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Joakim Henricson


Academic year: 2021

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Linköping University Medical Dissertations No. 1125

Assessment of microvascular effects of vasoactive drugs

Methodological in vivo studies in humans based on iontophoresis

Joakim Henricson

Linköping 2009 Joa ki m H enr ic son A ss es sm ent of m ic rova sc ul ar e ff ec ts of v as oa ct ive dr ug s L inköpi n g 2009 Joa ki m H enr ic son A ss es sm ent of m ic rova sc ul ar e ff ec ts of v as oa ct ive dr ug s L inköpi n g 2009 Joa ki m H enr ic son A ss es sm ent of m ic rova sc ul ar e ff ec ts of v as oa ct ive dr ug s L inköpi n g 2009

Linköping University Medical Dissertations No. 1125

Assessment of microvascular effects of vasoactive drugs

Methodological in vivo studies in humans based on iontophoresis

Joakim Henricson


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