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• HPE101 - revamped

• FUBAS – portal for PhD courses


• Recommendations for PhD hp


• Dimensioning PhD education (GU)

• General skills courses



Respondents: 19 Answer Count: 14 Answer Frequency: 73.68 %


Respondents: 15 Answer Count: 11 Answer Frequency: 73.33 % 


May 3 Mean Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Min Lower Quartile Median Upper Quartile Max

3.5 0.8 21.6 % 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0


May 17 Mean Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Min Lower Quartile Median Upper Quartile Max

3.5 0.8 21.7 % 2.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0


May 29 Mean Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Min Lower Quartile Median Upper Quartile Max

4.2 0.4 9.7 % 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0


Comments, May 17

Good discussions, but to make them more relevant, some more information has to be provided before starting the discus-sion.

They could give ideas but a bit too long

Highly creative discussion, important points are lifted and discussed, some solutions have emerged.

I am a bit dubious on the usefulness of a group discussion here, or at least about doing it so early in the meeting. I'd like to learn from the facilitator about guidelines, instead of discussing with colleagues about our own (possibly wrong or biased) views. The group discussion was placed basically at the beginning of the meeting, but at that point personally I need to feel that I have first learned something (from an expert i.e. the chair of the meeting), before engaging into a group discussion.



How would you rate the usefulness of the section

"Group discussions about the roles in PhD Education/

Making roles work?" for your own role in the PhD

How would you rate the usefulness of the section

"Group discussions about the roles in PhD Education/

Making roles work?" for your own role in the PhD


May 17 Mean Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Min Lower Quartile Median Upper Quartile Max

3.7 0.6 16.5 % 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0


May 29 Mean Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation Min Lower Quartile Median Upper Quartile Max

3.9 0.8 21.3 % 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0


Comments, May 17

I want a section for the examiner to make comments! ISP team has promised that many times, but it never happened.

Give some examples of difficulties and problems that often occur

It was nice to share experiences regarding expectations of students and supervisor, the idea of the interview is very nice and should be implemented somehow in a way at the beginning of a PhD

ISP is a central document of the PhD education (it is an essential working contract). Its exactness and proper structuring needs to be stressed to the supervisors and students.

Comments, May 29

Was pretty Little time spent on this, but that is ok I think




How would you rate the usefulness of the section

"ISP - useful tool for prog-ress and quality - recom-mendations"?

How would you rate the usefulness of the section

"ISP - useful tool for prog-ress and quality - recom-mendations"?

Number of

Responses Cumulated Responses

define the role of phd student, advisor, and so on when discussed in the full group was less interesting to me.

Tja. Första gången och vi tog ju redan pp en del som kan förbättras. Men bra kurs generellt.

Try to become (gradually) more specific about roles and also ISP; i.e. formulate documents (based on these discussion).

I think the general structure with discussion of relevant topics is very good although it is clear that the content of the discus-sion topics has to develop over time.


Suggestions or comments, May 17

More free discussion (not based on distributed text). I think supervisors and examiners could greatly benefit from exc-hanging experiences in a free way

I think a section on "doktorandreglerna" (go through them quickly, highlight the most important aspects) and some of the basic rules and principles of employment could be an eye-opener to some. In particular younger supervisors seem to fail to see the education and employment aspects of a PhD-project. There is a strong focus on the research, and in particular

"how does the PhD student contribute to my own research/project". "my money" - "my project" - "my PhD student", while the system actually focuses much more on the PhD student and his/her training to become a researcher with general skills as a future scholar.

Just down to earth rules and responsibilities, with focus on the process and decision-makers when either player (also an external person) observes a problem that can not be solved 'internally'

This is a very good start, but even good things can be improved! To have all information in English and Swedish would be good. It is always good to have cross-disciplinary discussions, but I suspect there might also be a need to devote more time to basic information - finding the right balance here is of course a challenge! From the discussions it seems clear that some have a very limited understanding of the tact PhD studies is an education...

Perhaps include a part where one could discuss how to handle awkward cases like e.g.: An examiner discovers that the work of a PhD student does not progress well or not at all, because the student in question is locally separated from his/her main supervisor while, at the same time, the communication between the co-supervisor (who is physically co-located with the student) and the student him/herself does not work well as well as the communication between the main supervisor and the co-supervisor is not aligned well/is affected in a less productive way.

Not really, I think it is imporant to meet and discuss the PhD education to clarify the different roles and regulations within this, not least it is important to get the chance to share perspectives. It was quite clear from the discussions that there are many different perspectives and my impression was that it has an impact whether you have the experience from leadership or not giving the indication that not all are familiar with the actual rules and obligations within this task. So, a good initiative to have this course and to be honest, it was much more fruitful than I expected.

Please provide the documents in to discuss in English, min svenska är inte så bra I think the course reaches its goal - starts the discussion and generates thoughts.

Unfortunately I am not yet proficient in Swedish. So my group had to invest some time translating for me the handouts we received. Since you kindly provide a workshop conducted in English, with most slides in English, that extra bit translated in English would have been very welcome :)

Perhaps a case study type of activity would be useful. As is the information felt a little abstract and diffuse. Thus also devoting some time to concrete information could be useful.


Suggestions or comments, May 29

Hur fungerar saker i praktiken på olika institutioner, blir bra diskussionsunderlag

The discussion time is short, so it would be nice to have a Little more time for people to share their practical tips. The sug-gestion of Three things to enact the rolls properly was good - maybe give 15 minutes for a listing of "useful"

ad-vising/examining practices.

Bekräftelse på anmälan och information kan komma tidigare.

i like that the course was short, basically raising attention to the supervisors that things can go wrong and that there are instruments to prevent that. In a way it was like supervising the supervisor. Good if we have something online, a check-list with things do do and to think of before...

Total 8 (100.0%) 8 (100.0%)



May 17 

Would you like to see any improvements in this cour-se? If so, please suggest.

Number of

Responses Cumulated Responses improvements in this cour-se? If so, please suggest.

Number of

Responses Cumulated Responses

Use today's discussion results as starting point for the next time.


May 17 see above

Work environment questions: avoiding and managing stress (the PhD student's) The first year, get the PhD student on track. The right hand side of the roles slide (see comments in section 3)

You need to consider how to make the most senior examiners and supervisors take part in a course like this - I got the imp-ression that many of the participants were rather new supervisors. Perhaps you need to invite the seniors to a "special" gat-hering?!

Fubas and Ladok interface with phd education, what we need to know about how these work to make it run smoothly. Til-godaräkende av kurser

I think it is very important to discuss and understand the different roles in the a PhD project. Within our faculty, the project is most often initiated by the supervisor while the PhD in fact has the main responsibility. This is worth reflecting on and also try to define what it means in practice. Another aspect to discuss is the fact that a PhD student is both a student and emp-loyed. This might need some reflection and clarification. Finally, it would be interesting to discuss what is actually required for a PhD degree in terms of quality and and amount and what is the distribution of the responsibilities to achieve this.

Maybe a clear picture of what is expected and/or determined at faculty level versus what is left to department level. This will also help make clear why the course is being given at the faculty level.


May 29

Maybe it would be useful to have a more detailed discussion about how the national goals can be implemented in the study plan

Nationella lärandemål. Processer vid problem: scenarier. Rekommendationer för poängtilldelning för forskarutbildningsak-tiviteter som konferenser etc. Handläggare borde få information om studietaktsrapportering. Låg kunskap hos administ-ratörerna, och osynk med Primula. Ofta förvirrande för doktorander (vid föräldralednighet på deltid, förlängd doktorandtid pga undervisning etc)

Showing any impact of the course. Could be infomal reports by supervisors explaining what they to better now...


Institutionens förslag till åtgärdsplan för utbildning i farmaci

Till FS 2019‐06‐13 

Programkommittén för receptarieprogrammet vill börja med att tacka bedömargruppen för deras grundliga jobb och insiktsfulla kommentarer.

Detta dokument är en preliminär plan för hur programmet kommer att åtgärda bedömargruppens synpunkter.

Programmet planerar ha en lärardag i den 18 Juni 2019, då resultatet av utvärderingen och de åtgärder vi föreslår i detta dokument skall diskuteras och förankras i lärargruppen för eventuell vidare implementering hos respektive institution.

Dessa åtgärder sammantaget kommer att resultera i ökad arbetsbelastning på för all personal på programmet, därför förslår vi att man ser över tjänstgöringsplanerna för programkommitténs medlemmar, programadministrationen samt lärare som avser delta i utvecklingsarbetet.