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Reaction Conditions Data Mining: The application of Machine Learning towards predicting the future of process development


Academic year: 2022

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UPTEC K 19021

Examensarbete 30 hp Juni 2019

Reaction Conditions Data Mining

The application of Machine Learning towards

predicting the future of process development

Samuel Hallinder


Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten


Ångströmlaboratoriet Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 Postadress:

Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon:

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Reaction Conditions Data Mining

Samuel Hallinder

In organic chemistry and especially process chemistry, there is a constant need to develop cost-effective ways to optimize different reaction conditions. With the increased development of Machine Learning (ML) combined with Data Mining (DM) new possibilities arise to reduce time and costs in the field of chemical science. In order to address the need for reduced time-/cost savings in process chemistry, the often-employed Suzuki-Miyaura reaction was studied by such ML and DM

methods. A representative dataset containing molecular and structural properties of substrates and product were calculated with open-source toolkits Indigo, Chemistry Development Kit and RDKit available in KNIME. To predict any form of reaction outcomes, catalysts and reaction conditions were ranked based on several binary classification Machine Learning models designed with a Random Forest algorithm. On model lead to a binary classification model performing at a low computational cost. It showed an AUC of 98.5% predicting a reaction to a certain threshold of yield ( >=60% and <=40%). A second model encompassed six unique binary classification models and presented an average accuracy of 91.6%

to predict a correct catalyst. These six different models were combined to later rank catalysts that are best suited for a new reaction and gave a probability result between 23.6% to 77.3%. The experimental validation was proven to highlight the uncertainty of the performance, were the least suitable (23.6%) catalyst

demonstrated best performance. Overall, the models showed a promising correlation to support the synthesis optimization problem and with further adjustment there are great opportunities to obtain a model that can assist chemists in the future.






3.1 BACKGROUND ... 4

3.2 AIM OF THESIS ... 5

4 THEORY ... 6




4.3.1 Classification ... 6

4.3.2 Random Forest, CART and OOB ... 7


5.1 DATA SOFTWARE ... 10


5.2.1 Chemicals ... 10

5.2.2 Instrumentation of High-Performance Liquide Chromatography (HPLC) ... 10

5.2.3 General experimental procedure ... 10

6 METHOD ... 11




6.3.1 Milestone 1 ... 12 First attempt of model design for prediction of yield classes ... 12 Optimization to minimize the number of descriptors ... 14 Optimization of model design ... 15 Final Random Forest model of a binary classification of yield ... 15

6.3.2 Milestone 2 ... 16 Random Forest model for binary classification of catalysts ... 16

6.3.3 Milestone 3 ... 16 Ranking candidate catalyst ... 16 Experimental analysis on candidate reactions ... 17 Evaluation performance of obtained results from experiments ... 17


7.1 MILESTONE 1 ... 18

7.1.1 First model for prediction of a binary classification of yield ... 18

7.1.2 Optimization to minimize the number of descriptors and model conditions ... 20

7.1.3 Final model for prediction of binary classification of yield ... 26

7.2 MILESTONE 2 ... 27

7.2.1 Final model for prediction of binary classification of catalysts ... 27

7.3 MILESTONE 3 ... 30

7.3.1 Ranking candidate catalyst ... 30

7.3.2 Experimental analysis on candidate reactions ... 30


9 FUTURE WORK ... 34


11 REFERENCES ... 35


1 Abbreviations

AI Artificial Intelligence

ANN Artificial Neural Networks

AUC Area Under the Curve

CART Classification And Regression Tree

CDK Chemistry Development Kit

DM Data Mining

DR Dimensional Reduction

ER Error Rate

FN False Negatives

FP False Positives

FPR False Positive Rate

HPLC High-Pressure Liquide Chromatography

IPC In Process Control

HTS High Throughput Screening KNIME Konstanz Information Miner KNN K-Nearest Neighbours LR Logistic Regression ML Machine Learning

MQN Molecular Quantum Numbers

Mtry Number of features for deciding best splits NB Naïve Bayes

OOB Out Of Bag

PMML Predictive Modell Mark-up Language

RF Random Forest

ROC Receiver Operating Characteristics

RP Reversed Phase

SL Statistical Learning

SVM Support Vector Machines

PCA Principal Component Analysis

TN True Negatives

TP True Positives

TPR True Positive Rate

TPSA Topological Polar Surface Area

VSA Van der Waals Surface Area

Pd(dppf)Cl2 [1,1´-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene]dichloropalladium(II) Pd(dtbpf)Cl2 [1,1´-bis(di-tert-butylphosphino)ferrocene]dichloropalladium(II) Pd(PPh3)2Cl2 Bis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II)dichloride

Pd(PPh3)4 Tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(0) Pd(t-Bu3P)2 Bis(tri-tert-butylphosphine)palladium(0)


2 Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning

Inom organisk kemi och processkemi ser man ett ständigt behov av att utveckla, tidseffektivisera och på kostnadseffektiva sätt optimera olika processer.

Försökplaneringsmetoder, så som faktoriell design används i en bred utsträckning för att optimera system där matematiska funktioner utnyttjas för att finna ett linjärt samband i utfallet av en reaktion. Detta har demonstrerats vara en tidskrävande process även för de mest skickliga inom området, där flertalet testförsök erfordras för att finna de mest gynnsamma reaktionsparametrarna som krävs för att uppnå ett så högt utbyte av önskad produkt som möjligt.

Suzuki-Miyaura-korskopplingsreaktionen är en av de mest använda reaktionerna i att bilda nya kol-kolbindningar inom medicinsk kemi, men har visats vara tidskrävande att optimera. Dessa reaktioner sker inte spontant i rumstemperatur utan måste utföras med tillförsel av värme tillsammans med närvaro av en metallkatalysator och bas i ett lösningsmedelssystem. Behovet här är att finna en kombination av faktorer så som katalysator, bas samt lösningsmedel som ska vara mest fördelaktig för att erhålla så högt utbyte som möjligt för en specifik reaktion. För att undvika stora kostnader på flertalet optimeringsprocesser har man nu sett en stor utveckling och förhoppning till att kombinera kunskapen inom maskininlärning och datautvinning med den kemivetenskapliga sfären. Med olika algoritmer har man sett en möjlighet att identifiera mönster inom en stor representation av data som tidigare inte varit möjligt. Maskininlärning har de senaste årtionden blivit applicerad i en allt större utsträckning inom läkemedelskemi, bioinformatik, etc. Syftet har då varit att på ett effektivare sätt kunna identifiera möjliga substanser, föreningar eller större komponenter som är av relevans till utvecklingen av nya läkemedelskandidater. Intresset har med detta även väckts inom kemisk syntes och processkemi.

Målet för denna studie har varit med hjälp av maskininlärning skapa ett verktyg för att på ett så kostnadseffektivt och tidsparande sätt optimera förhållandena för en reaktion. Den tidigare nämnda Suzuki-Miyaura-reaktionen valdes i denna studie för att studera det definierade problemet. Molekylära parametrar och strukturella molekylelement beräknades för att modellera utfallen från tidigare dokumenterade reaktioner. En maskininlärningsalgoritm implementerades, som läste in sig på befintliga data för att hitta intressanta mönster som skulle vara av relevans för att modellera det experimentella utfallet. I detta projekt valdes en Random Forest-algoritm, som i tidigare studier visats ha en hög säkerhet i olika binära klassificeringsfrågor. Första klassificeringsfrågan som konstruerades i detta projekt var om man kan uppfatta någon korrelation med de beräknade molekylära och strukturella egenskaperna för de olika komponenterna och utbytet för reaktionen. Om så var fallet, skulle det finnas en möjlighet att då förutsäga vilken katalysator som skulle kunna vara mest pålitlig att presentera ett högt utbyte för den specifika reaktionen.

Flertalet binära klassificeringsmodeller konstruerades och den mest framgångsrika modellen i att identifiera om en reaktion kommer ge ett högt eller lågt produktutbyte resulterades i att ge en säkerhet på 93.5%. Vidare undersöktes om det var möjligt att man på något likande sätt skulle kunna förutsäga vilken katalysator som skulle vara mest gynnsam för en reaktion i att få ett högt produktutbyte. Här valdes enbart sex stycken katalysatorer som alla använts i en mängd olika reaktioner; från 1 000 till 25 000. Unika binära klassificeringsmodeller konstruerades likt den framgångsrika modellen, och presenterade med ca 92% säkerhet rätt katalysator för de dokumenterade reaktionerna i test datasetet.


De två modellerna kombinerades för att senare rangordna de katalysatorer som är mest till minst lämpad för en ny reaktion, resultaten spred sig mellan 23.6% upp till 77.3% för de sex katalysatorerna. Dessa resultat validerades senare genom en experimentell analys där olika katalysatorer testades i laboratoriet och jämfördes med resultaten från modellen. De minst lämpade katalysatorerna visade sig prestera bättre medan den högst trovärdig utifrån modellens förutsägelse presenterade ett mindre önskvärt resultat. Detta motbevisade modellens säkerhet att ge ett representativt förslag av katalysator till en ny reaktion. Osäkerheten som uppstår beror generellt på de komplikationer som tillkommer i att förutse utfallet av en reaktion. Den beskrivning som erhålls från tidigare dokumenterade resultat tillsammans med de deskriptorer som modellen använder sig av har visats vara en osäkerhetsfaktor. Eftersom ingen direkt information ges kring de centrerade bindningar som bildas eller bryts i reaktionen så medför det en problematik i modellens förmåga att förutsäga reaktiviteten. Denna studie har dock visat att en korrelation existerar, vilket ger en god grund för framtida forskning. Metoden i sig är inte fel, med optimering och justering finns det stora möjligheter att erhålla en procedur som kan assistera kemister i att optimera reaktioner på ett tidseffektivt och ekonomiskt sett i framtiden.


3 Introduction

3.1 Background

A common challenge organic chemist encounters daily is the optimisation process of reaction conditions, which is one of the most time-consuming processes even for a person skilled in the art of synthetical organic chemistry and can take up to several weeks or even months to execute in the most efficient way. Different techniques have been used to confront these types of problems and factorial designs, D-optimal designs as well as High Throughput Screening (HTS) [1] [2] [3], are a few methods that have been successfully used to find the most preferable conditions at the minimal cost for a specific reaction. The techniques of HTS and combinatorial synthesis have contributed to gather and store large information of molecules into databases, and have made up for the evolution of the big data era in organic chemistry [4]. The field of drug discovery and process design have gained a lot from this to detect new target molecules as well as optimize several chemical processes.[5] [6].

The knowledge of Statistical Learning (SL), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have influenced chemists to gather information and discover patterns in various databases.

A broad range of different machine learning algorithms have later been used to either obtain vital information from databases or to forecast future estimations derived from available data.

Logistic Regression (LR) [4] [7] [8], k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) [6] [8] [9], Support Vector Machines (SVM) [4] [6] [9] [10] [11], Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [4] [6] [12] [13] [14], Naïve Bayes (NB) [11] [12] and Random Forest (RF) [4] [6] [8] [11] [15] are a few widely used algorithms in this field of research. The ability to influence and help to develop future new drug candidates, or to assist organic chemists to make reactions more effective, shorten time to optimized conditions, or even predict the outcome for specific reactions, is why these algorithms are one of the most acknowledged techniques today.

Some studies dedicated to combine ML techniques with synthetic chemistry predictions have been disclosed in the past decade. For example, Coley CW et al. [13] made an attempt to design a software tool to assist chemists in predicting reaction outcomes, by using a neural network model to score and rank candidate products with high prediction accuracy. The final estimate of selecting the major product with only one rank was obtained at a 71.8% accuracy. With three number of candidate ranks, the accuracy of desired product was within the top three gave 86.7%

and with five, 90.8%. The incorrect documented predictions were notably related to the lack of information from descriptors on chemical reactivity.

In another study performed by Skoraczyñski G et al.[4] different machine learning algorithms, such as LR, SVM, ANN and different types of RF were constructed. The models were trained with a large set of different reactions and descriptors, predicting a binary classification of yields respectively classification of reaction times. The main objective was to analyze if currently available descriptors are enough for forecasting reaction outcomes. Usage of molecular descriptors from RDKit (open source toolkit for calulating molecular descriptors) together with parameters from experiments, solvents and temperature, made it possible to obtain a prediction accuracy of 65% for yield respectively 75% for reaction times.


Aires de Sousa J, et al.[11] published a study with a sligtly different approach, were the objective was to design a system to predict reaction conditions for Michael reactions. 198 different Michael reactions with a number of different set of descriptors were used to train a couple of ML algorithms (SVM, NB and RF) to predict best combinations of conditions. The model that predicted the best for each solvent and catalyst tested was the RF model, after a 3- fold cross validation. The accuracy for different solvents and catalysts varied between 70 and 100% [11]. A similar approach was defined for a toxicity prediction study [16].

Using large sets of reactions and/or a large number of descriptors has been proven to be an immense burden on computational resources. Robin Gebuer et al. [15] published a study where the investigation was performed analyzing the major challenges, using big data in machine learning. The RF algorithm was introduced as an example, were different parameters were presented to be tuned for optimizing the model design to minimize the expense of calculations.

In summary, the Random Forest algorithm has been a good approach in constructing different model designs for receiving fast and solid predictive performances in machine learning modelling. Therefore, it was chosen as primary algorithm for this study.

3.2 Aim of thesis

Due to a high interest and desire to identify synthesis procedures that optimize time-consuming steps, the aim of this project was to “obtain a machine learning tool to rank the best reaction conditions for a specific reaction using only molecular properties”. The reaction of choice was the Suzuki coupling since this is one of the most used transformations in medicinal chemistry.

All codes & algorithms are publicly available in the open-source software KNIME [17] which was used to apply the widely used Random Forest algorithm for model creation.


4 Theory

In this section the underlying theory of Machine learning and its application will be described.

4.1 Machine Learning

Machine learning is a field in computer science that focuses on the development of different methods to automatically detect patterns in various datasets and use the uncovered patterns to create predictions for future data. To obtain this information, numerous distinctive types of algorithms and methods are readily available to apply for different tasks. ML is based on two strategies of learning, supervised and unsupervised. Different algorithms are constructed under each learning approach. [18] [19]

4.2 Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning is defined as the descriptive approach. It has been proved to find patterns within an input 𝑋" of the p-dimensionally vector space and present useful information of that set [20]. A dataset is defined as, 𝑝 = {(𝑋")}"*+,…,./ where it is possible to find implicit correlations and variance within vectors in the 𝑝-dimensional space. Clustering and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)[6] are a few known unsupervised methods that are widely used to acquire information of the features of a data set. The principles with both methods are to find similarities within parameters and place them into separate groups, or, place different thresholds to separate them from each other. This is very useful in large data sets problems[18], where the interests is to find information on poorly presented descriptors.

4.3 Supervised Learning

Supervised learning is described as a predictive approach where a computer can learn what has been presented by different algorithms, thereafter to predict future events based on that information [20]. It is defined as 𝐷 = {(𝑋", 𝑌")}"*+,…,.2 , were D is the set for training and B is the number of training examples. 𝑋" Is defined as a vector of distinctive features or numbers in the 𝑝-dimensional space, 𝑋" ∈ ℝ5. Features/properties/descriptors are a representation of a value e.g. the topological surface area (TPSA) which is a feature/descriptor that presents information of the molecular shape of a molecule. In general, can it be anything that will influence the categorical or nominal feature which is defined as the output variable [18], 𝑌 , 𝑌" ∈ {1, … , 𝐶}. For classification tasks 𝑌" is of a categorical value. For regression tasks 𝑌" is defined as a real value, 𝑌" ∈ ℝ5.

4.3.1 Classification

In this project, a classification task was of interest where a categorical value was used to describe the problem. Defined as 𝑌" ∈ {1, … , 𝐶}, were 𝐶 presents number of possible outcomes to a specific task of interest. The aim in classification tasks is to define the problem as a function [18], when 𝑌" = 𝑓(𝑋"). The function (𝑓), describes the problem with a representation of a fixed table of data points (𝑋"), named training set. This function is thereafter applied to another set of input data to predict classification outcomes. An ML algorithm will learn to find the patterns in the training data set and give an estimation of the performance to predict the desired 𝑦". The performance is later measured by the generalisation error, which gives an estimation of the performance. A prediction variable is made, 𝑌:" = 𝑔<𝑋:"=, that approximates the function of the training set to give a prediction of the output. An independent test set is later defined as another function, to validate the model’s predictability. Accuracy measures is calculated by dividing all


correct predictions to all predictions from the results of the test set. Which is a decent way to get an understanding of the model performance.

4.3.2 Random Forest, CART and OOB

There can be a few or multiple algorithms that are of best fit for solving different tasks for each problem. In this project, the supervised learning model, Random Forest algorithm, was implemented to first predict two yield classes and thereafter different catalysts classes. The RF is well known for its predictive accuracy, flexibility and can be used for both classification and regression tasks. It was firstly mentioned by Leo Breiman and defined as an ML

algorithm that can be found under the branch of ensemble learning methods [21]. The theory of RF is closely correlated with the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and the theory of bagging.

CART algorithms often refer as if a tree is drawn upside down. A statement is created in form of a question. For example: “Do the molecule follow the Lipinski rule of five?”

When using this algorithm to solve this classification task. Different questions are formed, in finding an acceptable representation what corresponds to the Lipinski rule of five. The CART uses a recursive binary splitting method, which means that all data are within the field to predict the outcome. Each feature is divided into distinct branches to acquire an information on the outcome and is referred as a candidate split. All candidate splits are calculated according to accuracy of choosing the right class, and this follows until no further splits is possible within a feature. The final decision from all final splits is combined and an average of all results is obtained on how accurate it can predict the molecules appearances to follow the rule.

The CART algorithm is simple to understand and interpret [18]. It works with both numerical and categorical features and can define multiclass tasks [20]. In addition, it also has the possibility to handle noisy parameters remarkably well, hence no need of a heavily curation performance. However, the main drawback with a CART algorithm in general is that it can easily create trees that overfit the data. The most apparent problem is the algorithm´s sensitivity with unstable data, which is observed when minor changes appear. The creation of that tree will be affected, and the final estimation would provide a negative impact to the final prediction. In most cases a high variance is shown within the final estimation and a low prediction is presented. One solution to this problem is to lower the variance for estimators by implement bagging. The short definition of bagging is to create decorrelated [21], noisy decision trees by random selection of descriptors and then average them to gain higher accuracy.


In binary classifications tasks and ensemble trees algorithms is the Gini Index often selected as the split criterion defined as Gini (T) = 1 − ∑ (p(cLF*+ F))G− ∑IF*+p(tF)∑LJ*+p<cJKtF=(1 −

<cJKtF=). [18] [20] T is the test used in a node. cF Is assigned as a categorical class and the estimated probability in which a feature is in that specific class is defined as p<cJKt=. In a node is all examples assigned to be in that class, therefore the value is set to 1 and all other set to 0.

The variance is combined from each class k and calculated together from ∑LJ*+p<cJKtF=(1 −

<cJKtF=), n is defined as the number of splits that are needed to get better “purer” splits then the one before. The test or defined question that maximizes the function above will be the best split that is going to be selected for that particular internal node.

RF for classification problems is stated as an ensemble of E trees, where TN and XF is defined as a vector of distinctive features or numbers in the 𝑝-dimensional space [18] [20] [21]. The combination of all trees contributes to E number of outputs, YVN = TN(XF) where YVW, e = 1, … , E, is the obtained prediction for eth number of trees. A majority vote is defined from the combined predictions, as YV (Figure 1) and describe a simplified version of a Random Forest algorithm.

Figure 1: Example of a small Random Forest ensemble of three decision trees. A binary classification problem is exemplified as two colors, red and green. Each decision tree has its own combinations of variables that will be of best choice in finding the most accurate prediction, which is further selected to be best suitable for each defined question. Three number of outputs will present the predictions (final vote) which is obtained from each three. The predictions are combined, and a majority vote is selected as the final prediction for the particular task of interest.

The main differences with a Random Forest algorithm and the earlier bagging approach, that each new training set is drawn with replacements from the original training set. And by random feature selection a new training set is thereafter grown [20]. As described, bagging reduces the variance, but it also gives additional features to the random forest algorithm. It contributes to an ongoing estimate generalization error of the combined decision trees, correlation and strength estimates. All this is returned as the Out-Of-Bag (OOB) estimates, consisting of a test set of OOB samples.


OOB samples are defined as all the samples that were left out during the replacement method while training. Those samples have not been used in training and will be expended as a leave one out type of cross-validation, simultaneously while the model is trained. An error estimate of the model can be obtained by only using the OOB addition. Error rate (ER) ≈ ER__` = na+IF*+I(YV__`(XF) ≠ YF, were YV__` is the average prediction from the OOB samples, as a test set and I is an indicator function that defines the wrong prediction of n OOB cases. This type of validation has proved to give similar result as a k-fold cross validation [10].

For measuring model performance, to evaluate how well each class is distinguish by the model is the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve of extensively use for classification models [22] [23]. In creation of the ROC-curve, two vital parameters are needed, the first is True Positive Rate (TPR), TPR =efghief .TP is defined as the number of True Positives and FN is the False Negatives. The second parameter is False Positive Rate (FPR), R =hfgeihf . FP is the number of False Positive outcomes and TN the True Negatives. Together it defines the ROC curve, when TPR are plotted against the FPR.

To compute or evaluate the ROC curve, the Area Under the Curve (AUC) measure is applied [18]. It provides an arrangement of all classification thresholds in a range from 0 to 1. For example, if the designed model predicts zero correct classes an AUC value of 0 will be obtained and if the model predictions are 60% accurate an AUC of 0.6 will be received.


5 Experimental

5.1 Data software

Structural information of reactions was obtained and extracted from the chemical reaction centric database Reaxys (Elsevier) [24]. The open source platform/software used in this project for creation of workflows for curation of data, creation of models and analysis of model predictions performance was The Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) V3.x.[17]. Molecular properties were calculated in KNIME based on open source toolkits such as Indigo, Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) [25] and RDKit [26]. Default settings of Random Forest algorithm was selected according to Leo Breiman [21]: square root of number of variables for Mtry;

sample size, all observations with replacement; node size, selected to one; number of model trees to 100; Gini index as split criterion. Hyperparameters tuned during this project were Mtry and number of trees.

5.2 Laboratory Validation

Two different Suzuki-Miyaura reactions were performed with different sets of catalyst, solvent and base.

5.2.1 Chemicals

Organoborane was provided from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Södertälje, Sweden).

1-Bromo-3-nitrobenzene was purchased from Lancaster (Eastgate, White Lund, Morecambe, England), 2-Bromobenzonitrile from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Catalysts Pd(dppf)Cl2,

DCM was purchased from CombiPhos, Inc. (Princeton, NJ, U.S.A.), Pd(PPh3)2Cl2 from Sigma- Aldrich, Fluka Chemie AG (Buchs, Switzerland) and Pd(PPh3)4 from Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany). Potassium carbonate was purchased from (Scharlau) Fisher Scientific (Hampton, NH, U.S.A.) and Cesium Fluoride (99%) from Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany). 1-Butanol (99.8%) and 1,4 Dioxane (99.8%) were both purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).

5.2.2 Instrumentation of High-Performance Liquide Chromatography (HPLC) The column used for In Process Controls (IPC, i.e. sample taken from reaction) and evaluation of reaction performance, was a Symmetry Shield Reversed-Phase (RP) C8 Column (5 µm, 4.6 x 50 mm) from Waters (Milford, Ma, U.S.A.). Mobil phase composition was with 95%

acetonitrile(aq) and 0.1% formic acid. Temperature was set to +40 °C with a pressure at 3 bar.

Flow rate was consistent of 2.00 mL/min. with an injection volume of 10 µL. Detection was performed by UV at wavelength of 254 nm.

5.2.3 General experimental procedure

Each Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling reaction was performed under nitrogen flow at +80 °C.

1 g of organohalide (1-bromo-3-nitrobenzene or 2-bromobenzonitrile), organoborane (provided from RISE) (1.2 equiv.) and base (4.37 equiv.) were mixed and dissolved in a solvent system of 10 mL 1-butanol/H2O or 1,4-dioxane/H2O (7/3 ratio). The mixture was stirred at room- temperature with nitrogen flow until full dissolution was observed. Catalyst (0.02 equiv.) was added to start the reaction. IPC’s were performed before addition of catalysts and after one hour of addition, with HPLC for monitoring the reaction. After full consumption of starting material, the crude product was extracted and evaporated for crude HPLC analysis. Conversion (%) of product was obtained as final evaluation of the performance of the reaction.


6 Method

This section will present the methodological approach towards the aim, based on the outcomes of three defined milestones:

Milestone 1: Design a “local” machine learning model to predict a binary classification task of the Suzuki Miyaura reaction and investigate how to optimize the model in terms of predictability performance.

Milestone 2: Define unique models to predict multiple binary classification tasks of catalysts used in a Suzuki-Miyaura reaction.

Milestone 3: Apply the best model for ranking most preferable catalysts for unknown candidate reactions and test the hypothesis in laboratory to evaluate the model performance.

6.1 Preparation of data

In this project, the widely used cross-coupling reaction Suzuki-Miyaura was studied to create the underlying data table. This reaction is often used for large-scale synthesis of medicinal drugs due to the advantages of mild conditions, using commercially available low-cost reagents [27].

It is a metal catalysed reaction (Scheme 1) most often with palladium. Other metals such as e.g.

Ruthenium, Iron and Nickel have also proved to work well. The reaction occurs with the two reactants, organoborane (often boronic acid) and an organohalide or triflate, to form a C-C bond, under basic conditions. [28]

Scheme 1: A generalized reaction scheme of a Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling. The first component, organoborane, is often shown as a boronic acid but can vary. Reaction takes place with an organohalide, such as iodide, bromide, triflate etc. Reaction conditions, especially catalyst and base, have been shown to be of major impact in the formation of a single C-C bond.

The initial dataset in this project was defined together with structural information, molecular properties and reaction conditions from a total of 100 000 Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling reactions extracted from Reaxys, (Elsevier) [24] consisting of different borane -, halide/triflate components and products. Each reaction reference obtained information on different yields, solvent systems and catalysts. A KNIME workflow was constructed for data curation, unnecessary information as well as inconsistent data was removed. Duplicates of reactions could have a potentially negatively impact the model performance, by influence the generalization error estimates in predicting a typical classification class. Multi step reactions would give a more complex representation of data to learn, compared to single steps reactions, and would therefore be much harder to describe and predict with only molecular properties and reaction conditions. If two yields were documented for a reaction, the highest yield was decided to remain within the dataset to minimize the uncertainty of the human factor. The 100 most

Catalyst Base Solvent Temp.

R1,R3 = aryl, alkene (vinyl), alkyne R2 = H (boronic acid), alkyl (boronic ester) X = halide, triflate


6.2 Descriptor setup

Two distinct descriptor sets were calculated for further implementation and training of the constructed binary classification models. The desired descriptors were primarily based on One- Dimensional (0D/1D) descriptors and Two-Dimensional (2D) descriptors to gather characteristics of individual components.

0D and 1D descriptors are based on molecular formula, and present numerical features e.g.

molecular weights, atom counts, etc. These features were extremely fast to calculate and would provide a simplified description of different compounds, compared to 2D descriptors, which are more complex and primarily based on chemical graph theory [6].These latter descriptors provide information on molecules’ space (topology), e.g. topological surface area , fragment counts, Zagreb index, etc. These types of descriptors were calculated for each component, containing different open toolkit sources available in KNIME. The first set of descriptors used in the training was a combination of two available toolkits, CDK [25] & Indigo. The second design of descriptors was conducted by RDKit toolkit [26] in KNIME and were calculated for each component of all 94 000 Suzuki Miyaura cross coupling reactions.

6.3 Machine Learning Model design

The desired outcome of this project was to obtain an assisting tool based on the Random Forest algorithm to predict best reaction conditions, e.g. yield and catalyst. To address the main goal of this thesis, a large set of different models were constructed. The strategical approach was to try and obtain the best model, based on a set of several optimization processes. In addition, to meet the defined objectives, different investigations were performed by using “sufficient”

numbers of descriptors without losing model accuracy. The main approach was thereafter to optimize the Random Forest model, analysing number of tree models that are enough for obtaining less error misclassification, as well as numbers of descriptors/properties for obtaining the best split at each node while building the forest.

6.3.1 Milestone 1

The approach towards designing a “local” Random Forest model for predicting a binary classification task and investigate and optimize the model to improve predictability measures will be described in this section. First attempt of model design for prediction of yield classes

A first binary classification of yield was performed with the Random Forest algorithm, constructed with the two classes defined as yield ≥60% and ≤40%, to obtain milestone 1. To improve and create a more diverse training set, i.e. increase differences of “good” and “bad”

classes, reactions between 60 and 40 percent1 were filtered out. The random forest model was initially constructed with default values recommended in KNIME, based on the theory of Random Forest mentioned by Leo Breiman [21]. Each RF model was trained with a number of 100 models of decision trees with bagging (Figure 2). Number of descriptors used for each split was randomly obtained by square root of the total numbers of descriptors/properties.

1 This could also be performed with 65/35 or 70/30 to weed out reactions that might be higher or lower due to


Figure 2: Design of workflow for Random forest model. 1) The curated table was divided into training and test set, 80/20, based on random sampling selection. 2) A tree ensemble learner was implemented, and default settings were selected for the used Random Forest algorithm. 3) Classification predictor was applied to obtain prediction estimates of yield classes on the independent test set. 4) To understand the predictive performances, Cohen´s Kappa, accuracies, specificity and sensitivity measures was obtained respectively AUC measures to get an understanding of the predictive performances of OOB samples and the independent test set. 5) The process was repeated 10 times to obtain an understanding of consistency and model strength.

In addition to the calculated descriptors, different solvent combination and catalyst was defined as a unique number. Each unique number of catalysts and solvent was implemented and combined with the two descriptor sets, to quantifying and comparing experimental performances with each other.

Both data sets were evaluated before learning through a 10-fold cross validation. Each set with an error rate lower that 0, 1% was not accepted, due to the impact of being too biased for a set of reactions. Two different models were created and trained and each respective descriptor sets.

From the full dataset, 80% was selected to training and 20% as independent testing the trained model. Evaluation of prediction accuracy was performed from a ROC-curve were AUC measures were obtained.

(17) Optimization to minimize the number of descriptors

An additional workflow was constructed, to investigate correlation and variance within the two different descriptors sets (Figure 3). The table of descriptors was normalized to a range of 0 – 1, highly correlated descriptors with correlation above 80%, respectively descriptors with a variance below 0.5%, were removed.

Figure 3: Design of dimensionality reduction (DR) workflow. 1) All input of data, i.e. descriptors, was normalized for further evaluation. 2) A linear correlation matrix was implemented. 3) A correlation threshold was set to 80%, only one of the highly correlated descriptors remained within the table. 4) Descriptors with a significantly low variance (0.5%), will appear to be constant through all reactions and would not have any important impact of building the RF and was later removed. 5) All remaining descriptors were thereafter denormalized to further train the Random Forest model.

After the dimensionality reduction was a workflow to obtain variable importance measures designed (Figure 4). A recursively defined column loop was conducted over all descriptors, where error rates were calculated for each model missing a specific one. A comparison of the variable importance for each type of descriptor was performed, comparing 0D/1D against 2D.

Figure 4: Design of variable importance workflow, 1) all descriptors after DR were selected (numerical values); a column list loop was implemented for selecting one specific descriptor that would be excluding before execution. 2) A 10-fold cross validation was processed, to obtain error rates (percentages of selecting wrong class) of the RF performances of predicting correct class in the independent test sets. 4) A mean error rate was calculated, obtaining information how well the designed algorithm without one specific descriptor would perform. 5) The workflow was recursively performed, until acquiring enough information on the importance of all defined descriptors.

(18) Optimization of model design

To develop a strong and accurate predicting tool, of e.g. yield classes, the most efficient way was to optimize the training phase of the machine learning algorithm. The Random Forest algorithm contains different parameters that can be tuned to optimize prediction accuracy, defined as hyperparameters [29]. The goal was to investigate in which parameter value would obtain strong and accurate predictions with less computational costs. The first hyperparameter to optimize was Mtry: a new workflow was constructed with eight similar models with different Mtry values. Error rates were obtained from each model and later analysed against the importance of number of Mtry. A similar approach was constructed for investigating the importance of number of trees, consisting of eight Random Forest models with 2 000-, 1 000-, 500-, 100-, 50-, 10-, 5- and 1 tree. Error rate in percent was obtained and plotted against the number of trees, which impact was further analysed to predict its accuracy. Final Random Forest model of a binary classification of yield

The final RF model was created based on results from the optimization processes. Initially, each dataset was evaluated through a 10-fold cross validation in an order to avoid a too biased model.

Each RF model was corrected and trained using 500 models of decision trees with bagging and random selection of features. The number of Mtry was set to the optimized value for each model and ROC and AUC measures were used for benchmarking the model performance. The final model design was merged with several workflows to later obtain information on AUC for the defined task (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Design of final Random Forest model. 1) The final established dataset was evaluated with a 10-fold cross validation to observe no overfitting was present. 2) If error measures were lower than 0, 1 %, the dataset was rejected. 3) The accepted dataset was later pre-processed, unnecessary features (𝑋") were removed for achieving faster calculations in training of RF model. 4) Optimized model conditions for training the data of the RF model were implemented and AUC measure was presented for evaluation. 5) The model was converted to a Predictive Model Mark-up Language (PMML) for export. 6) The obtained results were later performed in a message, with information on obtained AUC for the defined task. 7) If the model was not accepted, an error massages would been performed instead as final text message. 8) Obtained import of data is later concatenated into a final estimation. 9) A final clear-text message was presented for obtaining a final understanding of the model performances.

An external validation set was prepared with approximately 2 000 new Suzuki Miyaura reactions, extracted from Reaxys and curated with the designed workflow. Identical reactions


6.3.2 Milestone 2

MS2 encompasses the approach to further define a model for prediction of one or multiple combined binary classifications of the most used catalysts in a Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. Random Forest model for binary classification of catalysts

To obtain a tool/procedure in assisting chemists to deciding best reaction conditions, one critical criterion was to find an appropriate catalyst for the desired reaction. The next task was to investigate if the Random Forest algorithm would be of an appropriate choice in predicting multiple binary classifications, represented by a large set of molecular formula and graph-based descriptors. To encounter the defined objectives, 6 different binary classification models were constructed and ranked according to appearances within all 94 000 reactions. The six catalysts selected were confirmed to be commercially available and followed to obtain an active phosphine ligand. In detail, each desired catalyst was given an isolated class versus all others.

Descriptors used in each table were selected after DR workflow performance and the creation of 12 models. Yield and solvent information were set to distinctive numbers and later combined with the descriptor tables. For defining a narrower prediction (lowest misclassification error) of the catalysts, each model was optimized after tuning of the two hyperparameters. Further evaluation of the performances was obtained by AUC measures and an external validation set was tested on four randomly chosen models, based on a set consisting of 1000 Suzuki Miyaura reactions extracted from Reaxys.

6.3.3 Milestone 3

This encompassed the description of the method to define a final model for ranking of most preferable catalysts for unknown candidate reactions, as well as the experimental validation of the obtained predictive performance. Ranking candidate catalyst

To obtain a model that would have the possibility to rank the most preferable catalyst for a specific reaction. The main idea was to combine the methods defined in 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 to create a model that would be able to present catalysts that will have a higher possibility of presenting a high yield. Each catalyst model was later ranked based on probability score. Molecular properties were calculated on each component for each candidate reaction (Scheme 2 & 3) to obtain a representation of data that would be possible to use in prediction of best catalyst for that reaction. Each representation with computed descriptors of both candidate reactions was curated to fit the RDKit based model design and an additional column of desired yields was implemented as a unique column, ranging 80 – 100%, to be a priority for the different catalyst models.

Scheme 2: General reaction scheme for candidate reaction A, the organoborane component selected was a boronic acid with R1,R2 = aryl, vinyl, alkyl etc.

Catalyst Base Solvent Temp.

Candidate reaction A


Each candidate reaction was later implemented within each model and ranked in obtaining a yield above a certain threshold. Candidate A (Scheme 2) was first tested and predictability scores was obtained for each catalyst. The approach was later performed on candidate reaction B (Scheme 3). All scores were evaluated, and three predicted catalysts were selected for further validation in laboratory.

Scheme 3: General reaction scheme for candidate reaction B. Identical organoborane component selected as in A, with 2- bromobenzonitrile as halide, forming the desired C-C coupling product. Experimental analysis on candidate reactions

Each reaction was performed under predetermined conditions to validate the ML model performance of ranking best catalyst for a specific reaction. Solvent and base were selected to be optimal for each reaction and was later adjusted based on experimental outcomes. Initially five different conditions for candidate reaction A were tested, with n-butanol as solvent and potassium carbonate as base, using “best” and “worst” catalysts as obtained from the ranking model. Three new reactions were performed using 1,4-dioxane as solvent and potassium carbonate as base, evaluated together with all three catalysts.

The selection of conditions for candidate reaction B was selected according to the structural similarities between the two candidate reactions, therefore was the best conditions for candidate reaction A selected as the first test. To increase the reactivity and to obtain better conversion of desired product, the selection of base was of major impact. In the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction, a base is used to initiate the transfer of the aryl or alkyl group from the organoborane to the catalyst-halide complex. Caesium fluoride was selected and is known to work well when base- sensitive substrates are used, to reduce the formation of beta-hydrogen elimination by-products [27]. Several in process controls were performed with a HPLC analysis for monitoring the reactions. The chromatogram of starting materials was processed for later on comparison with each IPC´s on crude reaction mixtures. Evaluation performance of obtained results from experiments

HPLC was used for analysing obtained product versus by-product. The conversion was calculated from processed chromatograms according to intensity of absorbance. This was further used as support for evaluating the defined model performance of ranking best catalysts for a given reaction. The combined intensity in percentage for desired product was later defined and a preunderstanding of the reaction outcomes, e.g. highest possible obtained yield was obtained.

Candidate reaction B

Catalyst Base Solvent Temp.

R1,R2 = aryl, vinyl, alkyl etc.


7 Result and Discussion

In this study, several Random Forest models were constructed for predictions of binary classification tasks. This section will present the achievements toward the milestones and final aim of thesis.

7.1 Milestone 1

The first goal was to design a “local” machine learning model to predict a binary classification task and perform an optimization study to improve the accuracy of the model.

7.1.1 First model for prediction of a binary classification of yield

To predict if a reaction would result in > 60% or < 40% yield, interesting result was found with the Random Forest algorithm. This, with an accuracy of 92.5% of the out of bag samples through the CDK and Indigo descriptor set (Table 1). The result from the independent test set was similar to OOB set, indicating that OOB samples can be a valid performance estimation for further analysis. Together with the true positive rates and false positive rates, a ROC-curve was plotted to acquire more accurate prediction estimation. The AUC measure from the ROC- curve was 98% (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Plotted ROC-curve with AUC measure for the CDK & Indigo method with full descriptor set to evaluate the predictability performance of the model. True positive rates (TPR) were plotted against the false positive rates (FPR) to create the ROC curve. AUC was measured to 0.98 in predicting the correct binary classification task of the two yield classes with Random Forest as ML algorithm.

With the RDKit method, comparable results with an increase of 1% in accuracy and 0.2% for AUC was shown (Table 1). The design of the Random Forest algorithm and the Gini index ability for finding best features for each node was a key factor behind the model´s performance.

One concern was the known problem with the presence of unwanted parameters. These parameters are known to contribute with a negative effect in the construction of the ML models, e.g. leading to a low predictability performance.


Another concern was if the final model would correspond too precisely to the training set and fail to produce reliable predictions in the future. This phenomenon refers to the theory of overfitting. With a 10-fold cross validation sequence the dataset was thus evaluated, a difference obtained after each “out of sample testing”, indicating there is no direct overfitting.

Table 1: Random Forest performance estimates for both models with respective full descriptor sets after a 10-fold cross validation of the binary classification, if yield was >=60% or <=40% with default settings of parameters on the Random Forest algorithm as defined in 5.1. Sensitivity, Specificity, Cohen´s kappa, accuracies and AUC measures was obtained for evaluation of model performance.

Methods Descriptor

toolkit Set Sensitivity Specificity Cohen’s kappa Accuracy

(%) AUC

RF model Default settings (5.1)

CDK & Indigo Out of bag 0.903 0.946 0.849 92.5 -

Test 0.904 0.948 0.852 92.6 0.98

RDKit Out of bag 0.912 0.95 0.862 93.1 -

Test 0.914 0.953 0.868 93.4 0.982

The RF algorithm is ordinally defined to avoid the existence of this problem. Under the construction of each decision tree in the formation of the forest, the process of selecting random samples of features would play a sizeable part in avoiding the problem. Each tree was selected and constructed with a certain number of random subsets of features defining one specific tree.

The number of trees will minimize the error due to biases and variance and will each time present different models, thereby avoiding overfitting. In the study by Skoraczyñski G et al.[4], best prediction performance was shown by a binary classification of yield to only 65%. The differences of this approach opposing theirs was to first define a “local model” for a specific type of reaction, the Suzuki Miyaura reaction, instead of a “global model” that uses a large set of different types of reactions, as Heck, Negishi etc.

The main idea of this project was to find a non-obvious correlation between molecular properties and reaction conditions as well as reaction outcomes. The problem to describe the reactivity of a reaction has been a large problem, and molecular properties have been proved to not give such information [4]. Hence, they will only present information on specific molecules, not an entire reaction. The use of a large set of different reactions with molecular descriptors/properties for each component of those reactions, has been shown in this project to be enough to find a pattern to mimic good (> 60%) or bad (< 40%) reactions. The obtained results in this study emphazizes that the “local model” approach was more preferable way to encounter these types of tasks and is of interest for further analysis. An interesting approach for further advances was to investigate if there is a possibility to remove unnecessary parameters to improve the execution and reduce number of calculations.


7.1.2 Optimization to minimize the number of descriptors and model conditions Each defined tree in a Random Forest makes splits of descriptor values into different branches, which continues until a final criterion is reached. For making good splits, an important requirement was to study the variance within the descriptors over the full representation of data.

If not, a large number of unnecessary splits would be performed. Highly correlated descriptors will not show any differences under splitting. The appropriate choice was to keep one of them to minimize the number of unnecessary splits.

To optimize and find best number of descriptors, the defined criterion was used in creating the final dimensionality reduction (DR) method. The descriptors/properties used in this project originate from medicinal chemistry to describe certain possible correlations between molecules.

To obtain good information of these types of molecules in a Suzuki Miyaura reaction and obtain a model with less computational costs the two datasets were constructed with these types of descriptors.

In comparison of the two different sets of molecular properties, the RDKit toolkit proved undoubtedly to present a better representation for each component in a reaction. The remaining molecular properties with the combinatorial descriptor set of CDK and Indigo, obtained information based on product and organoboranes and few for different halides/triflates. Graph- based descriptors such as TPSA and Petitjean number and count-based properties such as number of rings and atom numbers remained after the DR workflow.

This was not an unexpected observation, descriptors based on topology (2D) presenting in theory a larger variance (more unique) and lower correlation. The representation of 2D properties was based on calculations of connectivity measures, which might play a larger part in the predictivity performance of the model. Molecular formula- and fragment-based descriptors (0D/1D) are more likely to present values with a high correlation and were removed by the defined criterions. The remaining descriptors with RDKit toolkit, was primarily based on Van der Waals surface Area (VSA) and molecular quantum number (MQN) for the different components in the reactions. Greater information on number of rings and atom numbers was received from MQNs. Description of hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity was received from VSA descriptors.


To gain an understanding for each final descriptor selected and the predictability performances of the two sets, a variable importance study was performed. The obtained results for each molecular property were plotted against the misclassification error, i.e. the possibility of not being able to predict correct class (Figure 7). CDK and Indigo descriptors contributed with a distribution in error rate between 8.1% to 9.75%. 2D descriptors, e.g. sp3 character, Petitjean number and TPSA etc. proved to contribute to stronger predictions and better model performance. Count-based descriptors were presented as envisioned with a higher similarity between components. Lower misclassification error measures were shown and are of less importance in prediction of yield. The 2D molecular descriptors are more likely to present a component in a more descriptive way and are of a substantial importance, which is also observed with the lower range of misclassification error.

Figure 7: Variable importance measures distribution for CDK & Indigo descriptors after dimensionality reduction. Dark blue bars correspond to 2D descriptors; light blue bars correspond to 0D and 1D descriptors. Showing the highest obtained misclassification error rates of the different parameters, was presented to not exceed 10% and the lowest error rate was presented to 8.1%.

RDKit descriptors with default model conditions, presented in general lower misclassification error rate relative to CDK and Indigo (Figure 8). This supports the hypothesis, that RDKit calculated descriptors presenting a better representation of data. The distribution within all descriptors was obtained between 6% to maximum 6.6% in misclassification error rate. The molecular property that appears of most significant importance was molecular quantum number 35 for products, presented as a light blue bar in figure 6. MQN numbers are categorized into different branches, such as atom count, polarity counts, and topology counts etc. Number 35 represents the number of 5-membered rings present in products [30].

5,7 6,2 6,7 7,2 7,7 8,2 8,7 9,2 9,7

Missclassification error rate (%)

Molecular properties x-x(n)

Variable importance measures for CDK & Indigo set of descriptors


Figure 8: Variable importance measures distribution for all RDKit descriptors after dimensionality reduction. Dark blue bars correspond to 2D descriptors; light blue bars correspond to 0D and 1D descriptors. Showing the highest obtained misclassification error rates of the different parameters, was presented to not exceed 7% and the lowest error rate was presented to 6%.

5,7 5,8 5,9 6 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7

Missclassification error rate (%)

Molecular properties on product x-x(n) Variable importance measures for RDkit set

of Product-component

5,7 5,8 5,9 6 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7

Missclassification error rate (%)

Molecular properties on Halides x-x(n) Variable importance measures for RDkit set

of Hal-component

5,7 5,8 5,9 6 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7

Missclassification error rate (%)

Molecular properties on Boranes x-x(n) Variable importance measures for RDkit set

of B-components


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