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Stiganalys tabell:

8. Källförteckning

8.1 Böcker

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Newton, Kenneth, Stolle, Dietlind och Zmerli, Sonja. Social and Political Trust. I The Oxford

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Schluter, William E. Soft Corruption: How Unethical Conduct Undermines Good Government and

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Uslaner, Eric M. The Study of Trust. I The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. Eric M.

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8.2 Vetenskapliga artiklar

Easton, David. A Re-Assessment of the Concept of Political Support. British Journal of Political

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Festenstein, Matthew. Political Trust, Commitment and Responsiveness. Political Studies. Vol. 68,


Hamilton, Alexander och Hammer, Craig. Can We Measure the Power of the Grabbing Hand? - A

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Kim, Ji-Young. “Bowling Together” isn’t a Cure-All: The Relationship between Social Capital and

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Rothstein, Bo. Corruption and Social Trust: Why the Fish Rots from the Head Down. Social

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Rothstein, Bo och Teorell, Jan. What Is Quality of Government? A Theory of

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Rothstein, Bo och Uslaner, Eric M. ALL FOR ALL: Equality, Corruption, and Social Trust. World

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Uslaner, Eric M. Trust and Corruption*. I Corruption and the New Institutional Economics. Johann

Graf Lambsdorf, Markus Taube, och Matthias Schramm(red.) London: Routledge, 2004.

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Wang, Ching-Hsing. Government Performance, Corruption, and Political Trust in East Asia∗. Social

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8.2.1. Avhandlingar

Norén Bretzer, Ylva. Att förklara POLITISKT FÖRTROENDE: Betydelsen av socialt kapital och


8.3 Internetkällor

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8.4 Databas/Statistiskt material

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