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Projektdel (1.5 hp) i Modern fysik, SH1009, VT13


Academic year: 2021

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Projektdel (1.5 hp) i Modern fysik, SH1009, VT13

Information till studenter:

Ni får själva forma grupper om tre studenter. När ni valt projekt så kontaktar ni handledare/kontaktperson för det projektet. Om ni inte hittar någon grupp själva kan ni ändå anmäla intresse till ett projekt så ska vi hjälpas åt att ordna grupperna.

Projektet ska avslutas och presenteras i en skriftlig rapport före 7:e juni (7/6).

Rapporten ska skickas till handledaren som skall godkänna. Dessutom ska projektet presenteras muntligen inför handledare och de studenter som valt projekt inom samma projektkategori.

Information to supervisors:

This page is now readable by the students. They will contact you by email. Please inform Bengt Lund-Jensen, who will update this page, if the project is no longer available

Projekt uppdelade på kategorier

Här nedan finner ni projekten som planeras för SH1012 VT13. Projekten genomförs i grupper om tre studenter.

För att anmäla sig till ett projekt så kontaktar man resp. projekts handledare per epost.

Projekten har delats in i 7 olika projektkategorier här nedan:

Demonstrationsexperiment inom modern fysik


Experimentell- och teoretisk kärnfysik

Partikel- och Astropartikelfysik

Tillämpningar inom Kärnkraft (reaktorfysik, reaktorteknologi, kärnkraftssäkerhet)

Medical Imaging

Eget projektförslag

==== Projektkategori 1 - Demonstrationsexperiment inom modern fysik ===

I dessa projekt studerar ni fysik med direkt anknytning till kursens innehåll.

Demonstration av ett banbrytande och/eller illustrativt experiment inom modern fysik Projektbeskrivning: I dessa projekt studerar ni fysik med direkt anknytning till kursens innehåll. Här väljer ni ett experiment av nedanstående (eller föreslår ett eget). Ni hittar material, bygger en labuppställning själva och utför experimentet. Resultatet ska bli en experimentuppställning som kan användas i en demonstration på en föreläsning i nästa års kurs. Vi kommer ha ett gemensamt seminarium i denna

grupp och en gemensam presentation/demonstration i slutet av maj.


Handledare: Torbjörn Bäck; back@nuclear.kth.se (handledarrollen kommer att delegeras vidare i vissa fall)

Antal grupper (3 studenter i varje grupp): 3


Projekt - Spektrometri av solstrålning. Plancks svartkroppsformel. Solens och atmosfärens absorptionslinjer

3 studenter: (namn här)


Projekt - Spektrometri av atomer; Balmerserien i väte, natriums dubbellinje.


3 studenter: (namn här)


Projekt - Röntgenspektroskopi och kristallanalys 3 studenter: (namn här)


====== Projektkategori 2 - Materialfysik ====

Projekt - Solcellers maximala verkningsgrad 3 studenter: (namn här)

Solceller består av halvledarmaterial som genom absorption av fotoner exciterar elektroner från valensbandet till ledningsbandet. Dessa kan sedan utföra arbete i en krets. I det här projektet ska ni beräkna en solcells maximala verkningsgrad som funktion av bandgapet genom att modellera förlusterna numeriskt. Handledare: Pär Olsson, C3:3009,

polsson@kth.se, websida: www.neutron.kth.se Projekt - Beräkna bandgapet för solcellsmaterial 3 studenter: (namn här)

Solceller består av halvledarmaterial som genom absorption av fotoner exciterar elektroner från valensbandet till ledningsbandet. Dessa kan sedan utföra arbete i en krets. I det här projektet ska ni beräkna bandgapet för material ni tror kan vara lämpliga absorbatorer genom att använda avancerade kvantmekaniska lösningsmetoder. Handledare: Pär Olsson, C3:3009, polsson@kth.se, websida: www.neutron.kth.se

Projekt - Strålskador i kärnreaktorer


3 studenter: (namn här)

Reaktortanken är den mest kritiska komponenten i ett kärnkraftverk. Hur den skadas av neutronbestrålning från härden kan studeras bland annat med hjälp av atomistiska

simuleringar. Målet med det här projektet är att simulera växelverkan mellan neutroner och metallatomer samt att bedömma hur skadat materialet blir givet ett neutronspektrum över en viss tid. Handledare: Pär Olsson, C3:3009, polsson@kth.se, websida: www.neutron.kth.se

Projekt - Rymdhissens vara eller icke vara 3 studenter: (namn här)

För att kunna konstruera en hiss upp ut ur atmosfären behövs extremt starka material. I det här projektet ska ni räkna ut hur starkt ett material behöver vara, samt beräkna styrkan hos

kolnanorör med hjälp av avancerade kvantmekaniska lösningsmetoder. Handledare: Pär Olsson, C3:3009, polsson@kth.se, websida: www.neutron.kth.se

====== Projektkategori 3 - Experimentell- och teoretisk kärnfysik ====

Projekt - Supertunga grundämnen, litteraturstudie.

3 studenter: (namn här)

Supertunga grundämnen är tyngre än det trngsta grundämne som finns i naturen, dvs. uran med atomnummer 92. Med hjälp av en partikelaccelerator kan fysikerne få tvä lättare grundämnen att smälta samman till ett mycket tungt. Frågan om hur tunga grundämnen som kan existera är en intressant frågeställning inom kärnfysiken. Vilka är de tyngsta kända grundämnena? Hur har de skapats och identifierats experimentellt? Hur ser framtiden ut för dessa experiment? Hur ser det teoretiska förutsägelserna ut? Dessa frågor skall besvaras med hjälp av en litteraturstudie. Handledare: Ayse Atac Nyberg, C3: 3013,

(aanyber@kth.se), websida: www.nuclear.kth.se.

Projekt - Explosiv nukleosyntes, litteraturstudie.

3 studenter: (namn här)

De lättaste grundämnena som väte och helium skapades i Big Bang. Därefter har tyngre grundämnen bildats i olika typer av kärnreaktioner i stjärnors inre. Dessa reaktioner kan bara fungera upp till järn, som har atomnummer 26. Bildningen av grundämnen tygre än järn sker i supernovaexplosioner, på ytan av neutronstjärnor etc. En del av forskningen i

kärnstrukturfysik är kopplad till astrofysiken genom studier av kärnor långt från de stabila nukliderna. Dessa kärnor ingår i explosiva förlopp såsom snabb protoninfångning och snabb neutroninfångning (”rapid proton capture/rp-process” respektive rapid neutron capture/r- process”). Undersök genom en litteraturstudie vad vi vet om hur de tyngre grundämnena i naturen har skapats, med fokus på dessa explosiva processer. Handledare: Ayse Atac Nyberg, C3: 3013, (aanyber@kth.se), websida: www.nuclear.kth.se

Theoretical nuclear physics project: Validity of the Geiger-Nuttall law


3 studenter: (namn här)

It was a century ago that the Geiger-Nuttall law, which was to revolutionize physics by its implications, was formulated based on nuclear alpha-decay systematics. Indeed, its

explanation by Gamow required acceptance of the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. The extent to which this was revolutionary can perhaps best be gauged by noticing the multitude of models that have been put forward by outstanding physicists as an alternative to the probabilistic interpretation. This debate rages even at present.

In this project we propose to explore the origin and physical meaning of the Geiger-Nuttall law starting from the microscopic expression for the alpha decay half-life. We will test the validity of the Geiger-Nuttall law by apply it to the state of the art alpha decay results. We will also try to extend the Geiger-Nuttall Law to describe other decay processes. Contact:

Chong Qi (chongq@kth.se) and Sara Changizi <asiyeh@kth.se>

Theoretical nuclear physics project: Nuclear charge radius and the property of the Hoyle state

3 studenter: (namn här)

The charge radius is a measure of the size of an atomic nucleus. It also provides a particularly useful characterization of the proton distribution that can be accessed by a variety of

experiments. In this project we will propose a nuclear model to evaluate the charge radius. We will apply the model to explore the properties of “bubble” nuclei and the Hoyle state in the nucleus 12C.

Because of the saturation properties of the nuclear medium, the radial dependence of the nuclear density takes, at the lowest order, the form of a Fermi distribution. However, the density often deviates from this simple behavior because of quantal effects. We will try to explore the possibility of forming central bump and central depression of density. The latter is particularly interesting since it indicates the existence of the so-called bubble nucleus.

Moreover, several nuclear models suggest that the radius of the Hoyle state in the nucleus 12C is much larger than that of the ground state. In this project we will try to evaluate the radius of this state and explore the possible ways to test our prediction. Contact: Chong Qi (chongq@kth.se) and Sara Changizi <asiyeh@kth.se>

====== Projektkategori 4 - Partikel- och astropartikelfysik ====

Project - High energy pulsars Pulsars are remnants of supernova explosions.

3 studenter: (namn här)

These extreme objects have large magnetic fields and very high densities, and typically spin a

few times per second. The high energy radiation from these objects is particularly interesting,

as it is leading to new ideas of the emission processes. Since its launch, Fermi has discovered

many pulsars which emit in high energies but not in radio. Before this, only one such radio


quiet pulsar was known. During this project you will learn about the current knowledge and research on these exciting objects. Supervisor - Miranda Jackson / miranda@particle.kth.se Project - Gamma ray bursts - the largest explosions in the universe

3 studenter: (namn här)

Gamma ray bursts were discovered only 40 years ago. They are connected to the death of massive stars and the formation of black holes. In this project you will learn about how we study these objects and what we have learned so far. Supervisor - Felix Ryde /


Project - The evidence for the Higgs boson 3 studenter: (namn här)

The Standard Model of particle physics succesfully explains all experimental results from high-energy collisions involving elementary particles. This theory predicts that a special particle, the Higgs boson, should exist in nature. The discovery of the Higgs boson was announced in July 2012. During this project you will review the current experimental results showing the existance of this new particle, and how these results are interpreted. Supervisor - Jonas Strandberg / jostran@kth.se

Projekt - Myonens livslängd

3 studenter: (namn här) (Flera grupper möjliga i sekvens)

Myonens livslängd kan mätas för kosmiska myoner som stoppas i ett aluminiumblock och därefter sönderfaller. Utrustning finns för att sätta upp en mätstation för detta. Projektet går ut på att testa och och utveckla mätstationen med tillgänglig utrustning där utläsning i slutänden sker med programmerad elektronik och dator. Handledare: Bengt Lund-Jensen, A5: 1017, lund@particle.kth.se, webpage: www.particle.kth.se 24.

Projekt - Kosmisk strålning 3 grupper om 3 studenter vardera

Partiklar från den kosmiska strålningen passerar hela tiden genom oss. Detta kan mätas med en detektor som består av två plastscintillatorer där passage av laddade partiklar ger upphov till svaga ljusblixtar vilka detekteras. I projektet ingår att montera ihop en detektor från delar och därefter undersöka en del egenskaper hos den strålning som kan detekteras. Ser man fler partiklar högst upp i Kaknästornet än längre ner? Är det färre nere i tunnelbanan? Vad krävs fölr att stoppa strålningen? Vad slags partiklar är det som detekteras? Riktningsberoende?

Handledare: Bengt Lund-Jensen, A5:1017, lund@particle.kth.se, webpage:


====== Projektkategori 5 - Tillämpningar inom Kärnkraft ====

(Reaktorfysik, reaktorteknologi, kärnkraftssäkerhet)


Projekt - Toxicitet på radioaktivt avfall 3 studenter: (namn här)

Det mest brådskadande problemet för kärnkraften är produktionen av radioaktivt avfall som måste förvaras under mycket lång tid i berggrunden. Man hör ofta att framtida

fusionsreaktorer kommer att lösa avfallproblemet eftersom de endast kommer att skapa en liten mängd aktiverat material som måste förvaras i en kortare tid. I detta projekt ska studenterna beräkna radiotoxicitetet på utbränt fissionbränsle och aktiverade

fusionsreaktorkomponenter, och jämföra dem med avseende på

förvaringsbehovet. Handledare: Luca Messina, C3:1007, messina@kth.se, websida: www.neutron.kth.se

Projekt - Single- and two-phase flow in porous media 3 studenter: (namn här)

Study on single- and two-phase flow in porous media packed with stationary particles is of great importance to many engineering applications. A special interest from nuclear power safety assessment is to identify the permeability and possibility of porous media of various characteristics. The project can be i) perform a test on the POMECO-FL facility to see physical phenomena of two-phase flow in porous media and measure the parameters

accordingly; and/or ii) given the experimental data, how to reveal the physical laws (friction laws). Supervisor: Weimin Ma, D5:3029, weimin@kth.se, websida: safety.sci.kth.se.

Projekt - Visualization of droplet and bubble dynamics 3 studenter: (namn här)

The interaction of high-temperature molten material with water is encountered in nature (e.g., volcano) and in engineering systems (e.g., during a severe accident of nuclear power plants).

To understand the phenomenon, the behavior of a molten droplet and the bubble surrounding it in a water pool is a fundamental research topic. The project is i) to perform a test on the MISTEE facility to record the droplet and bubble dynamics in a water pool by the means of high-speed photography and radiography; and ii) to process the experimental data for

governing physical mechanism. Supervisor: Roberta Hansson, D5:3029, rch@kth.se, websida:


Projekt - Subcritical Reactor with a Source 3 studenter: (namn här)

The ultimate purpose of reactor physics is to predict the neutron distribution in the nuclear reactor. To this end, a variety of mathematical models have been developed. It is a good point to start with a simple model of a homogeneous reactor with one energy group of neutrons. In case of insufficient fissile material (sub-critical reactor), the neutron distribution is governed by external sources. This lab assumes one neutron source concentrated in a point.

Mathematically, such sources are represented by Dirac’s delta-functions. The assignment


offers, firstly, to solve the corresponding equation analytically for an infinite reactor, secondly, to repeat the solution for a slab reactor, thirdly, to develop a Matlab code for solving this equation numerically, and finally, to compare the obtained results. Supervisor:

Vasily Arzhanov, C3:3025, arzhanov@kth.se; web-page: www.neutron.kth.se

Projekt - Laboratory studies of three phase (liquid-particle-gas) flows consist of three separate projects: PDS-I, PDS-II and PDS-III


We study behavior of three-phase flow of liquid (water), gas (air) and solid (particles) in application to safety problems of nuclear reactors. The non-trivial theoretical modeling of such three-phase flow and particulate self-leveling requires deep knowledge about the

physical processes involved. To get the knowledge we need to observe and quantify at macro- and micro-scales such physical phenomena as air bubble-solid particle interaction, particles fluidization, avalanches, etc. We employ photographic as well as video recording as the main observation technique for such measurements. Adequate computer software is necessary for automated data post processing. We study particulate debris spreading in underwater

conditions with bottom injected gas (air) under the pile of solid particles having different size, shape and made of materials such as stainless steel, gravel, sand, glass etc. The direct

application of these studies is the assessment of the particulate core debris spreading

effectiveness in different severe accident mitigation strategies. In other words, we would like to answer the question whether the particulate debris spreading (PDS, equivalently, particle self-leveling) mechanism can provide a coolable configuration of the reactor core debris bed which generates significant amount (~MW) of decay heat. Other practical applications of the basic physics phenomena considered in these studies are related chemical industry processes.

In these laboratory exercises the student will be involved into experimental work, computerized post-processing of the data and development of the computer code for predicting of the self-leveling process.

Projekt - PDS-I: Experimental observation and method of quantification of the underwater particle self-leveling processes

3 studenter: (namn här)

Students will be involved in experimental observations of the particulate debris spreading (selfleveling) on the existing measurement setup with pressurized air injection chamber.

Video and photographic equipment will be used to record self-leveling phenomena for data post processing. For safety purposes, this work will be performed under strict supervision of the NPS division staff. KTH, Nuclear Power Safety Division, Contacts: Pavel Kudinov pavel@safety.sci.kth.se; Alexander Konovalenko kono@kth.se

Projekt - PDS-II: Computer-aided post-processing of the data from experiment above

3 studenter: (era namn här)


In this exercise student will post-process experimental data recorded in the above

experimental project. The task is to analyze photographic images and quantify the particle flux Qp (kg•s-1•m-1) as function of the gas (air) injection rate Qg (kg•s-1) and local slope angle θ (degrees) of the particle heap. Such empirical dependence called closure is necessary for model development. Students would help in creating a database of closures by making post-processing of the experimental data (provided by NPS). This task involves learning of general image processing techniques. Importantly, students are encouraged to propose own ideas an alternative measurement techniques and data post-processing in exercises I and II.

KTH, Nuclear Power Safety Division, Contacts: Pavel Kudinov pavel@safety.sci.kth.se;

Alexander Konovalenko kono@kth.se

Projekt - PDS-III: Empirical model for predicting of the self-leveling phenomena 3 studenter: (era namn här)

In this laboratory exercise the student should develop the programming code (MatLab, LabView or other) implementing a simple self-leveling model based on the mass balance equation and using closures obtained in exercise II. Results of the modeling will be compared and validated against experimental data. Its limitations, disadvantages as well as numerical uncertainties should be discussed and estimated. Students are encouraged to propose

improvements in the modeling approaches. KTH, Nuclear Power Safety Division, Contacts:

Pavel Kudinov pavel@safety.sci.kth.se; Alexander Konovalenko kono@kth.se

Projekt - Calculation of steady-state distributions of xenon in PWR and BWR fuel assemblies

3 studenter: (era namn här)

The steady-state neutron flux (power) in thermal nuclear reactors is shaped partly by the spatial distribution of xenon 135. The correct simulation of distribution of this isotope is thus very important for neutronics calculations. Nevertheless, the saturated distribution of xenon 135 is mainly determined by the neutron flux field. The task thus becomes to iterate the neutron flux and xenon, and reach a convergence. Students will use the SERPENT code for neutronics calculations, create a model of a fuel assembly, and automatize the iterative process.

Supervisor: Jan Dufek (jandufek@kth.se) Division: Nuclear Reactor Technology (for a group of three students)

============= Projektkategori 6 - Physics of Medical Imaging =======

Projekt - Imaging Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy 3 students - The Physics of Characteristic X-rays

3 students - Compton Scatter and Optimization of Imaging System

3 students - Iodine Imaging of Small Children


Nanoparticles that are targeted to find cancerous cells can be used to deliver drugs and to localize cancer in the body. This approach has the potential to revolutionize cancer diagnosis and treatment and we believe that it would be of huge benefit to be able to image the

nanoparticles when they are inside the body. Combining a CT-scan, which provides information about the anatomy of the body, with an image of the distribution of the

nanoparticles would be of great help to the medical doctor during diagnostics and treatment.

CT, Computed Tomography, is an X-ray imaging technique that is used in all mayor hospitals to image the inside of the human body. During a CT scan, the body is irradiated with a very high flux of X-rays and the resulting images show how much the x-rays are attenuated in the different parts of the body. Some of the X-rays will excite the atoms in the nanoparticles (e.g.

gold, gadolinium, iodine) causing them to send out characteristic radiation. Your job is to estimate if it is possible to find the nanoparticles in the body by detecting the characteristic radiation from the nanoparticles using an energy sensitive CT detector! The question can be divided into several projects:

1) The Physics of Characteristic X-rays What is the probability that a photon from the CT X- ray tube causes a nanoparticle to send out characteristic radiation? Will it be possible to detect the levels of characteristic radiation or will the noise from Compton scattering be too

dominating? What concentration of nanoparticles does is have to be in order for it to be visible?

2) The Geometric Detection Efficiency of the Characteristic Imaging System How shall the detecting system be designed in order to collect as much radiation as possible and reduce the amount of detected scattered radiation? Assess the geometric detection efficiency for

characteristic radiation based on reasonable assumptions regarding the detector geometry.

3) Iodine Characteristic Imaging in Babies What is the probability that a characteristic photon that is emitted inside the body reaches out and is detected? The characteristic radiation from iodine for example is easily absorbed by the body, but would it be possible to image iodine in babies which are smaller?

Contact: Mats Danielsson: md@mi.physics.kth.se

============= Projektkategori 7 - Eget projektförslag ==============

Här föreslår ni studenter (grupp med 3 studenter) ett eget projekt med anknytning till kursens innehåll.

Kontaktpersoner: Bengt Lund-Jensen lund@particle.kth.se



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