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Beet laboratory operating report


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This report is to be issued daily from each beet laboratory, commencing with the first day's run on delivery samples and thereafter until beet laboratory

operation is concluded. No report need be issued for the preliminary field

samples. If the beet laboratory does not operate on Monday, ~he report issued on Tuesday for the preceding 24 hours should simply show the one man (beet labora-tory foreman) as having worked, and all other data should be left blank.


The data for week and to date are to be shown on each Monday's report, the end of the week being taken at this time because any accumulation of samples will presumably be worked up over the weekend.


The number analyzed during the previous 24 hours, divided into the sub-divisions - Delivery, Experimental and Field, is all the infonnation now desired.


Number of Samples Analyzed

This is but a further division of the previous figure. The figures "Week" and "To Date'' should agree with the above figures for the same periods •. Number of Beet Laboratory Employees

The number of beet laboratory employees should be shown for the day shift as well as the night shift if one is operated. The number for the "Week" or "To Date" should be simply the arithmetical average for the number of working days in question, disregarding Monday if the beet laboratory is not operated on that day. Taking a period of two working days as an example, if the number


employees is four on the first day and five on the second, the average for the two days is 4.5. This would apply even if the men on the second day worked ten hours and those on the first day only eight.

Number of Man-Hours

This is the actual number of me.n•houra worked on each regular working day, ·including the time of the foreman at the number of hours which he actually works. This does not include the foreman's time on the usual idle day of the week, and likewise, any time spent at the end of the season in putting away

sample bags or preparing them fen- storage is not to be included. All other time of beet laboratol"y employees is to be included. The ''V\Teek" and "To Date" figurei, are the SUIJl of the· daily figires.

Samples per Man Hour

This figure is obtained .by dividing the total number of samples by tLe total man hours in every case,

The Great Western Sugar Company

Chemical Department

-1-Beet Laboratory Operating Report July 22, 1943




The Cashier will furnish the data for the number of samples tared, the number of tareroom employees, the number of man hours, and the number of samples

tared per man hour. In no case should the report be delayed if these figures are

not available in time for the regular mail. The figures for the "Week" and

"To Date" for the tareroom should ordinarily be on the same report as the "Week"

and "To Date" for the beet laboratory.


Show each hot water digestion check and its corresponding cold water test •.

Show the difference as plus (which can be indicated by the absence of any symbol) ,

if the cold water test is lower than the hot water test. If the cold water test 1

is higher than the hot water test, prefix a minus sign to the difference. The

"Average 24 hours II is an arithmetical average of all tests made. The week and

to date averages are taken from the Laboratory Record Book. In the first column

under "Number of Tests" opposite "Average 24 hours 11

, "Average week", and

"Average, to date", the total number of hot water checks for these periods should be shown.



This figure is obtained by dividing the total weight of the pulp obtain-ed from about six samples by the total weight of the samples and multiplying by 100.


See also chapter 12, section 6 (p. 1206) of the Methods of Analysis.

(The composite sample of filtrates, however obtained, should be suitably protected

from evaporation. If it is necessary to refilter it, the funnel should be covered

to minimize evaporation during filtration.)

The necessary data are kept on form 3 A (Beet Laboratory Foreman's Notes)

and record book form 132 Land are transcribed from the latter for the Beet

Labora-tory Operating Report (form 3). The polarization averages should be reported on

form 3 daily for "Day" and "To Date", except on .Monday when the "Weekly" averages

are also reported.

The record of polarization checks should include only delivery, and not field or experimental samples,

The beet laboratory records and the latest revision of form 3 provide for carrying averages for three comparative daily and to date polarization averages:

(a) The average of the analysis tickets.

(b) The beet laboratory reading of the composite filtrates.

(c) The factory 11

" " 11 11 "

The Great Western Sugar Company

Chemical Department

-2-Beet Laboratory Operating Report


Possibly under some circumstances the record of (c) will not be obtained from the very beginning. but after a few days enough polarizations will be accumulated to yield a very representative to date average. Take account of this and 0£ an occasional missed polarization by the following system:

In case of such a missing polarization. enter on form 3 A or 132L the same daily or individual figure as the corresponding analysis ticket average; enclosing it in parentheses to indicate that it is not an actual determination. Then include it in the calculation of the to date average.

Do not report on form 3 however ~y such "parenthetical II figure or any

average based~olly on parenthetical figures. It will also be presumed that to date averages which are based in part on such parenthetical figures will not include an undue proportion of them. If. tor example. a few days of the "(c)" polarizations (as above described) are lacking at the start, wait until there are available at least as many "actual" as "parenthetical II figures in the average

before starting the reporting of a to date average on form 3.

The above system will enable the carrying of three sets of to date aver-age polarizations which will all be comparable,with one another and which in the long run will not be influenced to any grear extent by the use of "parenthetical"

figures. ·


Give these figures for both shifts if two are run. Note that noon is 12 Mand midnight is 11:59 p.m. or 12:01 a.m.






Show the arithmetical average starting time on the report bearing the other "Weekly" figures. Obtain from form 132 L of the Laboratory Record Book.


At the bottom of the report give statements of the causes of unusual delays, amount of time lost due to lack of samples, etc., and give any other information of interest or value.


At the conclusion of the season's beet laboratory operation, make a tabu-lation of the results on all samples of cossettes and beet laboratory pulp

analyzed by both the beet and factory laboratories. together with averages for all samples and send to the General Chemist.

The Great ·v,estern Sugar Company

Chemical Department

-3-Beet Laboratory Operating Report September 15, 1944


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