracing Products in Continuous Processes, 2011 International Congress on Productivity, Quality, Reliability, Optimization and Modelling: ICPQROM 2011.

Indian Statistical Institute 10 s.

Other conference presentations

Kvarnström, B. (2008). Spårbarhet for granulära produkter, The Promote Workshop, Luleå, May 13.

Bergquist, B. & Kvarnström, B. (2009). Traceability in Continuous Processes, Bergforsk, Luleå, Luleå, May 5.

Bergquist, B. & Kvarnström, B. (2009). What is Traceability and How Can Traceability be Created in Continuous Processes?, The Promote Workshop, Luleå May 13.

Bergquist, B. & Kvarnström, B. (2010). Tracing Granular Pruducts using RFID, Bergforsk, Luleå, May 4-5.


Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry

Promote Workshop »Process industrial innovation and development work in the future«

Jernkontoret 18 May 9-17 Speakers include e.g.

Thomas Lundgren & Niclas Dahlström, Northland Resources Rolf Hindström, Outotec

Magnus Wikström, Billerud AB Mats Magnusson, KTH & IMIT Mats Larsson, Höganäs AB

Johan Frishammar, Promote, LTU

Bjarne Bergquist & Erik Vanhatalo, Promote, LTU


Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry


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