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2. Community nurse (fritext) 8,142

3. Public Health Nurse (fritext) 4,240

4. District nursing (fritext) 2,536

5. Community nursing (fritext) 8,929

6. Community health nursing



7. BPSD (fritext) 285

8. Behavioral and psychological

symptoms of dementia (fritext)


9. Dementia (fritext) 21,145

10. Cognitive impairment (fritext) 17,481

11. Memory loss (fritext) 1,702

12. Alzheimers (fritext) 12,760

13. Vascular dementia (fritext) 1,306

14. Frontotemporal dementia (fritext) 925

15. Experience (fritext) 140,140

16. Views (fritext) 31,147

17. Opinion (fritext) 14,151

18. Perception (fritext) 57,138

19. Attitudes (fritext) 101,134

20. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 15,780

21. 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14


22. 15 or 17 or 18 or 19 269,917

23. Nursing attitudes (fritext) 73,354

27. 1 AND 9 AND 23 1 1

28. 23 AND 9 465 19(7*) 1

29. Hallucinations (fritext) 5,342

30. Aggression (fritext) 16,395

31. aggressive behavior (fritext) 11,323

32. Aggressiveness (fritext) 9,279

33. 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 27,434

34. Anxiety (fritext) 112,444

35. (MM "Community Health

Nursing+") AND dementia AND experience

17 9 2 1

36. (MH "Community Health

Nursing+") AND dementia AND (aggressive behavior or violence or aggression)

5 1

37. (MH "Nursing Home Patients") AND experience AND dementia AND (MH "Community Health Nursing+")

1 1 (1*)

38. (Bpsd or 'behavioral and

psychological symptoms of

1 1 (1*)

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