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47th meeting of the RML Advisory Committee


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47th meeting of the RML Advisory Committee

l\.bsrint Soulh Dc1kot.::t Colorado

Purpose: Planning the contract. Even though the three year contract has been

approved discussion was held as to �1ethcr we wanted to modify

existing contract, add new items or keep same.

Each program of the RML


discussed in detail showing what had been planned in

the three year contract and what new projects might be added. I will take it

program by program, show what was planned, new projects with priorities being set

and proposals with what could be





1. Coordination of online network new centers and training.

2. NLM online services updates two times, St. Louis (66 participants)

Nov. 6th-7th Denver (35 registrants).

3. Basic online seminar (new) Aug 22nd. Omaha Creighton.

Very basic concepts of on line searching no special aspects.

4. Online training an initial class, Rapid City, May 6th-8th 1980.

5. Online section of basic reference practicum.



Omaha has been designated as base of initial training by NLM. We

still need to contact NLM for scheduling and they .will control

class etc.

or new







Problem search clinics CE course more technical experience in update

situation, March in Kansc1s City, Mo. workshop in search strategy,

techniques, efficiency and unconvential uses. Also maybe offer

course from MLA on neoplasia or toxicology workshop.

Special files workshors e.g .. toxicology database.

BRS vs NLM service comparison of data bases and vendors and search-·

ing capability.

5. Put workshops and programs in AV format. e.g. videotape the problem

search clinic, or could be audiovisual slide.

6. One-half day review or refresher course.

7. Three mcdline updates instead of two because of the size of the



Individual or institutions.

a. in�roving/initiating service.

b. consortia development.

2. Health professional - short talks various meetings.

e.g. pharmacy, Midwest clinical society.

3. Audiuvisual consultations/referrals

a. hospital research foundations

b. private industry

c. othe:!'." medical centers

d. special education


1. Brochures update and revision will advert.ise RML program done three

or new

panels, one panel be free for RL to add pertinent inform.:1.tion



2. Self instruction uids for use in basic units or



3. Follow up visits to moti vatc insti-tutions and individuals to

keep plugging.

present 1. Workshops


a. annually scheduled.

b. specially reciucstcd l\V clinic / AACR2 Dec. 1, 1980

2. AHEC sponsored seminars

a. SD 1980-81


b. Colorado 1981 (1)

3. Health Professionals

a. Conventions and meetings.

b. Consultations.

1. Consumer hcc1lth education informc1t.ion bibliography.

or new 2.

projects 3.



Consumer health workshop.

1981 list of workshops to be offered.

Core list of materials for small hospitals to be revised.

Develop more courses for course catalog. Possibly more programed

instruction units.


present 1. Interstate RML reimbursement to Resource Library

2. '.Potal traffic statistics to RML office to NLM


1. Change reimbursement to referral process

or new 2. Drop reimbursement ·and reallocate money to any one all or part


of the above mentioned future sections of the above mentioned

_l2Eograms_. The future aspect of these programs are presently

not included in next years contract and thus cannot be carried

out unless money is found from other areas mainly this one.

Bes.ides using the money previously alotted for Interlibrary loan reimbursement for

future programs the following proposal was made.

Use the money to develop an online ILL system through Washington University

Philsom's system/ The fi.rst year the system would be developed program written etc.

it would not actually go into effect until the second year. RML would pay (from the

ILL reimbursement money) the first year's cost of developing the program. The sys­

tem is designed so that all Resource Libraries collections are entered. into the

systems as well as collections of co11sortia. Union lists can be pulled from the sys­

tem as needed. Thus it is felt that it will be of benefit to the basic units in the

long run as it will enable them to borrow froin each other. If you have access to a

terminal you will be able to call up who retains the item and bDrrow .it 011J.ine.

It was decided to pursue the above mentioned plan. Thus the RML will negotiate with

NLM to chanqe the focus of the money for ILL reimbursement to the Washington Univers­

ity Proposal and use U1e additional funding the first year to do as many of the future

proposals of each of the program sections as possible and to possibly work on public­

ity and means for basic units to contcm1 with costs of II.L's.



































Newsletter of the Midcontinental Regional Medical Library Network

Vol. 8, No. 4

December 1980


by Dick Pride, Associate Director



the first in a series of columns to be

written by Mr. Pride.)

The MCRMLP Advisory Committee met in

Omaha October 16-17 for its Fall meeting. This

meeting is held each October with the objec­

tive of planning the RML programs for the next

contract year which begins April 1, 1981.


At this meeting the Committee recommended

that the MCRMLP cease to reimburse Resource

Libraries for providing interlibrary loans and to

use that money to fund the development and

operation of an online serials location and inter­

library loan requesting system for this region. In

addition, this syste111 would enable groups or con­

sortia of libraries to input their holdings and have

union lists printed.

Other capabilities would include copyright com­

pliance accounting, electronic mail service, inter­

library loan billing, SERUNE data entry, and the

provision of management data, both to the

MCRMLP and to the individual participating

lil>raries. This system is presently being called

OCTANET. Access to the system wou!d be

through TELENET, allowing any library with a

terminal to use the system. The system would be

operated at Washington University in St. Louis

and would use the PHILSOM database as a base

for providing many of its services.

A side benefit would be that libraries presently

using PHILS0!\1 as a serials control system

would be able to switch to PI-IILSOM online

without havin9 to bear prohibitive telecom­

munications costs.

?. l4

Libraries would use the system by calling up the

file, searching the collective holdings of all the

libraries with holdings stored in the file (initially

to include all Region V1II Resource Libraries plus

seven others with major biomedical collections

- consortia and large basic units may be added

later), identifying where a needed item is located,

and then initiating an ILL request online. It would

no longer be necessary to go to the state's

Resource Library first, if it was determined that

that Resource Library did not own the needed

item. This would streamiine the ILL process and

should shorten the time it takes for libraries to

receive ILLs (of materials not held by the state

Resource Library). Libraries would be charged

for each loan received, but the system would do

the bookkeeping and produce one invoice cover­

ing either a monthly or quartE?rly period.


At this time, in anticipation of this change,

all libraries U!!>ing the RML lntzrllbrary

Loan network should determine how many

loans they receive from Resonrce

Librarie9 out of their state or su�-re5lon

(and thus receive nt no charge), anrl begin

to budget for paying fo?' these loans, begin­

ning in July o[ Jl 931. Althougii many de­

tails, such as whether or not a t-tanclard

charge within the region will be initiated,

have not yet been addressed. libraries

t.hould plan on fond budget for) paying at

least fou:r dolbrs per loan r>'fl all loans


It is the feeling of the Advisory Committee, as

well as the MCRMLP staff, that this system rep­

resents a more positive use of RML document

delivery funds by providing an efficient and effec­

tive system for locating and receivinn interlibrary

loans while leaving the responsibility for bearing



the cost of loans through the system to the

receiving libraries. It is also felt that this fiscal

responsibility has the side benefit of fostering

cooperative agreements among libraries, as well

as forcing administrators to reillize the true cost

of library services and provide budgets accor­


···.',;. ...


It should be pointed out t.hc1l tJ1e ILL reimbursement would not discontinue until

July l'J8l, but it was dc,cj_rlcd to advcrti�;c- to U1c <Jr.oup lhc 1,0�-;:-;ibility or this

being discontinuRd now. The, r-ML will not know un ti.l December if they can change

the focus of the program and contr<1ct to cover the Washington University Proposal.

I should point out that before the decision was made lists of benefits and barriers

were discussed, a brief outline follows.


1. Direct terminal access. Basic

uni ts or anyone with terminal

can access system thus bypass

Resource Library and who pay

on line charges.

2. Absence of monographs from data

base. We still have ILL traffic

for ILL's.

3. Input of new titles how done.

a. Philsom data base

b. Ser line ;_X1rticipants

c. Union list only

Actual cost may vary.

4. Computer persons mobile and market­

place open will person designing

program be around to carry out.

5. Few development projects come with­

in their budgets what other costs

will we be presented with.

(;� Not all basic units in consortia thus

not all basic unit collections


1. Direct term access can be benefit.


go direct to 0�1er libraries

saves time. Wider base for referral.

2. We could set an¥ kind of access

control & limitations needed or

that we want to. We are developing


3. NLM could use philsom data base in

forrning NLS.

4. 'l'here is some collection development

capability because you can see what

you are borrowing.

5. Six .libraries are already-users of


tered �ms not all BU as self sufficient

as could be.


}tidcontinental Regional �edical Library Program Annual Report - Year 10

July 1, 1979 - June.30, 1980 Coner act Number: NOl-u:-0-3510

Region VI II (MCRMLP) Ad:ninistrati.ve Office

Leon S. McGoogan Library ot l-�edicine University of Nebraska Medical Cer.ter 42nd and Dewey Avenue

Ooaha, NE 68105


Contents Introduction


Administration and Planning Document Delivery Educational Services Consultation Online Services Grants Management Public,�elacions Staff Activities Summary


2 3 5 9










c •. J

The staff of the MC�U..P feel that the past year has been extreo�ly fruitful as well as persona.lly rci..·arding for those of us who have participated i.1 the pro­ grams and services described in this report. In the course of corrying out the services of the MCRMLP, we have had the fortune to !:l.eet □a:iy ne•.., friends a.:1d have learned much from each and every one. We feel lucky to be able to · ... 1ork with such competent and cooperative staff at the Resource Libraries as ...,,ell as being extremely appreciative of the varrn reception and extrecie.ly vJ.luable help and advice we receive froc the region's basic unit personnel. Tnougt ros� of us are relatively new to the R."11. staff, we feel ve are already a .... ·e.11 function­ ing team, and each netvork participant in the :'lidco:1tinental Re:gion is a memOc� of that team. As we move into t!le 19801s we eagerly a:.d en:husiastically look forward to the changes and challenges with the confidence that together ,..:e ,.,_-ill continue to improve the Biomedical Comrnunicatfons Network •·ithin tile Hidcon­ tinental Region.


I n t ro d uc tiun

Wi thin the f i s cal yaar 19 7 9 / BJ the Midcon t inen t al Re gion3l Medi cnl l ib r a r y

P r o gram (�1C�n..P ) comr l c t e ci i t s f i r s t d e c a d e o f opera t ion whi l e experiencing a y e a r o f ·change and gro,ch . Tb e p ro fe s s ional s ta f f . increased f rom three

posi-tions to f o u r , and three o f tho s e four pos i t ions \..1ere filled by new s ta f f m:? :!O ers . One o f the two s e c re ta r i a l posi t ions was fille d by a ne!,J pe rso n , '11.3king four o f the s i x HC�·ll.P s ta f f I!h::mbers new within th e year . T"nc s ta f f responded to

a Req ues t - Fo r-Proposal (RFP ) from the Na t ional Lib ra ry c f Med i c i ne to c o n tinue

c!-.� Re gionnl M.e d i c.3 1 Lib r .:1 ry and w.1.s s u c c e s s f u l i n securing a new th ree year con­ tr.ac t :or the Unive r s i t y of !\2braska Medical Center to continue to he th,2: RHL he adquar ters f o r the Hi d�on tinental �e gio n . Do c u:nen t Delivery s h i f Led to a co s t s���ing plan b a s e d o n th e co�c ep t o f n o c o n t ra c t suppor t f o r lo ans f i l l e d b y Re s o u n: e Lib raries w i thin th e i r 01,.,--n s ubre gions . The Ed'..! t a tional S e rv i c e s Program o f fe re d a ne� �o rkshop , Ad□i n i s t : a t ive Func tions , in addi tion to p rovid ing wo rkshop opro r t �ni t i e ; chro u gho u t the region i n adv anc ed reference wo rk , audiovi s ual s , and b a� i c l i b rary t1.2nage�e� t . TI1 e Onl ine Se rvi ces Pro gram c o n t inued to develop the

t�L�-i online. n,2: � . ..a rk by adding ne\.J online centers , co nduc ting two cnnual upd a te s es s i o :1.s , coo rdi:1.s.ti:ig an NLM Ad vanced Training Clas s , and deve loping and tcci.ch­ i::� a three-day lni t i ..1 1 Training Clas s in th e use of N"Ll-f online services . Wi thi n .\d :r:..i n : s t r a c i o :1 a nt! Planning , the 11.dvisory Com:n.i. t t e e: memb e rship was i..ncrcased f rom �i�e to f o u r t ee� to include membership by �10 basic c�i t l ib r arians and three '.:ea l :h care p rofess ion als. A s u c c e s s f ul f i r s t e f fo r t wa.s n:1de in s e c uring nl t c r­ ri.ci t e s o ur c e s o f f un d i n g tor RHL p ro grr1ms w i th the AHEC :i S o u th Dako t a agreei:-ig to s upf O r t ? a r t o f the c o s t s o f extra educa tional o f ferings i n th a t s tR t e . In ano ther s :.a :. e , 1,·yo:::i ng , imple:1e n t a tion b e gan o n a m.J.j o r s ub r e gional d {-!Vclopmeat p r o gram , incl uding the us e. o f co n t r a c t funds to p l a c e c o r e c o l l e c tions in t�1 ". r tecn o f tha t st.: :.e's t\..T:ty-ni ne. h o S ? i t a l s . Final l y , s t a f f developme n t took p l a c e thro ugh

t> � t c- r..d .. 1ncc. i) y th e s ta f f .Jt a numb e r of workshops and p ro f e ::. s :i. 0 11:il mc c t ines , in­ cluding the ann:.1:.11 cce tir.g o f the Me d i c a l Lib rary Asso c i a tion , the Mi dco n t inental Ch 3 p t e r of the �:e di cal Lib rary As s o c i a t io n , a nd various o ther na tional , regio nal , 3 n d local mee tings , wo rkshops , and s eminars .

Tne s e c 0r.d Cecade o f RHL service to the Hi dcon tinental Re gion is o f f to .1 dynamic be.,r;.i.. n:li ng , cha r a c teri zed by a ne""' s ta f f , a nt?.w con r:rac t , and new inn.:nr a t ive pro­ gra:::;is a.i.d i :mo va t ive ways and me thods for imp l emen ting those pro grams , al l in � l:p;,o :- t of op ti::ially d eve loping the BCN wi thin the Midco n t inental Re gion .

Dick P r ide Associa te Direc to r


The MCR}il..P has undergone many pe rsonnel change s wi thin the pas t y e a r , r e s u l t i n g in a full z ta f f for the f i r s t time s i nce July o f 1 9 7 8 .

On Augus t 1 , 1 9 79 th e As s o c i a te D i r e c to r , Eli zabeth Pe tgen , res i gned a�J Ri chard Pride rr.ove d from the Online S e rvices Coo r d i n a t o r pos i tion to Ac ting As s :i c i a �e Dire c to r . Online Technical Reso urce Person ( TRP ) duties were f armed out to

Carolyn Anne Reid , Senior Clinical Me d i c al Li.br a r ian a t the Unive r s i ty of l·'.i s s o u r i ­ Kans a s Ci ty . I n Sep temb er , t h e p o s i tion o f Head , Educa t ional Pro grarr:s Ins t r u c t i o n and Cons ul t a t i o n was f i l l e d b y K a r e n Hacklet!l..an , coning f ro:n th e Unive r s i t y u £ Oklah oma Dep a r tme n t o f Surgery . In Novctro e r , i n a dd i t i on to her pcs i t io n C·...: �i e .s, Karen Hackleman as s umed the Online S e rvices Co o r d i n a t o r d u t i e s u n t i l th a t ? O S i tion could b e f i l l e d , On April l , 1 9 80 Ri chard P r ide b e c ame the As s o c i a t e D i r 2 c to r .

I n Ma y , 1 9 80 Carolyn Reid was h i red a s the On l i ne S e r v i c e s Coo rd i na t o rJ and the

NC RHLP s ta f f i.12.s fi nal ly comple te . The po s i t i o n o f Educ a tion P ro gr�r:.s Coo rdinZi t o r

rer..ained unchanged wi th Claire G?dzikowski , as d\r. t h e Di rec t o r I s pas i tio:� wicr1 Rob e r t B raude .

I n Feb ruary , 1 9 80 Cindy Lang l e f t the po s i t i o n o f S ca f f s e ;";'c t o r;" I L ,.·hic i . ,,a , f i l l e d i n Ap r i l by Carla Eady who wa s recrui t ed f rom t h e Li::,rary o f !-!e d i c i r. ,a ' s I n t e rlib rary Loan De partmen t .

The HCRNLP s ta f f is :

Ro be r t Braude Ri chard P ride Karen H.ackleo.an

Cl aire Gad zikcwski Caro lyn Anne Re id Mayrene HcKen?.ie Carla Hady

Di re c t o r

As s o c i a te Direc to r Head , Educ a t ional P ro g rams

Ins truc t ion and Cq ns ul t a t i on Educ a t ion Programs Coo rdinator Online Services Coo r d i na t o r Admini s t ra tive Techni c i an S ta f f S e c re tary


-2-Adminis t ration and Pl 2nning

Tn � s p ro grac area is res!)ons ib le for the overa l l irr.pl eml::nta tion and coordina tion of ,:t l l the various �1C�Il...P v ro groms , �o th thro ugh the 11CRHLP core s t:J f f , and

throug:1 ·che s taffs o f tl·.e nine Reso urc e Lib rarie3 throughout th>:! :-eg.io n . This p ::-o gram i s also r2spons ible fo r ov:2rall ne twork p l anning , contra c t preparation and nego t iatio n , and pol i cy and opera t io na l liaison w i th ND1 .

The ma j o r proj ect undertaken by this p ro gram within this repo r t period was the \.:ri ting of a response to -:l Reques t-Fo r-Propo sal ( RFP) f rom the N3 tiona1. Library of Me d i c ine for the con t rac t to o p e r a c e the tli dcori t inental Re gional Me<lical Li b rary P:-o g:-a� . Preli:tinary ,,wrk on th a t proj e c t b e gan in Augus t w·�th the RFP a c t ually :) eing receive d 0::1 Sep tember 6 . Wo rk 1. .. rns compl,:..>.t e d o n the writing o f the respons e o n Oc tober 2 2 . Durinc th.1 t two mo n th period , the R.J,'P resprJnse con­ s u.zed th� t:...:j o r i ty of the Ac ting Ass o c i a t e Di..rec to r • s time , a s i gnificant amo unt o f the Di r e c to r ' s time , as \ . .:i2: ll as a s i gnificant aI!'i.O un t o f th e res t of the R�U. s t a � f1s tiw� . A grt2:3t amount o f time was devo ted to eval ua ting the various RHL

p : c gra!:.S , d i s c t.:..S s ir.g program policy and possib l e policy changes , and the.n n r t � cul3t ing that p�licy co the programa t i c and concc� tual requi rements . o f the

RSP. T:1 2 result was a docuc:ier. t which deScrib e d , program by pr ogram, the

con-cep tual plans , policy , obj e c t ives , and s chedule o f imp lementa tion of the vario us p ro gr.sw c0?::.p one:1ts and ac tivi ties . A budge t was then tied to the implemen t a t ion p l 3 n for tho s e a c r.ivi t i e s . W"i th only a few minor adj us tme n t s , the response was s uccess ful> a�d resulted in a contrac t b e t�een the Unive rs i ty of Nebraska and

the. ?�a tion:11 Lib rary o f Medi cine for RHL services in the s even s ta t e Midcon­ t i n e:i tal Re gion � be ginning Ap rii l 1 19'80 and running through March 31 � 1 9 8 3 . i;.,1i thin the rep o r t period , ti.-:o Advi s o ry Commi t tee m�e tings were .he ld , the commit tee me::bl'.!rship \,;3.s i n ..:: r eas i.:!d , and a new s chedule of focus -e-or each mc:e t i n g W"as 1m­ ple::.cn t e d . Tr:e F..111 mee t in g , h e l d in Septe.t:1be r , l-:a s a spec ial planning s e s s io n , t:1.e ?urpos e 0 £ 1,/nich i,..•as t o rece ive input f o r the RFP response . In prepara tion fo r this oee ting , the �HL s ta f f p repared initial responses in a l l program a reas , 1,,;h i ch s e rved as a base f o r discussio n. a t the me e t ing . By the end o f the mee ting ,

tZ'!e R>.1 s ta f f had .:-:. 1 1 the maj o r compo nents o f the RFP res pons e , and had a

tu1<1r.ic.0 us endo rseme n t f ro::i tt'. e Advisory Corruri t ce::e . One o f the d e c is ions o f the CcC.:::..:.. t te e 2. t t:1is n:e e t i :ig \..·a s ta increase th e Conmi t t e e. men1bership to inc lude two )as ic uni t lib rary c.ana ge rs and three heal th care profes s ional s , b r inging Com­ ui t te e me�� � rship to a to t3l of four t ee n . l t w a s al s o decided t h a t each Fall ?L.et:.: ting '.,,'.J uld fo::us o n p ro gram p lanning fo r th12: contract year b eginning the follO'.,;i n g Spri:1 g . The S prin£, mee t iag wo uld then focus on cvaluu tion of the pro­ £ra:ns cor::?le tcd 1si thin the p revious co n t r � c t year , which ends approxiw.a tely at t�a t �ee ting . At the t-'..a rch me e ti n g , the Advi s o ry Com..-:�J. t te e again us ecl. prelimi­ n�ry docu:x n ts p::-ep ared by the PJ·U.. s t a f f a s a b a s i � fo r eval uat ive d is c uss ion .

In aCdi tio n , there w a s (! i s c u s s i o n o f a p ro po s c1. l s uOmi t .:ed to the Com.m.i. t te-:: by l-l.:.:. s h i n [. t O n [:i.ive r s i ty , asking the NCR.:·1L? to finance a te.lecomnunlca t ions nev..m rk wj t'.".i.;_ the region and to finc.r.c e the. development o f computer programs which would en.2.:J l e libra!"":i es throughout. the region to inex?ensi vcJ y access a serials da tabase a!1C ir.i t:i. a : e ! LL reques ts on �ine . O ther fea tures o f s uch a sys tem wo uld include copy :i gh t w ni tvring , fi 18!1cial accounting , title reques t analys is , unio n l i s t pro d · !c :ion , and computer broadcas ting and mes s a gi�g .

A...--.ci the:- r:.aj o r accor:i.p).ishment o f tt'.is p·rngram area within the pc1.s t year , was the i:-,::. t i a t ion of c ::iaj o r newo rk development pro j e c t w i thin the s ta t e of Wyoming .

In Sep te�ber the Director and Associate Dire c to r 2 t tended a planning meeting held

-3-in Lara .. �e which was a t tende<l by rep resentati ves from all o f Wyom-3-in g ' s maj o r heal th care professional organi z at ions , the Unive r s i t y o f \.lyom..i:--.g Lib rari es , tf,e Universi ty c f Wyocing College . o f Human Medi c i ne , c.rnd the Na t i o n a l Lib r a ry c f MPd i cine . Cr1lled by the Col l ege o f HUL12n Me dic ine , the purp �) s e o f this mee t ing 1.;as to explore the var1.o:..is possibili ties for the d evelopment o f a heal th s c ie.nc e

information ne two rk in \lyum.ing . Wha t was originally p roposed was a three p:i ased plan , wi th phas e one being the s ub m.issi o� o f Re source l�proveme nt Gra� t appli­ cations from twenty-seven single ins t i t.u t :Lons , phase �o being the su!'n: i s s ion o f six Res o urce Improvement Gran t ap plica tions from conso r t i a. f o rocd f ro:i .::i.wo n g

the s t a tes ' t h i r t y heal th c a r e i n s t:i. t u ti ons , and f i na il;· . p h a s e three b e. i n g rte submiss ion o f a Reso urce Proj e c t Gran t .:.ip plication to es tnblish a s ta te-wide resource sha r i ng ne ::wo rk to l i:1!� the (;Onsortia (and tht::i r memb e r ins t i t u tio:1s ) , the Uni·.;e rsity o f Wyoming Lib rnrie s , and the Col l e ge o f Human Mc d i c i nE: , i n to a Heal th Science Infor□a tl cn N e twu rk (HSIN) . .r\s a r e s ul t o f the □'.::e ting , i t \-.ras decided to scl.:k MC&'ll.P c\1 n t r a c t funds to imp leme n t the f i rs t ph3::> e r .2: t h e r tha� th e s ub mi s s i on of s ir.gle ins t i tution gran t appli c2,t i o :1 s . Cor. t :-a c t f und; ( $60 , 000) wecc received and ph2s e pne i s presently h e i r. g ir:r;,lec,� :-i t e ci . Con­ currently vith this imp l.em� n ta t ion , the i ns t i tu t ivns ·,..· i th exis t ir;g l ib �ries .J":1.d l i b ra ry s e rvices , in conj unc tion. \.; i th various co!!l!!'luni. ty coll e-�s ¥:.i r n h e.al t'.-, s c ience ma r.erials in supp o r t o f heal th care t r a i n i ng p ro granG , h ave Dc:gun con­ s o r t i a development ac tivi ties . Tnus phas e t,.,,10 is ge t ting s tar t e d at the s .?.:ne t i me tha t phas e one is being carried o u t--phase one p u t t i n g ins t i t u tions at a resource. l evel whereby t'. 1ey are able to ac t i ve ly p a r t i ci p a t e i n h .3 s e t'.JO. I n addi tion , t h e Univers i ty o f Wyoming Lib raries , t:7.e Uni ·;c rs i t y o f 1,,,'yocing Co l l eg•? o f Human Medi cine, and the MCRHLP are pre s e n t l y \.."O rking on the p l a n !': i � g fo e ;:,':-1:::.;1;;; thre e , which will tie t0g e ther a l l the heal th care i ns t i :utions ��d t h e i r l ib r3ries , ,:he s even communi ty c o l l e ges , th e U nivers i ty o f Wyoming Lib r o. ri e. s , and the Co l l e ge o f Hu:aan Medicine , into a dynami "' , intera c t ive ne twork f o r the d c live ri' o f h c a l t � c a re i n f o rmation in WyorJin g . S i n c e Sep terrJ1 e r o f 1 9 79 , t h e P.CR.l.iLP h a s b e e n c l o s12 i y inv'blved w i th t h e p lanni:: g , developr:e n t , a n d t h e ne th::>d o f i trrp l t- r:e n r a t ion o f al l three phas e s o r levels o f ne two rk development i n Wyom.ing . As well as having ob tained contrac t funds for the p l a cing o f the t\,:enty core col l e c t :o r: s ( c.nd th us es tnblishing a minir�ur: resource base) , the MC F�·lLP has been r e 6 ;.i l a r l y cc :-: s ul t e<l concerning the develop�en t a [ con�o r t i a and the pro c e s s o f a p p ] y i � g � � r gr�n : funding . I n 1::arly J ..ir.e) 1 9 8 0) repres e n t a t iv2s o f the Co l l !:!ge o f }L::::2 :1 !·k d i c i n e a n d t h e Unive rs i ty o f �,1yoning Libraries tr aveled t o tl1e R!·1L h e 2 d q L:..�. r t e rs i n Q-;::..5h2. to rJce t W"i th the MCRHLP s ta f f conc12:rnin g d ra f t: cop i e s of con s o r t i u:J g r a r: l a p p li­ ca tion s . In July , 1 9 80 , an MCR..'ILP s t2. f f merr.b e r con:p : e te.'.: a t· .. .-c; .-.n('. one-hal f � .. ;ee'.<. wo rkshop t o ur o f Wyorni n;.11 du!"ing which time f ive S [:: s s i r:,ns o f the. B J :-. i c S k i l l s Workshop w e re prese:-ite-<l , m.a.iriJ y a i med a t persons ne·..,•.1 y i d e n t i � i e d by th e rec:i p L� :-H ins t i t u tions o f the core collec tions as the libra�r nana ge r ( the a?pcir. : i � g o f a : leas t a hal f-tirn� l ib rary manager 1,,,as o n e rcquirene r: t f o r receivi n b a core

c o l l e c tio:1 ) . In add i t i on , a t t 2nC.2es also i�c l �d e d l i b r�ry perso��cl fro� �te communi ty coll eg2s anci o th e r ins t i t u tions pres2.ntly i n ·.:olved i n t!"". c ci e •,e ! o ;) i :,z consortia . In Sep t emb e r o f 1 9 80 , the MCR�!LP As soc ia t e Dirc c co r ·.�· i l l go to L:J r �r. i e to further consul t on p l : a s e t h r e e o f the ne two rk d evelopJ:e.::.t , as .,,_-e l l a s to v i s � t one or more o f the developing consor tia . \,lyom.ing has h i s to r i cally b e e :i. the leas t developed s ub-region wi thin the ?-ti dcon tiner.tal Re gion . Tne MCR:"fLP is no·..., C.e.vc t i::g

much energy and resour-ces in o rder to bring tha t s ub-region to a c_cmpe te:-ir. and e f fec tive infor::iation _ delive ry l eve l .




:>: (") 0




(f) '< 0 n



C Docu."'!lc:nc Delivery 'O 00 0









0 ::r ::r







I-'· 0




:, :,






Docu=ient Delivery Program is responsible for coordinating an interlibrary


00 0.







0 n




loan ne t\>Ork ��·ithin the Hidconcinental Region. This network is built on a base

. .,

0 0 I

n :, (') 0

of Resource Libraries wichin each state providing docum�nt delivery to basic




0 n




unit libraries within their respectiv� states or subregion and relying on a .0




referral system to other Reso-...rrce Libraries or NLM for provision of documents


,: <



not availa':.,le at the initial Resource Library.










Ecgi:1ning in July, l9i9, the NCRYJ. .. P swi tch�d to a:1 interlibrary loan cost shar- rn '<

plan -;,.·hich provides for R:·!L reiobursernent to Resource Libraries for 0


�c.g contract ::;


loans fill�ci ouc-of-sujregion borrowers, provided that the




N C.


to request was re- '<













V, V,

r, ..0

ferred fro:n the R.esource Library, and 00 contract reimbursement £or V, .:,. ex, -.J N



loa:1s filled borrowers within Resource Library's defined subregion. Re- -.J -.J -.J V, N ex,


w N

to a

0 N ;- N V, N N .t- N C> t,')

Libr:iries either levy :i charge seek other of fonding c:..,.,

source ::i3)" or sources co <J)


suyport -che filling of loans Yd thin th.eir subregion.





i,.ithi:1 this pcri8d, full twelve months under the sharing plan, -0






report a new cost


-.J N







,._., r.

$35,096 for 8,774 loans filled by Resource Libraries






rei::bu:-sc:r:e;1t to ta led to


N .<-


.<- 0



C C,

c�t-of-sujregion borrowers. This arr.0un t comprised J. 3. 05; of the fin:incial re-



w -.J


0, 0 .:,.




r. i. C

N -.J

..., ...,

\0 ex,


' "



S?J:-isibili cy of the total ILL traffic 1dthin the region. Charges to the


c. n -i:r. � �



Oorro..,,:e.rs (use-rs--,2:ither a library or p. cron) comprised 29. 7% of the total \0

fi:1�r.cial respon;;ibility. Other sources of funding rep.re:sen red 1. 7% while the CXl 0


✓; .



Resource Libraries absort,ed che remaining 55.6%. Figures for interlibrary loan co w




_...., w


N N er.





-.,,_ -.,,_ n

traffic,· through?ut time, and financial concribution are detailed for che Resource 0 -.J V,









Libraries, as "e:l for the Regio:i whole follo\Cing C




0 0 V, 0,


-.J n

as 3S a in the chc:rts, Document n -.J 0, -.J














Dr:-liverv ;�.:.tivitv A:1::lysis, Do,:ument Deliverv Throughput Time, and Document ::; rr








Deii.v2:rY fina:1c.ial Con tr:bi.: tion Anzlvsis.













Concr;:.:.t funds for the coning year have been requested to cover 8,350 out-of-










,:. .-t\ ,-; '7.'


su�regio:i lc.J.:1s at $4 p�r loan. The i!CRMLP staff and Advisory Co!lllilittee are






t- r.


0 -.J


N N :,. 1'l




pres2ntly discussing and invescigacing the possibility of ceasing to provide any






N .t- N

N r 0..,: 0 ;,





0 0 .t- V, 0-


r. r

direct reiubursement for document deliv.;ry and using these funds to develop other 0 :, n


0 :r. n



prograJJ. areas.










0 p




'< N ;:;


-< ()




N V, N N





�· 11)





-0 n .t-

. ..,

-.J N


r. .:,









N 0





en 0 \0




,c, 0,







C:.. n v,



O' C











. r. w






N w -.J w C ;' V, 0 V, \0 N w

0 N n r. en 0. n tr.




<.r, 3 C' >-i 0 t.,o


.t- .t-


.t- .t- C n ·o

"' "'















CXl v'


ex, 0 r, 0 Iv 0 0



r, :, n -5-



_To cal ii South l);_ik.ota 5,990 Nebraska 5,234 H.issouri-Columbia. 8,038 Washington University 7,449 Kansas 18,503 Utah 6,483 Colorado 13,467 \-lyoming 2,072 Region 67,236 C.IL ·1

South Dakota Ql Q2 Q3 *Q4 Nebraska Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Missouri-ColtUnbia Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Washington University Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Kansas Ql Q2 QJ Q4 Utah Ql Q2 Q3 Q/1 Colo,ado Ql Q2 Q3 QI, Wyoming Ql Q2 QJ qt, $


�t�L�-23,960 'I 20,936 32,152 29,796 74,012 25,932 53,868 8,288



_f_�tjg_,\11.__CON.fR tH\lT ll \� ,\N.t\LYS l!; 19111) --JUL\: 19 79-.JUNI:: _NL��)�



'::. $ 904 J.S


4 'l).'1!J 20.& ($2/Lo,m) 4,780 22.S 5 ,o20 26. 8 ( $ �/Lo,rn) 1, ,896 15.2 lJ,l.12 1,0. 8 ($ 3/ Loan J_uly-Dec) ($4/Loan Jan·-Junte) 6,160 20.7 11,840 39.7 ($3/Loa" July-Dec) ($11/Loan Jan-June) 4,880 6.6 15,002 20.3 ($2/ Loan) 4,132 15.9 6,602 25.6 ($2/Loan) 8,680 16.1 22,671 42.l ($3/Loan) 664 8.0 0 0 (No charge) $268,9114 $35,096 13.0 $79,791 29.7



July 1, 1979-June 30, 1980

Percent of Loans Percent of

Q0._c_u % $1.500 6.3 (Al!EC) 3,000 11.6 (State Lib. Corum.) S4,50fl 1.7 Un filled Requests

Filled in: Cle.:,red in:

'• Days 7 D:iys 10 Days

'• Days 7 Da� .lQ._D�

Not Reported Ql Not Reported

100 Q2 89 94.S 100 100 Q3 89 94.5 100 *Q'• 98.6 99.5 100 Ql 96.3 96.3 100 100 Q2 93 100 97 .6 100 Q3 96.8 97. 5 100 100 Q4 100 99.7 99 100 Ql 95 99.3 100 99. 7 100 Q2 97 99 100 100 Q3 100 99 100 Q4 99 100 93.7 97.3 100


80. 3 91.3 100 95.3 98 100 Q� 75 95.3 100 98 99 c00 Q3 90 98 100 99 99 100 QI, 97 100

Not Reported Ql Not Reported

Not Reported Q2 Not Rci,orted

100 QJ 100 100 ()4 100 98 99 100 Ql 98 99 100 99 100 Q2 98. 99 100 99 1.00 Q3 97 99 lUO 100 Q4 91 100 98 Ql Not Reported

Not Reported Q2 Not Rt:>portcd

99 100 Q] Not l{eportcd

98.1 99 99.1 Q4 98 •. � 99 99.1

Not Reported Ql Nor.: l�t!po.1..-tc.<l

Not Hcpnrtcd Q2 Nut Rl_'r,orted

llut Reported (/J Not lkportcd

�ot Rcpor:..:!d Q4 Hot Ht.�ported

*Sout.h Uako t:1 :10 l on1�v r accepts re i.mbur:;cmcn r �_1nd 1\01.:�; not :.:eport ,;t.itiscic�,.

Li bra£): $ !!.. $ 16,612 69.3 10,5:J6 50.3 14,11,4 44.0 11,796 39.6 I 54,130 73.1 12,198 ,, 7. 0 22,517 41.9 7 ,6211 92.0

---$lli9,557 55.6 I



Educational Services

Tne Educational Servi(;es Program is responsible for th� initial and cont::..nuing education of. persons ,..,,•ho dre responsible for the operation of health science libraries, located oainly in hospitals and other d'irect care �acilities, who have not had a.-iy fo=al training in library operation or li.brary service. cne Educaticnal Services Program offered four workshops within this report period,


a total attendance of forty-five participar.ts, or a mean of


participar.ts per works�op. 'I\.�o of these workshops were taught by staff from the Resource Librar/ within the stat:e where they \./ere offered, and two were taught co::i?letely by }:CR}fi..P core staff� A new workstop offering, Administrative

Functions, was developed within the past year and offered for the first time.

A listing of the workshops offered, 1,,.'ith their locations, instructors, and nu::ber of participants, follows:

\.:orkshoo Location

Refere:1ce II Kansas City, KS



12-13, 1979

Number of Participants


Instructors: ��riann Gardner, ClendeniP.g Library� Kansas City, KS Lee-Allison Levei,e, Clendening Libr::,.ry, Kansas City, KS

AV ProbleJ1 Clinic Omaha, Ni: August

8-9, 1979

Instructors: Nancy Merrick, U.N.!-f.C.

Reba Be:i.schoter, U.N.�.C.

Snndy Arnesen, Creighton University Benny Benschoter, Creighton University

N�w Basic Skills Scottsbluff, NE

Instructors: Karen Hacklem.:....'1, HC�1LP Claire Gadzikowski, MCR.'!LP

-A:ici:i.is trati ve Fune tions Omaha, NE

I:1st:-uctor: K;1ren Hackleman, HCRHLP


16-17, 1980


27, 1980



Also, within the p.?.3t year, the Reference II workshop was revised, updated, and rcr:a::red the Basic Reference Practicum. Also, the Basic Skills workshop was re,,orked to a more modular structure, al101,ing its presentation to be changed to meet the varying needs of the participants.

A large percentage of the Education Progr�ms Coordinator's time (Claire Gadzi­ kc·,;ski) vas consu�ed by the co::iplete revision of a 1970 publication of the Intero.)�nt.::.i:-: Regional Medical Program, "First lUd for Hosnita1. Librarians," by

A .. 1:1e Cra::er, anC. pu�lished at Salt Lake City. Tne new cc.Ii tion, completely re­ vist!d and u?dateC., is titled Hosr Ltal Library O:,erations: An Overview of Techr.ical a:1ci Public Services, by Claire Gadzikowski, and is now published by the HC:P.:•2..P in 0::...:ha with a copyright elate of 1980. This publication is now ir:

i :s third p:-in tit;g, totaling 500 copies, and has received an extremely pos::.. ti ve reception, both from within this region and from the other regions. Of the first r-.. ;o pr:r.tings (300 copies), 65% went to institutions or individuals outside Region \"III. Tnis publication is now used as a syllabus for the MCR..�P' s · Basic Skills Workshop.

-9-Another significant development within this report period �ns the negotiacion of a contract with the South Dakota Area Health Education Center (.� . .HEC) for

the provision of education. progr'ams for basic unit librarians in :out� Dc.ko:a,

!his c.:intract provides the MCP.l'!LP with


in travel and per d1e.:1 1n order to deliver four workshops in South Dakota duri:ig a period be.ginning in !1ov2:r:ber of


a.nd running through September of


A list of th.,se ;mrks:10ps "'ith their dates and place of presentation, follows:

Consortium Dynamics November



Huron, SD

Administrative Functions February



Sioux Falls,


Advanced Online Training !1.:ly



Sioux Fal::..s, SD

Patient Education September



Rapid City, SD Tne position of Head, Educationnl. Programs Instruction and Consultation, vacant since it was initially funded, v.ras filled on September l, 1979 by Kar-en Hack-le::ian. The Education ?rogr,:r::1s Coordiriator, Claire Gadzik.m,:ski, wa�---_gri!.nteci a or.c y£:ar leave-of-absence to obtain the Naster of Library Science. degr�e at the Univers:.ty of Missou:-i-Colurobia. Ti1at leave begins August 15, 1980 and runs through August 15, 1981. �aving filled a new position :1ithin the r:d:c��i��a: Se.rvices Program and by having begun to develop alternative sources or rcn .... 1;1s.,_ tne Educational Services Program is beginning to expand and improve botn tr.e nurr.Jer and variety of its offerings.


-10-Co�sul t a t ion

Cons u l t a t io n ac tivi ties of the MCR:·ILP are des igned and focused for provi d i n g infor.:iation ar.d help to ins t i tu til nS and individua l s i n o rder to enabl e thee

to imp rove or C)..."'Par.d ei ther l ib raries o r l ib rary s e rv i c e s as well as to a s s i s t in the g ran t appl i c 3 t i on p r o c e s s in order tha t o p t i :nal fund ing is availab l e

f o r imp rovemen t o f !!le d i cal library services w"i thin the Hidcont inental Re gion .

The caj o ri ty o f cor:.s t:.l ta tion a c tivi ty tJ i thin the Hi dcon tinental Region con­ tinues to :i e carried out by the s t3 f f s of the nine Reso urce L:!.br.:1r ies, al tho u gh wi th the f i lling o f the po s i tion o f H e;i d , Ednca t ional Pro grams Ins truc tivn 3nd Cons ul tati o n , mo re of this ac tivi ty i s b eginning to be p rovided by the MCRM::.,P co=e s t a r r . W i thin this �epor t p e r io d , mucl1 consul t a tion · was provited d i r e c tly by �!CR:{L? -2ore s t a f f to ins t i t u ti ons in Wyomin g , in s upp o r t of th e s u1::>regional Cevelop�enc plan c urren tly b eing im? l emented in that s t a t e . A lis t of co n·­ sul ting vi s i ts made by the HCRHLP s ta f f , fol lows :

9/1 7 , 13/79 -

S ta t e Net:-w o rk Dcvdopmen t , Laraci e ; WY

1/11/ ao


2 / 2 7 / 80

3/24/ so

3 / 24/80


3 / 26/80



5/ 20/S'J

6 .' 4 , 5 / 80


6/ 30/ so

- Me tho di s t H o s p i t a l , 0o.aha , NE

- S t . Jos eph ' s Ho s p i t a l , Ab erdee n , S D

- No r f o lk Re gional Cente r , �or i ol�< , "NE

- Uni ve r s i ty o f Wyo nii.ng , Laramie , WY Librar!· .Ttlchni � a l S ervices S ta f f

- DeP.::i.ul H o s p i tJ.l , Chey enne , WY Wes tern \-:y o:r.i n g Col l e g e Ro ck S p rings , \,-Y

- Ct::1 tr.J.l \\yorJ.ng Co.l l e g e I R.i verton , \,;"Y

- hyocing Faci.ly � :·a c t i c e P rogram Cas? c r , ,;y

- Cc l l e ge o f Hum.:in �� d i c ine , Larami e , WY

- Bea : r i c e D�ve lop�ental Cen t e r Beatri ce , N£

- Wy otoir. g G r an t s , Omaha. , l\"E

- A..�EC Hee t ing> S io u..x Fa l l s , S D

- SE J;eb raska Conso r tium Mee ting

Linc.oln , �'E

-11-Rob e r t B raude Dick Pride Karen Hc1cklcman Karen Hackl etoan Rob e r t Braude Dick Pride Karen Ha ckleman

Kare n Hackl eman Ka ren 'lac kleman Karen Hackl eman Ka ren Hackl eman

Karen Hackl eman Karen Hackl eman

Karen Hackl eman Rob e r t B raude

Dick Pride

Karen Ho.cklec�n Cla i r e Ga d z ikowski Karen Hackl eman

Karen Hackleman

On line S e rvir:.es

Online Services is respon s ible fo r a s s i s ting heal t h c a r e in s t i t u t ions in ob tain ing access to the onl ine da tab as e s avail able from t.he N a t i onal Lib :-ary

o f Me dicine as v.1ell o.s o th e r databas e s avail ab le f ro:n o th e r s o u r ce s , ir. s u?po r :

o f the heal th s c ier, cc s . 1his prograc is al so res?onsible f o r p roviding a varie ty of e d u c a t ional exp e r ien ces for persons involved in the use of onl ine databases Y i t h the obj e c t ive o f inc:eas in g the i r abil i t y t o accura tely and e i f e c t ivclv u s e tho s e databas e s . Coordina �ion o f regional automa tion p ro j e c t s al so fal l s \.Ji ti: in this program are a . Tne maj o r emph as i s o f a c t ivity �i [hin this repo r t p e r i o d has be.en to encourage b ;i. s i c uni t s to p ro vide o n l in e s e rvices an d to p rovi de: crai:-. in ; i n s uppo r t o f t h a t s e rvice .

Seven t een new Nl .. H Onl ine Cen ters were a d d e d to the Region during the p a s c. y e .::. r , b ringing the to tal to s eventy- s ix , comp2.re d to f i f ty-n ine a t the e n d o f l a s e ve�r . Th is represen t s an in::rease o f 2 8 . s:, . Th i r ty-s even o f the s even t y - s i x , o r 4 8·. 7 % , a r e l o c a t e d i n ho s p i tals .

To tal . co me c t hoers fo r the Re gion i n c r e a s e d from 4 , 7 e 9 i:1 1 9 7 b / 7 9 to 6 , 1 9 7 f o r

this p e r io d , a n in c rc asee c, f

2 9 . 4 % .

To tal o f f l in e p r in t s i n_c re ,,s ed fr o □







1 2 , 1 9 3 , an in cre.::.se of 1 9 . 6 % . Tq tal pages o f o f f l in e p rirf!:Tn g in c reasi!d i ron

1 80 , C94

t o

252 , 0 12 ,

an increase of 3 9 . 9 % . To tal o f f s e ar ches increased f roc

12 , 6 7 1


1 6 , 618 ,

an in c r e a s e of

3 1 . 1 % .

The dnn u � l T RP O n l i n e U p d a t e , hel d .s. t Nl.M S e p temb e r 2 /i - 2 5 , 1 9 79 , i.,.-as a t t en d e e b y Ri cf' ard Pride , Ac t i:1 g As s o c i n te Dire c to r o f the !·'.CR}U..P , an d Ca r .) l j·n Reid o f the Un ive r s i t y o f His s :i u r i a t K.ar,sas C i t y . Carolyn Re i d was ac ting as Re g :o:! \' I l I � s TIU' and s ubseq uen t l y p resen u_ <l two r e g i.onal u p dc'.l t e s ; ::me in conj u:1 c c .::.or. \,: i r:1 the� HLA Re gional Mz e cinL in Wich i ta , KS on 0c rob e r 2 4 , 1 9 7 9 , an d c•ne in S t . Lou::..s 1 �•:O

on Novemb e r

1-2 , 19 79 .

An NLM Adv.:mced Onl ir.� Trai n in g Cl a s s was h e l C a t the Ur. i v � r s i i.: y o f U t a:1 � S a l t Lake C i t y , Febu rary 4 - 8 ,

1 9 80 .

Karen Ha ckl cr.ian of the MCF�·J..? .;r. d :; i� a !Jo u�he,- r y of the, Un ive r s i t y o f U t ai: coo r d in a t e d the t ra i :, ing' i,,;h i ch \..12.s t aegf: t by the Info :1:-.a t '.:.o n

S e r v i ce s s taff o f P� i<.HLS . Twen t y - two p e rsons a t tende d , \.: i th s i ;,: t t: e n ( 7 3 /0 b e i :1 g free Re gion VI I I .

In response to a resiJnal need fo r t ra in ing o f b a ckup s e a r ch e r s � s e a r c h e r s us ing shartd codes , and s e � r chers des i rins a d d i t ional e d u � a t io��l s e � r ch expf. r i e� c e , the NCR.l·1P developed an d cond u c t e d a three-day cour s e , 110nline: T r a i n in g : p._7 In i t :.. a l C l a s s in t h e Use o f N1 .H 0nl ir.l:! D.J. t ab a s e s . 1 1 T h i s cot.:rse "'·as j o in t l y s;.-onsc rC; d b:_: the MCR..'-ll...P , the U:1.i versi ty o f S o u th Da!.;.o t u , a:id ti1 e Sou th Dako t2. A r e a H e a l th Education Cen t e r (.!.E EC) . P..a terial s were deve l o p e d as 'well as t.a'...:._;ht b y Ka r e :--. Hn ckleman an d C a ro lyn �e id , b o th o f t h e }�CRP.LP s ta f i . Bonr. i e H�. r:K o f the F�,::J.:d

C i t y Re gional Ho s p i t .11. provi de::d l o c al co o :r d ine t ion . Th i r ty p a r t i c i pan t s � t :�nded che co urse in Rapid C i ty , S D , May 6 - 8 , 1 9 80 , t\.Jen t y - f o u r ( B O �n of ..,,:hich :...·C! r c f ro:::

Re gion VI I I . 111e course con ten t wns reviewed by the l·!� d i c al L i b r a r y J,s s o c i :i t icn

and app rov<:d for 2 . 2 CEU ' s .

ln addit ion , a one-day cc u rs e , 1 1 B a s i c On line Sl.:□inar , 1 1 was deve l c p e d , .;.:1d i s sche dul e d for p rc s e:1 t a t ion i n Augus t , 1 9 80 . De s i gn e d for non - s e .a r chi:1g libraria�f.,

the s-2:minar in troduces the b a s i c concep t s 0 1 onlinc o ib l i o g ra?h i c d a t a b c. s e s e � rchin g . Included i s ir.1..formati..:in o :,. b as i c te rmino logy , terx.ir.::il s , teleco!!:.!lu.."l i c a t io:is sys teus ,


-12-h"L!-1 databases, other databases, capabilities and limitations of online search­ ing, as well as other topics of interest to non-searching library personnel or library ma:1age:-s considering bejinning an online search service.

Within the past year, the Online S�rvices Coordinator, Carolyn Reid, was appointed to n:o national committees. They are the Standing Committee for Online Retrieval Education (SCORE), an advisory body to NU!, and the SERLINE Task Force, a body respo:1sible for advising ?-i1..M on the update and maintenance of the SERLINE and DOCLINE databases. Carolyn attended her first meeting of both these co�.mittees in June, 1980.

Curren� ne•Ts regarding che NL'-1 Online System is regularly disseminated to the

region via the .::olu:i.n 11HEDLINES,11 which appears in each issue of the regional

newsletter, Octas2!tere.

Finally, a significant proble� to the Online Services Program, over both this, as well as the last re?Ort period, that of the vacancy of the position of Online Servic�s Coordinator, h�s now been rewedied. The filli�g of this position, '-'h:le having been adequately covered by Karen Hacklec.an over most of this report pcri0d, will no• . .; allo\.l the Online Services Program to more dynamically respond to the ne·..l and groi,dng needs from with.in the region, as well as to begin to provide wre �ducatior.al opportunities in the area of online retrieval.

-13-Crants Management

Crones management ,•ithln the MlJcontincntol kq•,lon, inclu<lln,; consultatloa

on tl1e grant applicati01! process, is prin1Arily nd�inJstercd 3nd pcr!ormed by the staffs of the Resource Libraries. lniti.-il inquiries concerning avail­ ability of grants, the mechanics of the gr,:mt process, and grar.t application kits, are referred to tl1e Resource Library which serves the subregion fro� which the request is coming. MC�aP core staff becoces involved in the grant

consultation process in conjunction �ith Reso�rce Library staff, when Re­ source Library st,1,ff transfers the respons;_Cility to the RHL st.Jff, and 1

... •t.en

fila staff is involved with institutions concerning other prograc areas> such as workshops, library �anagement or consortium form�tion consult�tions, etc. The MCR:·1LP st.:iff maintains close contact with the Resource Libr,:;.ries concerning the grant activity going on throughout the region. \..'ithin this report period, the MCRMLP has been particularly active in grant consulta­ tion within the State of l-:yomin£, as part of the MCRJ·H ... P's active plan to bring Wyoming up to a resource base and resource organiZ2tion ievel co�­ parablc to that of the other subregions within this regio:1. Because ttis rt!giOn .-i..s ffiadc up largely of rural, scattered population areas, •,,.1:i t..h corre:­ spondingly small basic unit institutions, the grants p:-o�i:_arn of ��M is pc;.r­ ticularly important and contributes significantly to the develop�cnt of the BCN wir�in the seven stnte Midcontinental nrea. Follo..,dng is a list of !'1-i .. M grants that were active Curing this report period.

Resource Improvement Grants

Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder, CO

He�tal Hoalth Center-boulder City, Boulder, CO Memorial Hospital of Natrona County, Casper, WY St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Hannibal, MO

Primary Children's Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT South Dakota Human Services, Yankton, SD

Lincoln Medical Education Foundation, Lincoln, tlE

St. Ann's Hospital, Watertown, SD St. Luke's Hospital, Aberdeen, SD

Resource Pro(ect Grants University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE

School of Dentistry

(Co�puter Assisted Dental Simulations)

University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD

School of Medicine

(South D3kota Medical Library Services Develop�ent Progra�)

Creighton University School of Medicine (Midcontinental Audiovisual Resource

Sharing [MARS)) -14-Omaha, NE 12/78 - 11/79 4/79 - 3/80 8/79 - 7/80 9i79 - 8/80 1./79 - 3/81 4/8D - 3/ Si 4/80 - 3/�l 5/8() - 4/81 8/79 - 7/81 6/77 - 5/80 7 /77 - 6/80 12/79 - 11/81


Public Relations

In order that as many institutions and individuals as possible are aware of. the ?rograi:i.s and senriccs of the. MCRMLP and thus have the opportunity of making use

of those progra:is and services, the MCRl-!LP engages in public relatio'.1s activities.

Tne !-1CR'-1P' s U12.in vehicle for public relations information dissemination is its bimonthly n��·sletter, Octasphere. This publication regularly describes the

!1C�1.P 's programs and services, as well as listing the availability of workshops and other educational opportunities o, materials whi.ch becor:i.a available within

the region. Each issue of Octasohere reaches over 1200 recipients, includi�g all hospitals in the Midcontinental Region.

In addition, wittin this report period, the MCfilap developed and hed co�scructed a display �oard '..•hich describes ar.d graphically portrays all the ma ivr program ' are.'.ls of the MC�ilP. 111is portable display is designed to be used �ith nresen­ tat:.ons or as an exhibition at meetings of library c:::ganizations, as well as at m:eti�gs of health c�re prvfessionals. A shipping crate was constructed, enabling tne display to be shipped around the region and used by the staffs of the Resource L_ibraries at local and state meetings. This display was used three times within tne past year at professional meetings. One of these exhibitions included an installed online terminal for demonstrating the NLM Cnline Databases. A list of

such displays, as 1-.1ell a.; other pu'::>lic relations activities of the MCRH!..P staff

follo�s: '

O::a1ha �lidwest Clinicai Society (October, 19i9)

O�ganizational Meetinb of "Developir:g Heal th Ed�c.1 tion Centers i:i Co=r:.unity Phar:n.acies11

(l\oveci:,er 13-14, 1979) Soutl1 Dakota Libraries of Affili�t2d. Teaching Hospitals (LATH) Meeting

(Dec2mer 13-14, 1979)

Spe11cer S. Eccl�s Health.

Sciences Library [�i\·e�sicy of ttah

(February 25-26, 1980)

De;iison Hemorial Library UniYersitv of Colorado




�lid· ... 1e.s t Hesl th Cong:-css

(P.a.rcc 18-20, 19SO)

Omaha, NE

Omaha, NE

Vermillion, SD

Salt Lake City, UT

Dt..Ner, C.O Kansas City, MO -15-Display Board Presentation of RHL Program Description by Dick Pride Presentation of Rl1L Program described by Dick Pride and Karen Hackleman General visit by Dick Pride General visit by Dick Pride Display BoarJ Staff Activities

Following is a complete listing of activities which the MCRHLP staff partici­ pated in, either as instructors or as participants, for the fiscal year 1979/80:

7/12-13/79 8/9-10/79 8/ 16/79 8/26/79 9/17-18/79 9/24-25/79 9/26/79 9/27-28/79 10/24/79 10/25-27 /79 10/29/79 11/ 1-2/;9 11/7-9/79 11/12-16/79 11/15/79 11/27-28/79 Reference II Workshop, Kansas City, MO AV Collection Development, 0-.naha, NE

Onward and Upward-�lobility in Librarianship-CE Program, Lir.coln, NE

Regio11al AV Consultants Update­ HESCA, Kansas City, HO

Co�sultation with University of Wyorni:-.g, Laramie, WY

Online Services Update, N1.H, Bethesda, MU

Co:nr.iunications and Conflict-Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

Advisory Cotl...""Uttee Meeting Om.::h.a, NE

Online Update, Wichita, KS

MCP.hL Group/HLA !lleeting \.Ji chi ta, KS

Mi di;es t Clinical Society Oma!;a, NE

Regional Online Services Update, St. Louis, HO

R!-G, Directors Meeting, Dalla�, TX Advanced HEDLINE Trai.iing Class, D.-2llas, TX

He tropolitan Ona.'1a Heal th Sciences Librarians Group� Om.aha, ?IB "Technical Services for the 1980' s:

To Integrate Cataloging and Acquisitions" Workshop, Omaha, !.'E


A. Levene, ��-GarCncr-Uni. v. of Kansas l<edic.:il Ce:1ter D.Pride, C.Gadzikowsi�i; N. Merrick, R. Benschotcr-m�c S.Arnesen, B.Be:nschoter­ Creighton University C.Gadz!km,:ski D.Pride; W.P�y-Eccles Lii?_.t_a ry, Salt Lake City, UT

R.Braude, D.Pride D.Pride, C.Reid C.Lang R.Bra�dc, D.Pride, K.H:.icklet:,.:i:-i, C.Go.dzikc·.,n.:Li D.Pride, C.Reid

R.Braucie1 D.Pride, C.R0id1

K.P...1cklem.:1�, C.Gadzikc1..:ski D.Pridc, C.G�dziko�s�i D.Pricif:'., C.I\eid R.Braude, D.Pride K.Hackleman D.Prid�. C.Gad:ikc�ski D.Pride, K.Hackle"Jlari



11/29/79 12/13-14/79 1/18/30 2/4-8,'80 2/20/80 2/21/80 2/25-26/80 2/27/80 2/28-29/80 3/6-7/80 3/20-21/80 3/24-26/80 3/ 26-2&/ 80 4/7-9/80 4/10/80 �/16-17/30

MED�IN'E Ter-�nal Demonstration, K.Hackleman

Nebr�ska r��hodist Hospital, Ocaha,NE

Joint Meeting of Lommen Lib::ary D.Pri_de, K.Hackleman

Advisory Conoittee and the LATii Council, Vermillion, SD

N. Central Health Sciences Con- K.Eack.leman

sc-rtium Consultation, ili>erdcen, SD NLM .\dvanced Training, Salt Lake City, 1;T

AV Workshop Planning Meeting, Om.sha, !·:£

l<e:trop:ilitan OIJEha Health Sciences Librarians Group, Oma:1c:1, NE

Visit to Eccles Health Sciences Librnry, Sale Lake City, UT

Co?1sortiu:n De.velopmenr, �orfolk, h"E

PHILSOM Visit, W3shingto� Univ. School of Medicine Library, St.L0uis, !-10

Visit to University of Colorado Ne.dical Center Library, Denver, CO

Advisory Commie tee ·Meeting,

Om.1ha, NE

Consor�ia Me.,;ting Consultation, an:i Universi�y of ,:yom.ing Technical Se::-vices Wn&ultation, La:-amie, WY


K.Hac��leman, C.Gadzikowski; S.A�ncsen, Creighton University

R.Braude, D.Pride, C.Gadzikow�ki D.!'ride R.Hraude, D.Pride, K.Hackleman K. Hackleman D.Pridc R.Braude, D.Pride, K.Hackleman, C.Ci!dzikowski K.Hackleman

}liJ�est He3lth Sciences Librdry D.Pride �er-,.:ork Co:1.sortia Meeting, !·1adi,:;cn,WI

CE-Si:nu1.ation and Garring, UNXC,

Ocah.2., NE

Kebraskn C�1c:.pter of the American Society for Tr.1 ning & [•evelopt.1ent 1980 Film Festival, Boys To=, NE Ne·. Easic Skills Workshop, Scottsbluff, NE -17-C.Cadzikowski, K.Hackleman C. Gadzikowski K.Hackleman, C,Gadzikowski 4/Ll-22/80 5/6-8/80 5/9/80 5/12-14/80 5/20/30 6/9/80 6/13-14/ 80 6/14-15/80 6/15-19/80 6/20/80 6/20-21/80 6/27/80 6/ 30/ 80

AnEC Int.,rface with Educational frograms, Vermillion, SD lni ti:il NEDLINE Trainir.g Class, Rapid City, SD Management/Marketing Workshop, Rapid Cily, SD D.Pride, K.Hackleman C·. Reid, K. Hackleir.an K.Hackleman, C. Reid ASCL\ Multi type Library Cooperation D. Pride

Section \..'orkshop, Madison, WI

Consult,:tiun of a Developing K.Hacklcrna"

Consortium and Site Visit Facilities,

BGatrice Developmental Center,

Ilea trice, NE

Investigate new Educational Hedia Progra""' for Health Professionals, Sioux Falls, SD


Medical & Scientific Writing Seminar, K.Hackleman Pittsburgh, PA

CE Courses at the MLA Annual Meeting Washing:on, DC

Annual MLt\ Meeting, Washington,DC SCORE Mee ting, Washington, DC CE Course at the Ml.A Annual Meeting Washington, DC

Admir.iscrative Functions Workshop, Omaha, tJ::

SE Nehraska Health Sciences Library Consort'!.um Consul ta ticn, Lincoln, h�

-18-D.Pride, C.Ga�=ikowski, C. Reid D.Pride, C.Gadzikowski, C.Reid, Y..Hackle��n C.Reid K.Hackleoan K.Had:le:r.an K.Hackle:n.1n



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