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Notes on Hymenoptera

By STELL.T,N Enr-r,r-ossox

2. Contribution to the knortledge of the Aculeate Hvmenoptera

in the Island of Bornholm

Fam. Supggidae Sapgga quinquepuncrata F.

- Aruager Bugt 2 I

Fam. I'espidae

Vespa cntbro crebto L. - Helligdomen 9.

Poraoespula u goris l-,

- Fredensborg 2 9.




1.0. 8t. n. 1-2,l9G2

.{t ruidsummer in l95E I yisited the Island of Bornhohn for ten days. }Iy trip to Bomholm \yas due to nry wish to investigate the fauna of wild apids and to sonre extent other hl,nrenoptera. In Jorgensen's paper (1921) therc are only a few apid-species reported from Bonrholm and the same thing can be seen in the scientific l)anish jorrrnals.

As this island is situated iu the southern part of the Baltic not far from the German coast and has a ver]' mild climate lherc rvas good chances to make interesting finds.

Ilv visit rvas favoured by rather €lood wheather so I could make several

trips b)'car to different parts of the island. I was very much interested in the localities on the seashores belween -{rnager Bugt and }'redensberg {Ronlre). Here I made trvo interesting finds liz. .lntlrcphora uestiutrlis Pz., the first find in the Scandinavian countries and.5phecode.s spinrrlosus v. Hgs., lhe second find in Denmark (see Faester 195;i).

In the follorving list of species there are also some finds of species captured by Prof. O. Lundblad, in the list abbreviated O. L. He has captured these insects at Ronne (1{.7 and 15.7.1958) nnd Paradisbakkene (1E.7.1958). I rvish convey nry sincerest thanks 1o Prof. Lundblad and the following experts \yho have helped me rvith some deteuuinations viz. Dr. h.c. P. Bliithgen (Ilalicfrrs and solitary rvasps), Dr. \Y. Grtnrvaldt (some ,lndrcna-species), Keeper

E. Kjellander (.Spftecodes) and IIr. E. \'alkeila lsome Spheckles and Pom- pilklcsl.

l-am. I/uti/lidae

Smicromgrne rulipes F. Sandvig 9.



Frm. Eumenidae Oplomerus renilormis rcnilotmis Gmel,

- Sandvig d.

Nannoptetochilus phaleratus phalerahrs Panit.

- Sandvig ? d (the female visited Thgmus serphglluar); Balka 9d (the female visited Ecftium uulgare), Concerning this species Bliithgen (1961 p. 88) says; "Aus Dinemark, wo ssp. phalerolus sicher vorkommt, liegt m. W. noch kein Nachwciss vor." But Bltthgen has determined these Danish specimens. However, Nielsen (1907 p. 72) mentions this species as belonging io Denmark's fauna. Probably it is a rare sp€cies.

-4ncisl.ocerus parietum L-

- Saodvig 96. -- -.t. l.if(sciatus lliilt.

- Fredensborg 9. - A. Wietin s L. - Arnager nug ?. - A. ouioentis Wesm. ssp. hibetnicus Blnth.

- Sanitvig 9 6 6; Boderne ! $; Balka 9. (The female visited l.oaus corni- culat.rs). According to Bliithgen il.c. p. 179) all specimens belong to yar. .ufipes Bliirh.

Fam- Pompilidae Cetopales maculatus L.

- sandvig 9dr Ronne 96 (o. L.).

Episgron tulipes L.

- Sandvig 3 6, Balka 6.

-lnoplius inluscalus Lind- - Fredensborg 9.

Fam. Spftecidae Crabro ctiba ts L.

- Balka 2 9; Rsnne 9- - C- peltaius Schreb. - Sandvig I

g j; Balka I3 d; Rsnne 4 9.

Crossocerus oagabundus Panz,

- Sandvig 9 d ; Arnager nugt ? d.

Lindenius atbilabris F.

- Sandvi6 9.

Oagbelus atgentatus Curt.

- Sandvig 9 2 6 (Chrysanthemum leucantemuml;

Balka 2 6.

- O. uniglumisL.

- Sandvig 3 6 (Collected to8ether Ivilh the preciding species on the same plaDt) ; Ronne.

Bembir tosttata L.

- Fredensborg 9 a d (In the holel's garden); Ronne 2 Q 3 d (o. L.).

Tachgsphex pompililotmis Panz,

- Sandrig 2 3. - T. nitidus Spin.

- Arnager

Bugt 2 i; Sandvig 2 Q; Balka 2 6.

,{staao minor Kohl.

- Fredensborg ? 6. - ,{- pinguis Dhlb.

- Saudvig 9.

Cerceds rgbgensis L.

- Sandvi6 2 9. - C. arenaria L.

- Sandvig 3 9; Hammaren 49;Ronne796 d (o.L.).

Ammophila orrinis K.

- Balka g. - A. pubescens Curt. - Sandyig 9 and ? 6

(in couplae); Balka 2 6.

Psen shuc&crdi WesE.

- Fredensberg I 2 C.

Fam. Apidae Colletes dqviesanus Sm.

- Ronne I (O. f,.).

Prosopis gibba Saund.

- Paradisbakkarne I (O. L.). - P. conlusa Nyl. -

Sandvig 2 6.

- P. brcoicorni.s N1'1.

- Paradisbakkarle I (O. L.); Ronne d. -

P. hgolinata Sm.

- Sandvig 2 I4 6; Balka d 5 9; Ronne I lqhrysanthemum leucanlhemum\.

Andtenq tibialis I(.

- Sandvig Q. - .1. nigrooenea K.

- Sandvig 2 I lltying together with the preciding species round a buch).

- A. luloago Chr. - Sandvig 6

lTrilolium rcpens\- -.4. borbilabris K.-- Sandvig ll ?6 6 (T rilolirm repens);

Arnager Bugt 619 (lotus cornicalatus, Ttit. rppens\; Ronne 9 (o. L.); Paradis-

bakkarne I (o. L.). -.{. unrions K. (det. Griinwaldt)

- Sandvig 9; Tejn I (Both


?t. lro.

81- E-




specimens captured on Hypochaeris radiola).

- A. hattottiana F.

- Arnager Bugt 6 49 lKnautia aruensis); Ilenn€ I (o.L.). -,{. alDoloscictq Thoms. (det. Grii[- waldt).

- .{rnager Bugt Q 1Tri1. rcpens). - .{. uiltello K. - sandvig 6 16 9;

Fredensborg 4 Q; Arnager Bugt 4 d (All specimens captured on Tril. repens).

Ponurgus banl'sronus X.

- Sandvig 2 I 6 d; .fejn Q (,{ll specimens caplured on Hgpochae.is tadiafo); Ronne I (O. 1,.); Paradisbakkarne 93 (O. L.). - P. calcatatus


-sandvig I5 6 lcrepis poludo.ra).

Halictls rubicundui Chrisl.

- Hammershus Q (Ilypochaetis rualiat.-).

- H. macu-

,atxr Sm.

- Sandvig I ? lLeontotlon aulumnalis). - H, l mulorum L.

- Sandvig

6 9; Tejn Q; Paradisbakkarne 6 (O. L.).

- H. leuco:onius Schrank.

- Sandvig 13 I

(Bertotio incana) \ Arnager llu8t 3 I (Porentillo anserina) ; Ronue 9: Boderne 9. -

I/. uillosus K.

- Sandvig 6 I (Gnophalium arcnarium\; Hammershus 9: Ronne g. -

H. leucopus Schrank.

- Sandvig 2 Q. - H. uiridinaexs Bliith.

- Sarrdvig 9. -

H. scmilucens Alfk.

- Saodvig 9. - /1. minuti$simuJ K.

- Ronne, near the shooting range ?. - H. puncarrl.rlis.$inus Schenck.

- Sandvig 2 9.

- H. nitidiusculr.s Ii.

Arnager Bugt 9. - H. morio F. -

- Sandvig 9; Ronne ?d, Dueodde 9; Paradis-

bakkene 6 (O. L.). - H. smeathmanellus K.

- RoDne 9 fO. t.1. Bltthgen (1944)

poinls out that the metallic green lralicrus-spccies in \fiddeleurope with the name

H. smeathmanellus is a special species that Blailh8en has given the name of Ir. con- ,inenrolis. The real II. smedthmanellus is hitherto found in England, in Bretagne, lhe north coast of Spain and the,{zores and is a subatlanlic species. The find of Il.

smeathmanellus in the Istand of Rornholm is ver-v interesting.

- H. olbipes F. -

Sandvig 3 9.

Spftecodes spinulosus r. Hagens. '- Arnager Bugt 9. The secoud Iind in Denmark (cfr. Faester 1953). The specimen was captured flying in a gravel-pit.

- Sph. moni-

licornis K.

- Arnager Bugt 7 9; Bodernc ?; Balka, seaside watering-place I - Sptr.

pellucidus Sm.

- Arnager Bugt 9; Sandvig 5 ?. - .Spfr, ephippitts L.

- Arnager

Bugt 9.

- Sph- puncticeps Thoms.

- Boderne g. Spft- crassus Thoms. - .{rnager

Bugt, sand-beach 9.



porinq Panz.

- Ronne, near lhe shooting-range, 3 9 lT rit. repens).

Dasypoda plumipet F.

- Sandrig 4 9 8 d (,{rdcnium paludosum\; Ronne 1l ?

e 6 (o. L.).

Anthidium manicatum L.

- Ronne 3 9d (O. L.). -,{. pnnctatum l-atr. - Balka

2 9 (trofus corniculdtus\- Osmia caerulescens L.

- Arnager fugt ? 2 <9; Sandvig 3 9; Balka 2 I (.{lt speci-

mens captured on Lotus corniculotus); Ronne, near the shooting-rar.ge 6 lTrilolium rcpensl.

- O. leucomelaena K. -- Sandvig 96 gril. repens); Ronne 9 1lntr"


Megachile cenlunculafis L,

- Sandvig 6 (I,nt,r" cotniculatusJ; Ronne ? (f.ir.

repens),8 9 5 6 (O. l.-)- - . ruillonghbiella Ii.

- Sandvig 2 A (one of them

visiting Lalfty.us prolensis); Helligdomen 9. - M. lagopoat<t L.

- Boderne d;

Ronne, near ll. pgrenaea the P6rez shooling-range 4I E 6 lccntaurco scabioso); Ronne d (O. L.). - - Sandyig Q; Helligdomen d; Rsnne I (O. L.). - M. qr!)entqtn


- Boderne 1l 6 (.{ll the speciEens flying near the ground)l Sandfig 5 d (Thgmus setpgllum); Rsnne 9; near tbe shooting-range, and 4 I visiting Lolus corni-

culatus, Thymus serpgllum and Trilolium reperrs. Concerning the distribution of this species in the Scandinalian countries see Erlandsson 11960).

Coeliotgs conoidea lll.

- Ronne d (O. L.\. - C. mandib taris Nyl.

- Sandvig 3 6

visiling lhgmus serpgllum and ft3'ing togelher with the host lregfl.hile atgentota- Nomada marshamella K.

- Arnager Bugt Q- - M. lineola Par,z. r. cornigera K.

Ento ol.


1rr.8t. lt.1






- Arnager Bugt 2 Q.

- N. tqthbutianq K.

- Boderne Q. - N. gtabetta Thms. -

Ronne, near the shooting-range 6 I (fril. repensl.

- N. .ulipes F.

- Ronne d

(o. L.).

Euceta longicornis L.

- Arnager Bugt d; Sandvig 29 2 6 lYiciacracca\;6 29

(Lathgrus prolensis); tsoderne 6; Ronne 2 d; Helligdomen I2 6 ll,athgrus pru- ,ensis).

.lntlophora retusa 1.,

- Sandvig I (-4nchuso o/licinolis).


aestiudlis Panz.

Fredensborg 296 lHyoscgqmus niger). (The first find in the Scandinavian coun- -


- l. plagieta lll. \:pattietina F.). - Ronne 96 1O. I-.1. - .4. quadtimacu- Iaaa Parz. \:onlpina Panz.) - Ronne 9d {O. L.); F'redenst}ory I l.|nchusa ollici-


Bombus lucotum L.

- Arnager Bugt 99; Sandvig ? (Lathgrus protensis) ; Boderne 9; Tcjn ? (Both on I.i/olirm pralense.l.

- B. pr torom L. - .{rnager Bugt g (I.rr.

pratense): Sandvig I (.Syrrrprrg,um ollicinele).

- B. .roroeensir .r(rroaensis F.

- Ar-

uager Bugt 99 lT,ilf. pratensel; Hammershus Q 1Tri1. repens\; Balka 9.

- 8. fto.to-

ntnt L. Arnager Bugt I (,{ncftusn ollidnalis)', Sandvig I lSgmphgtum ollicinaleJ;

lloderrre 9 lgchium oulgarel;Balka q (fril. pratense): Fredensborg 9; Tejn H lEic?rum otlgarc).

- Il- distingrre ndus \Ior.

- Sandlig 2 I ; Boderne 2 9; Tejn 9 (AU captured

olnT l. ptdtense).

- B. agrotum F. ssp. Dotc(li Vogt.

- Arnager Bugt 2 I (frir. p.a-

l.nse); Hanrnrershus I (.4rrchuso ollicinalis)t Sandvig 3 9 tT 1. rcpens; Boderne I

(Echiutu ot gare).

- B. muscorum F.

- Boderne 5 9 (..ln.[usa olricinalis).

- B. iil-

oantm L- v. nigrescens Pirez.

- .{rnagcr BuSt ?; Sandvig 5 9; Hammershus 9; Hellig- dome[ Q (.{ll fisiting fril. prate,$c al.,d .epensl, Ethium uulgare, I.dthgtus pmtensisl.

Psilhyrus bohemicus Seidl.

- Balka Q llathyrrs prfllensis).


RL0TrrcEN, P. l9{{. Neue oder ftr Dcutschland neue llicnen und \Yespen und neue deulsche Fundorlen einiger.lrlen. llit. deut. ent. Gesellsch. Jahr. 12. \r.2-10.

- 1960. Die lialten\yespem trIittelenropas lHvmenoptera, Diplopoda) .{bh. d. deut. Akad.

d. \Yissensch. zu Berlin. l asse f. Chernie elc. Jahrg. 1961. \-r.


ERLA,\Dsson-. S. The occurence of )legochile atgenl le F. und rorandnad F. in the Scandi-

nalisn Counlries lHym.). Ent. Tidskr. -{r8. 81.

!-rEsrEa. K. 1953. Sptecodes-.{rter


for Faurrcn. Enl. \leddel. l9;3.

JURGr:lisEN, L. 1021. Bier. Danmarks Fauua Nr.25.

:{IELSEN, J. D. 1907. Grare\,espe og Gedehamse. Danlrlarks I'auna \r.2.

Ento ol. Ts.,,b!.81. ll.l -2, t



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