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När sökning av tidigare forskning genomfördes uppkom få träffar som berörde just manliga sexarbetare. Några forskare som genomfört litteraturstudier på området framhåller även hur manliga sexarbetare inte skildras i vetenskapliga diskussioner samt att det finns en uppfattning om att det endast existerar kvinnliga prostituerade (Dennis, 2008; Marques, 2011). Även studiens resultat visar på att det finns en brist på medvetenhet gällande manliga sexarbetares existens i det thailändska samhället. Därmed kan konstateras att det finns ett behov av mer forskning kring manliga sexarbetare. Ytterligare forskning behöver delvis föra fram mer kunskap inom området men även för att motverka felaktiga föreställningar om att enbart kvinnor blir sexuellt exploaterade. Det framkommer i studiens resultat att många av de unga män som sexuellt exploateras i den aktuella staden tillhör etniska minoriteter. Trots att det i studiens resultat påvisas att många av de unga män som sexuellt exploateras tillhör etniska minoriteter framhålls denna faktor endast i två av de studier som ingår i forskningsöversikten (Beyrer, 2001; Ferguson, 2014). Därmed skulle detta kunna vara ett föremål för framtida forskning då mer kunskap om etniska minoriteters utsatthet för sexuell exploatering behövs inom de vetenskapliga diskussionerna. Ett ytterligare behov som inte fokuserats på inom tidigare forskning är vilka behov som finns för att kunna återintegrera de unga män som befinner sig i sexindustrin till samhället och till andra former av sysselsättningar.



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Bilaga 1: Interview guide

Introductory questions

How long have you been working here? What’s your role/duties in the organization? What motivated you to this job?

What was your image of men that are being sexually exploited before you started working here?

Life Situation (Biopsychosocial situation)

Would you like to tell us about a typical case with a man who is sexually exploited that you meet at work?

Would you like to tell us about a more unusual case with a man who is sexually exploited that you have met at work?

Can you tell us about common reasons why these young men end up in sexual exploitation?

Would you say there are different reasons why men vs. women enter sexual exploitation?

o If yes: what reasons? And why?

The young men you meet at work, how does their network look like? Risks:

What kind of eventual risks and consequences can you see that the young men who are sexually exploited can face?

o Can you mention any short-term risks? o Can you mention any long-term risks?

Would you say that there are different risks for women and men who are sexually exploited?

o If yes: Which? And why?

Would you like to tell us about how these possible risks affect how others sees these young men?

Needs & support

What kind of needs do you identify for these young men?

What kind of support from the society are available for men who are sexually exploited?

What would you say makes the young men remain in the sex industry?

What would you say are needed for the young men to get out of sexual exploitation? Attitudes/perceptions

How do you experience that the young men you meet at work gets treated by others in the Thai society?

How do you experience that others react when you tell them about your work?

o What do you think these reactions depend on?

How do you experience that other authorities treat these young men? (example: healthcare, rehab, other helping organizations)

Do you experience that there are differences in how men vs women are treated by authorities?

Do you experience that men who are sexually exploited are being talked about in the Thai society?


o If no: What can it depend on?

o If yes: In which way do people talk about it?

Closing questions

How would you say that your image of young men who are sexually exploited has changed while working at your organization?

What´s the best with your work?


Bilaga 2 : Information letter


Thank you for choosing to participate in our study about sexual exploitation of men. We are studying a program in social work at Orebro University in Sweden, and this study is our bachelor thesis. The study aims to investigate the life situation, including risks and needs of men who are sexually exploited. The study also aims to investigate how these men are perceived in the society. The interview is going to be around one hour, and one interpreter is going to participate. We are going to record the interview if you give your consent. The material from the interview will only be used for the study and after transcription they will be destroyed. The information that comes out from the interview will be treated confidentially, which means that you as a participant will be anonymous and no personal information will be published in the study. The participation in this study is voluntary and you got the right to call off the interview if you would like to.

If you have any questions you are free to contact us at: stina_hdl@hotmail.com

Best regards!

Jenny Cehlin Stina Holmqvist Lovisa Stenström

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