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Brief review, by J.H. Marks, of reports on the Star group of mines, Gunnison County, Colorado


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e,JOHN H. l\':[ARKS

HYDRAU);.IC,l'oITNING &crvrr.


5 04 .B~TI(:BLOC.I"::

.Pl::lONE ~:[A....Uor2470 DENVER,cox.o·Maroh. 23,1925 •


This property i8 located in the nor-thern part of ('.unnisonCounty,Colorado. about 20 miles south trom AapGn and 1'1miles northeast trom Glaoier, a station on the D.ll R.G.R.R.

between Gunnison and Cr ..ted Bu·ute.

Aooording to mapa submitted, the property oonsists at


olaims at 1500 X 300 feet equal to 10.33 acrea per olaim; approximately 67 acres. The names are Star, Snowbank, Snow.;

bank No.2, Independence, Colorado, X-10-U-S and X-IO-U-S No.2 olaims. These claims are not patented, •• found by examinations of records in the office of the United State. Surveyor General in Denver, Colorado j- however, reliable intorma'Uon is to the effeot that annual labor has been done,thu. keeping a perfeot posses.ory title. U.S.Minoral Survey #14937 Blaok War- rior lode is immediately northeast of X-10-U-8 and Colorado lodes. Survey #16461 Bull Domin-



lode join. ·the Star lode on 'ihe east. U.S.L.M. 5'Hl is about 2000 teet east from Star lode. in T.12 S.R.84 W. The Star lode was originally located in lSSO,amended looation being filed in 1900.

This mine ia located at the foot of Italian Mountain,on its northeast slope at about 11.000 feet above sea li.wel;- summit of Itlllian Peak is 13,225 teet. The Geologioal formation ia blue lime-dolomite contaot and oarries silv.r,lead and a very amall quantity of zino. Ores are similar to Leadville d~posits. Contaot between blue and dolomite lime is well defined. Machinery and buildings on this property were valued at more than $40,000;

good timbllr near byj - alao water and cheap water POWerj - wagon haul from mine to railroad , 17 milea.j- 100 ton are houae at railroadj- 7* miles from mine on road to Glacier i. a

cabin to house 15 men and stable to oare for 40 horses.- all the property of the mine.

D!ilVelopmentconsista of the Star alut.ft


feet deep j- from bottom 0


shah, lUI in-

I oline at 45° for a dist&!~e of 93 feet. From bottom of-~ incline a drift was run north- ':weat aOO,feet,from whioh 915 pounds of ore gave returns ot 531 cunces silver and 41~ leadj-

t , shipped in Nov. 1912.

In 1913 Independent ahaft _a sunk 144 f'let.At bottom of ahaft a '1:',0 winze was sunk 85 teet,in ore Illl the


High grade are waa shipped to ameltf3r& and .l~ to +25 are was piled on the d\illlpwhere it s'eillromaina; - eS'cima'l;edto average ~:.lOper ton and that there is 5000 tone,or ore valued at '100,000. On the Star dump there ia 4,000 tune of $10

; ore having a value of f40,OOO or,b40,OOO in dumps. Smelter roturne marked "Star on settle- msnt sheeta oame trom ore bodies now in aight above Star first level. Smelter return. mark-

ed "Independerlt" CliJJle from winae belo~ bottom of Indapcndent shaft. 8mel'Ler returns fr'Om ore from X-IO-U-8 claims show ~50 to ~60 per ton. Independent ore is of same charaoter as X-IO-U-8 and dritt extended through Colorado lode to X-IO-U-S would be approximately 2500

! feet in length and 320 feat below surfaoe are on X-10-U-8, Above trom 1915 report of JolJaM.Larson.

Mr. Larson makes a supplementary report Deo.31,1917 in whioh he aays that sinoe the B.A.Parker report of July 10,1914 considerable work tNlsbeen done on the Star property during 1915-16-17 and ore found and followed northweat for 60 feet on third levelj- also that an are body of undetermined extent was diacovered on aecond level and ore developed on third levelj- Slt .. "8l!laymap for extent and looation of are bodies and smelter returns for values. Mine was oloaed on account of being unable to get teams for hauling are and , truoh are to take their plaoej ·whioh will out ooat ot hauling trom mine to railroad from , $12 to $4 per tonj- estimates 150,000 ton. of ore in sight. Larson appears from smelter

records to have been in charge of are shipments. '!'heaeshipments were made at intervals from Jan.24,1912 to Jan 8,1918,· 6 year ••

'our mapa or prints accompany these reports;- a blue print ~ld a white print of the Star group of mining claims. These maps,by Henry P.Lowe,M.E. sholl'in addition,& oroaa- section of proposed Italian Mountain tunnel and a key map of the location of the ground with relation to railroad eto.




A blue print up of vertioal a.ot.!on of undargNund workinga on Star and: Indopand- ont min.Oj- made by Piok Oraftlng Co.of Denver:,

An a .. ay I!IlAp,byH.P.to ••• uttld Aug.l~n\l allO'll'o pllUl ot Star and Irlllsl,ond,mt l!I1n.

"orkingol- givell ..idth or vein in fe.t and h.ayo of dlvor.lead and ohn ill Ii rsw oampl ..

a 11_11 quantity of ainc.

Star oha.rt,f1nt level anel ot.ope •• boVIJ.!Jl'I~Wllple•• how lfIidth of or ... v.rago. 5.6 tellt 1- aveNlt'!'. .ilVlIl"•2~. 90tlrlcoo; -avol'ag<J 1''1',,4,



Second level and dritt'j- ~3 'llllIplee ehow tollowing av.rillio,.1Vidthoro.n.l "ot;-

.11vor,15.6 ounceol- le.d 9.1~ Tan of the ••• ~l.$ a••• ,ed tor ~intl ,how avera go .f 5.3~.

Third laval 7 QllIplee,ohow following averag .... idth of 01'••2.2 t ••tl-d1var 20.3 ounOo'j- 1084 17.at

Indepond.nt inolin. and Jll&in otop. betweon t1rat and .uoor.d 1.vol.,- 19 .ampl ••

ahO'll' .. 14th of ON averllgllJl 5.2 reetj-aUnr.S'l.6 oune.o,- 1004 llO...Io~. '1',,"0IIJGplu ... ay'd for .ino ohuy avora~~ of 8.7~

Totu !\V"l'llg6' vf 14 118llIP).0, lro llnay map ,how lI'i41lb of O1'e 6 tlifltl- .ilY.r ao.6




Aeflay map aho 1t.t1ll:l".'t,. 51l tlllll! of oro on Ind'l.ll"n4."ll'. di.!.'11P h... a val",o


2~. 3

ounoo. li1vel' and 15.'1j. leal'l.

A..-ay Ill""ahu e'lI1mll.tftlf liOOO WIl. or o.rl't OildUlllP ..t Sw .hdt hq Jl value of 15.6 ounce, lilver and 13.~ lend.

lady ,hipnlttlltll from St~r cld!!! MOW 1 r 192 t\'ll'U1!!T'ClSll,Al'l 4Vllt'<4;iIQf lItlV<lT as OWlC.O.- ha4 1'11. Laot .hiplIIlUlh tro1't Fltllr tIll'l.1.tz. "htlw tot' .1<07'tOM $Ul4VftNg<Jot dlvilr aT QIUlcel.-le"d i!,7j,. a 400r"&I1$ 1n 1I11v...,. nnd 6,n inor!.lall~ of I:lllNl thlUl (loubl. in lolill!j -or tor a39 tolllf tJ'Q1fl the 51.ar ohilll an avm-a.f.\\ ,,! 50 lIt1rJll"'!I dbe!:' Mel



Ar1y oh1plllsnh fTom IIIdep"l'c!'''''t. lllnim .hem till' ;~llll tonell1'l llv.rage ot 108 OI1DO••

,U"or and 1010 1e&(!,. 1_'1. ohipme!llill t!'9m Independent c1ailll ahow tor 595 ton.,Sl cuno.o divor .nd 2O'f..ledj- dacrlluUI of lI!<il'$ than on. halt ill dlver and an 11l0r" •• ", of dDubl. the amoun' of had.

" .h1p1llonto 0


0"" frQMtIl!. lI'Utl ,lillY a net v!ll1uoIIf


4'1S.5ll: .,tt'IJ" do<tulltiJIg all oh&rl".811 tnr trO&~lmt. fJ'il1ght ltto.but tl,$t1 rtl1.r,d.t:g tQr l!Y"t, of mining aoni,l tn.mrport.Uon to I"IlUNa«. Prio ... for dlv.,l' lll't1 U~d Yilt''' ...i!ro~"'~ely 48 follO-'6 f,,,,r: li'\lI.ltlll" .. '1.1.1."

lIIen\; .hpn. 1lO .h1pl1l.'lIte~ 111l!!. .:I.1v.er •.60'II.fib, 1.... 4.10 10 IIl1ipm>tnt1l.'1913. :dJ."tll:'.S' oMt.. 1&.4.4.20 .1ll ,!lMp"!hm'h~ UHf annr. 57 oonte. ,111114.4.00



,l.9l1. p1Jv4l1'.87 (lont,. ley.G.W_


.h1pr!1ilflt.~,!I'.nl"~g •• Uver. 6i1 .'lnti h.d ....Tel CombininG l'lltip_nt.o from !li.r Mil Indep.!l4l1t1t 11111i1W ... hll.VlIA tot&1 .M.ppe' ot lllll!! tone of or" lIhwing IlVO!'l.>.g<t content 01 .54 C\i4lCU #:U.Vlll' ,fIJl~


1*,- !lAVing IIIp"'o- ent .&1u.,(1925) ot apPl'ClltkultQly .'14.


pdt' ton,fif,!.'.l\'eing .11"er at ~n06nb ..,,11




p.1" 100 poundo.

Mr.frA!llr. !lulklsyiii weU kn01l'n ll'in1l:lg IlllJil!l+'l'.lfrli;1r..g tc Ilr.B'.ll.li!ellwilin of Dt>llnr

Oolorado.undBI' d~t.of Nov.le.l?l~ reJor~. on ~t~group of


In 11.11,,1914 be opont fA tw Mit".. llrldllrzrQuM ill 0 011.1'110"1 .~Il ..Uon 1#1 thllt Idn.

yorking.j - tOlln4 .. largo and OOnUl'fliQUIl Ol\'e "hoot 1/."'''.1'''''011 dll1lllWarlito.. lUOllh.t more 01' hOlj - 01'8 OIlOU!"b.t. ... n ,U.ooi",ihr t1tl'llt!l Ql Ul11l1l1Lon. !:l&"iJlg • dip ot 'J06"til ....twaNlj-

ore 11 .UViU·.le.1! lL"l4a lI1\lat1 1'IMt1. ty of gold; ~ :lIo/l'llly llx1rli.itdj"1l'1.l1tb or lire tihOot lIIft.. -

ured laterally ill 'Vein trom 100 1;Q 1100 r~"tl- thlllktl$lIlI or ~I".1lI"'I>/Alr1l4il.1. right. 6l!g1IU' til 1fIIlle from II to ~ "r 50 hotl- cond.tle.""u1"lt\)lU1¥ftilJlIhip,il'-" fr<llJllthill llhllo~j-1W'f." "'\lnt

of 1•.,grade 1l.1" in etQU8s,llol!4!,

it n.~lU'lbr~mark~'-Il~ttl4..1:t!

ohi.ll1.~~~ ..


l1lae.ll';)n anel b~ •• l!uqh


j,:!} "ieh1l OI;4.lj b!f pX'OtLta:t;ly liallO<i 'b1 itll'livI11 ouno'llu'lir.Uon;

Many tonto of ·011'. 1'lL."l1nto lw.lldi'$b ot ~un') ... ~lv:'r t.nli 8~1 bUne~IQ' " .. P.Ulklltlt i.rI th. vala

oontU!l:lng i!nll to tllre" tOile """~h 1m",,,, pl"VdUlIlIa lItlVl)MIl th~u.andO\ll:lCIll(;1 ,UV81' )11' ton.

Gen"rllJ,oharactel" of 01:'. t\nd !l~108:illlit! tOU'tIlN>4 VO 1I.WUIIIl' tQ /\,.p"n dilJt¥'ht.

whioh 111..bout 110mU .. north flJul is ;prob.bl, .. IlOl:lt1rU.hll,ulll1 d .iU4 di.tr;l:ot. MI".DI.lIU8Y itt of opiniOfl thAt, Itnlirm 1SQ''''1llL\n d1l1l,r'1ot ;;Ai V,"'Vlli (L. (l;llOdWI A"pon. HI"ltitGt'1ii to H.•A.

Parker', l"ttll" of lulv 10.19U,-qllotlU! t~ ..nd ilnC!..ri\UfI;H. :P1\lp.t'ty I. l'1l>11l.u,trom raUNad. It COlltl.>f l:r"rllllpllrtll.ti"J: oc ...l(1 bo rcducoll,J:lIleh or 'llhe or. no.. c1evelop.(/. cOYld b.

ohipped .t ..profit.





Mr.R.A.'arkor a ,,011 known lIl1r1ing 'ng:l."llllr,ha<: 1Il'rittlln tbN. lettof" Ill' report, on the Star prcpertY,un'er dAt •• ot Jan.22,191~1- r.b.2,1914 an4 Jtily 10,1914.

A11:ongIIthor thing, II. "port. (:1,-22-14) d"Ydole:ont while, Illlllilgor tnd10Un " pay min·l· wMlllrgrOluul "ori; h oNde,attll!lthn only bdn~ gtV'fl!ltc ollt ..ac t1"n of high gr'l'e


"Uhollt r!!lllre;t'CO to tutUl'1I 01'... 1;10".;· work hQ!llp~r~ by d:il:tl\llco fl'"m marUt,el_tic con.

dlUone atld 141rti'l:oll 1"."Olll"CliIe.

"01'11: 1m. b.",n conUM' to ,earch 10!' high gM{I<t ahipp1ng ON. )l':'l"Ilt lGVlU J.64 I •• t bolS ourialle at Star .ha/, and H4 '"at lren iltll'fM~


!l1ll0Pllllflulit Ilh14f·~,tNIil lIb1eh 85 toot win,,, lI11ukiii;; llrl&lo ot 5". lletlOr:l.'I1e.itl '0"18 Ii!'! at!. oro 0 nd.lM,Otll.; ~ rlltere to ore Ihipped;~ \h:l.ululbuhQllI or wiu",.. n->*J'poill.+'Wlllre o.llidlJl'!u ~lJlm,ge:ltv Illlpbidll ore.

O/'$ il!o .Uv" .. bla.r1ng galena ill ftc lillleatomt hfllt,uplln ft Cl"lUiita baee,

E~~a.tiurt U4QOin ~lt.rl~ ooul not ••• lurteol'll- helieV0(i 1n poaeibllitleo ora big {;lim;;- could nll~ l:i/iko ".ti..u or 'l1l111llgl'- •••• evidence


loy gJ'Ii!.QQ (lOllcmtra- till! 0,.,6 laot "',de lUtd 200 tll"t IOllg. Conolude. propel"ty W9rt,hy of ilstrelopillllnt.

III bttsr (If FcQ.",l\ll4 lj:r.Pu~Gr ,t&t. .. ,in ra'ereM .. to tne33 1lI1\'1<i1l'''the 'l101r1.ng ma41 by th<llJl t. 'lobe b.t .. ~ I ,"n in -~bi. ,tatl for 101116y<1t1.r.";- '&3= p1"tltl.11le ....1 oro,6


or 110";- go04 1ndlcaUonl thld it


oont1nlll 'With depth and addit1onol ora bodiell be tGund. Ore Ocour. in lk •• ton. lotlll1.l.t.1onl- l:rngllJ,v 11101lt11n81· tOMato llU'gill" llU'gl ....

lOrY .. lit JlIIl4iUl<l,14 Illlae high grade ora.

In l&tte .. ot July lQ,lllH,Ur.PIU"k8r ud ••, paym('JJ\tot .12,000 duo 011 Jlily 15;.

d".rlbn b 40tal1 til. mino 1Porld,ng.,or •• to;· hU 'avorable opinton of tho property.

says -In LaadvU11iI 'lobe mile ti\ll4 bEltnoml)' clll101dorod 111:1 a bui. ot 41,000,000/

E.t1lllah. l"OUgllly "0,000 ton. of ON in d!lht 91t.h Il ft'tln 'I1l1l40 ot mot'll tban flO p ... tOI'!,>lot i!lol'~d1n1 .,re b.low tba\ whioh ill develope ••

Sll.YIIh. vbitod the property I • lound 100' .. t.er

po"'n -

plenty 0f 1;111lber;. ••


at 1II1niJ;- lIII1nol better than reported;· art.r two dayl underground conclude. 200,000 to 300,000 ';ono ot Ot'll in dgh'tl- tlllOllglt 9'" bl.oolr.ed out to run illlll for [1I.lII1ytlUII- tllllnel develop!lleat to out pFil.. nt working. 8QO , .. t deap wcu.1d llIllJt:8ono ot the lug.,t

produelr. 0:1 16ad-IiUv.r ore 1ft tho Unit'd 8tat •••


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