On tlre Identity of Hydroporus leaond,eri l. Sahlb.
(Col. Dytiscidae)
Sk。lgatan 100,S‐902 46 Umea,sweden
HuccERr, I-. On the identitl' of
utnderi J. Sahlb. t(iol. I)1'tiscidael.
- Ent' 'l'itlskr.
1974.Tlre identitl' of Hydroporus
leuanderi J. Sahlb.is
discusscdand a lectotype
isno doubt that H.
leuaruleriis a distinct
species.The characteristics
by'w'hich it
may be separatedfrom Il.
glabriusculus Aub6 are given.About four
]'ears agoT.-li. Iingelmark found
in the vicinitv of Jokkmokk (Lule Lapp- mark) a lather small dark and shinl' Hgdro- porrr.s. rvhich could Irot be properlv
deter-mined. Accolding to current handbooks
theslrecies rarr to H. glabriuscrrlrrs Aub6, but it seemed to differ from that species in
somefeatures, especiallv the male genitalia
seemedto be quite different (G. Falkenstr6m, Ent.
l'idskr. 49: 155-161, 1928), so Engelmark came to the conclusion that it could be
^F/.leuanderi J. Sahlb. He sent some
specimensto S. Persson, Landskrona, rvho came to
the sameresult.
In 1929 W. Hellen (Notulae ent. 9:36)
carne to the conclusion that leuanderi
mostprobably is onlv an immature and
somervhalirberrant form of glabriuscrrlus. OIr the
t1'pespecimens, rvhich I have been able to studl', due to the kindness of Kand. H. Silfverberg, Helsinki, there are :rlso labels rvith "glabrius- culus Aub6, Hell6n det." A. Zaitzev
(FaunaUSSR 4: 156, 1953) rvas of the
as IIell6n, but A. Zimmermann
asa distinct species (Bestimmungs- Tabellen del eurol;iiischen Coleopteretr, Heft
l0l: 9,
1931).Ent. Titlskr. 95' 1974' 3 - 4
A solution of the problem lvas
renderedrnore difficult by the fact that the type
speci-mens are all females, so it rvas not
possibleto compare the male genitalia of the trvo forms. In the Srvedish material, holvever, there are some males. Thel' have the
geni-talia quite distinct from those of glabrittsctt-
Iu.s,and I have now also seen male
speci-mens from coll. Lindberg, Helsinki, rvhich agree rvith the Srvedish ones, although thel'
have becomelighter in
courseof time.
Thanks to Dr. T. N1'holm, Stockholm, I have been able to cornl)are my material of leuanderi rvith a collection of glabriusculus from Norrval',
Srvedenand Finland. rrVithout
any hesitation I regard m]' material
asidentical lvith the
t1'pesof leuanderi, rvhich is a good
speciesand may be separated from glabriu.t:culus
b1'the differences given
belorv.Hgdroporus leuanderi J. Sahlb.
Hgdroporus l.euanderi J.
Sahlberg, 1888,\Ieddn
Soc. FaunaFlora fenn.
15:221.Irr general build verl' similar lo H. glab-
rirrscrrlus, but fresh specimens are
ahva-vsdeep black rvith a faint metallic gloss
149W h 撫 4
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l.'igs. 1-6. IIlldroporus
glabriusculusAub6. \Iale genitalia (11;
(l)); puncturation on elvtra
(5).Hgdroporus leuuruleri J.
Sahlb.llale genitalia (2); post-coxal
sutures 1{);puncturation
(6).more shilr)'; legs and antennae as itr glc-
brirrscrrlu.s; bodl'gives a more arched
andbloader implession with the hairs on plor)o- tum and el1'tra slightlv shorter and not
soconspicuous; sides of l)ronotum slightll'
lessalched and microsculPture verv similar but not quite as deeply engraved as in glnbrius- crrlrrs, especiall]' on pronotum, rvhich
islather dull in the latter'; densitv of micro- Puncturation on elr'tra about equal in
thetrvo species, but leunndeli has much larger
and deeyrer punctures (figs. 5-0) ,
yrost-coxal sutures lather variable,
somervhatnalro\yer and not diverging as much as in lqlabriuscLrltts (figs. 3-1), but this feature
is far fl'om being as important as
supposedlr)' Zimmerman. \Iale genitalia constantlv different in the trvo species (figs. 1-2).
Material examined
ltt Zool. Mus. Helsinki, Finland.
Lectotl'pe, ?. ln lather good condition, glued to a card and labelled "Varsuga",
"Levauder", "Spec. t1'p.", "\Ius. Zool. H:fors, sl)ec. tvp. No 79, Hvdroporus levanderi
J..Sahlb.", "glabriusculus Aub6, Hell6n det."
and bearing mv lectotvpe label.
- One ?
ca6-9 -c'
glued to a card, in poor condition, part of abdomen lost, and labelled "Varsuga", "Le- vander", "spec. tvp.", "Mus. Zool. H:fors, Spec. t1'p. No 80, Hvdroporus levandeli
J.Sahlb.", "glabriusculus Aub6, Hell6n det.", and 's.ith mv determination label.
- Oue ?
glued, rvith abdomen lost, and labelled "Ku- s{rnren", "Levander"', "}Ius. Zool. H:fols, Spec. t1'p. No 367, levanderi J. Sahlb.,
J.Sahlberg det.", and lvith mv determinutiou label.
- One d glued, in good condition s'ith
genitalia mounted on a microslide, rvhich
ison the pin, labelled "Kuopio", "Ler':rrttler",
"levanderi J. Sahlb., J. Sahlberg det.",
ands'ith nrv detelmination label.
- One 6
glued,in good condition rvith genitalia on :r
tnicr'o-slide on the pin, labelled "Fennia Lps, Lutto, Platonoff", "Ooll. Lindberg", and rvith
ruvdetermination label.
- One d glued, in
goodcondition and labelled
pt'evit)us one.(hre 6 remounted bv me on a clrtl, rvith -
antennae bloken, labelled "Lapp.", "F.
Sahl-berg", and rvith mv deternrination
label.In Coll. Huggert,
Umeir, Srveden.Vri
ste rbott en: Umeri 27.t'.1967 ?:
26.v.1970 2 6 6, 4 ??; ;10.r'.1971 d, z ?? (r.
N orrbotten: Haparandasand- skrir 24.r'r.1972 I 6 6,
+?? (L. Huggertl.
″″′ 7'イ 、ス′ ,う ノll'ψ 3 `
'l'hc spccinrens l'roln nt'ar .krkktn<lkk
rverefoun<l in a sntall tarn (deatl-icc kettle) on
apint' nroor'. 'l'he trrn \ras vel'\' shallorv rvith
tht' lrottonr covt't'etl rvith Polytrit'1tttrn,
bc-caust' it trsuallv rlricrl trp in ttritlstttnurt't', itlrd
t'<lgt,ss'erc lrordelctl br- a thin belt of
(.arc.r'.l)oruinatirrg spt'cics Ncr'(': Hlldroporus rt<'trtrtttgrtltts'l'1r.. H. rrr/'i/rorrs I)ft.,
.{grrDttstiqrortcrtt'tts I'lr. tntl Hcloplutrus
ccl(ltrls Slrrrt'p
t /rtyrTrrrttit tts'l'lt.
t .\car Unreri. in the dt'lta of thc llivel
Unre-iilvt,n. thc
spt,cit,slivcrl in old pt'at-hags rvith alurost no vegt,tatiorr anrl rvith tlalk
rvatct'.'l'he pools rvcrt'shatlt'tl. sut't'otuttlt'<l lrv
aritthel srvanrllr- nrixt,<l alder'-spnrcc
Iorest.\\'ater lreellt's tr'pical of the loculitr''s'crc:
7ralrr.slri.sL., H. striokr Glll.,
H. trt'glecttts Schaunr. -lgrtbtrs rtigroru'nt'tts
I'1r...{. rr//irris l']avk., HydroDitr.s ltrs<'i2cs
lus<'i1tt'ssrrDrolrrrrrlrrs Stt'ph. und Hclo- plutrrts llroiprs l:.
On 2{th ,ltrnt', 1972. I paverl l shot't
r-isitto thc islantl of Ilapalanrla sundskiir in
compan\' lvith S. Lundberg and K.
Perssou.At that localitl' rve found leuanderi in
,.rrather large, \'erv shallorv temporarv pool rvith clear rvater. The pool
rvasmore or
lesscoveled rvith
Carc.r:altd situated in a rathel open park-lilte rvood of aspen, alder, birch, rvillorv, rorvan and \yild cherrv. The domi- nating speties were the same as at
Umeil,lrut there rvere also some others, e.9., Bero- srrs luridrr.s L., Hgdroporus rulilrons Dft.
and. ITelophorus pallitlrts Gebl. There
rverealso sonte sllecimens of -4gnbus biguttultrs
l'h., a species I had been lool<ing for for
Finallr', Engelmark met rvith leuanderi again in Finland, Enare Lappmark,
sometrventv kilometels south of Ivalo,
3.vII.1973.Here it lived in a tundra biotope in a
tempo-ralr' pool rvith no free rvater'. The animals rvere found in the Polgtrichum knolls
andrvere not seen until the moss rvas
plesseddorvn under rvater. This hahit of living in thick tnoss-mats rvith no open lvater to
beseen is in fact very typical of most of
d1'tiscids.E″′ r'(7s/1″ '5 7,ア
` 3-`