Practise talking – Five short facts about a friend
In this exercise, you are going to talk to four different people and ask them questions. Be prepared to describe or write down what they told
you later. Don't ask the same question twice, even if you are speaking with another person than the one who got the question.
Pick 5 questions below to ask each friend. Don't pick the same question twice.
Do you have any siblings? If so tell, me about them.
Describe one thing that makes you happy.
Describe your room.
What is your favorite food?
When is your birthday?
What do you like to do outside school?
Do you have any hobby or hobbies?
What kind of music do you like?
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your dream job?
What is the name of your favorite song?
Explain and describe your favorite memory.
Where do you live?
How do you get to school?
What is your favorite subject? Why?
What is your least favorite subjcet? Why?
Which is your favorite app, if you have any?
Do you have any pets?
Which is your favorite book?
Do you like English as a subject and/or language?
Gratis läromedel från KlassKlur – – Kolla in vår hemsida för fler gratis läromedel – 2020-03-15 17:51