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Staffan Nyström (ed.), Namn. En spegel av samhället förr och nu (Ord och stil. Språkvårdssamfundets skrifter 41), Stockholm: Norstedts 2010, ISBN 9789113030814, 189 pp.


Academic year: 2022

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Vol. 6 No. 1 2012

Published by Umeå University & The Royal Skyttean Society

Umeå 2012


The Journal of Northern Studies is published with support from The Royal Skyttean Society and Umeå University

© The authors and Journal of Northern Studies ISSN 1654-5915

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Scandinavia Satellite and sensor: NOAA, AVHRR Level above earth: 840 km

Image supplied by METRIA, a division of Lantmäteriet, Sweden. www.metria.se NOAA®. ©ESA/Eurimage 2001. ©Metria Satellus 2001

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Leena Hortéll, Ord & Co i Umeå AB Fonts: Berling Nova and Futura

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Contents / Sommaire / Inhalt

Editors & Editorial board . . . .5 Contributors . . . .7 Articles / Aufsätze

Thomas B. Larsson, Gunhild Rosqvist, Göran Ericsson & Jans Heinerud, Climate Change, Moose and Humans in Northern Sweden 4000 cal. yr BP . . . .9 Elina Apsite, Emma Lundholm & Olof Stjernström, Baltic State Migration System.

The Case of Latvian Immigrants in Sweden . . . .31 Aant Elzinga, Roald Amundsen and his Ambiguous Relationship to Science.

A Look at Outcomes of his Six Expeditions . . . .53

Miscellanea: Notes / Notizen

Lisbeth Lewander (1956–2012) (Aant Elzinga). . . .111 Reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen

Review Essay: Changing Trends in Remembering Amundsen and Scott.

Ross D. E. MacPhee, Race to the End. Amundsen, Scott, and the Attainment of the South Pole, New York: Sterling Publishing Co. 2010; Edward J. Larson, An Empire of Ice.

Scott, Shackleton, and the Heroic Age of Antarctic Science, New Haven & London: Yale University Press 2011; Cornelia Lüdecke, Roald Amundsen. Ein biografisches Porträt, Freiburg–Basel–Wien: Verlag Herder GmbH 2011 (Aant Elzinga). . . 113 Johan Schimanski, Cathrine Theodorsen & Henning Howlid Wærp (eds.), Reiser og ekspedisjoner i det litterære Arktis, Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk

Forlag 2011 (Anne Heith). . . 123 Valery Vasilyev, Arkhaicheskaya toponimiya novgorodskoy zemli. Drevneslavyanskiye deantroponimniye obrazovaniya, Veliky Novgorod 2005 (Konstantin Zhukov) . . . .130 Marit Åhlén, Runstenar i Uppsala län berättar, Uppsala: Upplandsmuseet 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .134 M. H. Brummer, Försök Til et Swenskt Skogs- och Jagt-Lexicon (Skogs- och lantbruks- historiska meddelanden 49. Supplement till Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakad- emiens Tidskrift), Stockholm: Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademien 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .134 Henrik Galberg Jacobsen, Ret og Skrift. Officiel dansk retskrivning 1739–2005, 1.

Direktiver. Aktører. Normer; 2. Ordlister. Kronologi. Bibliografi (Dansk Sprognævns skrifter 42), Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2010

(Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .135 Elin Gunleifsen, Attributive uttrykk for prototypisk possessivitet. En komparativ studie av talespråklig variasjon och endring i Kristiansand og Arendal, Oslo: Novus forlag 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund). . . 136 Odd Einar Haugen & Åslaug Ommundsen (eds.), Vår eldste bok. Skrift, miljø og biletbruk i den norske homilieboka (Bibliotheca Nordica 3), Oslo: Novus Forlag 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .137


Steffen Höder, Sprachausbau im Sprachkontakt. Syntaktischer Wandel im Altschwed- ischen, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .139 Lars Holm, Till bords med biskop Jesper Swedberg. Mat och dryck i Swensk Ordabok (ca 1725). Med belysande utdrag ur samtida handböcker, Skara: Föreningen för Västgötalitteratur 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund). . . 140 Ann-Marie Ivars, Sydösterbottnisk syntax (Skrifter utg. av Svenska litteratursällska- pet i Finland 743. Studier i nordisk filologi 84), Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursäll- skapet i Finland 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund). . . 141 Jon Gunnar Jørgensen & Lars S. Vikør (eds.), Nordiskfaget. Tradisjon og fornying, Oslo: Novus Forlag 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .142 Lena Lind Palicki, Normaliserade föräldrar. En undersökning av Försäkringskassans broschyrer 1974–2007 (Örebro Studies in the Swedish Language 6), Örebro: Örebro University 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .143 Maria Löfdahl, Fredrik Skott & Lena Wenner (eds.), Från sjö till hav. Namn- och ordstudier tillägnade Birgit Falck-Kjällquist, Göteborg: Institutet för språk och folkminnen 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .144 Staffan Nyström (ed.), Namn. En spegel av samhället förr och nu

(Ord och stil. Språkvårdssamfundets skrifter 41), Stockholm: Norstedts 2010 (Lars-Erik Edlund) . . . .145 Instructions to Authors. . . .147



journal of northern studies Vol. 6 no. 1 2012, pp. 113–146

while Anki Mattisson discusses the question of (and problem with) hapax legomena in the Svenska Akademiens ordbok. A couple of contributions are outside the main theme of the book.

In her article Anna-Brita Lövgren describes a human tragedy from the latter part of the seventeenth century based on an archive document, and Kerstin Thelander analyses Mrs Ben- net’s character in Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. The omnibus vol- ume contains several contributions that, besides trying to solve individ- ual research problems, also deal with questions of principle.

Lars-Erik Edlund


Staffan Nyström (ed.), Namn. En spegel av samhället förr och nu (Ord och stil. Språkvårdssamfundets skrift- er 41), Stockholm: Norstedts 2010, ISBN 9789113030814, 189 pp.

In this volume there are ten arti- cles that elucidate the functions of names and their use in different so- cietal contexts from the runic period to the present. The socio-onomastic theme is the cohesive element of the volume, but it is obvious that the ar- ticles were written with somewhat different levels of ambition. The in- troductory article is Gunnstein Ak- selberg’s attempt at delimiting the socio-onomastic research area, where the numerous dimensions of the area are described and early Scandinavian works by, among others, Sven Benson and Eero Kiviniemi are mentioned.

Five of the following articles are about place-names and four others about personal names. Terhi Aini- ala deals with Somalians’ names of streets, market places and parks in the district of Nordsjö in Helsinki, where

for example the main street is called Mogadishu Avenue. Maria Löfdahl and Lena Wenner describe in a joint article the toponyms in the multicul- tural district of Angered in Gothen- burg. An interesting aspect is what is said about children’s toponyms.

Contact onomastic perspectives are given by Aud-Kirsti Pedersen in the contribution “Stadnamn og identitet ved språkskifte” [‘Place-names and identity in connection with language change’], where among other things fundamentally important issues are discussed concerning semantic trans- fer of toponyms in a multilingual community in relation to phonology.

Based on his study Ortnamn i stilis- tisk variation [‘Place-names in stylis- tic variation’] (2006) Staffan Fridell pleads for the use of a variation per- spective in the valuation of different forms of toponyms. There is much to be said in favour of this, even if the forms at the same time must be regarded from the perspective of lan- guage change (cf. my review in JNS 2, 2009, pp. 136 ff.) The last article on toponyms is Svavar Sigmundsson’s study of crofts and small houses on non-freehold property without ap- purtenant land. He describes a fairly unstable use of place-names, where names were coined after the owner but were changed when a new owner took over. Among the place-names there are some that refer to the in- ferior condition of the crofts (Víti,

‘hell,’ Sudda, ‘something moist,’ Lú- sakot, ‘louse croft’ etc.). Magnus Käll- ström’s article on personal names in runic inscriptions is highly readable.

He discusses in an interesting way the boundary between genuine parento- nymica (that is patronymica and met- ronymica) and what might be more occasional explanatory additions. The relation between the word order in


the phrases and the right of inherit- ance is also discussed. In her contribu- tion Emilia Aldrin discusses new par- ents’ attitudes to names and identity and how this influences their choice of names. Guðrún Kvaran analyses the Icelandic name law of 1996 and the consequences it has had for the Icelandic personal name custom. Fi- nally, Linnea Gustafsson discusses the function of pet names. The last three

articles demonstrate the multitude of aspects that may be elucidated within the frameworks of socio-onomastics.

The editor’s introduction helps the reader to see the shared perspectives found in the different articles of the book, which might otherwise not be immediately discovered.

Lars-Erik Edlund



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