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Annual report, extension service, Colorado Agricultural College, 1934: Kit Carson County


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EXTENSION SERVICE Colorado Agricultural College


of the








or ecompl1 ants • • • • • •

Olnnges in County Or iza.tion • • • •

COlin ty Program ot · ork

roJ c·t 1: or 1zat1on • • •

roj t II: Crops • • • • • •

Proj et V: Horticu.l ture • • •

· rojact VL: est • • • • • •

roJ ct ·IXs .Animal usb dry • Project It keting • • • • •

roj ct I: utrition • • • • •

ojeot XIII: Olothin • • • • •

rojaet XVt Co nnity Acti i tie-s

1935 Plus • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . � . . . . l. 2. tion • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -1-Xit Carson • o. oodf'in 1934 4 5 19 3S 40 46 65 66 67 69 eo 80


Xlt Carson

he � te sion ro al!l in Klt ar o Oo ty s vot

t o ioul l rgenc ctivitie& under the

.n·.. 0 • ' 'OOtitiD


en ir.aly

The droughtcaused alttOst a. complete .failure in crops and teed. ..,mergency · activ1 ties ot the A,A.A, have b en a 11£ · saver to t ·farmers in this county.

'.l!.ha b ef"it yznent& have serve as a f of insur oe

contri uted to the ea test tinauo1al re un r 1o to th f

cost for a.drn1ni�trat1on_is thi 51• • er noy catt le e sing

m · s contributed t second l rg st a t ot mJn y at a cost ot 13.8¢


T e �llea1i benefit .., nt incl ing ce.sh .r6ce1ved by tar .. rs 1n t 1ear

of 19 a co r lbu t the third 1 ge t un t of' farm income. The sheep

pu.rohasin progr ha.s contributed the fourth la.r st arno t of !'IDne�,


Tne or anization and parfaotion ot available genera l ta.:rm. f �ed, seed loans

beon of groa t val t a rs 1n lng 11 1 f credit t lo r

hi cing costs over .500 t· r s hav aken advant e of t . op rtuni ti s

o 'fer by he arm Cl-edit inistr io t t eet...-u.p ot t L on ·

ro-duot1 n red! t ssoe1 tlon, Limon., Colorado, and 'mergency seed and eed

loans tbrough h Salt Lake City Of'ftce.

Pr· .ct1cally all l!DDGJ pald abo e adminls r tion _of tbes emer noy activitits

gone to farmer producers ho have assumed the reaponsib111tias·involved

in the duties a.tt ·chad t o ottloera of the organization •

�tension Or n!zatlon·nas b

Thi o�t�ization is de p ot


oo. 3 1 nts and s in a 1 � ed to t ineo of £ rs

1 t Oar son County by b eb ry lat, 1935 tor ooope "'tio n in Lgricul tural

mergenoy ti' 1 1es, Thi anx>unt 1 equivalent to n average o an income

in 1934 of -""352.00 par t in Carson County.

a 1 oattl t o

ben 1t paymo tiolpatlng 1n

· ten ion p o ams the3' Ul r eive Corn- g

Cattle Purcl:aaing aa�


:ras hopp r a.i t

Clothi ng_ Oorn Stor -2-02,991.00 165.073.00 151,417.00 4,580.00 700.00 3.50 4,235.93 I; 29 't 000 .43


Oountys gent: Yeart nt Carson R. o. oodf'ln 1934

!he to tal cost to the Oount.r Government (trom December 1, 1933, estimat d

to Ja ry 1, 1935) to e possible these benetits has been 1154.54.

For ea.oh dollar t County vernmsnt invested tor .gricul ture. the tar ot Xi t Cru�son County reoeivecl. 458 .oo in return.


4. Cha ,es in_ County organization Kit Carson Ocranty

Agont; R· o. Woodfin

Year:. 1934

tor a. ln.pso of more th.an t'¥.tel e ye<-rs• organizo a )ricul tural

1ork was renewed as a result of t. ert,�ncy Vlhcat Progrru • This v1ork �s co.rriad Gn for a. J.,>Oriod o£ tbroe n�nths -andar the

direction of an Agricultural ]margoncy J�nt.

A c lnn: ,o in pol loy bago.n� th e d vel opnen t of the lfa ti onal C orn-Hoe :Program. The v..urk ;;, s sot-up in t.he County as a. striotly Extension Program, carrying out th organization work in further­

anao OJ. th..l ;ork or the .llgricu:l tural Adjustment dminlstrationo

The County program dave loped into t orgmtiz t ion of' a &4'Hrm and

Home Council. 1fl1is Council is m..'l.de up of Farm men and om n

in t rested in the oduc3 ional work of the �tension Service in carrying the ·;ork of tho Agricultural Collego in coopora tion \7ith

the Un i tad States Dop rtment of LgriouJ. turo. and the �gricul tural


1v to


-:ProJect I. QJ:gntzatiQD

SU'b-Projeet A. 13elS &md HoJU OQSDtl� PhaSe l , A&Sou� �u:rtl

Oount,-, A£Cm tt Year• nt Oar an a. 0. rJoodfin 1954

This is just a. short surzrn-.sry of tb.f> program. I can give you more

de'tailed data it you wish. l'l you wan� to read th1 a letter to your group or discuss 1 t w1 th soD¥) other group 1 t will probably result

in some posit.1ve action.


Tha oomm.ittaes which have been sum:e tad area Rapw Hollow; Smolq

:Rill; Burlington; Bethune ; seeond Centrale Bethel; Grange; Grand Viawt second Central; Sniloht l�'lagler; Stre.ttont Vona; Jjx-ownwtH:Xl Oonmunlt7;

German OolUtllUli ty.. ·

If yotll" comnu,nity 1& omitted from this list, lease ttalte your su�s,..

tiona and reoonrnan.da.t1ons' t·o the Oaunt7 Extension Agent' • ott!ce.

Two raprasentat tves from ee.O).A o.t ten orgattized col21lltttl1 ties met 1n BUrlington. H&':J 19tht e.n.d organ! zed a County Farm and Borne council. Each eo.amuni t,- had

selac ted one man and ·one wo roo to represent 1 t on ill$ Couno.il. The IJ\U'pO se ot the Cou.nty !let arm and Home Council is to take the res�nsib Ui ty ot the·

orpn1 z.a t1on 'WOrk of Ag.r1 oul t:a.ral lmergeney 'Programs which 'IJ:JA'}J be necesear,­

in the county in the future. · Ita plan 1a to coopell'ate w1 th county orrtoia.ls,

the State Agrioul tUJ-al Oollege and the Uni tad States D&partraen.t ot Agricu.l­

tu:re 1n pror«Jting the ecluoattonal t economle• and aoclal 1ntere$t or tha farm peo,ple Qf Kl t Caz·aon County.

The ten organized cotmRm1t1 es. and proJect leaders fl"'m aaoh oomun1ty a.reJ

Second. C$11 tral Flagler Bro'Mlwoo4 �er� Settlement Prac1not 4!2 Happy Hollow I>eoonic :Pleasant Velle:v .Burlington Gra.ndv1ew J. L, Short Arthur Gaines, Sr. Chaa. VanderKooi Sam Schaal, Sr. ems. F. With Harley Rhos.dea Herman �eSelle Claude Mitohell Garland Gatre7 Ray Dototh;y

Mrs. H. w. Rob in,acm. Mrs. Aubrey ·:•alket

Mro. Glen Bridge .

Mrs • •�. it• Adolf

Hr s • aoral Brown

Mrs- isther .... · oadee

:trs. Florence Larsen

Mrs. J. S, fanner iJrs. Ohas., ttergen lllrs. La.w:renee �eevas ifhe ot:ticers elected to the Farm and Rome Oouneil were;

Ohas. landarlooi, Seibert

Mrs. Ji.U.brey ·�el.ker, Fl ngl 'er �s .. Lawrence Beeves., Stratton

.Art'l'ur Gaines, Flagler

Garland Guffey" Bu.r.l in oa

Mrs. Cnas. Gergen, .Burlington James Brou er, Vona

-6 -Prea1dtnt Viae-President Seereta.r;v Crops :?r oJ eo t Livestook l'rOJeet Rome Project


-� - ---- -�� 11 h� e r ntz con :rol t or 1sed c�1t1 1n , 1M udin ,.. :�a. !ttl:p�q flollo '• otttoar �1,. Vema, � •• la •• nrl nt_� nt ·. l�u


Conn.ty• _gantt Ye Rlt Car·son B. o. Woodfin l�a4 '

�>-t the :pr�s ttt ti a.oh eo!."!!IU ity bB wo ojoot lea,iers... ·�s a ma.tter of f'·-�.ct, s.s projeots a:t"a stu.rtad 1n a oomnuni t!)r. a :oro 1eot leader will be ael cted b· tha eommuni�J ror tl· t )articular proJeo • A oommun1tf - en� �ve three to a . Zetl or t �an t3' proJect loader•• and t'WQ ot thatJe

mey laadors ro:pr sent the oo!tt!1llllity on the 0 unty Council.

It wUl be_ the Ju.ty ot the oonrnunity projec� l0adere to report to the

County proJect lead�rs before the n xt organization meeting 1n October•

tne -pro grass d t inal re sults a.eh1eved by their demonstrator••· It

is the duty ot County pror1aot leaders to report to the Oou:no1l at the

Oet�ober m3eting tho fil".A resul. ts aelli Vl;l4 in tbe!r reep,lotive pr�

jaeta as indloated f'rorn the total of data slJi.'plied in the COl'flnunitJ project lea "er• s reportt. The Oounoil s�t up a Oounty Pest Control

Oo i ttea v1hich w!ll ha.ndle the gre.ss'hopper organization work which

is under ·NtJ:3' noYh .BUt �� ro al'Cl tnanl''l!.difterent pro,1eets the Oouno11 eg.n_handle t ough its oolllltWlitl s. 'l'Wo ver,. im rtant onea just now

are M.arketing a.nd. a.rm Credit. There· is a. big opportun1t,- for oo:m.

1 tlas to nld&t monthly and d�v lon their ;particular program. �

oo nuni ties in the 0Junty have baen worldng along this line tor aom­ t imr-. The po ss:tb 111 ties are unlimited. Your oonr4Ull1 ty may well be


otober 10. 1934

Last '( a County Farm am Ho Council ?las organized for the purpose ot in!

t-iating and carrying ou l coranuni ty and county ptogr s of wo.rk. Th.e-

organ-izaiiott meeting as cotllJ.X)s cl of one n a <.tn \VOtmn re .... r�sentat1v$ from

eaoh of the oonrnuni t 1es repree�nted-. The County Council .se:t-t.!p a J�.r n and

Home Projeet Leader tor Crops. Llveatoc� .Farm Ored1 t, Feet Gontrol• HQI�

Economics. and 4-B Clubs. now �>lith additional . tters o£ i�portanee appear­ ing on tho :t10rizou it seems or greater importance that e mor-e oornplato farm

and home orga:t11tation be a "teo ted for the County.

The completion of tha oonrnun1ty a.nd county organizat1on orrild be ef.teoted

by conrnuni ty mee.,ings in those oommtni ties inter&ste<J. and aett1ng up a eo

munity yrog:ram o£ th.ings to be don� �·,hioh would hal:-' make that oonmunttu

more outstanding in its farm and home a.oh1everoont s. The programs ll'dght

be re.presenta4 in your oortmuni ty by one roJect leader tor each of the tol­ lowingc

Livestock. Crop$, iJae4. Pes-t Control (already orge.n1 z(!)d 1n roost oozmnm

-1t1es), u"a:rm O;red1 t, ia.rmera Orsanizationt;, l"arm :teoords• no• �conomios

(foods, clothing. home management), 4-H Club&, and Soil•• ·


-a-Oounty; .a.gon\: tear, Kit Oaraon R. O. . iOOdtin 1934

fbe ..,arm nd Home Council ord.lnarU eete about t lee per year. Tho ne.x\ meetin\:t wil:\ be in November. ·!hen 1m :rtent mat t r come up regarding Pest Control \iork we oall in the organized pest eontrol. OO!mlittee. When a matter

comes up Jlertaining to livestock or seed we should likewise con tract the Ootll­

!tWl1 ty project leaders in matters relating to their reapeo i ve projects. The

Seed FroJ eo t Leaders trom all Co!'D:nuni tias of the Ootmty, in a meet ins. would prepare their olWt program wbieh ould be p,_. sented to the County Council in

November nd therebJ become the oo m.ty ide progr •

It a coamunlty baa pro ject leaders .tor· .oh ot the 1tema suet::;ested bove 1t

would select two Of theae leaders to represen 1 t on t�e OQ,m.t.y Oou.ncU.

Tb.e QOlXID't1n1 ty wo ·ld select one woman to represent the Home Work and oua ms.n

to re11re sent the co ttni ty tor the ':\arm ork.

eet1 s in some eo nunlties begin ne t eek. If your co nunity has no

com-muni ty Farm and • me Counoil, a.tld it you nt one, please drop a penny post

-card to the County �arm and Ho Oounctl Of'tioa at t• Court House in .Burl -ington. fnare has always been a need tor t•ar.m organization, the n ed is present no and tna t need for organized ts.rm. paonle to db-ect their own worth

wh1l.& act1v1 'lee· wlll coni1nue to be eater.

- - - � - - -

-Vory truly your ,

11. 0. 'oodt1n

County -:- tens ion ... ent.

l t the ..ixeeut!.ve Boar.d. �eating ot t'11e .Farn1 and Uo Council. held in lllagler,

Monday Ootobel" lbth, he following reoo nda.tions wer made by , he lloard.a

• � t .. re complet coumunl ty oounoil organization ba sot up in hose oom­

ma.ni ties interested. eoause at · r sent eoudi tiona, many of t a ...>rojaeta

will r lo;:.te · ireotly o emergency ·ork. t wa fu:x·ther reoonmend d t.nat se'nn

project lGaders be set up in aaoh or�nized communi y as rollowe&

1. .Projoot lea.aer., 2. .t-roJeot Leader. 3. ·rojeet L ader. 4. ProJect Leader 5 . ProJect Loader G. ProJect x..�ader 7. llroject .4-lead r

�o-.n • s Hom l?ro gra

Pest Control (now set up)

Orops an �eed (It the seed :prog.r beco nee

too lar for one lead! r, other· lead rs

be sal :.oted 1n co unity as cooperator lfi.th crop and ;;,eed Lead r.


Farm Oradit be combined ith Usrket1ng

ltartn organ1.za.tion, cooperating with .C'arm Organ­

ization no funct on1ng 11 t.hat conmu.ni ty.

ar ":ecords.


�-Oouutyt Kit Oarson

Agent; a. 0. �Voodtil1

tear: 1934

i• The Boa.rd mad.e further reoommenda t1on that a county wide meeting ot com­ nn·n1ty project leaders for each phaSe ot vork be helU. ear-ly in Novambe!" to

plan tb$ir county w14e pro�am. Someone from, the College will maet �vith the ootnmlUlity lea.dtrs at their county wide m•eting and cooperate 1n worlting out

the.tr- county IJ.t"Og'rt:.rlih The :reconrtletltlat ion wi.dch the leaders develop at thest meeiiags will be presented by oount7 leaders a t tho a�al meeting of the Farm �ltd Home Oe>unoll whloh will be h$ld 1n lhtrling-fHln on T'ueada.J P.M., Bovomb�r 20th.

Oomnuni ties which held �et in.g in Ootobe and s t-up commn1 ty :pro game and.

selected .tra.rm Home Oou:noil leaders are as follows•

aropl Peets Oloth1ng 4 ... .11 ClUb Oropa Farm. Uredi t Pest Control. lo od and H&&l th Clothing Livestock Orapa Jam Oraditi. Lives,ock

O.lothing and lfood.e

O:ropa Clo·thing Fe.rm Credit Livestock · ·

Real th and Wo Ode


QolJ?lAAi tg kMdR SECOND C.ENTRA.L OOliR71lft

V, F. Shrode, Flager Obaa. Stni th, Fl!· gle):' Mr • It. 11. lioblnsan. iflagler J. K. 3h&r:r:aan, Flagler J. :m. t air. n .ngle x-A. E. liaines, Jrla.gle� �s • .A. 'i1alker • fla.gl ,_.;r

Mrs. il\:ted i>age• ilsgle:r 1red Page, tlr..glet

·Earnest .rrazier .• tlaglar Vern Owl'141 ller. ilugler

J. a. Verhoef!, flagler

Mrs. rials �mi tb, ila.gler


Ira Du. t ton, Vona

�s. IO.aaa Vandermeer. Vona JB.!mle Brou:wer, Vona

Glen BriQ.gil• Vona

Mrs. Glen Br1dge, Vons.

George Uancrott, Seibert

-10-s. n.w.Rob1naoJt

J. A, Varhoaf:t

Mra. Nels Smt th


Projacta l Qrgl;a'iQil

Sub-0roJect A. Farm ami Dome 0QPMU Phase 1. �f;ticW,tl.Jllile


Crop a

.Farm red.! t

Market ing ( tu.rke ·pool)

Liv stock

oOds and Clo thi ng

Crope Livestock Fa.m Oredi t

·� rket lug ( turkey pool)

4-H Cluba Clothing · Home Furnishing Livestock Crop a Fuel Pest Contro l Farm Oredi' Oropa 4--11 Olu.b Clothing Qprmpa.ni tx LeQS\tr �SON CO lfY

Sam S. So.baalt Burlington

Ralph Oamp, Burl!.ng\on

i'raalt Omndlar, .tSurlington

A. B. ta.:rnel11 .Burl ington

Albert � ttle, BurlingtQn

Mrs. Coral Brom


Ruben Anderson, Kanorado

Harley hoades, Ks.norado

aenry Scnutte, JJurli ngtou

C. c. Boyd, Burlington

t Mrs. Vetma ord, Burlingt on ( o,o. Boyd, »urlington

urs. Esth8r lthoadea

John Richards, Dttrlington Oonrad .l..eyer, Bethune

Sam Sahaal, Sr. t .B.e thune

Oha.s With, .Burlingto n SMOXY HILL COlt �ITY

c. A. Bue t tel, Burlington

��. Kellef, Burl i.ngton

Mrs. Jessie .\llenohau

Mrs. o. A� .Bnet tel


Ollle Jamee , 'lagler

E. T. toutsenh1aer, 11 gler

OottntJ"a Id.' Oaraon nts H-. a. � oo4t1n Yeart 1934 Oggt z ]d aa.der Mrs. �sther Rhoades JOJII Richa:rds c. A • .Buettel

u1rS • 0 • A., Duet tel

Oonrmm.1 ties which haw not held organizat !on meet ing a11d retain their rm.n and woman representa.tiwea on the Council ares

Livestock Clothing


Garland Gutte1

s. Ohas. f.:.tergen

-11-Garland Gu£tey


P:ro Jao t I. Otgan1 &�tj.oll

Sub-�rojact Farm apd Rome 0Quno1l

Phase 1. !&•AcultJatN .

Community ��t1v1t1ea

PECO.IO 001. l�I


Oountyt Agentt Year, l\1 t Oar eon R.O. Woodt 1D. 1934

Hert£n TaSelle 1 Kanoaado Mrs. ·�lorence Larsen,

K!'lnora.do .Ray Dorothy1 Vone.

Mrs. Lawreno & Reeves, gtratton

John .Boase, Vona

Mrs. John Bo s.), Vona

Oonmunity proJeot leaders planned to hold a. county meeting 1n Novamber f or the pu-posa of eonmunity and county program. Mr. Stewart, �tonaion Agronomist

will mast with crop leaders1 nd • Stout, �xtension Veterina y, and ao. Henderson wUl meet vii tn 11 vesto·ok leadare. The follo ing clroular 1 ttere

relative to the nnual meeti)'l .. ot the County arm and Home Council was sen� to

all loc.ders& Novettibar 7 • 1934

To C 0mm1ni ty Pro Joo t Leader:h

.Arranfj)mants re about completed tor a. county meeting ot oll conmun1t1

___ ... ____ ..._ _ __.._l. eadera. The meotino will be call�d at 1&00 , • ••

Tttesday, overnbar 13th, at the County Court House •

.�:.a oo. ::1uni ty le· der you are familiar �1 th your contempl ted oom:nu.ni ty pro­

gram and needs. The purpose ot this meeting Tuesday i t fornulat.e a oon­ struetive conty program based non Extension pro4ect aotivltiea.

jb.ree man fre1� the college ill . et :1 th the vo.r 1ous l dars. • Stewart

will cooperate Yi tl the Cropl (tead and aaed.) leaders. ..:r, Henderson and Dr. i"J.tout. will cooperate with Livestock lea.d&rs. !Jr. s. O; \illlis. Limon,

ill meet ;ri tll Jra.rax Crddi t and Marketing leaders.

-12-Very truly yours•

R. o. ·'oodtin


To Co unity :rojeot Lenders: Oountya Agent: Y rs Klt 0 reon .• o. ·voOdfin 1934

At a State a�ting :riday, it seamed desirable for the be t interests of

tha gr test number of counties to ohange the date r-or the annual. m. ting of

the Oounty lrarr.n and Home Council. �h1a will result in less oon:tl1ot in

schedul. es and the bat er use ot people from the College.

The ting da.ta tor le ers ia to be om ed rro �ovenilar 13th to �ed

-nesday, Nover.lher 14th, t lOtOO A. 1. In view of the tact tha:t more help

might be available, encl. to sav& l dora tlrn$ in driving, the annual m · ting

J.s o ... god from Novetti:ter 20th to Nove e;r 14th. Thex-e:toret the ntir pro­

gr""r will be oompl ted 1n one all y eating rathsr than two 1tt rent days.

l called those on the Bo r4 of Diroo tors wl1om l could r.each on t a ohone this .. rni and the date seems o.x.

T e t!ng will be in urlingtcn. :odnasdau. November 14 th1 and .rill begin at lOaOO .... :M. ···a ill lnve a a nu.tQs Jotn.t me ing. Then all oo 1unity

1a4l ars in teras tad in their p,bs.se ot work will �et togatn r. Ihe orop leaders will meet vii th T. G. Stewa:r , !!.xtension nomiat1 the ivestook 1 der will meat w1 th George Henderson, flx:tension An1!!1t\l Husban . nt ani

tho f . ored1t and !%8rketing leader .rill meet · itb s. o. •u1llis, Seer a

o the Limon ... rorJuction 0red.1t .Association. Mary E. Sutherland, Home

JS.ge-ant, and who had charge o_ the organization work on the .tlural Housing SUrvey last •inter, 1t-dll me t with the romen. The v.rOmn have pretty 11 orited out th ir clo hing :pro am as a result of t:h.eir oounty eating in Stratton some ... time • However. they � bave many problema w. ioh they ·would care to dis ...

cuss with Miss Sutherland. {You will not be disappointed in 1\�!iss utherland.)· 4-R Olub 1 ders and other leaders ill mve their pl· ee on tlle program •

.All or these leadet: maatin,·s ill be hal from lOa 00 ... until noon. At al1 lender's lead r meetings in h tnorning you will have the opportun1tr

to work out your crops program for next yaa.r. Other :L-a.dars Ul wor, out

their progra..rna, a joint � t :tng will b held attar lunah to h ar ra orts from

tha ohairman 1· carding their .reco mended progt.• s to be diSQU.ssed and adopted

by the Oount1 Counoil organization. �tar completion o the County rogram,

the ·Oounc11 will hold the annual el tion of Ot'fioa:re ..

May I Sttggest that co,.. ... �__..ty leaders come together in �oups to ave ---11 of

yott ivi:ng so � oars. '.Cha dru.g stor 1n your n�est. tow.n. mf. t be a

desir<ble eti place.

le will have an interesting announcement to make at th m at1ng relative to

the use ln this oounty ot � . n. o. Bl· ckburn, Pre•1dent·ot the California Farm Bureau and a director on the r1e.111,.n J.'arm ureau 'ede'J'a.tion.

We hope to see all ot you · ednesdasrt Novemar 14th, at lOtOO l\, • V ry truly yours,

n. • �•oodtin


Oou.ntJa tU. t Carson

Af;an'' R. o. �-Joodtm

Yeara 1984

l?Utr-two leader e and v.1e1 tors attended lh& a.nmt eting o£ the Xit Cal·sOcn Ootmty t .. m and Home Counci l h&ld 1n .Burlington on November Wth.


A. JO.tlif'f �mG 10t30 A. •

1. Announcemant-c

&• Ooam1t toes· appointed

( 1�. Contt1 tu.t1·on comlt,ee (2). Oomni ttee on norninatiau

·0, JOINT �'flBGS

1. Osll to orde� 2100 Pt'M

2. Reading of �he minutee

3. Unfinished bur,;.lneaa

• Adoption or the Coftatitatton ot the X1t Oarsan Oount1 larm and

Home Oouno1l.

4. ports ot proJeo\ otmi:rmell

a. Olothing project program tor the yeu

ll) Probl.om; Baed tor information on new and •ale� methods ot .


(2) Solutiollt Tenoh1ng women the up-tQ.;.,.d.sto method and &peeding

up prooessee of s�1ng.

( 3} Goalt fo reaoh 7% ot the :ram111ta 1n the county the ensuing ,-ear.

( 4) Program. tor the re &.rl

1{0-vember---Sp&ediug u.p processes, Seals (Boll Call)

Deoenller-·----Ohristmaa Partr (Bo ll Call)

Janusrr ---�·Machine Attachments

Fabruarr---··Plann1ng the dre••

March-.. �---·-�omnero1al methods at malting a dress

b. Food an4 liutrit1on P�ogram tor tbe Je&r

(1) Problema High percentage ot nalnutrition and boUly ailments caased by �proper diet.

Lack of vegatablEtS in the w�ter diet.

Lack ot ?al'iety h1 ooolclng

(2) Solutions Education of parents to the necessity ot a balanced

·diet• and training children to reeogniz• tba value

ot proper foods •

. &noouraging family gardening and cam1ing ror the w1n ter to Gd supplJ.

Eduoa.tion on. naw methOdS o t cooking ordinary tooda.

t•l Goal; !o enlist e% of tho tam1l1es 1n nt Carson county in a

.FoOd and llutri tion aogram during the coming 7ear, ( 4) Oomnt t'eea

Mrs. Esther l1hoaa.e•• Ohairttan

Mr&. Ooral Brown, Sacretar;r.


-l4-o. Roa an'amnt PJ:owam OoU!ltJt Agent a Ye&rt Xlt Oart.1on R. o o0dt1n 1934

( 1) ProblemJ Need Of runn1ng water in the home and pr-oper disposal

ot waate; also a cooling system for milk and oream.

( 2) Solu.ttozu ¥aldng the home more ohaer.ful and 11-bl,, by edueatio;a.,

cooper at ion• and ne1gbbo;rl1ness

(3), GoalJ To roach 5% or the people in the conmuni tN' through Hon8

nagaunt program 1n May, Jllne, JUly and (mgu:st. 4. ·cmpa ?rogtJ�Q

( 1) · Problem• Looat1ng Saed Supplies

Investigate methods of t1nanoing, holding of seed

emppliee, and .l.jurehase by farmers.

(2) Solution• A.ppo1n' a aeod comni ttee to ?nstde:r the seed situation for 1935 planting.

Provid& for e:rops and soSl d$monatra.t1on .for 1936 bt:.sed

on season 1 conditions.

evalop a plan of s.J.far .farming as a basis tor a long

time demonstr"' tion pro�am. This :progra'U to correlate

the recormnend d. one of tha a.r1oua eom. i ttees.

( 3) Oonrn1tie&t ·

J. L. Colgan. President, Strattou., Colorado Ray Doroth3'1 Secretary. Vona, Colorado Ruben dereon, Comn1 tte&man,K8.ttorado. Kansas e. Pest Oontrql !rroJegt

( l � iroblenu JaC)k bl ta; Pra.1r1e Dogs a ·Grasshoppers.

( 2} Solutions Federal .Bounty on J8,ok Habbi ta .Polaon ga'a tor Prairie Doge

liequost 80 Tons ot bran w1 tll poison tor grasahoppere.

(3) Goa.ll 'I• 4,000to oontrol jack rabbits in County. This a.nnunt

to be us� to pEq 10¢ bount1 on e· oh :rn1r or rabbit ears. Thia

bounty to aid d1str s s fa.rn:ers in buying rood an d supplies rather han be a 1rect member of relief'

30.000 pounds of �1sonad oats to control prairie dogs

on 25.,800 acres. This estimate by precincts is. ae tollows*

Precinct o., 1 1,000 -15-2 3,000 3 1,000 4 500 5 500 6 3,000 Ilfo. "' 2,000 So. V 11000 No. a 600 so. a 1,ooo So. 9 100 So. 10 500 r No. 10 4.000


- � ---�-P�eclnot No. No. ll So, 11 � o. 12 so. 13 ro. 13 so. 13 No. 14 15 l& 17 18 countJJ · K1 t Ce.rscm A 11 ta Q • .)OOd.t !n Ye rs 19M 100 soo 500 500 200 100 200 500 &00 500 4,QOO 25,800

· equeat tor eo Tons ot br with poison for control ot ass­

hoppers in 1935, if a C:lntrol program is needed. aquest that

one-fourth ore ·poison be added to bran tha.n was used in 19 34.

t. fprm Or&d&t �tgJeot

( l) Proble.tm A motion was made by c. A. Duet tel and s&oonded. bJ

Budy Yamell. that a tJradlt Comn1ttee be established for the

�poae ot securing the money to tie up seed. need in the County

for season of 19 �. ei tba hrou h rohs. e, opt ion or loan in

Kit Cnrson County.

(2) 5olu.t1onc To gat in touoh with 4.1f'te:ren.t gov rnment orgeni�a.t1ons.

to dater in 1f tl ey will advance any money for this purpoSEh

( 3) Goal; 'fo get seed located and provide ror the finance o£ same.

( 4) Cornnl tteea

g. LlyegtOQk Prom:H

(l) Beet Cattle

o. J. • Buettel. Burlin , on� Colorado

c. c. Boyd. · Burlington, Colorado

Henry Schntte, Burlington. Colorado

(a). Cont roll ei Breeding, ona d monstre. t1on

{ b} lfntteni.ng. one . ernonstratton

( c) Marketing, culling, and grading, one demonstr�tion

(d) 4-H club work, three de.tOnstratione

(.e) ··an taring ( Bmergen.or .teeds and their u tili.aa..tion and recorda

on ne feeds) Min orals, one demonstr tion

(t) Sa.ni ta.�ion an d.lsea·�e control ( T.B. and .Ban� .Utsease)

{t) Home butchering and mHlt curing

(2 ) Sheep

( a) 4-H Olub work



( 5} . Swtne

' a ) 11 eed il'lg

(b ) 4-H Olub �lt

( o) Horae butel1Qt1ng and mea curing ( 4 } Horse•

( a} 4-H Club Work

count1 • t Care on Ag&nt • · a-. o. ·�vo-Odfin

·ea�t 17. 4

( b ) U1. sease preven t 1 on and oontrol ( Bot Contr ol )

( 5 ) O omn1 t�ee t

Harley J:�hoades, Oou.."lty Leader John .t."l.omquis t. Sooretn17

b. �1,arket1tJB Prof)tf.?.l tor J2i? a;td 19�;§

t 1 .) Problem:. Goo'. many tu.rke� are sold $.aoll yaar t hrougb. individual sal es and loan erenan ts.

( 2 } Solttt iotu Ooopo a t iva off 1- 't s in m.; rk t.ing I(;O·.tld lend toward

higher r;riees.

t 3 ) Orga.ni t e lu keJ Marke t ing po ol in lit t:��r&on County by 19 66 .

1 . 4-H Ol:qb vrg:rk rn;:oqa;

( l t Pro-blem; Dl sta.DOe

Lae:t of lea.de:rs

( 8) Solu i ont Let a gn od port i on ot th6 rk b e do ne at holl8

.::..ted;! Gl' $ m,eat wi tn t ho i r lea.d.$r one a montl1 Cl bs should ask tor 'Volunteer l eaders. These

nv .. mas should b a sent to County .. _gent ..

\ 5) Goal; Organ 1� at i on ot elght n ew elub s thi s year

�oh olub t o ohoo sa their t:r.P o t work

t a) SQv;ing

( b ) Canning

( () ) Household �-urni !1ing

e. tn eot! on ot 0£t1oe:re

( al l?�!l'$D.ent ()ttl cera tor Ul year

Coo.a . Vander!�'oot of Brownwood Co tt:mu11it , .. es14ent-- Vona

Mra • iubrey v: r. of i·'l.:1 gler Oonmuni ty , Vice-"i?rEUi1 dattt . Flagl er

Mrs. I.,avt�renoe ltaeve s ot Gl"�utd Vlaw Co. nnnl tzr, Sec ' y•'rreas . S tra t to!l

{ b ) O halrrnen of coun t7-wid& pro jao t &:

Jo bn Uobl0r • J'r, Ja-mes irou'W&s­ Ha,-f ey RhQad.e Mrs. Ch."ls. Ger69Sn Mrs. 1$1 1 Smith ?lrs. ts ther .tthonde �lrs. c. "'"�• Bue t tel 'Mrs. IJlen B ri dge James C ol gtlll o . o . lloyd -17-Peat 0<1nt:r ol .:. ann O roo. i t -L1v&$ tOc k C oun ty '�' O ll'lQn ' s Leade r Clo thing

Foo ds and nu tri t ion

noma :s:.. egom(1n t

4-H ClUb

Crops t.Iarket 1ng ·


( c ) l!embera o:t executive cODillit te

Chae. Vanderltooi 1 Vona

Mrs. Aubrey l alker, Flagler

l4re. Lawrence Reev s , Stratton

James Colgan , Stratton Barley Rhoades , Kanorado

Mrs. Ohas. Qerg n. Burlington

1 ames Brouwer, Vona

c. c . Boyd , Burlington

John Dobler, 1:r. , Bethune

7 • Ad jOU1'DlUEJJ1 t -18-County : Xi t Carson Agent t R. o . Woodfin Year ; 19M Praa. F. & R . o . V.Prea . F . & H.C. Sec. 11. & H. O . Oropa Pro ject Livestock Proj ect

Home Pro j ect

Farm. Ore41 t MarketiJl.S



l OOI'a


Pro jeot II . Cropa Sub-Project A. 2.2m,

Phase 1. Var.t. etz T att

Soil Type: Loam

Slope s South Planted : 5/19/34 No. Rowe : • Tar:l ey ApprOI'ecl Registered Begistered R8£1 stere4 Registered Registered Cotmty: lt1 t Caracm Agent : R. 0. oodtin Year: 1934 Demonstrator : E. V. Jraaier J'l.agler, Colorado lb.ite Colorado 13

Reid' a Yellow Dent Y llow Dent

LogtiJ2. Cotaty White Iowa SUTer lline

Rotation 1933 Corn 1932 Wheat 1931. Cora Source of Seed Local � Pro era lAgan Lopn Pueblo _ _ ... _ ._, __ .... _. _ ... ... _ _..

Soil Type : Loam

Slope : ·SOUth Planted: 6/4/34 No. R0118 : 8 Tarie!z Ap�ed Reglaterect Beg1riere4 Registered Approved Registered Reglatere4 Registered

Daiaoutratort ..Arthur Qainee

J'lagler. Colorado


t.ogan couav lhi te Iowa Sil.Yer Mine Blue Squaw

Boward Deat Yellow Dent

Reid' • Yellow DeDt Col.orado 13 Rota tip 1933 Com 1932 Caae 1931 cora -21-Looal Losa. Pueblo I,ogp.

Kit CarSOil


Pro wen


1.... ·� • 1 : -t


Project n • Crepe

SUb-Pro j ect A. - . Grains

Phas e 2. Seed Sup:p].y

C·ounty: Agent : Year: .11 t Carson R. o . Wo6d1'in 1934

The Farm end Home Council Of'tice in Burlington had had a heavy call all year tor seed . In Vi ew -of the tact tha t :practically no seed ot any kind waa produced in Kit Carson County the following circular letter was mailed to 1500 termers, asking it th ey had seed to sell or wanted seed t.or 1935.

October 10, 1934

Dear Producer:

This Coun1:y, along wi th other counties in Colorado , is faced w1 th l011e.r crop

yi eld-s even though .normal rainfall occurs unless 1.mned1ate arrangements are

made to protect seed suppli es tor 1935 planting . Local grown seed ot stan­

dard 8lld proven varieti es are certainly best tor planting on Colorado tarma .

ih e Farm and Home Council O:tti ce in Burlingt Cil has had a heavy call tor s-eed all year. Won' t you he�p us get a true survey ot the seed ai tua t1 on in th1a County by answering the following questions:

1. If the Government begins buying ·seed during the .next tew weeks to help save the best s eed lots tor 1935 planting, Will you llat below the seed which you have tor sale?

Kind & Variety Amount Your Price per bushel

2. Do you need help in locating your seed supplies tor 1935 plentiDg?

Kind & Variety Amount

3. .Are you interested in a Government seed Loan?

Your Pri ce per bushel

(yes or no)

4. Your name __

..._ __________..Address ,;.,;,., ____ ...._ _ __.._ ... ___

Land numbers

Section Township

Kindly retum this illmedia tely'.


Very truly yours ,

R. o. Woodfin


I -60 - - - - _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ....,. _ _ 1 .,.. _ _ _ _ _ .,.. _ _ _ -...




Proj ect I I. urops Sub-'lrojec t .1.. .Q.su:.n

·l� s 13. rodu.cti on Co 1tro1

O ounty; Agent :


Kit Car son

R. o . · ;o odfin

19 34

Xi t 0(-n•son County i s the third l rge s t county in corn ;:t.cTeaga in Col o:tado. I t rat s f if t h in the t.o t al produc t i on or c orn .

The only u� ioultural organi zat ion wl1ich had b oon done in K it Carsoh C ounty s ince 1920 wa. a tho.t a.oo ompl ished during the heat oo}l.trao t program begin­

ning in July, 19 �3.

In Dec mb er • when the corn-hog program b ege.n · t und r way in Colorado•

t 1is c ounty had no organ i zati on through wllioh msrganey program or any

o ther program c oul< be devel oped. The r�ob le , . a s e t t ing suff ic ient

indivi dual s wi thin recogni zed. conrnunit 1e s intere s ted in t he corn-bog pr o gram t o t he xten t t ha t t he ir cooperat i on could bo enl is t ed i n ho lding educat ional mee t ings wi t hin their re s:pee t i vo c o .nni t i e s .

B eginning Janu� ry 2 3rd, :four teen c o auni ty corn-hog mo ut ings varo held in

t lla c ounty. At the se meet ings educ t i onal h1fOrtn.;'!t i on relative to the f ac t s

resul ting in the onom1o s i tuat ion o.nd the development of the eorn-hog pro­

era.'llt the 1tU"r<> se for Wllich the program u:ts set-up were IJl .. asan ted. A com­

ple t e explanat ion of the operat ion of the contrac t and instruc t ions f or f il­

l in out the contrac t -;;era discus sad. �rhese fo urt een • Gt ings era schedul ed in suoll conmuni t ie s that ever n in the coun ty c ould at t nd a corn-hog ea t­ ing rl t h a mininn:un amount of expanse. The fo urteen meet lngs re sul ted in a to tal at t endance of 1 1 27 4 peorl e d th average at t end c e of 9 1 . ·rL.a

ol-l Oir�ing c ircular l e t t er was sent to 1600 farmers ,

January 1 6 , 19 34

Dear Produc er �

W e aro rea.dy t o g o on the Corn-Hog Projec t. A o o�l e t e sc 1edul a of corn-1 og

meet ings wllich wil l bo held in every c omrun i ty in Ki t Car son C ounty i s pre s­

en ted :

B. tl une, '11ovrn, Scl·!Ool udi t oru.�, IJ.uasday1 Jantt.:.'lry 23, n.t 2 : 00 P ...

Bu rlingt on, Town, C ourt Room, Coun ty Court Hous e , onday, Janu�ry 22 , 2 : 00 ?. '•

Bro m.vro od Scho ol House, School Di s t.#l 6 , �onday, Ja.nut�ry 29 at 7a 3 0 1'. ��. Fl· or , TOWll, Theatre, Fri&�y, Janu ry 26, a t 2 : 00 P• M.

Ge�. n Con aga ti onal Church. ( 12 .uorth Bethune ) Tue sday,Jam· .ry 30 , 7 . 30 P. �.

lu. ppy Ho l low Scho ol House, Dis t.1 .. �-58, Thursctay, JanL X"J 18 , a t 7 : 30 P . ...

· Lone S tar cho ol rouse, Dist.rr25, ri i.a.y, January 19 , a t 7:30 P. · •

S tratton , Tov1n, ·�a.tters Hal l , ··ednasda.y, Janu, ry 24 ' at 2: 0 0 P.nle

Seiber t , �own, Odd Fal lows Hall, Thursday1 Ja � ry 25, at 2 : 00 2 • •

Smoky Hill bcho ol louse, Di s t.#C-2, Thursday, February l , a t 7 � 30 P • •

Sunny Side School I ouse , D1 nt.�'75, ·adnesda.y, JH.nuory 31 , a.t 7: 3 0 P. d. { �ormar Coyo t e 1dga Scho ol )


-26---� -

-Projoot I I . Crans Sub-Pro ec t 1 • Corn

Phase 13. i)ro duQtion Control

County : Agen t : Year, Kit Cars on R. o. Woodrin 19 34

Vona., Town, Theatre, "t!onday, January 2 , 'lt 2 : 00 P. •

S hil oh Del ool ·rou se , '?r id.ay, lt., ebru�:n��, 2, a t 7 � ZO P. !i.

I t i s y our pr ivi lege to a t t e

ings a s you �'!JflY desire.

tho ea t ing n urost your f 1 o r a.s . · ny meet

-Direct i on s for fi ll in>'l" out the C orn-Hog C ontract wi ll be di sct.ts sed u.nd all

nece s sary fo rms \'fil l bo give n to you at t he s e zeo t ings.

Your s f or b e t t er farm prices,

R. o . '"·o odfin

C ounty Exten sion Agent.

�c.: rly in Feb ruary money was r-de avail ab l e for t en s i n-up clerks to rocei v

co1 .. n-hog appl ica t i ons fo r f our days. Tl s rne t hod fla.S rather tm sat i .s.fao tory.

The progra.'n invo lved ao rnt ... ny detail s tha t elerks di d no t have amplo t imo to

familarize thems 1 v e s regarding the compl ete prepa.r� t i on fo the oontrao t s.

r o duo er s hn.d not h: ... d t ime t o study t he c ontract in a.ll i t s r ,mif i ea t i on s •

..:\ c ontinued fl o 1 of ne rlll ings nnd int erpr e tat ion s confused tb.o se who had no t h,;: d t ime t o s tudy t ho pro gram in detail. 'len cl-erks rece i ved tlu-ee l•ml­

dr e s ond f if ty eon t l.,':tc t s in fo ur days . lione of which t u rned o ut to, b e cor­

r t .

Later i n k o mon t h it ��as pla.11ned t bl') t permtment co un i t y C O! . i t t Jernen ba

el c t ed and that t! ese p ermanent C O .L!i.Ul1i ty co•r_.rai ttaeman proceed to r ceive

t he r ema in · n�� numb er of co ntrnc t s.

Had this a t hod been f oll owed in the flr st . ,lnce the con trl c t d•;.ta and hog

evidence wo 1l d h . vo been mora complete. ;. two day sctool . a s hal 4 or per­

J:J.:'lnont com ti t to · mon b Gr oro ti ey b egan rooeiving ttny c ont r: ots. 'l'he c onrni t­

t ae!'len U.�Jvo t eJ. suff i c ient t i e to t he study of t ' a cott tra ct thu.t c:mtr ct

d. ts ·tJC. S ch m ore complete. 820 c orn-ho ,_: co11 tra.o t s r;ero s i�·ed · p in '!)art

one .

T e c o. 11 t t eeme n :ent d· r s ot lnt en si v e worlc i n recai ving and prepa.r in� con-trac t nta arvous t ans i on re sul t ed .�- ro r.1 large ,_..OUJI'S of reople se eking

ns\ or s to t o i r ques t i on s for intarp" tE ti on and co mprehens ion. Due t o t he se

exoor iencos na". J':l e s C olen,n, C 1� i r�n of the S t ra t ton c o . IUn i ty r oportad that in t he woe ilou.r s of the roorn in [!t :f ol l ow i ng a res t l e s s ni ;ht, ho g-a.ve hi s b ed

p.,rtner a kic l .. and yel led "H.eyl lu it a ute l Yml t.lftven't sir_,-ned th- t C Ot1 t ro.c t ye t . *'


-27-Project I I . C£Ons Sub-Proj ec t .t.. .Q.2.m l,has 13. roductign Control County� J4;ents Yeart Kit Carson R. o . vo odfin 1934

The el · c t i on of one o he .. irman and two comni tt oernen i' or eP.o h oomnuni t;y �ns

made. l'ha Coll 1ty oleo t ecl twen t y-one p r nont c O:n. runi ty co i t tea en, by

an at ten<L.-u1co of 311 s 1. ners of c orn-hog con t ract s.

To Corn-Hog Producer s:

Co rn-Ro�:: .1ro lucors y s ign in inl the ir salmond co l ored contrac t at t he tor.> of page 4• fil l out the aro:p - d. hog roduot ion t.'1.bl oc on t e \,ork shse t.

Thi s can be dono at home. The so .forms . JaY t hen b e . . iled to BE�\cH tho Ootu1ty

E to11si on nt • s O ff' io a i n lrl inPt on no t later than Tue sday, l" abru ry 2 7 tho By t hus ax .cut in� a c orn-ho� reduo t·ion eon tra ct yo1 li l l b o el i,ribl e t o vo t e

for a d irec tory a. t y ;ur o omnuni ty eet i 11rr, '''llore �11 11 ·he sov ;n C orn-l''og C o nuni t ie s in Ki t 0 rson County. �aoh to�.n il l b t 'le t i na :)18Ce ,l. or t hat corrmun i t y. Tho s a oon"'!unity l ine s aro the sam es tl o sa for vneat.

1ll1 organi zat i on ea t ing vill b a had in ach o orrmuni t y fo r t he pur1)o se of elec t ­

ing a representative of tt.�>: t co ni ty t o serve as Oha.irmn.n o f the C omnun i ty

Con:rni t t ae , and vl.�.o rJi ll serve a s a n'D fb er of t ho b oard of d.irec t Ol" S Of the Ki t

u � r son County C orn-Hog Control Aa soo 1at ion, and . t o elec t two otlmr represent­

at 1 v s of the co nnun i ty. The e.aa. � n ood the two oommi t t eG an t .. 1 11 s rva as

t he 1:>a rmanent c oro:nu.n 1 ty c o 111 tt e e .

Proceed in_,s ;i ll be con uc t ed in acc or<L.'":l.nca ·d th t ha rlll a s rmd :regula t i ons of

t he {.gr i cul turol Adjus tmen t dmini s t l' ti on of tho nit ed States · a .J�.r t . n t of

gricul turo. ·

The dates and locnt i n of tha org nization rnset lngs ar a a s f ollows a Seibert, 1 ... �er, Vona, iJ t e. tton, B thuna , :> coni c •

Bu.rl ing · on.

-.,adnasday, Jednesday. Tmrsday, Tl .. ur sday , �' l�ida. y. �riday , �,, turda.y 1 0 A. • 2 l? ... a.. lO A . .. • 2 P.M. 1 0 A.��. 2 p ••. 1. 10 A.M. Fobruar1 28, F bruary 28, ?!arch l s t, �ch l a t , rch 2nd, !larch 2nd , .�l�oh 3rd,

Odd .tt'ello-; a Hall


Thee. t:ro Building

,at tars Hall Scho ol - ud i t or iu

CoQrt o o Burlingt on

Court J: oom, Burl ington The n.."'Wleo of tho se \Yho have execute a. co rn-hog reduc t ion c ont rac t ! i l l lJO read at t � moot i J and these will be ·he onoa who ara eligible to vo te .

M:arah 1 5 th has b ean se t as the dea.ct l i ne .. or s l gn tng contr ot s .

-29-Very t rttly yoru· s ,

R. o. o od:f' in


I s•t . ..., ... , ... ! �.�t es d .. s1 t ty t • • • •


lToj eo t I I . Cmps

Sub-rro j ect A. �

Pll:�se 13. 1-;,r.oduation Control

County• ��gent a Year : Kit Ca:rs on n. o. loOdf in 1934

T! e soven co rn:nun. i ty chairmen mo t in !'!arch o:nd or gani zed the 13 0:.\rd of :Directors

ot tho· Kit C· rson C ounty C orn-I:og Produc t i o n Con tr ol �as oo i . ti on• the fo ll ot.­

iug mo.rnb ers -.vore elec t ed &

Pre sident Vice-.. re $ idant

neo ra ta:ry-1':rea. surer

C ounty �llotment Co�ni t tee

Ray Do�o tny, Vona

J. Kt ;;herman, �1�-. . tJr

Horman Bro��, nurlin;t on Ftw ::Jorot by, Vona

!!�rl o�� li ,�;1.0ados, .,..anorndo

Jen H. &hort, �er �rt

on April 19 h t he 3onrd of' D iroc t ors set up a B\.tdgot naoass ry to c Yer ex­

p�noe s t o una ;:..Oth, 1934 in the arr.oun t of ·. 6668_..00 ..

The actu( �' ssoci t i on expenea fl"'Om t he .pproYe 1 b udgr;tt t o

ol lows :

1llotment Cornmi t ea

Corr nun i ty Commi tt ee

�; eore tcwy

Total l.Ul eag&

Gf� i o o /ssis tant s

0-L'f iao .... uui:prnent &: Suppl ies :.!! sc {:Jll t;.lnaou s

To tal spen t to Jun ZOtht 1934.

r 44o.oo (�148.00 58 .,50 1429.,00 1716.75 295.!30 60,8f! ·�4748.43 no 30th o o.S

'!'he Board of Dil .. oe tor s a el eo t ad thl. .. ea o£ tho bast qu��l if ied oonm i t t eot n ,

d!..l terminution: 'be ing made by r e sul t s o f acou.racy i n preparing cont rac t s a.s

s wn by o on t ract s tilrnad in to the two ooun ty t['..bula.tor s , t o ch9ek c ontrn.e t s for err ors an d correct ions b efore tho e ont r· c t s ;an t t o the t· b ulators f or

ch� oking and list i ng. Thi s �ork really deoro sed the number of con tr· c t s

·vh.' ch t he tabulators had t o r turn b ec"uso of orr o:rs , nnd. t �1ereby speod.ad up t a 1�·ork or 1 is t ing con tr· o t s.

Tho Soa.l�d lW;lS v:ry reluo te..r ·t t o g o to t he oxpen so o f a. ftu:•xn t o farm c. nvt.uHl

to detol'"m.i H;) rl1Jprai sal of y i eld of co rn pol• aero on cont1 .. a t ad 8.Cx·a s. Tt1.ey

so t a mini rum ot B bu shel .... )or ac re tm.d n lTltlXimt.� · :'lf 15 bushel per acr •

Us int, the corn yield data. rv\ra.i lahl e by. :proe ino t s for t he r)ust ye · , the I):ro­

duc ar s o wn , ieuro s , ano. thi p u:)pl emen t od �7i th v i s i t a to C Jn t rac t sd �cres

in co,rr _uni tie s i n which the oom ti t teemen \Ver a l e ss · amil1ar9 the c o '!'21 t t ea­

man vtare , b le t o ar:r i'\ro a.t lt fair .8.11:PfA.1aa.l by e onf ereno e method around the

tab l�J. rlih.i s metbod saved the a s soO ih t i o n e om ;aonay anti r.:1et wi th COI!H'Jlete


.. ... ... -·- -.---- -.. ----Pr oj a t 11 . Crops SUb-?ro J GC t l • .Q2m C ounty: Agant a Ye�l.ra Ki t Carson R. o . Woodf in 19 34

Phas 13. i roduot ian Control

Tho com dota on non- s igners was ob ta.h ad by c lrau.la.r l et ters. 'l'he to tal

co1•n q:r:-oduo t ion fi,sures as repor t ed by . oduo ers in res ponse to the l · t tors

are li s t ed on t ho :f." ollo vlng form:

tlroh 21 . 1934

Iqa.I!lo _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _Addre ss _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

If you have not hn.d an o pp:>r tuni ty to e�t all t he ac cura. to info r.rnat i on a ,, il­ a'b l.a in o rdar tht t you .. ivht dec ide who t her or no t you anre t o s ign a corn­

ho g contract , we inv i t o y ou t o ;;ri t a o.r v i si t thi s office o r soe one o f. your o om n1ni ty oornmi t teemen.

'Ia noed t o infor a t i on r ques ted b el ow, befo re the corn-hoe o on t r n.o t s c,.;n be

sent to ,a.s.1ington. The allotrn nt c o .11 tt ee .. s t n. cu.I a data. on th t o t uJ.

amount of co rn knd. ho gs produced i n l�i t Cn.rsort. C ounty b afo.L'e your neighb or s

l o hav s 1 e;nad raduc tion o ontr t� t s can r ec c i ve bonofi t I-'ayme ll t s. r � io ;no t! od

o :f' s aourinJ r)art of the requ ired do.ta on c orn d �og .Jl'Oduc t ion b:1.G b e en s el­

ected b uc"lu se it wil l StlVe a. great de ·� of the conmi tt ea ' s t L.1 ' an a htla:ey e�<?.:pense to tho se s igning e. corn-hog cont rac t.

Theref o re , we D.sk that you kindly hel.P spe ed t 10 work of t h c o .. tni t teas b y

fil ling in �he tabl e s b elow for yo ur c o rn and hog ... reduc tion.

Your Vo t ing .Preo 1no Your Vo t i ng Pr oc i nc 'l'o t al Co o:r•op ac r�s To tal li t t ers o vmed n. t f a.r­ :rowing 1.2.3!- --.=12_33 495 349 COJW. :-.;RQ:Q.UOTlOJ

l un t ed Corn Harves ted

l9�3 l 32

. Acres Total Product ion

0 ogs m.'ll1ta 1932---1933 1 i t ters l �2..::-- .::.193 .. � 22 23 1268 inc luding HOtEl __ _of_f _ _ _ _ 106 , 742 Ho� on hand f o r rnarkot from 1 9 32-33 __ _ l.l.!Lt�r.[ __lj!,3_& .::.-l.933_ 63 39 5 0?52 To tal rrod • inol ude Hog­ .f.J.rig oft_ __ 142 , 08 7 Bro od S o ;s o n h�d

Ki ndly <:t, ll thi s ehaet a. so on a.s s s ib l e, in tha enc lo sed a dress ed envel o pe

v.rhi oh requ ire s n o pos tage. Your co operat i on w ith. the co�nni t tc o in t hi s i.

-po rtan t detail i s gTeatly arlprooiatad.

Tho re sponse to t hi s c ircular l o t ar J' s


-Very truly yours,

R. o. · . . oodfin

Count'(r ��xten s i on ' g nt .


�--- -- �

P:roJ eo t 1 I . Orons

SUb-rro j eo t A. .Q.om

?rJasa 1 3 . ?rQd.uo t i on Control

O ountys Agent • 1oo:J: .. Kit Ca. · s on n. o . /o od:f' in l9 34

The !l lotm nt Con-,!t toe real i z ed that t'le pro(;ram w· s ba ing delayed by t o

rno.s a amount of deta i l ed 10rk iuvolv , and t .. loy al so renl i.2e th:J.t tho pro­

ducer s mi g! t ovor s t op t he ir produc t i on fi re s, no t lmowing that o. rod.uo t ion might b e de in adju s t i ng th�i1· cont rac t s, Thay i s .su ed a �onura.l circul .. r

le tter t o a ll producers as an explanat ion of tha do1ay" as follows :

:tay 25. 19 :?4

To Corn-Hoe C o11 trac t S i or s '

You hava .j u s t 1 O�t SOn to be proud or t he f ino rocord .ll da by t hi s county in t he c :m-ho s i -up campaign. ..·a now havo con trac t s from SOO far ers . Tho

B ot.rd of D 1 r oo tors and t he .A.ll o tment Comn1 t taa d. e s i re to tha nk every roe ) er

w�1o a soi s t ad dur ing the campaign. dh.y i s tpo Procegura

va ryone i s e.t:,�aad tha t i.t the .. )rogram is to be suc ce s sful a real reduc t i on

of corn and hogs mst b o ob tain d . Fralimi11a.ry examinat i on ind1cn t os that

pro du cers ' fi t� es in ab out 30 por c en t of the c orn-hog contrac t s o ontain

o var sto.te.::bnt, some of M iah i s inten t i on l and s omo unin t en t ion:; 1 . S ome

o on trac t s show Inore thtm 100% overs t.st am ;nt . Obviously, thi s o ver s t · t amant

us t bo alimin•-tad. In do ing so , oara mu s t b e taken to avo id flat Cttt s �hioh

;o 1< penal i ze t ne hono s t ·nd oar&ful farmer s and re sul t in pQr��n on� d i s sa t i s­

fnc t iou . Any temporary unoas in es e raau.l t ing fro M the lnpse .or t irna

nooes-s·,l ry fol"" oheoking .. d adj uc:;t ing t he con tract s ·.rill be relat i vely u:tlimportant

as compa.r w1 t h t he more daa-seatad o. i s eat i sfao t i on ��h icll surely wo ul d re­

sul t fro';1 looso handl ing of the c ontrac t s by la ll.o tmont C oxmd t t ee .

Th$ moo t t1•equent ques t i or1 a.skE\d ro.emb o r& o f the co nmun 1 ty c om:ni t taas �u1d of­ f i cers ot t 'lO co rn-hog a s s or.Ji �· t i ons i s : ttHib.on wil l our checks be hor o ?f• I t

i a impo sai'bl e to s a t an exac t da.ta. S ome o f t J1Q re.saons w"riY ruo ro t i . a �vill

b neaded to c omplete the pro am ar e :

1 . T.he irot.1e.n ae amount of tabul:.Lt illg and s tat \ s t i oal qorlt 11eceosary be­ f ore county quo tas co.n be es tab l i sl e d 1nU. tho individual con trac t s 1 d.just d . A very c o .\l ate <::..nd equitab le sys t orn o f chocking i s b ai ng fo llo·vad . Jrlile i t

taka s t ime , tha Jm.J ori ty o f f�rmor s eventu.ully 't· U l b e _:�lad. t in t auoh care �u.s takan , b ecau se i t i l l re sul t in a :roal raduc t i o11. in outp.:tt wl'-.icn i s nece s­

sary to s acln·e higher p:r1ca s fo r oo rn and. hogs, and is much :m1 e :fa 1r c:1 s b c::J­

twean indi �idual co nt rac t si gner •

2 . Tho slza of too .1ob, In a c ounty \Vi th eoo s i,·�narn it wo ald talH� ono

typi st 60 days , · orkin -.1Jn(1, t o t:rpe in ri..)lic" t .... !"ill of l a SOO oontr�c t s

involYa - , .�nd i t wil l take the tU l o t'110r1 t Co nni t te a t loa s t f ive days t o s ign


Pro jec t II Crops

Su.h -I roj eo t J;.• Corn

Ph?se 13. Prg<tgot:lon, Qon trol

Cc;;runt;]& .l.gont: Yaa.r, Ki t Carson n . 0• Woodf in 19 �;4:

da t er.nln Gd. Your o m duly el oc tod o f ... i cer s are tryino 1us t hS L.!trd P S poa­

sib l e t o go t t he liO:rk d.one and the oont roo t s in to ashingt�Jn i:; t t he earl­

i e s t �o s s 1b l a qt a.

Zvory c on trn.o t s i or 1!11 o accep t s and earr ies o t the provi s i ons or t ne c on­

trac t may rtrst {#§SUl"a{l t h� t he ' il .l be _.;>a.id tlle b enef i t s t o Wtdoh ha i s on- .

t i tl ad. Funds. for the se peymen t e ar alre · dy o.c cunllll ating from. the

)ro-o s s ing to.:x.es b e in..:, ool leo te • vary e fort vil l ba ... '"de by your officers to see tik'l t a fair and aqu1 tab le allo t ment of anef i t s will be nuda to eve ry aon tr·�o t signer. Howovar . do no t overl ook' tho min objec tive of t he ool,.n­

ho � prog1• -a co opera t ive endeavo r to raise the pr io o of c orn nd !oga1 and

the inc a a of c orn · d hog rroduoors, by adJus t i ng pro duc tion to e ff ec t ive

- rket dem· nd.. If t l i s om ba done, a.nd we · eel sura 1 t wil l b e dona, i t i s f,·J.r . ora i mpo rtant than t he reduc ti on payment s you v ll l reoaiva.

Con tr c t s i .. rs who .: e i jlbued "'vi th the spiri t o f the corn-ho�� rad.uo t ion

pr ogra n .ed no t be unduly alarmed. over the fac t that t hey nus t go ahend

w i th t ho ir plant ing o.nd o ther r�roduc t i on op�ra.tl. ons b efor o receip t of t' ho ir

f inal ly adjusted o ontrn.e t i gu.res . S ince every ef'f:"or t wi l l l1o mn.da to vo id

f' l nt cu t s , n.ud t o make t ho pr incipr�l adjus tmm t s only in the individual

c ontract s in c onnec t ion v.rl th which ade u�� te sup:port int; av idert ce i s lac king

or ni stake s in menpry seem to hav·o oo ctrrrea., 'tl1o s a w::os contrao t s rAJ.• e in go od shn.po can go ahew..d pl an t ing corn wi thout foar of radical ltd !us trr nt s in t hair ro rmi t t ed ncroa�. .Farmers who ·.r e t\.t :::l l dub ious about the accopt­ a:nce of th.eir f i gure s should al low a sr•ff' ioi ont mal"�*;in o£ saf e t y . The fl(J .10

appl ies to nu.mb or of l i tt ars nd hogs pr oduced. tor market.

In any oven t , ,r oducers should r �tnern.ber t'·12t i t is diff icul t t o d� t ermine t ho number of aor as in n f i.eld wi thout exac t measur r.nnt , anl t hat tho num­ b u r of o or.nu t to · acres moy ba _ffectai by o.d.j us tm9nt s of t ho cont rac t f

ig-Ul .. es or actu��l me "' suremont s 1· t 'i.r on �iha n c o.J\pl ia.nce i s c Lockotl. .:u tura i -c onvenien-c sho ·:tld b a v oided by nl lowlng �·n nnpla �nrgi n of s.t cty. mhe .li se

tr�1volar do s not · t t fl.npt to re�ch the r; t(�t i on wi th no t ime t o sp· r9 for unfor eseen clolays . a.nd tl1o w!s a produc C#r wil l no t .. t t om t t o "''l�,nt c o rn

o r nro duc... o.:.s to o cl o se to t be 1 i7'li t tm(lar ··li s o on tr _ct . 1 D.J.ct3n t s under

tho c o rn -ho�·, c an trhc t ar e v ry l fb eral , r the contract si'lrler ·.vho an t e r s i n to t he spir i t or the pro gTrun wi ll no t ob ,j · c t if ha A'lS a !'e :v l c �s a.c.re s, l i t t er s , or r .. ogs t 1��n P..re t 1-n�u ly ·10ni tted under b e te 11s of hi a "' a. ju s ed cont ract . Jvary J lO kno-rm tr:;"' tho :.;l··, �er the s.rnount oi r J.·· (� t ion ou -...in ed,

t.he b o t t �r wil l b e t ho eff' 3o t on )rice s d :tri nt;t, th0 co ine; marko t ing yet:tr.

lf th re ro ;:;,ny que._ t ions, concerning +-h:: c o 1n-hog prosrnm w· ell you 10 ld l ike to h e answered, see the Dirac t or fro:n your oo mnuni ty or uny off icer

of the .. s sociat:i.on.

Very t ruly yours.

CORif-:JOG C )£ T 101 ASS 'N �· F KIT C lRSON COUli Y


Pro j ec t I I . Sub- )ro j ac t I>lnse 13. C on trol County• Agent: Yao.1• a Ki t Cars on R. o . Wo odf in 1934

The o onip ila.� ion of ap:p.r isals on aontrac t ad �ero s g�t har ing non- s igned da ta

was eorn!1l e t eu so t!r:�. t th(l o on trcic ts were r eady for the .Board of ;iev i ew on

my lOt h . l�o Ooun ty tJUO ta ill c o rn pr oduct ion and acr e s was given. ;he

Al lo t o n t C ommi t tee mt.ld no reduc t i on i n c orn contrac t f i .;;;,"Ur S� until the

Str t a Bo�J.rd of .t�e\tiaw approved the a l l o too uotn on uill y 19th.

ts con·it i ons for a crop b eoume l e s s favorab l e and it continued to grow ;or se , ,.. , succ ·· editte� .nonth cl:f' t er �1;rll, n..�ny pro uc er s o a� t o t he C oun t1

0 f ice to inore· se their c ontrac t ed ucroa.ge fro.m tv.ren ty t o th1rty . ;er c ant .

Tho f L al c cnt r�cted acreage kept out of production �as 27.3;�. No\V s inoe Ri t C.rson Cou11 ty, which no rl'l:'U�1 l y produces 250 , 0 00 bu sh.a ll of corn, wil l proutc.c a l ess than 2 , 000 bushel , i n 19�34 1 t he c on tr c t si gner s ar e li shi ng

th·lt hey had co nt rac ted t hi:rot,- ">er c ont to be · ept ou t o f oroduc t i on and

on whi ch b onef i t payment s vo uld bo . 'da.

Tho c om: i t teemon made an 3.djustod · IJPl"ai s�al of ··vo., ga co l"".n y i el d ..)&r · ere

of 10 .6 lHJ.shal . ,�. be figure s on c o ' n .:roiuo t i on tw-rH;:d :11 b y t oo 11rodU.oer

on hi s o on t ra ct \�,as a. 1932-33 basa r vo:rat�-e ot 1 46 , 0 00 aCl"O t;. '"fh� f' irst

adju t ·J<.:'!l t 'Jy t ne allo tmon t oom"ni t "" ae reduced tho b se o.o ro s t o 14 , 531

ecr �s . 'filt:. G m ty 'F)protTod uuo t... v:.4 s 1 28 • 7t15. '1':11 s �r1.s a roduc�· ion of

tl.e ' )! .. o u 1 th)l� s o·.w 'igu:t a c ·i 1 1 .'1 per c ...,n � �:h9 Df.i.SG ..:. :-(�r ·£"0 n ru.w :r of

ac re s · . .ich · J.Lo ..:�llo t meut C onllli t t ae c :c't i.f i ed o:u tho con t rac t s ··1· s 128,18 5.5

acre s . iJ.'ha se cotr:�lata t"' i ;ures a.r� e-i ven bC1lo�. an" india .. ;,.:t t he reduc t ion .. ada:


I '!

0 '

Proj ec t I I . Or s ·Sub-Proj ect A• Corn

�base l S. Prgduct ion Control

Contrac t f it':''tll"OS tu_·nod ir1. on

cont ac t s at s i{Jl-up by pr oduc ers

F ir s. t Adjustment by County Lllo

t-en t C o · • b efo re re�a iYi • :g oounty

quo ta

County uota a)pro B �

by Boarcl ot � oview

... Por cen t reduc tion

C ounty .tl lo trn.ent Co1-n udju st eo. :figures in co n trac t s an·rovad for


Per c ant reduc tion fr o .. produc er

fi e s


AcrG s in all £ ield corn

19 33 19 32 1932-' AVt1l*a� 146.000 1 31 , 501 lf>9 . 561 1 4 ,531 116, 403 l•U , 08 7 1 2S,74o 11.5 ' t 12 , 18 '1.5. 11 . 7 Co mty : .t.g u t , Y�r: C o 1 tracted Ki ., "arson R. o . iood£ln 1934

! o:t es ani Pr oduc t ion

;\eras Yield 1-arod. -36,8 84 10.6 ;ss7, 846 -- .10.2 - -35 , 094 10.2 360, 185 7. 1


Pro j ect I I Crgps

Sub -.i: ro j oc t l. • Corn

Phase 13. 3l'Od.uotion ControJ,.

C ounty; .J.gon t a Y ar : Ki t Car s on R. o . ,. o odt ln 1934

8 18 co rn- og c on trac t s v re ro turnod t o produo e:r s f or f inal sign" t ur e s on

Septe ib e r 17 th. 8 14 o f those wer o corn con t ract s, ��nd were s igned in I>n.r t

t w.

3 ,090.4 acre s of c orn larul ware c er t if ied b 1 t he . ll o t mon t C o n.ni t t ee for c orn b anaf i t p·:�yman ts on the bas i s of appru i s :pro du c t i on ot �60 . 1 86 bushels .

Corn co ntract si , ora �11 1 1 rece i ve m o 7 ,375.60 in corn payment s for thoir

coorl era.tion in t he corn pr oduc t ion con t ro l pr ogram.

Saturday,. O c t ob e r 20 th, t he as soc i· t i on rec e i'tteu b enef i t p�yment s on c orn

amount ing to 35,84 3.30.

S i x �eotin )s varv ha ld on Oc t ob e r 11 to 1 3 , par a ining to the c orn-hoa ref­

eJ•endum. }gricul tural a.nd ac onomio i nform. t i on pertaining t o tho acono. i c s i tu.nt i on and tho fa ctor s i nfluencing the t 1 .. end of agr ic ul t ure f or t -.# pas t

yet. r W<lS di scus sed a t t ha ro f ar endu.rn mao t ins.

The Boa rd hal some concern r egarding t he a.ttondanc e "'" o r t ·le referendum, in

v iew of the r ... c t L1 nt u.p t o tho day sella ul ecl for ths referendum vo t e no

c o '11-llog "Jnay i:la.d bean :received by t h.a Coun ty. I t �ns a we e af ter ·tl.a

r "' or end� t ht�t t'1e first b e . fit )fi.Jmen t s arr i ved.

no Co r-n-Ho 0' Signer s of K i t c .. r s on Uounty;

oo t ob e r 8, 19 34

This veek t 11 corn-Ho;) Con t rac t sign r s ·1il l l'mve an opportun i ty t o a xpre s s

their s ent imen t roga.rdiug l Co rn-Hog Con t r a t for 19 35. Yo u .. :t ill '· ·at to

vo t by ··�r i t to n bal l o t · t a c on1.1un i ty 3e lng. Two ques t i o ns w il l b e sked and sa1)arato vo t e s wi l l b e taken on eac h ona .

1 . Tk> yo u want a Co rn-Ilog C ontrac t in 19 35?

2, Do you favor a o no-c on trno t-par-fn.r;n. c on tr ·to t cover ing al l bas le

oo . . o di t i e s for 1936?

Thi s i s p:. r t o f the Na t ional Ref erond.w b a illt.S co nduc ted. by t he Sec retary of

Agri culture.

I t i s t ha d ty o ' every Corn-l!og s i gne r t o v o t e hi s sent i.nen t s.

Pl se b el ow;

n l a speo i'll eff or t t o a t tend you r c omnun i t y meeting as indicated


-36-ro j ec t I I . ';rgps

Sub-l'r oj ec t , • Corn

l'hl s G 1��: roduc tion Control s ib rt - - - ... h'tlr su n.y ... Flagl r - - - �. hur sday -Stra t ton ... - ltriday -

-Vona .... - - - lt>r iday - -B otlruno - - - Saturd� -Bur l i ng t on - -fL.turday -- - l O t OO • • - ... 2 : 0 0 P .t. - - 1 0 : 00 A.M. - - 2 ; 00 I .M. - - 1 0 , 0 0 • ·"i. - - 2 : 0 0 p., ". - - - at at l.t At at e,t Coun ty • ge nt ; Yoa.r: Odd .tt"ell ows

mheatre Thea.tro Ki t Car son R. o. odf in 1 9 34 : f-ll l

B:ri cJgas Hall .

gh Soho ol

Cour t House

Very truly your s, ·

:a. o. ·-r o odf in

County ��te nsion .. gent.

361 o£ the corn-hog s i gnors voted at t he ref erendum :moa t i ngs b y bal l ot :!.S

fo llows :

l . Do you favo :r an adjus t , nt I:r o�sra .. deal ing r;i t t corn and oes

ill 19 3u ?

2 08 vo tad, yea 92 vot ed, no

2. Do you f"svor a one-cont r: o t-por-.f ·l"'m adjus t . ant i':ro{�ram deal in{."

v:.r1 t1 l-ll na and .tivest ock to b eco e:ff oct ivo in .. 936?

112 vo t ed, yae 15� vo t ed, no

89,� of the vo t ers ��or;:'� f o r an ad jus tmen t prog'!'a.m in 19 35.

ro duo er s 1uve haan concernad . . bout tha c o s t o f t ho rograrn. ;.U:l1lY std. ed

i t woulci c o st 5¢ per bu�hel on corn and wl.JO on .o gs . few thought they . 1 · n nava t o di.,;; · p s o... money t o .. ·:.y tno bil l. O t her s reporte" tha t overy­ t irno the _l lotm t G o 1 t eo mat i t t o ok a dollal3 off' t he cont ract. ·he

110tal b udget od c o t t o Janu ry l , 1935 :aa . 10,048 f or l oc al a.d.mini Ettrat iva

o p0n s a . Pi ve J;iOr o ent of tho t o tal ,;i l l p·:y t h o l oc . . l cost s. 2.8 per

bu.shol ·111 1 .:.�ny t : a ant iro local �;..dmin i s trt..t ive ox pens a .f' or the corn-10g

"Pro gram or 521'3-¢ per hog t o b e p:r oduced t• o r market in !934. 1.5 '· per ·ous nel

will ay the 'xpenso f or t he c orn Je.rt of th e corn-hog eon tract .


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myndigheter som utför offentlig upphandling att följa lagen, infördes även möjligheten för överprövning samt möjlighet till skadestånd vid upphandlande myndigheters

Since this is a master thesis, limited timeframe and resources are the main obstacles for conducting this research. Considering that we are aiming at concluding an overarching

However, the labor supply decision for high income earners and hence also the demand for high skilled labor will always be distorted, since the occupational pension schemes for

However, even if we would concentrate on a uniform group of workers, the health implications of targeted early retirement offers may still be different from those of