Course Curriculum Schedule HT20 Morning 9:30-12
Room TeacherAfternoon 13-15:30
Room TeacherSubmission Deadlines
Lectures and Seminars
07-Dec Mon NB: Lectures and seminars will be given via zoom08-Dec Tue 10.30 Introduction Birke 1 HR/AS Introduction/Stat I: Descriptive Statistics Birke 1 HR
Statistics Relevant Chapters in
Medical Statistics (4th Ed) 09-Dec Wed Stat II: Hypothesis tests - t-test Birke 1 HR Stat Workshop 1-2 (Räknestuga) Gotland HR
1 Stat I: Descriptive Statistics 3, 5.2, 5.5, 6 10-Dec Thu Project Plan I Birke 1 AK Study Design and Epidemiology Birke 1 HR
2 Stat II: Hypothesis tests - t-test 7.1, 7.4, 8.1, 8.3, 8.5 11-Dec Fri
Group 1 Literature studies and Referencing -
KIB. OBS 10:00-12 KIB Hypofysen AE
Group 2 Literature studies and Referencing -
KIB 13-15 KIB Hypofysen AE Deadline Result Section for Peer Review
3 Stat III: Specificity and Sensitivity 4.2, 4.4
4 Stat IV: Non-Parametric Tests 8.2, 8.4 14-Dec Mon Stat III: Specificity and Sensitivity C1:87 JB Stat Workshop 3 (Räknestuga) Gotland JB Deadline Peer Review on Result Section
5 Stat V: Correlation and Regression ch9 15-Dec Tue Scientific Writing Birke 1 AB Work on Proj Plan/Result Section
6 Stat VI: Statistics Recap + Power ch7.5 16-Dec Wed Writing Workshop - Project Plan Kvarnsjön/Gömmaren AB Work on Proj Plan/Result Section
Preparation for Project Work 17-Dec Thu Stat IV: Non-Parametric Tests + ANOVA K64:1 JB Work on Proj Plan/Result Section
1 Course Introduction 18-Dec Fri Kursråd 9-10 OBS! Work on Proj Plan/Result SectionZoom Work on Proj Plan/Result Section Deadline Result Section Submission AS
2 Project Plan I
3 Scientific Writing 21 Dec to 3 Jan Work on Project Plan
4 Ethics Seminar - Mandatory Scientific Theory Online Workshop
5 KIB Seminar - Mandatory
6 Study Design - Epidemiology 12,13,14 03-Jan 3 Jan: Deadline Scientific Theory Workshop
7 Project Plan II - Mandatory
Workshops - Voluntary 04-Jan Mon Stat V: Correlation and Regression Birke 2 HR Stat Workshop 4-5 (Räknestuga) M64:6 HR 23:59 Deadline Project Plan 1st Version
Writing Workshop - Project Plan 05-Jan Tue Stat VI: Statistics Recap + Power Birke 2 HR Stat Workshop 5-6 (Räknestuga) M64:6 HR
3X Stat Workshops 06-Jan Wed Trettondag jul Trettondag jul
Course Council 07-Jan Thu Ethics Seminar (OBS 08:45-11:15) Birke 2 FM+JeB Own Work
Exam Prep Q&A 08-Jan Fri Own Work Own Work 23:59 Deadline Peer Review Proj Plan
Examination moments
Scheduled: 11-Jan Mon Exam Studies Project Plan II + Oral feedback M64:6 AK
Ethics Seminar 12-Jan Tue Exam Studies Exam Prep - Q&A - OBS: 12:15 - 14:45 Birke2 HR+JB Deadline Statistics Quizzes (>95%)
KIB Seminar 13-Jan Wed Exam Studies Exam Studies
Exam - Study Design and Statistics 14-Jan Thu Exam Studies Exam Studies
Hand-ins: 15-Jan Fri Exam Studies Exam (13:00-16:00) ANA 23 - Exam Hall HR
Result Section Workshop
Scientific Theory Online Workshop Teachers Re-Examination: 7 feb 15:00-18:00 Deadline Final Project Plan
Johan Boström JB Group 1: 31 JanuaryProject Plan + Peer Review Annika Karlsson AK Rooms Group 2: 4 March
Ping-Pong tests (6) Annamia Eborn AE Birke-Aulan (F52) Birke1/2
Anna Borgström AB Datorsalar Kvarnsjön/Gömmaren
Amarjit Saini AS Lecture Hall C1:87
Helene Rundqvist HR Seminar Room Novum:Gotland
Fia Malmström FM Seminar Room M64:6
Jenny Björkström JeB KI Library Hypofysen 1 o 2 Huddinge