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Photograph: Sten-Allan Östby/Iggesund Mill
Industrial collaboration
heats Iggesund
In cooperation with Iggesund paper mill, Fortum is utilising waste heat from the mill. The waste heat is now used to heat Iggesund, in the municipality of Hudiksvall, through
a newly built district heating network. This enables 2,000 m3 of oil and 2 GWh of
electric-ity per year to be replaced by waste heat.
Fortum installed heat exchangers at Iggesund paper mill through an innovative project to utilise waste heat in process water at the mill. The unusually efficient utilisation of the waste heat has meant that customers located relatively far away can also be connected in a cost-effective way. The action was implemented with grants from the local investment programme (LIP). The project came to an end in 2006.
PositiVE EnVironmEntaL anD Economic imPacts
• The action has altogether reduced oil consumption by more than 2,000 m3/year.
• District heating has replaced 2 GWh of electric heating.
• Emissions of nitrogen oxides have decreased by 10.9 tonnes/year. • Emissions of sulphur oxide have decreased by 1.8 tonnes/year. • Emissions of carbon dioxide have decreased by 5,800 tonnes/year.
swedish EPa Se-106 48 Stockholm. Visiting address: Stockholm – Valhallavägen 195, Östersund – Forskarens väg 5 hus Ub, Kiruna – Kaserngatan 14.
Tel: +46 10 698 10 00, fax: +46 10 698 10 99, e-mail: [email protected] Internet: orders Ordertel: +46 8 505 933 40,
orderfax: +46 8 505 933 99, e-mail: [email protected] Address: CM Gruppen, box 110 93, Se-161 11 bromma. Internet: information facts
beST PrACTICe eXAMPLeS enerGY SwITCh LIP – LOCAL InVeSTMenT PrOGrAMMeS JAnUArY 2010 ISbn: 978-91-620-8552-0 imPLEmEntation As a result of the action, heat exchangers were installed to utilise the heat in hot water mixed with fibres at the mill, known as bleaching filtrate. A system of pipes with pumps and a buffer tank was built from the heat exchangers to transfer the heat to the district heating network. A steam condenser was also installed which is principally operated with biofuel internal to the process, such as lignin, bark and tall pitch oil.
To reduce temperature losses to the lowest level possible, a greatly overdi-mensioned heat exchanger was installed. Fortum also carried out action on the district heating network so that the temperature of the district heating could be lowered. Among other things, heating centres that needed a high temperature to provide the property with heat were rebuilt at certain customers.
PotEntiaL anD fUtUrE BEnEfit
It is good in both environmental and financial terms to utilise waste heat and introduce it into the district heating network. District heating systems reduce air pollution locally, and make it possible to utilise waste heat from other operations to produce heating. As urbanisation advances globally, the prospects of expand-ing district heatto produce heating. As urbanisation advances globally, the prospects of expand-ing are improvto produce heating. As urbanisation advances globally, the prospects of expand-ing.
The method of installation has contributed to development in other waste heat projects, and to plans for improved installation in other places where Fortum operates.
The project has led to continued interest in environmental and energy issues from Iggesund Mill, which proceeded to submit an application for a climate investment grant (Klimp).
because Fortum did the preliminary work and analyses itself, it was able to optimise the plant in a much better way than if it had followed the suppliers’ recommendations. This has enabled the company to bring down the costs and consequently to connect customers who could not otherwise have been connected.
FOr FUrTher InFOrMATIOn Contact:
Per Persson, Fortum, +46 (0)650-373 25, [email protected].
Fortum did much of the project planning itself and also engaged standard consultants and standard contractors.
For further information on best Practice: FACTS
LIP hudiksvall 2002 Action 01
environmental investment: SeK 26m Grant: SeK 5.7m