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Då detta var en liten, kvalitativ, undersökning så öppnar detta upp för många uppföljningsstudier. Exempelvis så kan det utföras en likadan eller snarlik undersökning fast i större omfattning och med ett bredare urval för att få ett mer signifikant underlag. En sådan studie skulle då även kunna involvera icke svensktalande finska elever, om undersökarna talar finska eller undersökningen utförs på engelska. Undersökningen kan givetvis även genomföras mellan andra länder än Sverige och Finland, dessa var de länder som intresserade författarna.

En kvantitativ uppföljande studie vore givande för att få ett pålitligt och statistiskt signifikant resultat. Detta skulle exempelvis kunna ske med hjälp av enkäter som skickas ut istället för intervjuer som sker i person. Att använda en annan metod för datainsamling påverkar givetvis undersökningens natur och bör has i åtanke vid eventuell utformad samt eventuellt utförande.


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Bilaga 1 - Sierpinska

”U(f)-1: Identification of changes observed in the surrounding world as a practical problem to solve.”

”U(f)-2: Identification of regularities in relationships between changes as a way to deal with the changes.”

”EO(f)-1: (A philosophy of mathematics): Mathematics is not concerned with practical problems.”

”EO(f)-2: (A philosophy of mathematics) Computational techniques used in producing tables of numerical relationships are not worthy of being an object of study in mathematics” ”U(f)-3: Identification of the subjects of change in studying changes.”

”EO(f)-3: (Unconscious scheme of thought) Regarding changes as phenomena; focussing on how things change, ignoring what changes.”

”U(f)-4: Discrimination between two modes of mathematical thought: one in terms of known and unknown quantities, the other - in terms of variable and constant quantities.”

”EO(f)-4: (Unconscious scheme of thought) Thinking in terms of equations and unknowns to be [...]”

”U(f)-5: Discrimination between the dependent and the independent variables”

”EO(f)-5: (Unconscious scheme of thought) Regarding the order of variables as irrelevant.” ”EO(f)-6: (An attitude towards the concept of number) A heterogeneous conception of number.”

”U(f)-6: Generalization and synthesis of the notion of number.”

”EO(f)-7: (An attitude towards the notion of number) A Pythagorean philosophy of number: everything is number.”

”U(f)-7: Discrimination between number and quantity.”

”EO(f)-8: (An unconscious scheme of thought) Laws in physics and functions in

mathematics have nothing in common; they belong to different domains (compartments) of thought.”

”U(f)-8: Synthesis of the concepts of law and the concept of function; in particular,

awareness of the possible use of functions in modelling relationships between physical or other magnitudes.”

”EO(f)-9: (An unconscious scheme of thought) Proportion is a privileged kind of relationship.”

”EO(f)-10: (A belief concerning mathematical methods) Strong belief in the power of formal operations on algebraic expressions”

”EO(f)-11: (A conception of function) Only relationships describable by analytic formulae are worthy of being given the name of functions.”

”U(f)-9: Discrimination between a function and the analytic tools sometimes used to describe its law.”

”EO(f)-12: (A conception of definition) Definition is a description of an object otherwise known by senses or insight. The definition does not determine the object; rather the object determines the definition. A definition is not binding logically.”

”U(f)-10: Discrimination between mathematical definitions and descriptions of objects.” ”U(f)-11: Synthesis of the general conception of function as an object.”

”EO(f)-13: (Conception of functions) Functions are sequences.”

”U(f)-13: Discrimination between the notions of function and sequence.”

”EO(f)-14: (Conception of coordinates) Coordinates of a point are line segments (not numbers).”

”U(f)-14: Discrimination between coordinates of a point of a curve and the line segments fulfilling some function for the curve.”

”EO(f)-15: (Conception of graph of function) The graph of a function is a geometrical model of the functional relationship. It need not be faithful, it may contain points (x,y) such that the function is not defined in x.”


”U(f)-15: Discrimination between different means of representing functions and the functions themselves.”

”U(f)-16: Synthesis of the different ways of giving functions, representing functions and speaking about functions.”

”EO(f)-16: (A conception of variable) The changes of a variable are changes in time.” ”U(f)-17: Generalization of the notion of variable.”

”U(f)-18 Synthesis of the roles on notions of function and cause in the history of science: awareness of the fact that searches for functional and causal relationships are both expressions of the human endeavour to understand and explain changes in the world.” ”U(f)-19: Discrimination between the notions of functional and causal relationships.”


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