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Imstøl Rolf Violation of maritime design rules and regulations VAMK VAMK/A3007 Wednesday 18.4


Academic year: 2022

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Name Topic Where Room Tuesday 17.4. 11:00-12:00

Imstøl Rolf Violation of maritime design rules and regulations VAMK VAMK/A3007 Wednesday 18.4. 10:00-12:00

Su Yuping

Assessing the impacts of a novel phosphorus inactive clay on phosphorus release control and phytoplankton

community structure in eutrophic lakes VAMK VAMK/A2040

Wednesday 18.4. 12:00-14:00

Imstøl Rolf Violation of maritime design rules and regulations VAMK


Kussener Edit

Analog Design in embedded system and integrated

circuit Novia Novia / R304

Thursday 19.4. 13:00-16:00


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