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Farm management field studies and demonstrations, first annual report of the county agriculturist for Boulder County, Colorado, 1914: Boulder County


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of the






H. H.







Report of Accomplishments of the County Agents

Calen~ar Year 1914.





--~-~---***********************************•*****4************************* BaiRg familiar with the

work of the County Agricultural Agent of

---County, I hereby eertify that I

have examined the report herein, and that I believe the statements of fact and opinion are justified. (Signed) ---Secretary of Farm Bureau

or other official.

I have examined this Report and believe it to be a fair summary of the work of ~he Agent

for the peri~o~r~~~ A ,.. , . , . "\.,

(Signed) ____ -~~~~

Sta e Leader.




1. Farmers visited on their farr.1s :;_;;..~

2 . Total number of farm visits made 4/7 (;

3. Business calls on Agent at office .,...!) /

~-4. Tolephone calls to and from agents' office c;;;.. ,., -L )(J()

5. Meetings addrossed q7

6. Total attendance at such meetinGs ~-- '7 /


7. Associations organized for adults


Total membership of such associations

--9. Boys• and Girls' Clubs organized /"

10. Total membership in such clubs .:;_ .:;._ ...3

11. AGricultural ~rticles published in county papero /o/'

12. Circu~ars, circular letters or bulletins v~itten

J-J-13. Copies of such circulars or bulletins distributed - J..~'J'~

14. Copies of annual report distributed p

15. Copies of State ~d

u. s.

Bulletins distributed ~~~:. _7:_ .1d0

16. Letters written -' J-p

17. Students influenced to attend Agricultural College


.J.. 1 - ' ' J'L¥

19. Local short courses conducted

-19 . Total attendance at local short courses or extension s~o~s

-20. Farmers influenced to attend short courses at college 7 r ... A ~ i:.. 9

21. Schools assisted i:1 developing agricultural instruction / .:.._j i/

22. Pupils reached by such instruction

~~-23. Agricultural obaervation parties conducted ~

24. Total persons in such parties

_) ?_ /'

25. Library books distributed

--26. Farmers conducting demonstrations for aeonts j-27. Ueetings held to inspect demonstrations 0

28. Total attendance at such meetings 0

(B) WORK DONE IN RELA':i'ION TO THE FARM .Alffi FARMSTEAD ON SUGGESTION OF AGENT • 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37 . 38. 39. 40 .


Farm buildings planned

Silos constructedL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dd~~~~~L---­

VIater supply systen:::; introctuced

Lighting systems installed. _________________________________ ~---Heatine system::; inat~lled. ___________________________________

~~---Hom0 grounds plcnned or irnproved~---·---~---Sanitary condition::; inproved. __________________

~~~-r·---~----~---Farm plans made either partial or COffil?lete._L~~:::::;~~C)L... _____ +---~/

_____ _

}'&rr.ls Ui)On which the seasonal di::;t:dbution o~ho:S been _

improved. _________________________________________________

+---~---Drainage systems Irrigation systems planned. _______________________________

planned~---~---~~---~-~/ ______ ___





81. ReGistered stallions secured ________________________________

r-Af--~--.r---82. Registered bulls

secured~~---~~--r---~--~--~~~~~~---83. Registered rams secured. __

~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.----84. Registered boars secured~--~--~---~----~~--~~~~~~----85. Registered


87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.




OF AGEN'.i'.

97. Farms making better use o~ J. manure straw etc ' I


---98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 106. 109.


111. ll2. 113. 114.. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 1~2. 123. 124. 12E, 126. ercial fertilizer al fertilize1· used __ -mi~ed ferti~~zer :C'arms using c omm

Tons of commerc i Farms using home

~ons of home-mi}

?arms u~ing lime

'J.'ons of lime use Local sources of ----1> Acrez 11 II II II II



~ed fertili~er us~d


lime develoj_Jed o:f meadow top-dressed

11 pasture 11 clover grown 11 soy bea ns II 11 II


II II lover II vm -II grown II cowpeas vetch sweet c rye gro above m

winter cover pur ... )oses entioned crops .. grown

-for green nanure


I'L.0<2_ <::::, ~ "'<\' ~ ~ b. .... ~ L ' ~


~ ~ ~ -~ ~·"IV" c::!2 b-'<_ ~ ~

~-~ ~-~-~ or I



e ..

~cvt: Faz·;ners keeping ace o~nts, partial or c um_J: tc

Farmers using parcel post in ;:;a.rke:ing __ c; Purc:hasing ancl Marketing l;.ssociations or ga Value oi' business done by such association

Approximate savings effected by such assoc





Farmers' Exchanges orgcmized -~ ges ~ -,

Value of business done th:roush sue~ Exchan

Farmers sup::; lied VIi th .:abor thrJug:1. s:l.ch E


xc ho.nge s



Furmc rented through Exchangt3s _____ _ .



·---Savings secured by reducing shipping rate::; Public markets establis:ted or improved._._ Farms surveyed (Card No. 1 or equiva.lr:mt)_

Leases or contracts between landlord and t cnant art!llgcd_




--l.:::t':. :.... ( .7:~h . ~_]0

-L{/e~r/ v :l. /





---(G) MISCELLANEOUS (Please summarize below any feature of your work not covered by the fore-going questions.)

_ _A.2_:£_ __ _



_____ _

(H) SUMMARY: (To be filled or not ~t the option of the County Agent).

It is often desirable to lace a m ey value on the work of a county acent. This of course can te done o. y approximately, as tte agent

per-forms many services for his p ple hat cannot be expressed in dollars. The agent however is in a bette vsit'lon to estimate the money value of his work than any one else. Ki ly fill out the following summary, using estimates where figures vailable.


(A) In Relation to e ______________ --- ____ __

(B) In Relation to Fa m and Farmstead___ ---(C) In Relation to ops _________________

---(0) In Relation to ive Stock___________ --- ---(E) In Relation to Fertilizers & Fertility --·(F) In Relation to Farm Business__________ - ---(G) Miscellaneous __________________________ --- ---

--- ---


County Ag t,

and Agent

u. s.

Department of Agriculture. Date Mailed to State Leader:


llli:l.o.e ~...,oc .... ~- o rees

durin~ tne ~·ear if :!_ro no onter .t .. ~c .. t u 1; e co:.et:;: ct.:on 01 49 nev eiloe . .... e Cc 1 e e tJ_ t~ ie vl<:i8 .... -.:trt iall.. d.v.e to excellent

eil-need 'J_ ore liYe ttoc:r fet.;c..i u . Pre•. iolls to'

thie year t, ere were 39 -and. tj e total etu.J.~de ncv at 88 . ~ 1e .nut

-eria::.e uo eC.. ::.n co~ ctruction;: v. e ee .laP been v rmuus b.L."'" tl e county

commor:. ~ .me , plastered , c:.nd wooden r.oopf ':hiP a=-_or&e:: ~:n excel-lent opportuni~y icr c .. :r.y f:..trrner \.L.o i::: co~teE lati:'lg the o1D.lo.in5' or a e ilo , to rJa:-e e r:t 1d._ 0.1. tL e vo.ri01.t.S ~-i.u ... e , ta.lh. co t· e far

-aa.&_rtied. to hie ·ccnd.i 't ion am. poc~:a-c -boo ... .




o_ ::ilos in co1.. .try : Solia. co.1c:cec~::: f'~, oo""' etaveLA?-, St e'3l-c;?.-, Cer-e nt block--,(, Pit a:n. t under .:rouncl.L.a, and .!:1.011 0"'.7 t ile-J -.

cl ... ole:ra , 'ti.e _ire-c cc:::tinuir:~ :mtil t..bou.t t1J.e rr.idU.lc c< A.ril , aud

the P eco:nd one sta:rti!J.g G:.bout the iirst o _ Aue:t,"'t ~r..C: etill

con-:J·.rri ,_ the ::iret ot.tbrea.:.. , eo:~e "''ork '.7!.tc .lone ~ c.u · .J:Irobv.blw

much ,;oo<i o.ccol'!'lplifi: et.: by &.n enu.e""70l' to i:L~truc"t. t .. e UJlim::ro::..'!red

rcan a~ t


t .e r..ature of 'tLo,;; ~iz e ,_.c~ a:u.l: t. e beet rr.etr1odc no·:· h-noYn

tc t;J:_ec.i: ite r;:~,read . A circule.:r ,,es izeued and llil:iile.i tc over

200 f&r!nere , besic..e~ beir~~;, se ... t to &ll tl_ Le\ ""~'"' ... ere: . A r.u.mbe

01 vi:::its were made to ::.1~fec .. ed .erd'-' , G.i~""' i:nfor:ns.tion ,'ven

·,,r:.ere-ver pos"'ii:Jle . At t.ne 'beuir;ni:"t.l o~ t..~.e secor;..d. o ... t."'.Dreak , Le firct

step t ru .. en 1: &c _,o ... .~.ol;,;, a rreetL .. 0 ;,it 1 t.t e vet...,ri 1ariare ur:.t c~.e


t-, ~best ..• ethod c:.. .. .:n:oc8c..:1rem ""..:" E. ..:_Jlc.: ... . :<-c acio ted. T!ollo .


221 _armere , . ere .. :el.::. i·1 i!:.fectea.

a..:.·::t ..

·cts., ... e 8,_.1'ed.u. was

Hatc.~.ea.. ~-·-t cuu~E:. r:;~u.<iie ... o.E' cl eel as ·:: ime an. : eFPLITe of oth~

ao l .. e '!.O' 1:1 r..ot Lim~el:: o~ a iac ... o:r: in c. e 2 _,_.1·ea ... i....~. •

tne serun. &·l~ t"te c::imu:tc.~le0:.u: tre<.A:tmentc w.1.C.. I be:..ieve t..J.e crk



S;.tre cm·e'? , !:..a. t...e ... eed of a co:r.cieter..t , co- op erative action to ;-·toil t .. ic Jiee""'' r: . Puch creC..it iE' d. 1e to tLe

oms v1er e f


_i:..1g , not over


' anu. 6J c ... I w'li:e~ eud.' .. 'C'rr:lc . T.c.e )er

c.nd lliO S t '.) _ t . 'B '-e ',/0_ .:.e G ... t;T e \.. v .e c. __ , ... e 2 U-'-' i 4:.- tJ.lB 1 & Pt ' eak

Unl 011~ CTC1 c.-rd. ~'o':: IOU.~. ...

"c!1ree ti1.·ec a.rCl. e sta s ··· e · e -:-;aited aoo .... t one ·.ee t0o lcr.c



fro ... "( Oi:- z '\ie . 'l "t J:'er e::. vel. t: L i i ".L "[; t •. em at :lC t ir.Je e; tl e evss

are La tcl.~.ing . Orc:il.ard::: t.~.1 ... are 1-irou.ucL ... c..; 8U,~ \Vorrr.z ... a_• . e". are far

-ill ~dlelO. rr.t..c:. more -":toi:it

:u::. . lj.here is n_, 1 ar e~ _or \ orm.y a~ p .... e;: .

year a nu.r.:.b er o _ teEt~ we1·e .:cb.de 1 i tL t. e roll o·~ i1 ·~ crops: ·-a:r·qni 2


:Beterita and. Seu.Dan Grc.ez: .

! _fi.P

·:r:n s

1 This is

}_)OUllu.S were received f 1.·om t ... e f:lf .... e:.._t in the vblJ. .... oui2 r&..lle~' ·, he!ie i "v

has except i :c. ally ..)o oc... .t'eEalt e . o~"in_ a .:.-e E...Y.' yielde:· an C. :::i.t1enint>

t.,elve day •. before any other . ~Ile eeeu.


•O la...,.t


b farmers in d.it_erent part2 of L::e county out oecalli:'e O- ji:; ~oc bcin ... J ... t.ed

tried. a,:;"air. rle::c,--c year .

K.AFI::ti J'LS:ERI~J~ * C.Allli , :U10 . Seecl \lv.E receiveJ.. :.'ro.:c t .e ....

:ove1n-ment oft ... .e earliect V<i~ietie:::: oft_ ef';e for


._e "--

-Several :f:'[...:rr.:c.:.c

co-o_.Jerco.te--.. ic. t! e"' .... te::~ f: ~ ... d ~ome very _:ro~.nisi:t:.<-- rer:ultz V'ere obt~ine,d .

hill: .Early Amn.r cane --9 to..c.<. per ac-e , Fet~rita--7 . 7 ton::: per

acreg :Dwarf Yellou ':ilo--6. 6 toE oer £,ere • .:Jlac.~ :_ulled. ~:~ite :_afir

5 . 5 to:r:.::: per :....c:r:e •

Co:c11 pla:.1te--- .~.n c;~ e e~e ... L-lc.. . .i.&J ..1e1 5 to:cf:' J!e1 a.c 1e . ...-~eE:e

sro.ine v~ers _)lc;..;..t;ec.. :June 20 a:r:c.. cut Sept . 23 . a~_thoug:. t 1.e i::.rst

I1. thiE Eecticn t_ e CE:J.'e L e.turetl ~ '"'cod seed c.!.:o • ... _ -1. ~r c 'Etc;.n<l


"'.re~J ... JOC? o 'ln'-' to a wet colu , coil at ~ :t-.L~tir._. ti. e , U.i u. ::?eterita soo::.'t eecu • . ..:.. .1. · • ..:..ect...., ... &.er


e ee c.. 0...1,.1.i ci J:u.c:; . .1. e.:. t1 er t '£ milo

tl ... e ~.::~:..1.~ · .. a2 ~u~t •. eaC:..:....: _ o oc. .

Ir.. ~..~e . .;ec ... ion O- vllS cour ... try no:·L - ec.:::l o~ _ 0r }'JO._t &~ 1·o ... ir:" tely

tne co a1~e .. ter:u1 te el·e ootained \,i t~1. t e e:.ce)tion J~:... t tr.e Lilo •. 1ai

-t;ooct etund , uu.; ui.c.. :cot [;TO. ~-E t&ll at' ..Leterita. 01 .. Oct . 2 , after

eever al fi·qe ~ e t1 e fe er it c.. wu.e :::t J...ll E' t c .d .... il"""-' ... ct .... rec n, \ ·i L l

nead::: , ell ~i~leu


c~bin .

S~"'DAN GfuiSS . Onl.., a emall s~..~pJ.e o .... tni~:: \a"~ t_ ieo. , on tJ.L9

COJ.n-'ty i a::c:m . _he land v..rae lo·.l c: .. :r ~..t vet lla vin~· bee:r. :... .... OOL1..eu b ..uoulder cree~~ , &.: u. co ::::u::-eq v.en tly .J~o.n tine wa~ done 1 ate .

l y cle.nee , meO..iu.n: vall , b1.t di-... n.:lJ r...at·J.:r-e see6..

early r...u. tu:. J...nc vc....rieti ee elf t.Le "''!:..CCJ. .. ari.u.e c;.. •• c. .~on - S&c~ ... uri1 8 .. JOl' ;.:>:h~

Ul!l£ are Go ~·-=- c e1· t c..j. -~

t ffill C o·, r •

3ulleti'1f' c. .. Te con:ti:nne..J...ly ue_ .... _; receive~- :trom t __ e U.

a:nll ever~r week or t ,, o a. lizt o~ t. e o~ 6C co tLining i- ::orm&tio:-.2 o_

value to bould.er coun~ fc-rr..:er:: i::: sent :o all t><e c ount .. ne·. _·a~e-c~:

i ~·,. pu1Jlication.

could.. be cent fo :t £...., & J- ti..1e t.r. e ftNr p.· i £ i.. .. eeJ. c l. it . _ if:'

o __ ice cLcec .Ll"'t. vee tra co ie::: o_ &.11 u .efe uul et·n; , s.lul.I.Oll6'l

¢·Dr tne la:..'!w r c'-1 eerd Ll.irecv tot ... :J stution i Feui'l.._. tLem. ~Le


( 5 )


rece.ctly b, e.c. cu lir"C _or bulletine .

Co - ppe::.c..t:: :'lc; v;ith t ~.:e eecretariee 'i the

In zane

fo.1. Lelp ..:.~ t1 e -Hirvezt . bee c . tw.L ~l'b.in iie:dP . :1o recor<..t ~ .... : e_-~t

::::i oly 25 or .,I) .

':..11e L q.:<.i:riez ::'ro:n ICTLe:;::;: ~i..: -'vo L ere

• ~-e-1 ~-:.. eave tiire .

ma0..e , &:!:'..!-ordr: &.--excellent o.l:'po:ctunit~ fo::r. get inc; poztec._ on t1:e clase

±arinere in ct .er ... -... rt::- 01 t_e et.ate "'nu "' • S . v:J..I.o are e::.uher l!' •. eear-ch o:: eeed e.r..C: live stoc..~ c:r. ~ .o ... ~ve cnJ_(.! ___ or E[..le .

::.or · t £; .LG. ...

Aeid.e :... r, I




,.."~ro"b .... e c ,,:: u. cr ps ;;;.da_ ted _cr c U.L. • .1 .. B c .:.c a.c, . ee :__ _"-:c._ ... c

c:.ou-CO\lf: , te ~ti ... u miL.-. , ... el) 1n


~e~f::::.n .






a _-.. e l...v , yo~. "'a.c. e 1::' r: i :::3-s t




t ... e _e ... 'h 1U


tLerc •. "J."'t be

lde -""'and o.c. 1.J.1 .. e t i.e _ r '\ r.. , .<.C.C J ~r

doez , !.\JlL .wr e;alle ~-c._ attenu. to t .e Lr.Leu.iu.t:o 11 ·de J _ e 1 ~ .. .r...e e ,

tL·~ :!:.JOlic~ o: aiu.in~ a...,riCLlltr..r·c in-: :e cour:.ty b l'~'""~nin.; 1;.1. u.e:.l!lit e

line of ' .. Ol-:h. _or t _ _u-:.;ure .





COffiTTY 1\ ""n I c~JLT URI 0T









,..,:~ - AI'E


~GI • I


'I'.rrr- 0


...,,., -uA'l'"\Y 6, 1914 _ ....







~P. ... ) J::""~ 30> 1914. by



0 I !Pr'01L ::914




:-'AR:· "lXiA:}E·:::~T FII:LD S1'UD:ES





The Bureau of Plant Industry

of the

:Jni ted


Department of Agricul-:ure ,

The Colora1o A6ricultural


The Doulder County Com issioners>

:he Boulder and St . Vrain Valleys

A;ricultur~l-Comreerc ial


and the

Ohicac;;o , Bur l ington


Quincy Rai l road Coulpany

Cooperating .

D. 1 • • FREAR)

St ate leader for Colorado .

H. .L




Dear Sir

:-I submit herewith> the First An'"'ual Report of the County Agriculturist for Boulder County) Colora.do , for the fiscal ye~r ending June 30> 1914.


County Agriculturist .

1r . D. - . Freer)

Qtate Le~dar for Colorado .

Dear Sir

:-I eubn.i t herewith the First Annual Report of

the County Agriculturist for :3oulder County> Colorado by

Tlli~ . H. H. Simpson, County Agriculturist .

·~ .


r .

Cor~i~; )

Agriculturist in charue of -estern Division.



~ue June 30, 1514.

STA':'E Bou


::r _

_..;.:T-1~. -==H~. _...;;;.S=.i::.:.nlp=s..::.c.:.::n __ TO: June 30, 1914. Approved: _---::=-: Stat e Leader .





1. List projects or plans now un:ier way con4inued from previous seasons:

Started in February 1914. No projects continued from previous


2. List new projects or plans under way:

l. ;:'xcursion of all farmers to Agricultur::tl College last of

July . The a :Wove to be mad.3 a f'emi -Annual affair) summer and winter) :m:l possibly) fall ancl spring .

2. Silo c.o..:.paign to '·e started about 1st. week in August. 3. Exhibit of ~oys and Jirls products.

4. A syste~ of co-operative l~rd testing with about ten or

twelve farmers

3. A system of or-operative I'ecord ~eeping on sugar beets and

corn for ensilage .

8. A syste~ of co-operative record keeping ~ith ten or twelve

feeders next winter settin~ data on beet pulp feeding

com-pared with silage.



---The fo1lo~in~ questions rertain exclusively to

work done either by the Agent or on his reco~.i­

mendations;-3. Farmers visited on their farms(::-'eb . 6-July 1) 4 . Farmers conducting demonstrations for agents




5 . Acres plc.Jlted v;i th field-selected seed corn !Jot here 1ast__f3.ll

6 . Farms testing corn for germination 10

7. Acres cf corr_ plar:.ted with tested S"""'~ '-' ~ .... 100


Farms growing cern 9 . Acres of corn e;rown 10. Farms growing wheat 11. Acree of wheat grown

12. Farms tre3.ting seed oats for smut ---~~u~n~d~e~r~~Y directio n

1" 0• Acres sovm wi ~h traJ..ted seed II 11

14. rarmd growinb oats __ _ lS. Acres of oats 6rcwn ____ _

---~---16. F9.rms using till-selected seed pctatoes. ___ .;-:..:::..:.._::h~e~r::.;s~l::..:'I::.:..l_;I:::...~;;::::t:::..l=-1. 17 . Farms tr3at ir.5 1)otat oes for scab 4 at my suc&.;estion 15. F9..rms grc'.v:.r.g ;:-,ctatoes __________________ ...::.__

19 . .Acres of Potatoes grr-wn _____________ ~~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

::'0 . F~nns ct;r~wing hay __________________ _

21. Ac1'e s of l1ay grown ___________________ .::_ ___

-_-._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-22. Farms growing alfalfe .. _______________ _

'"'3 . 11cres cf ·3-lfalfa 0 rcwn __________________ -_---24. Orchards cared for jn whole or in part _____





---~---25. Cow te.:;til'g associations orgs.ni~ed __ _

26. Cows tested fer milk production (thrcugh

as-sociations or

other-i~e) 87 . 28 . 29. 3f'


31. 32 . 33 . 34. ...,_ 0:::> . 3'., o . 37 . 33. 30 '-'• 40.

:Iogs vaccinated fer cholera t 100 at my 8 Ur? .:?; :J S t i 011


Anti -HOJ Cholera clues organized __




---Total membeTGhjp in above clubs

---Tons of commercial fertilizer used None Tons o: home -mixed fertilizer used l~one

Tons of lime used



Hq_l_l~----Acres of ~lover grown

---Acres of soy Jeans grown _._

---Acres of covvpe-2-s grown

__ j_

---Acres of sweet clover grown


---Farmers ::eeping


or completello at my_suggestion Value of busine.Js done by Purche:tsing and


:hrketing associations org·:mized ______

~-~---~---~:::::i::t:~;;;:;;; ;~~;;;::


::;::·~=::~~~~~~~-(Report belo·:v any other i mportant work done) 4l . __ ~~les of illilk and cream tested to date 10

at request of far.'1ers 1

42. Sc;..r.1ple~ of seed te.::;ted for purity and :re r- 18 ____ _

minaticn at request of farmers t:~.; __ __.,

43 . Boys and Girls Clubs organized 4,


:1emters 223

---44 .



-5--GE'U -A'TUAL ?EPOBT OF ccr;rTY AGEl•T.

46. ":ha.t is the plan


the org,nization supporting your WOrk?

Tt is


County wide Agricultural-Co. mercial Ascociatian. 'iem".Jers from both farmers ::!:nd. cusines:J men. Advisory Council consisting of three me:ubers from each Commercial Asuociation and each of the County A.;ricultural Institut.Js, and the County Grange . Eighteen m ,m'Jers in this Council. Council me ts once e~ch ~~,...nth a..'IJ.:l county Association me ts


There are six directors tt~t hanile ehe business .

Separate Standin,; Committees :;ive help with the V'"'rious plans of ~ork to he tqken up such as 3orticulture, Animal

Husband~y, Dairyina, ~ural Schools, Seed, etc . , dt~ .

47 . How ..toes the local creaniz=tti:;n raic its fu:1ds?

Asaosiation dues '""re ~ 1.


per year. Cver 500 me.r.'l;ers

in the Association.

A number of buei1.eec. housea, banks , etc., dit;ned a ~uarantee fund list subscribin5 certain amount per year for 5 ye~ru


County Cor..missioners pay s~lary .

Burlin._::tcn Railroad subl3cribea ~150 . 00 per ye"'r.

(8 . 't~te brie:ly th~ vqlu~ble features of t~e local organization.

~ethod of rais!ng ex~ense money ty guarantee fund.

nue s lov:· c>.llov; ing all to be long.

Plan of co~nitteos to aid war~ along uive~ lines, assures ~he s pport of Associ~ticn inevery 1 ova .

Advisory Council is good mean8 of · eepino ~11 sections

interested; brings i''U'Me ro and 'Jusi ne :3e men tog8 ther in a business way an.i allows more frequent rr.eetings, thus keep-ing varicu.:: partz in touch .. ,i th the YJork .

·~ee t inas held first in o-re town then :tnother ani. 6i ve s an

opportunity for the Council to get acq;ai ted with protlems and conditions in various part~ .


-5-49. \''hat are tl:e defects cf the loc,ol organization? :_o,, , in your jud0 ment, could it le strengthened?

'"'y makir o tl e annual me ting more elal:lorate, in the forn' of

a Farmers' Congress) a Convention, and thus getting rr.ore of the mem~ero to this me~ting .

By having ~n exhibit at this meeting.

By having co~ ittee eetin8s oftener .

50 .... he.t other -associationg, such ~s gro?'J.g~s, farmers' clubs,

boards of tr~de, Y. ·•• C. L., etc., are cooperating ·1ith

you? In what manner and tC' ··hat eYt:mt does each cooperate? Granges--There are nine in the county.

:'hey are represented on Council. They ::tre ir sy pathy ~'ith

wor: , invite A.;ent t c s~.eak at their me~ tin.:;s.

51. Include, if poss i ble , with your report a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the organizaticn under which .you are wor' inJ.


---(~ig .ature) __

~~--~~--~-County Agricultural Agent and

Age11t ,

·r. s.

Dep 't. of Agricultur:-Date sent StQte Leader








In order to encourage a better method of farming and a more effccient fC'Irm n1a.nauer.1ent; to adv~nce and keep our a6ricul tur"l n:ethcds acreast of

our agricultural colleges, and our fe.rm management equally efficient with th'3 management of cur mercantile) ·vanl'ing and manufacturing institutions to the end t~at all interests of ~oulder Co~nty may be improved and benefited

and particularly that the prosperity., welfare and happiness o.f the farmer may be incre~sei; to pro~ote the Jeneral prosperity of Boulder County; to

advcmce its educaticnal and social interests;


pro1:1ote integrity



faith and to cultivate a spirit of co-or;eraticn and interdependence among the busir.ess men and farmers of cur County THE BCULDI:R A:;n ST . VRAIN iTALLI:Y S AGFIC'UL1''8RAL-CO'GXRCIAL A::'C'OCIATIOU adepts the follmving

By-le.ws:-ARTICLE I . ·~embership.

Sec. 1. Any person over eighteen years of age who is a resident of Boulder County and who pays the r..embership fee as prescri'ced by these By-law·s> Yt1ay be-come a ~~amber of this Association.

~ Sec . 2. Other pel~sons may bv admitted to Ille'"1l>ership in this Association upon

such terths and conditions as n.ay be prescrL .. ed by the P. ~vic cry Council. o Sec. 3. The me .. tership fee shall be one dollar (~1.00), to be collected at

the t:!.me of the application of a n:ember and shall pay v-.e first year's dues. Thereafter tte due::> cf eac


.11eGter shall be one dollar ( .~ 1. 00) per annu:11)

)ay-atle in advance . Failure to pay dues for six months ;;orka a forfeiture of

~emtership i~ the Association.

Sec . 4. The:::.·e shall be no restricticns en voluntary subscriptions or donatiGll:l for any re0ular or special purposes.

Sec. 5. The Advisory Council .~,ay, upon a unar.ir:.cus vote of all members preset

admit to honorery mer.:ter ship, without fees or due.., , .J.r.y per;:;cn who from eminence shall seem to be ~Litled to such ccnsider~ticn, and suet hcncrcry

membership sh:.ll confer all the rights and privileges of an active memb r) except that of holding office .

Sec . 6. Any member found guilty of diabcrora~le tra~sactirn~) or of the

cor-poration brought i~to disrepute by virtue of ~is memberahir ) m~y be suspended

or .expelled in manner as may be directed by the Advisory Council. ARTICLE II. GovernMent.

Sec . 1. The Government of the Association shall be vested iL a Bpard of Trustees, siY (6) in number, to be elected at the Annual ~eating of the

As sociati ,....n, the nomir.ees ti.1"refor to be selected. cy the Advisory Council. ~ Sec. 2. TLt- "1oard of '!'rustees at :ts f~rst meeting after t!J.e an""u:::l

meet-ing of the Associaticr. shall elect a President a~d a Vice-Bresident) who shall be members of the Boar~ , and a Secreta:ry ancl Treasurer) who need not be rrembers of the Joard ; all of whorr. shall ~old office for one year; or until their successors are elected and qualified. T~e above named officers shall serve without con,ensation) provided. hovvever (1) the County A~ricultlll:'­ ist ~ay act as Secretary , on vote of the Board ; (2) in case the said Agent does not act as Secret:tr, t:1e Board may allow such compensation tc the f'ec-retary as they deem advisable.

Sec . 3. The Board of ~rustees, aha~l, or reco.rnendati~n of the Advisory Council elect a County Agrj cultural J c.ent) .hose term of of:t'ice and compen-sation shall be fixed by his contract of ... ervice.

Sec . 4. There et~all be an Advisor:· Counc~ 1 tc be composed o.~ three ( 3)

rep-resentatives fr0~~ ee.ch of the fol"..owing organizatic:as; the 'Jcuntain e.nd Plain

Farmer's Institute, The Lonumc~t Farmer's Inotitute, The Lo~g cnt Commercial Association, the ~oulder Commercial Associaticn and. the Boulder Cct:nty

Pomona Grange, to be a,pointed by the Presidents of said organj.zatior:.s. One representative


fro: each or3an:zation shall serve for one year, one for two yca1·s, and cne for three years, an"~ annually thereafter one r e '··e:r shall be appointed from each cf said organizations to serve fer three (3) years. In case of a vacancy in the represe:'"!.tc..ticn of any organiz'"'ticn tte President of the same shall appoint a rr.ember to fil1 such vacancy fer the une··pired

terrr.. Any other active Com::rercial Ascociat :.on or Far1~er 's :neti tute of ~oulder County may :·ave like representatior.. on the A:ivieory Council or vote


Sec. 5. Any officer may, on good caus8 shown, be rer.~oved from off ice by

vote of Beard of Trustees, except the Cou~ty Agricultural Agent who may

be removed only cy consent of the Advisory Council .



Duties of Officers.

Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, the .Adviscry Ccuncil and the Board of Trustees , ::tnd shall perform such ether duties as nert::-1in to the office of President . He shall :1ave pcwer to fill va.canc:..es as nay occur in any ofiice until meeting of Boar:?. of Trustees, and may f ill vacancies on Cor·!l· it tees. :1e shall, ill con:unct ion r.ith the Secretary sign all warrants against the funds cf the Association. He shall uall meet inge c"" the .Advisory Counc 11 or any ccrmni t tee whenever

he deems it adviseable, or upon application of three men~bera cf the Advisory Council he ehall cal: special meetings when the demand ia made in writinb

setti~g forth the object of the meeting. He shall appoint all co~~ittaes

subject to the approva~ of the Advisory Council.

~ Sec . 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President i~ the event of hiG abr,e1:ce or disability, and iYJ. the absence of l.Joth President and Vice-Presider.t the Associatior:, Advisory CeUl:cil or Boar.:! of Trustees may

appoint a Chairman Pro terr., t':-l.c Qecretary putting the questie1:..

Sec. 3. ?he Secretary srall ke~p fu:l and accurate accounts of all meetings

of the As soc iat icn, Advisory ccunc il and Board oi' Trustees, receive and. x~~« - rccei • .Jt for all .. e!c.tershir fees and dues ailg pay same to the Treasurer,

tak-illG his receipt therefcr) draw and sign, together with the Preaident, -;arran is

~ agadnst the funds cf the AsEociatic~ when so ordered by the Board of Trustee& He shall have custody of the Seal cf the Ascociatien, C""P.duct all necessary ccrrespondance that does net ~~reperly faJ.l to the Ccunty A::;ent, send 01;.t

ample not ices oi all mee tin..,s , a.ct as custodian or tr.e .Au3 oc i =:. ti en ' s props rty

t ha.t is not placed in the hL<t C.o of the County A..,e!'t, and per "'orrr. all duties usually devolvir:g -:..1pcn the Secretary ' s office . He shall preseYJ.t a ::'u:'-1 d:::taile:! report at the annual meeti:lg of the Ascociatien. ::e shall give bonds ir. such su111 as the Beard of Tru·stecc may re~uil·e, the e::pense cf wl:ich ohall be berne by the Associaticn.

Sec . 4. The ?rea surer shall be cuatod:.<:.-;: of all funds o·"' th0 As:::oc j at icn,

receiving sn.11e from the Secretary and delivering receipt for san.e. He shall pay put amounts only on warra.J.ts signed by the Preside1:t and. Secretary. He shall keep a com, ... lete and accurate recori of all rece:pts and dlsburse.n:ents , report a su :!:uc.rized statement o.f same to tl:e Boe..rd of '.L'rustee a or Advisory Council ~henaver ac reque~ted, and shall make a full detailed report tc the n.1.nual r:.e2 ting of the Asocciat ion. Ee s:1:=>.ll deposit the funds of -:t.e Associ e tion in a tank or banks dasl.;nated. by tte :3oard of Trustees . He shall give bonds in such am""unt as required by the Board. of Trusteob, the expense of which sh;.ll · : paid out of the funds o.f th~ Association.

Gee . 5. The County Agricu:tural Agent shal! perform the d~ties specifica:ly set forth ::.n b.i s contract) and. ' .. a shs.ll be


mer:~· er ex-officia of all st

a.,.._1-~ng co mitteee .

ARTICLE IV. Powers and Duties cf Doard of Trustees. >=:ec . 1. T!le Joa.rd of Trustees sl:al::

(1) Have direct superviBion ever the work o~ the As=ociation.

(2) On recomrr.en:':~tie:n o: the Advisory Council :::.ave power to elect

a County AJric'.lltural A._.ent.) fix '1i..J con1 .. mse.~.i. r. and. term of office and ar:-anoe such other deta: · s in the contract as !'r.S.y be neceocary.

(3) Fix ccn.ensation of Secretary.

( ~) Enter L1t o any contracts neceasary for the -,-ork o.f the As zoe li

ti en, the Pre <ddent and. secret 3.J:y tc di0 l1 s'..l.oh contre.ot s) an:l af :'ix tLc seal of the Asooci~ti~n .

( 5) :rave power to coLtract d.ebts in tho ne. ,a of the As soc iat ion, but no debt shall be contr~cted in excas.::> of cash o .. 1 hand, xoutstanding

subscri~tions and ~Ueo in the ~roces of ~ollection.

( 6) Have l)OW'er to enter · nt o co-ope rc! ti ve agreements v ith the Bo3.rJ of gount y Com .. i 8.3 i :neru of E01.llder CcU1:t y, the co '..leoe cf Agricul turc

of t!' .. e 8t :.te of colo::s.:lo ani the :Jni t ej Stu teL ""-:: .1:=.rtment


Agri cul tt:..re, such e.rr::mbe~.Jmts to be g,greed to in the main also by the Ad.vi .... ery Cour .. cil.

(7) Ha.ve such cthar duties :1nd newers as are 'l'Jossessed by a Board of Trust.;es i:;,~ sirr.ilar ol~g=-ni za..ti ens .· ..

(u) ~lave pmver to .fill v~c::'....L"'1Cicl i n its oYm membei'.::>l:i. or that


its ..11e .. 1Jers .

ARTICLE V • . Power<3 and D':ties of the Advisory Council. Sec . 1. The Advisory Council shall:

(1) Pl~"1 and direct the general ~ork of the Association,

assign-ing de~ails to the proper co~Jittees .

(2) Receive ~d act upon re_orts cf co~mittees .

( 3) "is.ke a : ist of nominees f or the Board of Trustees to be voted upon at the Annual .. :eet :.ng of ·t: e As Jociat ion.

( 4) ·rake recommeJid.at ions ae to tl:e ap.t)Ointmt:nt of the County Ag1·icul t Ul' al A.;,;, en t .

( 5) :lave such other }'0\Y~rs and du-ties aa ruay be conferred upon them f:tom t~ e to t5.me l:v i:;he Board of Trustees .

Sec . 2. The Advisory c ~unoil u' all rr.e ~ ~ once a month at such time and place

as it oay decide upon.

ARTICLE VI . Cor,: ... i ttees.

Sec . 1. The ':t.:.nding comt'litt~c;& of the Ass-ociati~"'.1. shall ·oe:

-co (1) Highways , (2) rural Schools, (3) A·rono1~y) (4) 11iarketinc;;J

(5) Finance a:i1J

~~embership ,

(6() Animal Husban:iryJ (?J Dairyir,.g, (8) :Iorti-cul ture , and such other cor11i11i ttees as m.:.y be deemed necesaary from time to ::. time '"J y the Ad vi eory Counc il.

Sec . 2. Ecch Committee shall consist of five ( 5) ;Jember>J , 7'i th tb.e County Agricult'lral Agent a.s a t.:emoer ex-officio of all com11lit :aet:> J- to


appoint-ed by the President and to serve fer one ye3.r cr until their successors are appointed.

Sec . 3. ~he Chairman of each Standing Co~~ittee shall oe a member cf the

Advihory Council .

Sec . !!. The duties of the Standing Comm::..ttees are such as are sug_;ested by their


together with such


duties as






· Advisory Cour cil.



Seal .

Sec . l . rhe Se~l of the Aa ~ ocia~ion shall consist of a circula~ die with

the v.rcrd. 11SEP.L11 in the center thereof and 113. & St .

v. v. c

-A . Assn. II

a1·ound. t!le outer edee .

ATITICLE VIII . Annual ~ecting .

Sec . 1. The Annual '~eting of the Asoociati6n shall be he l d during the

m"'~th of January of each year at such time and. place as may be determined

upon by t!le Advisory Council) )Ublic notice being given of such time and pace by publication once in two [ .. d dpapers of general circulation in Boulder

County) ten daya prior to said meeti?'lg .


Quoru~e .

Sec. 1. Those present ~t a~y ann~al or special meeti~g ~f the As ociation

shall constitute a quorur: .•

Sec . "'. Seven mern"cers c.: the Advisory Council shall conet itute a quo1·um of said Counci l.

Sec. 3. A majority of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a ~·orwn of

the Poard.

Sec . 4. A mo~ority of any committee shall constitute a quoru .. , of that comr:d tee.

ARTICLE X. Order cf Business.

Sec . 1. In al: meetings of the Association and of the Advisory c~uncil Rebert's "Rules of Order" s:t.all be used.

Sec . 2. The order of busineea at the me ting of t:1e Advisory Council and of the meeting of the Asuociation shall be as follov.rs :


1. roll Call o:f IIembers (For Advisory C unci l only.) 2 . I"e.;,.,ling oi :t!inutes of previous meeting.

3, Reports of Cor!.mittees and cor8ideraticn of reports . 4. Report and recol"lmend.:::.~ions of County A_:ent .

5. Report of Officers and. con .... ideration of same .

6 . Sug6esticns fer improver1eT1t i:=1 met!lod of work .

7. General Bus~ness .

8 . Election of officers (An:;:mal 'Leting Only) .


Adjournment .

ARTICLE XI . Amendments .

Sec . 1. These By-la,va mc;.y be ~merde1 at any rr.e tinz of the Board of

Trustees by a two-thirds (2/3) vote , provided not ice of such proposed amen:iment has bee1 o.:ven at a previcu.J meeting.


Feb. 6 1911_ to June 30) 1~14


··inds of Clubs rumoer of mei!~bers .

Bovs ---....;..__:::;...=:..::::....=.. - - -Girls _____ . ______ P __ o_u_1_t_r~y ________________ ___ 60 32

--~-~~---·---0orn 25

~arden __ ani Canning --- ----+---=--4 10

~P" - .,&..-...::.w.. •- rr




---TotrJ.l v::~lue


club prizes offer·ed this year .,. i'ot yet knm1n

Fee . 5) 1214--June 30) 191~.

ruMber of ·reetir~gs attended... . ... 41

Total attendance ~t meetings ... . 3868

Average II II II 94

rumber of visits tc farms ...•.

____?.~~---It 11 far,nerl3 o:=>.lled


office (E_:.t~ .. ;>.t~) 60 ,

__ _

11 125


---';ota1 nUJber of Jay cr~ea . ' ... ... --- ---~---119~

i {

'Tu .. ber cf Liles tr'lvaled ty rail. ...••• _ _..:;6...;;1;..::3;__ ____ _

II II 11 II II auto .





. .


---ll II II II te~rtl.











115 II II 11 11





. .







U'"'E EX'rPP ~!::."LETS

Articles · Bought D::1te I Price Paid Present Value

---·---~().~-~P_£roxim~~t~e~)---~---~~~---.Autcmo1.Jile ~arch 38 605 . 00 540 . ~0

C'oi 1 .Aurr er ·r..., rch 1

---~-~---+--~~~~-lCO foot tane & 3. 85

Developing Tank ':arch ":;~8:;,.__--i-__ 5. 00 ~__,5._QQ__

:Je sk an:l c h:.o..:a:::.;1;:::.:· r::;__ _________ ____.;;...::_::_;:;..:.__.:::;_:;;__ ___ i---=-4-=-8~. ;..;;.2.:o.5 __ i---=4;_:0c...:..-=O;....:·C;_• _

200 Jul:etin cases ·ay 5 14. 38 12.00





13.75 12.GC _..;;C-=a:.:::r-=.d;__;:I:..::.n::.::d:..:a;..:.x.::...-....:C:..:!:-1;;;;:.s::..;e::..__ ---'-1~-_ch 14 7_. 00 ____ _:::;..:._:;..;:;..__ Pocket rwtp cf county ____ _ 14 Rubber Stamp _0 _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ TOTAL

---Articles Na~e cf Owner




Agent and D. W. Thomas



• 50 ,.., "0 ( t.>..; • '"'8 r... --·--'-"'-·-:r . o"' ~~~._ ... ; r 5 ·-Present Value 20. JO


5':::00 Volurres

.A ;;r. L i tr 'l.ry - -

r-:e::.::lJ·~! t=----=-.o::..=--===---~--5-C-.-C-C·~·-



Hover Bulletin File



______ I_--"'-L.c;...:!':,;rr.qn:.t


A::;.; oc iati cr. 35.

co· __ _

'A:i me o.; r _:"=-p_h ____ __._ __ A_._J_. Calhoun --+--- ---30. CO







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th. 1 lde n t th 1

port no o

select-be•n rendore to .be eo le in the

a co-orerr



cr~ f!!e:t·y, l i h la



a. bout

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