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avtal. Enligt avtalet skall Fiskeristyrelsen hjälpa SIDA med vissa arbetsuppgifter vad gäller bistånd inom fiskesektorn. För att administrera samarbetet mellan myndigheterna bildades bistånds­

avdelningen vid havsfiskelaboratoriet i Lysekil.

Avdelningen fungerar som ett sekretariat och för­

medlare av uppdrag från SIDA. Arbetsuppgifterna, som anges i avtalet, är: konsultverksamhet, doku­

mentation, rekrytering, utbildning och information.

Dokumentationsverksamheten omfattar bl a insamling, systematisering och kunskaps- och erfarenhets- bevakning med anknytning till fiskets område. Av­

delningen bygger därför upp ett bibliotek, ett specialbibliotek, inriktat på litteratur om fiske i u-länder. De flesta av Sveriges programländer för biståndsverksamheten ligger i Afrika och Asien och merparten av litteraturen på avdelningen be­

handlar förhållandena i dessa världsdelar. Biblio­

teket har dock litteratur även från andrä områden, följande ämnesområden är vi speciellt intresserade av: fiskeribiologi, fiskeristatistik, hydrografi, vattenföroreningar, akvakultur, fiskebåtar, red­

skap, hanterings—, berednings— och distributions—

metoder, socio-ekonomi samt litteratur om inter­

nationella organisationer på fiskets område.

Biståndsavdelningen planerar att kontinuerligt

ge ut nyförvärvslistor Över nyanskaffad litteratur.

Den här förteckningen kan ses som den första ny- förvärvslistan, och den omfattar publikationer inkomna under perioden januari 1975 - juni 1978.

I fortsättningen planerar vi ge ut förteckningar över nyförvärv en gång per år, nästa nummer kom­

mer alltså hösten 1979.

Förteckningen Fiske i u—land innehåller större de­

len av biståndsavdelningens bokbestånd. All litte­

ratur som är upptagen i den här katalogen lånas ut, och vi står också gärna till tjänst med att ta kopior av artiklar m m.

Lysekil, december 1978 Britta Strannberg


Afrika 1

Asien 4

Syd- och Mellanamerika 5

livsmedelsproduktion och nutrition 6

utvecklingssamarbete ?

bibliografier 8

kartböcker 11

förteckningar över institutioner 12

övrigt 13

fiske 14

allmänt 14

Europa 14

Afrika 15

Asien 19

Syd“ och Mellanamerika 26

administration och lagstiftning 26

kooperation 30

organisationer och institutioner 31

FN-organisationer 31

övriga 39

projekt 41

biståndsprojekt il

övriga 44

utbildning 45

s o cio~e konomi 45

sociologi 45

socio-ekonomi 46

ekonomi 48

båtar, redskap och metoder 50

båtar 50

redskap 55

metoder 56

hamnar 59

hantering, bearbetning, distribution och

marknadsföring 61

allmänt 61

hantering ombord och isfabriker 65

hantering av färsk fisk 66

■ frysning 66

torkning och rökning 6?

konservering 68

fiskmjöl och fiskproteinkoncentrafc (FPC) 68

distribution 69

kvalitet och hygien 70

marknadsföring och smakpreferenser 71

akvakultur 74

allmänt 74

Europa 75

Afrika 76

Asien 77

Syd™ och Mellanamerika 80


Indiska oceanen 87

Stilla havet 91

inlandsresurser 94

Afrika 94

beståndsuppskattningsmetodik 95

statistisk metodik 98

statistik 99

biologi 100

bestämningslitteratur 100

ekologi 101

allmän biologi 102

fiskar 102

ryggradslösa djur 104

plankton 104

kryptogamer 105

oceanografi 105

föroreningar 106

alfabetiskt register 113

geografiskt register 119



1. Afrika / utq. av Dagens Nyheter, - 12, uppl. - Stock- Holm, 1977, - 84 s. i ill,

2. Angola : informations-“ och debatt mater ial / utg, av Centerns ungdomsförbund. - Stockholm, 1976, - 28 s, : ill.

ISBN 91-85354-082

3. Aubray, R. : Guinea Bissau *. an economic outline» - Rome, 1975, - 10 bl. t ill.

4. Befrielsekampen i' Afrika / utg» av Afrikagrupperna i Sverige t ansvarig för textmaterialets Mai Palmberg.

“ 2, uppl* - Stockholm, 1978.'- 280 s. ; ill.

ISBN 91-85584-02-9

5. Bondestam, Lars ; Den dömda dalen ; om människor och Kapitalism i nordöstra Etiopien* - Stockholm, 1974. -

141 s. s ill. - CForum utkik) ISBN 91-37-05674-3

6. Botswana s et av Norges samarbaidsland i Afrika / utg.

av NORM), direktor at et for utvik lingshj & Ip. - Oslo, 19757 - 36 s. î ill.

ISBN 82-7123-003-4

7. East Africa? its peoples and resources / ad. by W.T.W*

Morgan. *» 2. rev. ed, - Nairobi : Oxford university press, 1972*. - 312 s. : ill.

FÖreg. uppl. med titeln? Natural resources of East

4 ss


8. Edgren, Gösta: Etiopien. - Stockholm, 1971. - 55 s.

- CSIDAs ekonomiska 1 än der analyser : 2.)

9» Egypten t fred til udvikllng? / udg. af Mellemfolke- Tigt Saavirke, - K^benhavn, 1976. - 40' s* : ill. -

(Kontakt ; 28, 1975/76, nr 4)

10. Eksport^rvejledning : Ghana. - K^benhavn ? Odenrigs- mïnisteriets handiIsafdeling, 1977. - 56 s. - (Uden- rigsministerlets erhvervstieneste)

ISBN 87-7513-166-8

11. Eksport^rvejledning : Sudan» - K^benbavn : Udenrlgs- ministeriets handelsafdeling, 1977. - 42 s. - {Uden- rigsministerlet s erhvervst j êneste)

ISBN 87-7513-192-7


12, Bkspprt^gyej 1 edB 1 ng t Tanzania, - K#benhavn ! Uden~

rigsmiiiTsterlets handelsafdeling# 1977. - 50 s. -*

{Udenrigarninisteriet& erhvervstjeneste) ISBN 87-7513-168-4

13, Bkspor t<#rve j ledning ; Zaire, - K^benhavn. s Udenrigs- ministeriets "Hanâeïsafdeling, 1977» - 42 s. - (Udert- rigsmlnisterlets erhvervstj ©neste)

ISBN 87-7513-160-9

14, Engellau, Patrikï Guinea-Bissau : landanalys, - Stock­

holm Î SIDA, 1974, - 74 s.

15, Guinée-Bissau s synthèse nationale (texte prelimi- HalreTT -~Ibmôf 1975. - 47 s,

16, Gustavsson » Rolfs Senegal s det koloniala arvet t en essä.- Uppsala : Nordiska afrikainstitutet, 1975, - 31 s. : ill,

ISBN 91-7106-084-7

17, Håkansson# Maith: Kenya s en landbeskrivning. - Stock­

holm' ï SIDA t 1974 » - 39 s. : ill.

18, Instituto de Angola ï Boletim do instituto de Angola //, - Luanda# 1961 {no. 15)

13. Kenya. $ et av Norges samarbeidsland i Afrika / utg. av NORAD, direktcratefc for utviklingshjelp. - Oslo# 1974»

- 28 s. s ill.

ISBN 82-7123-002-6

20. Krokfors# Christerî Somalias kamp för utveckling. - Stockholm î SIDA# 1975» - 30 s. - (Meddelande från utredningsbyrån) (Resultatvärdering ? 23)

21. Lassen# Niels ï Tanzania : en çékonomisk og politisk oversigt. - Kjibenhavn s DanIda# 1974» - 35 s»

ISBN 87-67507-06-4

22« Living conditions in the Somali Democratic Republic / prep, by the United Nations Development Programme

(UNDP). - Rev, ed. - S.l., 1973» -"30 bl.

23. Madagaskar : et av Norges samarbeidsland i Afrika / utg'. av "'SÔRAD, direktor ate t for utviklingsh jelp. - Os­

lo# 1976» - 36 s. * ill.

ISBN S2-7123-005-O

24. Mozambique x preliminary study t food and agriculture sector"'’"7”ed. by Swedish university of agriculture # forestry and veterinary medicine. - Uppsala, 1976. - 81 bl.

25. Namibia s apartheid og underudvikling / udg. af

Meliemfolkeligt Samvirke. - K0benhavn# 1974» - 40 s.

î ill. - (Kontakt ? 27# 1974/75, nr 1)


27. Norrlöf, Claes ; Botswana : landanalys. - Stockholm t SIDA7 1976. 83 s*

28. ' Qdén, Bertilî Kap Verde : landbeskrivning. - Stock­

holm : SIDA, 1977. - 27 s.

29. Odén, Bertils Kenya. ~ Stockholm, 1971. ~ 60 s. - IsiDAs ekonomiska länderanalyser ? 1)

30. Oå&n, Bertils Tanzania / Bertil Oåénf Bo Westman. - Stockholm, 1972. - 85 s. - (SIDAs ekonomiska länder- analyser ; 3}

31. Odin, Bertilr Tanzania j en landbeskr ivnincr. - Stock­

holm s SIDA, 1974. - 39 s. î ill.

32. Olsson, Claess Somalias nomader blir bofasta. - Stock holm T SIDA, 1976. - 16 s. - '(Meddelande från utred- ntngsbyrån) (ResultatvSrdering ? 35)

33. Philip, Kjeld: Kenya : en Ekonomisk og politisk over- sigt. - 2., revid. udg* - K#benhavn : Danida, 1974. - 40 t.

ISBN 87-87507-GS-6

34. Rudeheek, Lars: Guinea-Bissau : folket, partiet och staten" : om den fredliga kampen för utveckling. - Uppsala î Nordiska afrikainstitutet, 1977. - 149 s. : ill.

ISBN 91-7106-120-7

35* Det syd lige Afrika : opgöret med. udbytterne / udg. af Mellemfollceligfc Samvirke. - K$benhavn, 1976. - 40 s.

: ill. - (Kontakt ? 28, 1975/76, ra? 7)

36* Tanzania. : et av Norges samarbeidsland i. Afrika / utg av NORAD, dlrektoratet for utviklingshjelp. - Oslo, 1974. - 39 S. : ill.

ISBN 82-7123-001-8

37. Valdelin, Jan: Etiopien : landanalvs. - Stockholm : SIDA,“lf76. - 119, 26 s.

38. Vattenförsörjning i Östafrika ? tre vetenskapliga stuSier i sammandrag. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1974. - 11, 21, 7, 6 få. - (Meddelande från. utredningsbyrån)

( Re s u 1 ta tv är de r i ng ? 3-5)

39. Vlaanderen, P*t Note on Kenya : food and agriculture sector (including fisheries and forestry)* - Rome, 1977* - 33 s.


40. Viaanderen,y P* : Note on the United Republic of Tanza­

nia ï foe's and agriculture sector (including fisheries and forestry). - Rome, 19??. - 27 s*

41. Zambia ; ett u-land, anaår det oss? - Stockholm s SIDA, 1973. - 13 s. ï ill.

42. ' Zambia og Zaïre ; afhaengigheden af kobber / udg. af Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke. - Kçîbenhavn, 1976. - 36 s.

ï ill. - (Kontakt ? 29, 1.976/77, nr 1)


43. Asien / utg, av Dagens Nyheter. -* Stockholm» 1976. -

itt: ; in.

44» Baag#, Kaj; Bangladesh t en Ekonomisk og politisk over- siat.' - KçÉbenh&vh : Danida, 19?$. - 42 s.

ISBN 87-87SÖ7-15“3

45» Baag#, Kaj î Indien t en Ekonomisk og politisk over- sïgtl - 2», rev id. udg. - K^benhavn •« Dan Ida, 1976. - 70 s.

ISBN 87-87507-23-4

46. Dj ur felat, Görans Den. växande fattigdomen i Indien ï skiss till en analys av Indiens utvecklingspolitik /

Göran Djurfeldt, Staffan Lindberg. - Stockholm t SIDA, 1975. - 18 s-. - (Meddelande från utredningsfoyrån)

(Resultatvärdering ? 19)

4?. Eksport^rvejledning ; Bangladesh. - K#foenhavn t Uden- rigsminisfceriets Handelsafde1ing, 1977. - 3? s. -

(UdenrIgsminlsterlets erhvervstier,este) ISBN 87-7513-152-8

48. Eksport0rvejledning t Kong Kong» - K0benhavn t Uden- rigsminisfceriets handelsafdeling, 1977. - 46 s. -

(Udenrigsmin.isterlets erhvervst jer,este) ISBN 87-7513-188-9

49. Eksporfdrvejledning ; Pakistan» - Kçébenhavn s Uden- rigsministiriets hande1 s&£deling, 1977. - 50 s. -

(Udenrigsministerlets erhvervsfejeneste) ISBN 87-7513-176-5

50. Bkspor t^rve j ledn ing t Thailand. - K^benhavn t Uden- rigsmXni stir lets handelsafdeling, 1977» - 50 s. -

(Udenrigsministeriets erhvervstjenesfcei ISBN 87-7513-190-0

51. A handbook for travellers in India, Pakistan., Burma and Ceylon / ed. by L.P. Rushbrook Williams* - 21. ed.

- London ï John Murray, 1968» - 630 ». t ill.

Omslagstitels A handbook to India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon

ISBN 0-7195-0605-0


52. Hettne, Björn; Mobilization and development in India Ta case study of Mysore State / by Björn Bettne, Gordon Tamm* - Stockholm *, SIDA, 1974« - 60 s. s ill*

- (Development studies ? 1/73)

53. Hællgüist, Karl Reinhold: Indien : beskrivning av ett u-land*Stockholm : Utbildningsförlaget, 1972, **

152 s. ; ill, - (En. u fe bild ni n g spock e t ; 49)

54. India s et av Norges samarb®ids.land i Asia / xttg; av KORAD, direktoratet for utviklingshjelp* - Oslo, 1975.

- 36 s. ; ill»

55. Indien. : et a-land i krise / udg. af Mellemfolkellgt Samvirke. - Kdbenhavn, 1977. - 40 s» : ill. - (Kon­

takt ? 29, 1976/77, nr 8)

56. International bank for reconstruction and development:

BangTadesh : development in a rural economy ; document*

S.l», 1974* - 3 vol, - (Report ? 455-BD) Vol» 1 : The main report, ~ 140 s. s ill.

Vol. 2 : Statistical appendix- 49 s.

57» JerIström, Be: Laos : landanalys. - Stockholm : SIDA,BTrr,7

58. Ljunggren., Börje: Indien / Börje Ljunggren, Klas Mar- lensten. - Stockholm, 1973. - 161 s. - CSIDAs land- analyser ? 6}

59. Mord- og Sydkorea : to udviklingsstrategier / udg. af Mellemfolkellgt Samvirke, - Kçîbenhavn, 1975» - 40 s. ; ill, - (Kontakt ; 27, 1974/75, nr 3)

60. Sa lon .lus, Sven: Sri Lanka ; en landbeskrivning / sam- SarïitSTÎd av Sven Sa.lon.ius och Erik Fagerholm* - Stock­

holm. ; SIDA, 1S75, - 23 S* : ill.

61* Schönning, Jörgens Sri Lanka : landanalys. - Stockholm « SIDA, IS?6, - 75 8.

62. Sri Lanka t a sector study / ed. by Swedish university off“agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. - Uppsala, 1975, - 73, 10’s.

63. Stephens, Harold: Guide to Malaysia / text Harold Stephens ? ed. Star Black. ~ Singapore, 1972. - 333 s»

: ill.

Syd- och Mellanamerika

Argentina : et afhængigt u-land / udg. af Meliemfolke- Tîgt Samvirke. - K^benhavn, 1975. - 40 s. : ill. -

(Kontakt ? 27, 1974/75, nr 8) 64.


65. Cuba î status over en revolution / udg. af Mellern“

£o Ike ligt Samvirke. - K^benbavn, 197?» - 40 s. : ill, - (Kontakt ; 29, 1976/77, nr 4)

66. Blfcl-Bihesfelöl, ïrenëus: Survey on the Galapagos Is- lands'. ' - 'Paris ; Unesco, cop. 1959. - 31 s. ; ill. -

(Unesco mission reports ; 8)

Med fransk o, spansk sammanfattning

67. Eksport^rvejledning : Bolivia. - K^bönhavn % Oden- rigsminl'stiriets ‘handelsafdeling, 1977» - 63 s. -

{Udenrigs ministe.ri.efcs erhvervstjeneste) ISBN 87-7513-170-6

68. Ekportérvejledning : Colombia. - KçSfoenhavn : Gden- rigsrrdnisfceriets Kandels&fdellng, 1977. - 89 s. -

{Uden.r igsminis te riets erhvervstjeneste) ISBN 87-7513-178-1

69. Bksport^rvejledning : El Salvador. - K^benhavn ; Oden- rigsministerTits HändeIsafdeling, 1977. - 52 s. -

(Odenrig sministeriet s erhvervstjeneste) ISBN 87-7513-172-2

70. Huralum, Jobs.: Barbados, en lille, tropisk $-stafc. - Aarhus# 1977» - S» 241-287 î ill.

Särtr. ur: Kulturgeografi hr .126

71. Salonius, Svens Cuba s en landbeskrivning. - Stock­

holm" î SIDAt 1974. - 31 B. s ill.

72. Venezuela. 5 vækst uden udvikling / udg. af Mellern- folkeligt Samvirke. - K^benhavn, 1976» - 40 s» : 111.

- (Kontakt. ? 28, 1975/76, nr 6)


73. Against pollution and hunger : notes toward a new world7 Alice Mary Hilton (ed.). - Oslo s Universi­

tetsförlaget# cod. 1974. - 303 s, : ill, ISBN 82-00-04655-9

74. Allaby, Michaels World food resources : actual and.

potential». - London t Applied Science Pnfol. Ltd, cop.

1977. - 418 s. : ill.

ISBN 0-85334-731-1

75. Ay1ward, Francis: Protein and nutrition policy in low- income countries / Francis Aylward and Mogens Jul. - London : Charles Knight & Co, Ltd, 1975» - 150 s.

ISBN 0-85314-216-5


76. Drought In Africa, Symposium, 1973 (London)

Report of the 1973 symposium Drought in Africa / ed.

by David Dalby and B.» J» Harrison Church. - London ; Centre for African studies, School of Oriental and African studies, 1973. - 124 s. : ill.

ISBN 0-901877-37-2

77. Food science in developing countries; a selection of unsolved problems / comp, by the Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation of the Board on Science and Tech­

nology for International Development, Commission on International Relations. - Washington * D.C., 1974. - 79 s »

78. Mer anima11skt protein. Internationell konferens, rms (Jönköping)

Internationella konferensen 31 maj 1968 s Mer animaliskfc protein, - Jönköping : BÏMIA, 1968, - 1 vol, ; ill.


79. The state of food and agriculture 1974 % world review s review ““by regions : population , .food supply and agri­

cultural development, * Rome ; Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 1975. - 196 s.

80. World protein hunger ; the role for animals f ad.:

W* Ross Cockr.il!. - Some?, cop. 1967. - 90 s. s ill»

81. Vos,' Antoon des Africa, the devasted continent? : man’s impact on. the ecology of Africa. - The Hague ; Dr. Vf, Junk b.v. Puhl», 1975, - 236 s. s ill. - (Monographlae biologicae i 26}

ISBN 90-6193-078-2


82. Aspekter på utvecklingsbiståndet ; promemorior över- TämnaSe“till beredningen för Internationella bistånds-

frågor. - Stockholm, 1962. - 268 s. - (Statens offent­

liga utredningar, ISSN 0375-25ÖX t 1962;12) Titelrubrik ; Utrikesdepartementet

83. Bistånd på mottagarens villkor t filosofi och teknik i en antologi / red. av Lennart Wohlgemuth. - Stock­

holm ; SIDA, 1976» - 184 s, : ill.

84. Biståndspolitiska. utredningenî Sveriges samarbete med u-l¥nderna'; huvudbetänkande, ~ Stockholm, 1977. -

399 s, - (Statens offentliga utredningar, ISSN 0375- -25GX ? 1977;13)

Titelrubrik ; Utrikesdepartementet ISBN 91-38-03255-4

Bilagor, - 1977, - 137 s. * (Statens offentliga utred­

ningar, ISSN Ö375-250X ; 1977;14) Titelrubriks Utrikesdepartementet ISBN 91-38-03383-6


85. Jönssoa, Tina; Kort och litt om Sveriges samarbete iftéSnPXSnderna ; bearbetning av Biståndspolitiska utredningens betänkande CSOtJ 1977:13) / text Tina Jönsson y utförd av Styrelsen för internationell ut­

veckling, SIDA. - Stockholm ; Liber/Allmänna för­

laget, 1977, - ?0 s, : ill.

86. * Sfcokks, Olav t Norsk utvlklingsbistand : målsettinger og retningslinjer for kanaliseringen : biståndsstruk­

turen. - Uppsala : Nordiska afrikainstitutet, 1975. ~ 218 s* : ill, - (Nordiska, afrikainstifcutets bistånds- studier ? 1) (Norwegian foreign, policy studies ; 12) ISBN 91-7106-091-X

87. U~länder och utbildning ; riktlinjer för svenskt tek­

niskt Bistånd på utbildningens område s rapport / av­

given av en arbetsgrupp inom beredningen för inter­

nationella biståndsfrågor, - Stockholm, 1963» - 200 s.

- (Statens offentliga utredningar, ISSN 0375-250X t 1963:34)

Titelrubrik : Utrikesdepartementet


88. Angola / pubi. by the International rural development division at the Swedish university of agriculture,

forestry and veterinary medicine. - Preliminary ed. - Uppsala, 1977, - 61 bl. - (Ru-develop documentation.

Series country, ISSN 0346-0193)

89* Bangladesh. / publ. by the Rural development section, Agricultural college, - Uppsala, 1972. - 81 bl. -

(Ru-deveiop documentation. Serie land)

90. A bibliography of African freshwater fish « Biblio- grapEIeces' poissons d'eau douce da l'Afrique / prep, by H. Matthes. - Rome : Pood and Agriculture Organiza­

tion of the United Nations, 1973» - 293 s.

91» Bibliography of living marine resources : Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, - Rome ? Pood and Agriculture Organisa­

tion of the United Nations, 1976» - 47 s. - (Regional fishery survey and development project i FI:DP/REM/71/


ISBN 92-5-100200-2

92. Bibliography of the Indian Ocean. 1900 - 1930 : a supple­

ment to the MPartial bibliography" / comp, bv K. Ala- gar swami.. » . - M&ndapam Camp, .1968» - 117 st - (Bul­

letin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Insti­

tute ? 4 )


93. Calamar1» D.t Selected bibliography on studies and research relevant to pollution in the Mediterranean » Bibliographie sélectionnée sur les études et recherches relatives â la pollution .en Méditerranée. - Rome s Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Mations, 1977. - 93 s. - (FAO fisheries technical paper $ 165) ISBN 92-5-0Q0253-X

.94» Bngett, Mary Ellens Fishery publication index, 1965-74 / Mary Ellen Bngett and Lee C» Thorson» - Seattle t National oceanic and atmospheric administration, Natio­

nal marine fisheries service, 1977, - 220 s. - (NOM.

technical report) (NMFS circular $ 400)

95. PAO department of fisheries s list of publications and documents .1946 - 1973 * Département des pêches de la FAO s liste des publications et documents 1348 - 1973 ~ Departamento de pesea de la FAÖ : lista de pubilcacio- nés y documentes 1948 - 1973. - Rome, 1973. - 211 a. -

(FAO fisheries circular ? 100, rev» 2)

96« FAO department of fisheries ; list of publications and documents 1873 - 1376 « Département des pêches de la PAO î liste des publications et documents 1973 - 1976 » Deparfcamento de pesea de la FAO î lista de publicacio- nés y documentes 1973 - 1976« - ‘Borne f 1376, - 68 bl. -

(PAO fisheries circular ; 100, rev, 2, suppl. 1) 97. James, D.B.t Bibliography of the echinoderms of the

Indian Ocean / by D.B. James and R.S. Lai Mohan.» -

Mandapam Camp, 1969. - 42 s. - (Bulletin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute ? 15)

98» Jiarm.ee, Agnes î Bibliography of fish and fisheries with special reference to shrimps and prawns. - Bang­

kok » PAO regional office for Asia and the Far East, 1975.' ~ 136 s» - (Indo-Pacif1c Fisheries Council occa­

sional paper t 1975/3)

Omslagstitels Preliminary bibliography of fish and fisheries with special reference to shrimps and prawns

99. Jones, S.s An annotated bibliography on the breeding habits and development of fishes of the Indian region

/ by S. Jones and P. Bensam-. - Mandapam Camp, 1968, - 154 s. - (Bulletin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research. Institute ? 3)

100. Kanakasabapathi, K.: Catalogue of serials and expedi­

tion reports in the library of the Central Marine

Fisheries Research Institute. - Mandapam Camp, 1968,. - 51 s. - (Bulletin of the Central Marine Fisheries Re­

search Institute ? 2)

101. Krokfors, Christers A selective list of literature

on Somalia / Christer Krokfors, Viveca Halldin Norberg * - Uppsala, t The Scandinavian Institute of African

Studies, 1976« - 13 bl.


102» Lai Mohan, R.S.ï Bibliography of the Indian Ocean 193*1 ~ B'6'i : a supplement to the “Partial biblio­

graphy“ / corap. by R.S. Lai Mohan, D.B. James, K.K.

Appukuttan. * M&ndapam Camp, ,1968-* - 176 &» - (Bul­

letin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Insti­

tute ? 11)

103. * Land use in Tunisia s (environment, current land use, and conservation of natural resources) / publ. by

the Rural development section, Agricultural college of Sweden. - Uppsala# 1973. - 36 bl, - (Ru-develop docu­

mentation * Serie subject# ISSN 0346-0215 ? 1)

104. 'Litteratur om kvinnor i u~länder ? annoterad biblio­

grafi’ ~? red. av Sigrid Halvarsson och Helle Leth-MçSller.

~ Stockholm î SIDA, informationsbyrån, 1975. - 87 s.

Svensk och dansk text

105. Pyhälä, Mikkoî Guinea-Bissau : en selektiv litteratur-

“förteckning « A selected bibliography / Mikko Pyhälä, Kristina Rylander. ~ üppsala ; Nordiska afrikainsti­

tutet, 1975» - 39 s.

106. Quayle, D.B.t Tropical oyster culture s a selected bibliography. - Ottawa t International Development Research Centre, cop. 1975. - 40 s* - (IDRC-052©) 107. A selected bibliography on the economic aspects of

aquaculture, 1969 to 1977 / prep, by the Fisheries Branch Library. - Rome î Food and Agriculture Organi­

zation of the United Nations, 1977. - 20 s. - (FÄO fisheries circular ? 702)

108. Selected references of general interest to fishery scientists (1976-77)« - Rome s Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1977. - 13 ®. -

(FAO fisheries circular ; 705)

109. Series relevant to fisheries issued by research EocUes / comp, by library and documentation office of the Federal Research Board for Fisheries, Hamburg.

~ Hamburg# 1974. - 38 s.

Titelrubriks International seminar on fisheries resources and their management in Southeast Asia,

1974 (West Berlin)

110. SrIramaohandra Murty, V.î Bibliography of the Indian

Oceah~T5¥5~T~7wîtE a supplement for 1362-1967} /

comp, by V, Sriramachan&ra Murty, D.C.V. Easterson, A. Bastian Fernando. - Manda,pam Camp, 1969» - 146 s.

- {Bulletin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute ? 5)

111. Taylor, Paulette M.t Bibliography on krill as a

Human food source, - Aberdeen ? Marine laboratory

library, 1376. - 9 bl.


112« Tomeg ak, G.H.s Ä regional bibliography on oceanography and marine pollution, - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1976. - 22 s* -

CI0C/1WMPEÄW. Inf. t 1}

Titelrubrikî International workshop on marine pol­

lution in East Asian waters, 1976 (Penang)

113,- World list of aquatic sciences and fisheries serial

titles. - Preliminary ec. - Rome î Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1975, - 243 s, -

(FAD fisheries technical paper $ 147}

Supplement 1. - 1976, - 166 su niea1 paper ,* 147, suppl. 1) ISBN 92-5-100124”*3

(FAD fisheries tech-

Supplement 2» - 1977. - IS2 s.

nicai paper ; 147, suppl. 2) ISBN 92-5-100341-6

- (FAO fisheries tech-

114. Yentsch, Anne B.: A partial bibliography of the Indian Ocean’7 comp, by tone E. Yentsch $ with the assistance of Ann Martin... . - Woods Hole : Woods Hole oceano­

graphic institution, 1962. - 395 s. - (Woods Hole oce­

anographic institution. Contribution ? 1286)

Titelrubrik î U.S. program, in Biology, International Indian Ocean Expedition

115. Young, Marions The law of the sea * a bibliography / comp.' by Marlon Young ; rev. and enl. by Dawn Adle. - Aberdeen t Marine laboratory library, 1976. - 26 bl.

116. Zambia / publ. by College of agriculture. - Uppsala, 1972. * 49 bl. - (-Ru-develop documentation. Serie land )

Supplement. 1974. - 35 bl.


117. Africa pilot : volume II ; comprising the west coast of Africa, from Rio del Rey to Cape Agulhas? the islands in the Bight of Biafra? the Islands of Ascen­

sion and St. Helena? the Tristan da Cunha Group and Gough Island. - 11. ed. / prep, by G.A. French. ~ London, 1963. - 454 s, : ill. - (S.D. $ 2)

Supplement no, 9-1975 s corrected to 19th March, 1975 / prep, by W.M.E, Dewd, - 1975. - 87 s.

118. Africa pilot : volume III ; comprising the south and east coasts of Africa from Cape Hangklip to Ras B&fun.

- 12. ed. / prep, by W.S. Bardwell. - London, 1967. - 529 s. * ill. - (N.P. ? 3)

Supplement no, 6-1975 : corrected to 5th March 1975 / prep, by J.A. Harper. - 1975. - 45 s.


113* Bay of Bengal pilot s comprising the southern and

eastern, coasts of Ceylon, the eastern, coast of India, the coast of East Pakistan, the coast of Burma, and the western coast of Thailand from Pakchan River to Ko Phuket? also the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. -

3. ed* / prep, by C,’a5. Sabine. - London, 1366. ~ 528 s. ; ill. - (N.P. ? 21}

Supplement no. 5-1973 : corrected to 20th February, 1973 / prep, by J.A. Harper. - 1973. » 33 s.

12Ü. Geological--geophysical atlas of the Indian Ocean /

■ed, G.B* Odintsev ? publ. ... of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissionf Unesco, - Moscow, 1975. - Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1975, - 151 s,

Engelsk 'o, rysk parallelltext

121. International bank for reconstruction and development s World bänk atlas : population, per capita product and growth rates, - 7. so, - Washington, D.C., 1972. -

16 s,

122, The Times atlas of the world ; comprehensive edition.

” 5* ed, - London, 1975. - 40 s., 123 pl.-bl., 223 «.

: ill.

ISBN 0-7230-0138-3


123. Biologiska, ekologiska, och miljövårdsinriktade forskningsinstitutioner 1 Sverige : en sammanställ­

ning av forskningsinriktning* undervisning# och

u~ land, serf arenhet / sammanställd av Maj da Zumer~L,in~

der, Jeanette Lindström. - Stockholm : SIDA# SAREC, 1977, - 107 bl.

124. Deltour, J.F.s Directory of fishery training insti­

tutions » Répertoire des institutions de formation halieutique * Directorio de instituciones de capacita- ciôn pesquera. - Rome t Food and Agriculture Organiza­

tion of the United Nations, 1973, 1 202 a. - (FAQ fisheries technical papers ? 129}

125. Directory of institutions engaged in pollution, in­

vestigations s contaminants in aquatic organisms. - Horae : Food, and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1974, - 13 s., 32 tab.-bi» - (FAO fisheries circular ? 325)

126. Directory of institutions engaged in pollution in­

vestigations * contaminants in aquatic organisms. - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations# 1974, - 43 s. - (FAO fisheries circular ?

325, rev, 1)


127. Kreuzer, R.t Classified directory of fish technology research institutes in the IPFC region / coup, by

R. Kreuzer and D.D. Tapiador* - Bangkok t FAO regional office for Asia and the Far East, 1975» -■ 25 s. -

Undo-Pacific Fisheries Council regional studies ? 6) 128, Landl, Giaima: Initials and acronyms of bodies, actl-

• vities and projects concerned with fisheries and aqua­

tic sciences » Initiales et siglos des organismes, activités et projets lies a la pêche et aux sciences aquatiques * iniciales y siglas de organismes , acti- vid&des y proyectos rel&cionados con la pesca y las ciencias acuâticas. - Rome : Food and Agriculture

"Organization of the United Nations, 1975» - 91 s. - C FAO fisheries circular ? 110, rev, 2)

129* Ocean research index s a guide to ocean and freshwater research including fisheries research. / ed. ï Allen Varley. - 2, ed. *» Guernsey s Francis Hodgson, 197S.

- 637 B,

ISBN 0“85280-14l4ß


130. Apartheid in practice / prep, by Leslie Rubin. - New York~’“î United Nations, Office of Public Information#

1976. - 47 s.

131» Basic facts about the United Nations. - New York ï United Nations , Office of Public Information , 1975. - 114 S.

132» Eckaus , Richard S* t Appropriate technologies for deve­

loping countries. - Washington# D.C, : National Acade­

my of Sciences# 1977. - 140 s.

ISBN 0-309-02602-4

133» Kellgren. , Mils t Mar de fattiga länderna, en chans? - StocicKoîsi i Prisma, 1971. - 92 s» - (Prisma debatt) 134, Roberts f Giyns Questioning development t notes for

volunteers and others concerned with the theory and practice of change. - Paris# 197-? - 4? s. : ill.

135. U-landskvinnan ; situationen i sex länder ; Indien, DRV,” Kenya, Tanzania# Tunisien, Chile. - 2, uppl. - Stockholm : SIDA, 1974. - 140 s. ï ill.

136* U-ländernas krav på en ökad andel av världsproduktio- nen : en "översiktlig.studie av vissa effekter på

svensk industri s utredning / från Statens industri­

verk. - Stockholm, 1976. - 102 bl. - (SIND PM ; 1976ï5) ISBN 91-7318-040-8




13?» Andréasson» Arnes Fiskproduktion» - Lysekil £ Havs- ffiskëlaËoratoriet» biståndsavdelningen » 197$. - 29 bl«. : ill.

138. Fishery country profiles s. prepared for the Committee on the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and the ocean, floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (New York» 5 March - 6 April 1973f Geneva » 2 July - 24

August 1973}» - Rome s Pood and Agriculture Organiza­

tion of the United Nations » 1973. - Ca 124 s. - (COFI/73/Inf. 8}

Titelrubrik : Committee on Fisheries. Session# 8 (Rome 1973}

139. Mu It. i 1 i n gua 1 dictionary of fish and fish products « Dictionnaire multilingue des poissons et. produits de la pêche.». / prep, by the Organisation for Economie Co-operation and Development. - London s Fishing News

(Books) Ltd# cop, 1968. - 431 s.

140. Organisation for Economie Co-operation and Developments International developments in fish production. -

Paris# 1973. - 179 s.

141. Prospects for fisheries development assistance / Harlan C. Lampe,»» . - Kingston : International cen­

ter for marine resource development# University of Rhode Island, 1974. - 41 bl. t ill. - (Marine techni­

cal report series ? 19}

142. Round table discussions on regional approach to fishery development# Svan^ybukt* Norway, 30 August - 4 September 1976. - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 1977. * 18 s, -



143. FIskerikoaraaitt é ti ; Fiskerinäringen i framtiden t be­

tänkande . - Stockholm : Liber Förlag / Allmänna För­

laget , 1977. - 234 s» : ill» - (Statens offentliga, utredningar, ISSN Ö375-250X ? 1977;74}

TitelrubrIk: Jordbruksdepartementet ISBN 91-38-0374.5-9

144. Fiskeristyrelsen; Fiske i Sverige t en information * Fishing in. Sweden. ? an information / från. Fiskeri­

styrelsen : sammanställd av Sven Sahlin» - »Stock­

holm E AB Allmänna Förlaget» 1973« - 48 s, ; ill.

Engelsk o» svensk parallelltext


145. Hall t Gregory B.; The commercial fisheries of Portu­

gal, 1970. - Washington.,- D.C. i International Activi­

ties Staff, tf. S', Department of Commerce, 1972. - 10 s. - {Foreign fisheries leaflet ; 72-6)

146. Pease. Norma»; Fisheries of Denmark, 1975:, - Washing­

ton," D.C. ; Office of International Fisheries,,u.s.

Department of Commerce, 1976. - 6 s. - {Foreign fishe­

ries leaflet j 76-2}


147. Allsopp, W.H.L.; African fisheriesî their problems and opportunities and their role in the Sahelian famine. - S.l., 1974. - 27 s,

148. Alter son » .Dayton I». ; A programme to develop the marine fisheries potential of Kenya and Tansania,, - ...Rome ;

Food and Agriculture Organization' of the United Nations, 1974, - 28 s, - (IOFC/DEV/74/3'3)

149. Andréasson, Arne; Fishery sector study : Moçambiqùé.

- Lysekil s Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine. Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1976. - 9 bl.

150. Andréasson, Arne; Fishery sector study : Tanzania. - Lysekil Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1975. - 2 bl.

151. Andréasson, Arne: Fishery sector study ; Zambia. ~ Lysekil”’ ; Fishery Board of Sweden, institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1.976, - 10 bl.

152» Araûjo, J.M« Mala de; A. review of Mozambique fisheries.

LourençG Marques * Missao de. bioceanologia e pescas de Mozambique, 1973. - 6 bl. - CICSBAP S.P. ? 13, 1973}

Titelrubrik; International commission for southeast Atlantic fisheries» Session, 2 {Madrid 1973}

15.3. Aubray, R. : The fisheries of Angola. - Rome, 1971» - xT~BT7

154» Aubray, R.; The fishery of Gambia ; a comprehensive report, - Banjul/Rome ; Food and Agriculture Organiza­

tion of the United Nations, 1975. - 24 bl. ; ill.

155. Aubray, R.: The fishery of Guinea Bissau î a prelimi­

nary study. - Bissau/Rome, 1975» - 6 bl.

156» Bergstrand, Eva; Ett fiskerlprojekt i Nyanzasjön. - ÏÎT7 - (Zoologisk revy ; 3-3, 1971, s» 3-16}


157. Caixeiroi José % ås pescas 'em Mozambique / José

CaXxeirOf Renata Morals«, - Lourenç-o Marques s Centro de documéntaç&o e inform&çHo do Banco de Mozambique#

1975; - 33 s* ~ CCDlvB.Moçamb. Doe.lnf. $ 15)

158. Consultation on. fisheries problems in the Sahelian, zone# 19*7! {Bamako)

Report, of the consultation on fisheries problems in the Sahelian zone# Bamako, Mali# 13 - 20 November 1974.

Rome 5 Pood and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations * 1975. - 331 s, : ill. - (CXFA occasional

paper ? 4}

159. Costa# Mârio A* Silveira das Consideraçoes sobre a pesos, # pisciculture# o crocodile e o camarSo, nas äguas inferiores ? s eu Interesse e fins. *» Lourenço Marques i Gazeta do Agriculteur# 1969. - 54 bl. ; ill.

- {Mozambique publlcaçoe'a. Série C. ? separatas 51}

160. Dlrar, Kamal M.A.s A brief note on the Sudanese fisheries, - (Protokolle zur Fischereitechnik ? 12#

1970f H. 55, s. 138“ISO}

Otgöres sv särtryck

161. Everett# G.V.: An overview of the state of fishery development and planning in the CECAF region. ~

Rome * Pood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations# 1976. - 67 s. - (CECAF/ECAF series ; 75/4)

Titelrubrikî Project for development of fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic

162. The fisheries of East Africa and their development prospects ; a preliminary survey / prep, by A.A. Kerr.

- Rome ; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1966* - 129 bl. - (PAO fisheries cir­

cular t 103}

163. Fishery Committee for the Eastern. Central Atlantic (CECAF), Session# 5 (Lomé 1977)

A programme for intensifying transfer and development of fishing technology in the CECAF area. - Rome# 1976?

- il s. » (CECAF/V/77/10)

164. Folsom# William B.s Fisheries of Mauritania# 1974 / William B» Folsom., Dennis M.» Weidner. - Washington#

D.C, î Office of international Fisheries# U,$. Depart­

ment of Commerce, 1976. - 35 s. t ill, - (Foreign fisheries leaflet ; 76-3)

165. Folsom# William Bit Fisheries of the Malagasy Repub­

lic# 1974 / William B. Folsom# Dermis M. Weidner. ~ Washington, D.C. s office of International Fisheries, U.S. Department of Commerce# 1976, - 23 s. t ill. -

(Foreign fisheries leaflet j 76-3.)


166. Foster, Susan D.: The lobster fisheries in the Re­

public of South Africa and Namibia, 1975-76 / by Susan D, Foster and Dennis M. Weidner. - Washington, D.C. ; Office of International Fisheries, Ü.S. De­

partment of Commerce, 1977. - 21 s. : ill. - (Foreign fisheries leaflet ? 77-5)

167. Gnielinski, Stefan von: Der traditionelle Fischfang in Westafrika : Liberia ~ Elfenbeinküste - Sierra Leone. - München : Weltforum-Verlag, 1976. - 196 s.

: 'ill. - (Äfrika-studien ; 93)

Titelrubrik : IFO-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München

ISBN 3-8039-0138-3

168. Hassan, Omar H.: The fisheries of Ethiopia : country statement. - Accra, 1966. - 13 bl. - (Country paper ; 7)

Titelrubrik : FAO/UNDP training centre on fish hand­

ling, preserving and marketing for English-speaking countries in Africa, Accra, Ghana, 3-31 August 1966 169. Informe al Gobierno de la Guinea Ecuatorial sobre la

situaciôn y posible désarroilo de la pesca / basado en el trabajo de W.H.L. Allsopp. - Roma : Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la agricultura y la ali- mentacion, 1970. - 30 bl. : ±11. - (Rep. FAO/UNDP (AT)

,* 2832)

170. international conference on marine resources develop­

ment in Eastern Africa, 1974. (Dar es Salaam)

International conference on marine resources develop­

ment in Esatern Africa, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, April 4-9, 1974 / ed. A.S.

Msangi, J.J. Griffin. - Dar es Salaam, 1974. - 130 s.

: ill.

171. Kristjonsson, Hilmar : Report to the Swedish Interna­

tional Development Authority on a desk study of needs and opportunities for a regional approach to develop­

ment of artisanal/small-scale fisheries on Lake Tan­

ganyika. - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1974. - 73 bl. : ill. - (Swe­

dish funds-in-trust) (TF-RÄF ; 83)

172. Labon, Arkadiusz: Fisheries development possibilities in the Republic of Kenya. - Rome : Food and Agricul­

ture Organization of the United Nations, 1975. - 16 s. - (IOP/TECH/75/3)

173. Larsson, Staffan : Fishery sector study : Angola. - Revid. ed. - Lysekil : Fishery Board of Sweden,

Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1977. - 8 bl.


174. Larsson, Staffan: Fishery sector study : Ethiopia. - Lysekil : Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1976. - 4 bl.

175. Larsson, Staffan: Fishery sector study : Guinea-Bissau.

- Lysekil : Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Ma­

rine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1977. - 5 bl.

176. Larsson, Staffan: Fishery sector study : Kenya. -

Lysekil : Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1977. - 8 bl.

177. Larsson, Staffan: Fishery sector study : Somalia. - Lysekil ; Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development, 1977. - 17 bl.

178. - Mahmoud, Chérif Ahmed: Contribution à l'étude de la pêche et des industries de la pêche en Mauritanie. - Dakar, 1975. - 118 s. - {École Inter-États des

Sciences & Médecine Vétérinaires de Dakar ; 1974-1975:

16) Diss.

179. Pease, Norman L.: Fisheries of Tanzania, 1972. - Washington, D.C. : Office of International Fisheries, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974. - 10 s. - (Foreign fisheries leaflet ; 74-9)

180. Pease, Norman L.: Fisheries of the Gambia, 1973. - Washington, D.C. : Office of International Fisheries, Ü.S. Department of Commerce, 1974. - 10 s. : ill. -

(Foreign fisheries leaflet ; 74-3)

181. Promotion of integrated fishery development : Malawi : an"analysis of the various fisheries of Lake Malawi : report prepared for the Government of Malawi / ba­

sed on the work of J. Turner. - Rome : Food and Agri­

culture Organization of the United Nations, 1976. - 73 s. : ill. - (FI:DP/MLW/71/516) (Technical report ? 1) 182. Reis, Luis: Promoçao de pesca artesanal. - Luanda,

1965? - 2 vol.

Vol. 1 : Projecto de desenvolvimente. - 74, 12, 13 bl. : ill.

183. Report of the Industrial fisheries project identifi­

cation mission to the Mano River Union, February/

March 1975. - Rome ; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1975. - 29 bl. : ill. -

(TF-RAF ? 80)

Titelrubrik: FAO/NORAD cooperative programme


184. Report of the SIDA fisheries delegation to Angola 2-16 April 1978. - Lysekil, 1978. - 30 bl. : ill.

185. Report to the imperial Ethiopian Government on a reconnaissance survey of Lake Abaya (Margherita), Ethiopia, 1960 / based on the work of Dietmar R.

Riedel. - Some : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1961. - 32 bl.

186. Seminar on fishery development planning and administra­

tion for selected English-speaking countries in Africa, 1963 (Accra)

Report of the seminar on fishery development planning and administration for selected English-speaking coun­

tries in Africa : organized by the Food and Agricul­

ture Organization of the United Nations at the invi­

tation of and in cooperation with the Government of Ghana, Accra, 8-27 July 1963. - Rome : Food and Agri­

culture Organization of the United Nations, 1965. - 117 bl. - (FAO fisheries reports ; 30)

Titelrubrik: Special program of agricultural educa­

tion and training in Africa

187. Seychellerna : undersökning av möjligheterna att utvidga fiskerinäringen / Fisheries Development Limited. - S.l., 1975? - 124 bl.

188. Stuttaford, Michael: Southern Africa's fishing industry, 1975-76 . - Washington, D.C. : Office of International Fisheries, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1977. - 12 s. :

ill. - (Foreign fisheries leaflet ; 77-4)

Särtr. ur: South African fishing industry and buyer's guide, 1976/77

189. Vilela, Afonso José; A pesca e industrias derivadas no Distrito de Mossamedes 1921-1922 : relatorio de um inquerito. - Porto, 1923. - 426 s.


190. Advances in fisheries of Maharashtra. - Bombay : Department of fisheries, Government of Maharashtra, 1965. - 36 s. ; ill.

191. Andrëasson, Arne; Fishery sector study : Bangladesh.

- Lysekil ; Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development,

1975. - 9 bl.

Andrëasson, Arne: Fishery sector study : Sri Lanka.

- Lysekil : Fishery Board of Sweden, Institute of Marine Research, Department of Fishery Development,

1975. - 8 bl.



193. Assessment of problems and needs in marine small-scale fisheries ; Andhra Pradesh, India. - Colombo : Deve­

lopment of Small-scale Fisheries in Southwest Asia, 1977. - 25 s. ; ill. - {FAO/UNDP project ; RÂS/74/Û31)

(Working paper r 14)

194. Assessment of problems and needs in marine small-scale fisheries : Bangladesh. - Colombo : Development of Small-scale Fisheries in Southwest Asia, 1977. - 13 s.

- (FÂQ/UNDP project ? RAS/74/Q31) (Working paper ,* 11) 195. Assessment of problems and needs in marine small-scale

fisheries : Orissa, India. - Colombo ; Development of Small-scale Fisheries in Southwest Asia, 1977. - 18 s. -

(FAO/UNDP project ; RAS/74/031) (Working paper ; 8) 196. Assessment of problems and needs in marine small-scale

fisheries : Sri Lanka. - Colombo : Development of Small-scale Fisheries in. Southwest Asia, 1977. - 33 s.

- (FAO/UNDP project ? RAS/74/031) (Working paper ; 6) 197. Assessment of problems and needs in marine small-scale

fisheries ; Tamil Nadu, India. - Colombo : Develop­

ment of Small-scale Fisheries in Southwest Asia, 1977.

- 24 s. : ill. “ (FAO/UNDP project ; RAS/74/031) (Wor­

king paper ; 15)

198. Assessment of problems and needs in marine small-scale fisheries : West Bengal, India. - Colombo : Development of Small-scale Fisheries in Southwest Asia, 1977. - 11 s. - (FAO/UNDP project ; RAS/74/031) (Working paper ; 10)

199. Bangladesh ; survey for the development of fisheries : report on project results, conclusions and recommen­

dations : terminal report. - Rome : Food and Agricul­

ture Organization of the United Nations, 1972. - 39 bl. - (FI:SF/PAK ; 22)

200. Blegvad, Harald; Paa fiskeri i den Persiske Golf. - K^benhavn : Det danske forlag, 1945. - 143 s. ; ill.

201. Census of marine fisheries 1972 ; Sri Lanka ; preli­

minary report / conducted jointly by the Department of Fisheries and the Department of Census and Statistics.

- Colombo, 1973. - 85 bl.

202. Consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea region, 1976 (Manila) Report of the Consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea region, 13-15 December 1976, Manila. - Manila, 1977. -- 140 bl.

; ill. - (South China Sea fisheries development and coordinating programme ; SCS/GEN/76/9)


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