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05. Ecological Relationships Lesson #4: Up in Smoke!


Academic year: 2021

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Getting Ready

Materials: Youth  need  journals  and  writing  utensils;   staff  need  2  Rocky  Mountain  Tree  Finder:  A  pocket   manual  for  Identification  Rocky  Trees  2nd  ed.  Books   and  Handouts.  


Location: This lesson is specific to a conifer community with signs of fire. The handouts include a map of fires visible from park roads, fire boundaries, and a map of the vegetation in the park. By overlapping these maps, staff can locate a conifer community with recent signs of fire.


Ecological Relationships Lesson #4: U








The following material is adapted from Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook: 2011 (2011) and is provided as supplemental information.

Fires need heat, fuel, and oxygen to burn. Remove any of these elements and a fire will go out. In the Northern Rockies, lightning provides a ready source of ignition or heat. Fuels in the form of dead and downed trees accumulate at a steady rate because the process of decay is slow in this region. Conditions in Yellowstone, however, are usually much too cold and wet for larger-scale, sustained burnings.

For the first 100 years of the park’s existence, managers believed fires had to be extinguished to preserve park resources. Fires play a critical role in creating the vegetation patterns of the landscape that sustain biodiversity by offering different habitats. Fire is a part of the ecosystem that park managers want to preserve the role of fire in landscape ecology. Suppressing fires leads to homogeneity in the age and physical structure of vegetation

communities, decreasing biodiversity. In 1972, Yellowstone began using natural fire management. Between 1972-2005, 397 natural unsuppressed fires burned 66,354 acres.

The severity of the drought of 1988, unprecedented in the park’s 112 years written record, was the key event that changed conditions in favor of fire. Unusually high winds fanned the fires beyond the control of firefighters. Burning 793,880 acres or 36% of the park, five fires burned into the park that year from adjacent public lands. One of the largest fires, called the North Fork fire, started accidentally and burned more than 410,000 acres.

In the first years after a major fire, young trees emerge from the burned ground. Years later after the 1988 fires, those young trees are renewed forests; once again filling its vistas. The current fire management policy follows the guidelines of the 2003 Federal Wildland Fire Policy, which allows firefighters to manage fires for multiple objectives. Yellowstone is a functioning ecosystem in which fire plays a vital role.


Overview: This introduces youth to the effects of fire on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

(GYE) using observations and guided inquiry.

Learner Outcomes Youth will:

1. Be introduced to basic fire ecology.

2. Be introduced to the fire-related natural history of Yellowstone.

3. Understand the steps involved in succession of a grassy field to a forest.





Lesson at a Glance

Conifer + Fire= Adaptation (45 minutes)

Explore a conifer community to look for signs of a new abiotic disturbance and discuss what was observed

in a large group. Next, divide them into groups with task cards that focus on the myth and science of

Yellowstone’s 1988 fires. Finally, each group shares their thoughts.

Succession Ro-Sham-Bo (15 minutes)

Explore the concept of succession using a game of “rock, paper, scissors” to move through four vegetation

roles after a fire disturbance.

Concluding the Lesson (5 minutes)

Create definitions of succession and disturbance and discuss the effects of fire and other disturbances on the





Suggested Procedure Conifer + Fire= Adaptation (45 minutes)

Staff will:

1. Invite youth to explore a conifer community and look for signs of a new abiotic disturbance. Ask them to return with a small piece of evidence (4 minutes).

2. Lead a discussion by asking the following questions: (D1) (3 minutes). a. Describe what you found to the group.

b. What signs of abiotic disturbances do you see?

c. What observations can you make about how this abiotic disturbance currently affects biotic factors? d. Have each person choose one word to describe the conifer community, trying not to repeat the same


3. Explain that, in the aftermath of the 1988 Yellowstone fires, scientists flocked to the park. This was a rare opportunity because never before had there been a living laboratory where they could study the effects of fire on such a scale. Scientist conducted more than 250 studies to investigate questions about fire. The NPS spent six million dollars to support thirty-two of these research projects. Plant Ecologist Don Despain said that the amount of breadth of this research was the most important outcome of the 1988 Yellowstone fires because it gave ecologists a unique opportunity to examine the natural processes of fire. The world’s first national park belongs to everyone and people had strong opinions about its future. Predictions about the effects of the fire on the park ran from “any land this black will never be green again” to “wildlife will die because there isn’t any food.” The following activity focuses on the myths or predictions of 1988 and the scientific findings that followed (Reinhart, 2008).

4. Divide youth into 3 equal groups and pass out the three task cards. Have them review the cards and complete the tasks. After each group has completed their task card, have them exchange cards with another group. Repeat this process until all of the groups have completed all three task cards (F1) (30 minutes).





a. It may be necessary to model how to use a dichotomous key in the tree key book for the task card titled Myth: Yellowstone Will Never Be The Same. Any Land This Black Will Never Be Green Again. (Refer to the to the tree key book for how to use a dichotomous key).


Conclusion: Come together as a group and ask them the following about each task card: (8 minutes).

1. Myth: Yellowstone’s Forests Will Have To Be Reseeded: What do you estimate is the age of this lodgepole pine stand? How can whorls inform us about the last fire in this area?

2. Myth: Dead Trees Will Provide Fuel For Another Huge Fire In The Near Future: What direction was the fire moving in this area? Use evidence to support your claim.

3. Myth: Yellowstone Will Never Be The Same. Any Land This Black Will Never Be Green Again: What types of conifer trees did you identify? How are the different conifers adapted for survival in the Yellowstone Ecosystem? (i.e. many trees rely on animals and wind to disperse their seeds).

Transition: Explain that they will be exploring succession through an energizer called Succession Ro-Sham-Bo. Succession Ro-Sham-Bo (15 minutes)

Play “rock, paper, scissors” to move through four successive vegetation roles, modeling succession after a fire disturbance.

1. Four vegetation roles: While modeling fire, youth will wave their hands around like flames. As grass, youth will lay on the ground. Youth will crawl around on their knees and put their arms out to their sides like branches as they pretend to be lodgepole pine seedlings. As full grown lodgepole pines, youth will walk upright with their arms out to their side like branches.

2. Explain that everyone will start out as fire. Next, everyone should find a partner and play one round of “rock, paper, scissors”. The winner can then move on to grass, the loser remains fire. This process is

continued; grass becoming lodgepole pine seedling, and then lodgepole pine.  

Assessment Check Ins:

(D1): Examines prior knowledge, interests, and misconceptions of ecosystem disturbance. This information will assist the staff in planning the level of instruction.

(F1): This assessment provides insight into how youth can apply their knowledge through a skill. (S1): Assesses what youth have learned about YNP natural history.

Staff Notes:

• This lessons starts with an observation exploration that helps fine-tune these skills. If youth are restless after the Conifer + Fire= Adaptation activity, transition them quickly into Succession Ro-Sham-Bo.






3. Explain that when they become an adult lodgepole, they freeze in the lodgepole formation (arms to the side). Lodgepole pine seedling may only play “rock, paper, scissors” with other lodgepole pine seedlings. Lodgepole pines compete with other pines—the winner remains a full grown pine, the loser goes back to being grass.

4. Start the activity and when there is a good make up of different vegetation roles staff should call “freeze”. This allows players to observe the make-up of the community.

5. Ask them to observe the number of grass, lodgepoles, and lodgepole pine seedlings. Tell them that a crown fire has just swept through the conifer forest and it is the most intense type of fire. It burns the trunks, limbs, and tops of the trees as well as the soil. Flames may shoot 200 feet above the trees!

6. Because of the fire, they must start the game all over again. Play until everyone has become Lodgepole pines, forming a conifer community.

7. Gather as a group and transition to the conclusion.  

Conclusion: (5 minutes) (S1)

1. Ask youth to define succession and disturbance in their journals. Afterwards ask them to share and discuss the similarities and differences of their definitions.

a. Example definition: Succession is the natural replacement of one community of plants by another over time. Disturbance is an event that interrupts the “normal” functioning of the ecosystem.

2. Ask:

a. How does fire affect the landscape in Yellowstone National Park? b. What might interrupt the process of succession?

          5 References:

Lanner, R. (1996). Made For Each Other: A Symbiosis Of Birds and Pines . New York: Oxford University Press. Nyland, R.D. (1998). Patterns of Lodgepole pine regeneration following the 1988 yellowstone fires. Forest Ecology

and Management, 111 (1), 23-33. Doi: 10.1016/So378-1127(98)00308-9

Reinhart, K. (2008) Yellowstone’s Rebirth by Fire: Rising from the Ashes of the 1988 Wildfires. Helena, Montana Faircounty Press.

Incorporates the 1988 fire myths in the handouts. It was modified in the following way: Instructional language was changed to match the REC.

Yellowstone National Park. (2011). Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook: 2011. Yellowstone National Park, WY.


• 3 Yellowstone Maps • 3 Myth and Task Cards






  Fires  visible  from  park  roads.  Compare  the  fire  perimeters  on  this  map  with  those  of  the  1988   fires.  So  far,  the  large  fires  of  the  21st  century  are  burning  in  areas  largely  unaffected  by  the  1988   fires.  Ongoing  research  is  showing  that  areas  of  stand-­‐replacing  fires  can  affect  future  fire  behavior   for  up  to  200  years.  (Reprinted  from  “Yellowstone  Resources  and  Issues  Handbook:  2012”,  2012,  p.   77).  


Yellowstone  YCC  REC  



  This  map  uses  colors  only  to  help  you  see  fire  boundaries.  Colors  do  not  indicate  intensity,   duration,  or  anything  else  (Reprinted  from  “Yellowstone  Resources  and  Issues  Handbook:  2012”,   2012,  p.  82).                              




Map  of  Vegetation  in  Yellowstone  National  Park  



Yellowstone  YCC  REC  



The following material is from Reinhart, 2008.  

Myth: Yellowstone’s Forests Will Have To Be Reseeded  

Science:  There  were  no  trees  planted  in  Yellowstone  after  the  1988  fires.  Although  lodgepole   reseeding  was  discussed  that  fall,  and  there  was  public  pressure  to  do  so,  ecologists  knew  there  was   no  need.  Ecologists  and  naturalists  had  to  educate  visitors  about  the  role  of  fire  in  lodgepole  forests.   The  forests  of  Yellowstone’s  high-­‐elevation  central  plateau  are  almost  uniformly  lodgepole  pine,  a   species  that  is  uniquely  adapted  to  fire.  Many  lodgepole  pines  have  serotinous  cones,  which  means   that  they  are  sealed  by  resin  until  a  hot  fire  melts  their  protective  coating,  sending  an  explosion  of   seeds  to  the  forest  floor.  The  spring  following  a  fire,  tiny  seedlings  begin  growing,  sheltered  by  dead   trees.  Fire  is  necessary  for  the  rebirth  of  lodgepole  pines.  

  You  can  see  that  the  density  and  height  of  the  new  forest  varies.  In  some  places,  the  trees   are  so  thick  and  the  crosshatch  of  fallen  logs  so  intricate,  that  hiking  through  them  is  a  chore  at  best.   Nearly  every  year  since  the  1988  fires,  researcher  John  Burger  measures  the  height  of  lodgepole   saplings.  He  had  found  that  the  tallest  lodgepoles  grow  as  much  as  a  foot  or  more  per  year  in  open   locations  (Reinhart,  2008).  


Task:  Finding  the  age  of  the  lodgepole  pine  stand.  To  practice,  pick  a  small  tree  first  and  count  the   whorls  of  6  different  trees  to  find  the  estimated  age  of  the  lodgepole  pine  stand.    


Questions:  What  do  you  estimate  is  the  age  of  this  lodgepole  pine  stand?  What  information  can   whorls  tell  us  about  the  last  kind  of  fire  in  this  area?    




Myth:  Dead  Trees    

Will  Provide  Fuel  For  Another  Huge  Fire  In  The  Near  Future.    

Science:  After  the  fires,  in  some  areas,  dead  trees  stretched  as  far  as  one  could  see.  Of  course,  there   were  pockets  of  green  trees  within  burned  areas,  but  the  general  impression  was  one  of  fire-­‐carved,   blackened  skeleton  trees  everywhere.  Many  people  feared  that  the  vertical  and  horizontal  maze  of   partially  spent  wood  would  be  fuel  for  an  even  larger  fire  the  next  time  a  dry  lightning  storm   flashed  over  the  park.  

  However,  dead  trees  in  a  recently  burned  forest  don’t  carry  fire  in  the  same  way  as  living   plants  and  other  small  diameter  fuels  in  an  unburned  forest.  Recently  burned  areas  rarely  burn   again;  when  they  do,  the  fire  burns  hot,  but  moves  slowly.  A  hot,  stand-­‐replacing  or  “crown”  fire   needs  understory  “ladder  fuels”  that  move  the  fire  up  from  the  ground  into  the  trees.    

  Slow-­‐growing  spruce  retains  their  tangled  lower  branches,  providing  a  way  for  fire  to  climb   to  the  taller,  mature  lodgepole  pines.  Once  the  understory  fuels  burn,  subsequent  fires  usually  halt   or  slow  the  old  burns.  The  fire  season  of  1988  was  an  exception.  In  the  last  month  of  fire  season,   some  said,  “It  didn’t  matter  what  you  were,  you  burned”  (Reinhart,  2008).  


Task:  When  fire  burns  a  living  tree,  the  burned  or  charred  side  is  the  downwind  side  of  the  tree.   When  fire  burns  a  dead  tree,  the  charred  part  of  the  tree  faces  into  the  wind.  Examine  three  trees   that  have  been  affected  by  fire.  


Questions:  What  direction  was  the  fire  moving?  What  can  you  observe  that  affected  the  direction  of   a  fire?  


Yellowstone  YCC  REC  





Myth:  Yellowstone  Will  Never  Be  The  Same.     Any  Land  This  Black  Will  Never  Be  Green  Again.  


Science:  After  twenty  years  of  watching  green  grass,  green  plants,  and  green  seedlings  grow  in  the   park,  these  fears  seem  groundless.  Grass  sprouted  in  burned  areas  only  weeks  after  the  fire.  The   following  year,  green  growth  was  abundant  and  the  carpet  of  wildflowers  was  like  a  rainbow  after   the  storm.  By  2006,  the  forest  noticeably  tipped  the  visual  scale  from  black  to  green.  In  many  areas,   most  of  the  charred  snags  that  had  towered  over  the  young  saplings  had  fallen,  giving  way  to  the   young  lodgepole  pines.  You  can  see  signs  of  the  1988  fires  because  some  of  the  burned  trees  will   remain  standing  for  fifty  years  or  more.  

  “Yellowstone  will  never  be  the  same”  was  a  quote  often  heard  after  the  1988  fires.  This  is   partly  true,  but  the  scenic  landscapes  of  Yellowstone  had  burned  many  times  since  the  glaciers   retreated;  the  Greater  Yellowstone  Ecosystem  will  continue  to  evolve  with  fire,  as  it  has  for   thousands  of  years.    

Species  that  lived  in  Yellowstone  National  Park  before  the  1988  fires  have  already  adapted  to   the  changed  environment.  Eight  years  after  the  fires,  new  lodgepoles  began  producing  non-­‐

serotinous  cones,  which  don’t  require  fire  to  open  the  cones.  Eventually,  the  oldest  Lodgepole  pines   will  tower  above  the  forest  floor  and  the  forest  canopy  will  begin  to  close.  White  bark  pine,  

engelmann  spruce,  and  subalpine  fir,  which  rely  on  animals  and  wind  to  disperse  their  seeds,  will   begin  growing  beneath  the  lofty  lodgepole  pines.  Douglas  fir  trees  will  grow  in  low-­‐elevations   forests  and  it  will  look  like  the  fire  never  happened  (Reinhart,  2008).  


Task:  Use  the  Rocky  Mountain  Tree  Finder  book  to  key  out  two  different  conifer  trees.      

Questions:  How  many  different  types  of  conifers  are  in  this  area?  How  might  the  presence  of  fire   affect  the  diversity  of  trees?  




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