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2017 Breast reconstructive surgery: Risk factors for complications and health-related quality of life | Andri Thorarinsson


Academic year: 2021

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Breast reconstructive surgery: Risk factors for complications and health-related quality of life

Clinical studies




A nd ri T ho ra ri ns so n i s s en io r co ns ul ta nt a t t he D ep ar tm en t o f Pl as ti c S ur ge ry a t S ah lg re ns ka U ni ve rs it y H os pi ta l, G ot he nb ur g, Sw ed en IS B N 9 7 8 -9 1-6 2 9 -0 1 3 4 -9 ( P R IN T ) IS B N 9 7 8 -9 1-6 2 9 -0 1 3 3 -2 ( P D F ) Pr in te d by I ne ko A B , G ot he nb u rg

Breast reconstructive surgery: Risk factors for complications and health-related quality of life | Andri Thorarinsson

Breast reconstructive surgery: Risk factors for complications and health- related quality of life

Clinical studies


as t ca nc er is th e m os t co m m on fo rm of ca nc er in w om en . T he in ci de nc e is in cr ea si ng , w hich ha s ca us ed a ri se in dem an d fo r br ea st re co ns tr uc ti on s. C om pl ic at io ns a ft er b re as t r ec on st ru ct io n a re c om m on . T he p re se nt t he si s an al ys es an d co m pa re s co m pl ic at io ns b et w ee n br ea st re co ns tr uc ti on m et ho ds , an d in tr od uc es ne w , pr ev io us ly un kn ow n in de pe nd en t ri sk fa ct or s fo r co m pl ic at io ns . A dd it io na lly , it co m pa re s he al th -r el at ed q ua lit y of lif e am on g pa ti en ts , t re at ed w it h di ff er en t m et ho ds of br ea st re co ns tr uc ti on , a s w el l a s be tw ee n br ea st re co ns tr uc ti on pa ti en ts an d a la rg e gr ou p of ag e-m at ch ed r ef er en ce g ro up o f Sw ed is h w om en . T he th es is r ev ea ls t ha t th e m os t ex te ns iv e su rg er y fo r br ea st r ec on st ru ct io n re su lt s in th e hi gh es t sa ti sf ac ti on w it h th e ne w b re as t an d th e ov er al l ou tc om e, d es pi te h ig h r at e o f c om pl ic at io ns .






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