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Academic year: 2021



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57 Gardeła, L. et al. The spur goad from Skegrie in Scania, Sweden. Evidence of elite interaction between Viking Age Scandinavians and Western Slavs.

75 Loftsgarden, K. The prime movers of iron production in the Norwegian Viking and Middle Ages.

88 Wärmländer, S.K.T.S. & Söderberg, A.

Hollow comb rivets made from strip- drawn copper wire and two possible ant- ler draw plates from 11th–12thc. Sigtuna, Sweden.


100 Kjellström, R. Stalofrågan – en personlig slutkommentar.

107 Lovén, C. Var Beowulf gute?

kort meddelande

115 Scheglov, A. Omarbetning av Olaus Petris krönika: Ett politiskt vittnesbörd – och heraldiskt?


118 Larsson, B.T. & Broström, S-G. Nämforsens Hällristningar – Sveriges största och äldsta hällristningsområde med 2600 figurer (The rock of Nämforsen). Anmälan av V. Mantere.

120 Ahlström, C. The Viking Age. A time of many faces. Anmälan av L. Gardeła.

123 Ljung, C. Under runristad häll: Tidig- kristna gravmonument i 1000-talets Sverige. Anmälan av P. Carelli.






issn 0015-7813

Omslag 2019/2_Omslag 3/2004 (kopia) 2019-05-20 11:32 Sida 1


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Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien i samarbete med Historiska museet.

Fornvännen finns på webben i sin helhet från första årgången och publiceras löpande där med ett halvårs fördröjning: fornvannen.se

Ansvarig utgivare och huvudredaktör Mats Roslund

Vitterhetsakademien Box 5622, 114 86 Stockholm mats.roslund@ark.lu.se

Redaktionssekreterare och mottagare av manuskript Peter Carelli

Vitterhetsakademien Box 5622, 114 86 Stockholm fornvannen@vitterhetsakademien.se Redaktörer

Herman Bengtsson, herman.bengtsson@upplandsmuseet.se Christina Fredengren, christina.fredengren@shm.se Åsa M Larsson, asa.larsson@raa.se

Teknisk redaktör Kerstin Öström Grävlingsvägen 50 167 56 Bromma kerstin@vinghasten.se Prenumeration Vitterhetsakademien Box 5622, 114 86 Stockholm

e-post fornvannen@vitterhetsakademien.se Bankgiro 535-3552

Årsprenumeration i Sverige (4 häften) 200 kronor, lösnummer 60 kronor Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research

published by The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities Subscription price outside Sweden (four issues) SEK 250:–

Box 5622, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden

fornvännen började utges av Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien år 1906 och ersatte då Akademiens Månadsblad samt Svenska Fornminnesföreningens Tidskrift, som båda tillkommit under 1870-talets första år. Förutom i Sverige finns Fornvännen på drygt 350 bibliotek och vetenskapliga institutioner i mer än 40 länder.

Tidskriften är referentgranskad.

fornvännen (»The Antiquarian») has been published by the Royal Academy of Letters, His tory and Anti quities since 1906, when it replaced two older journals which had started in the early years of the 1870s.

Outside Sweden Fornvännen is held by more than 350 libraries and scientific institutions in over 40 countries.

The journal is peer-reviewed.

issn 0015-7813

Printed in Sweden by AMO-tryck AB, Solna, 2019

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Forsklund, F., 1954. Skäggmode under järnåldern. Esoteriska sällskapets årsskrift 26. Stockholm.

Gendergren, G., 1993. Medeltida suffragetter i Burgund. Lund.

Sviskonkvist, S., 1946. Priapos på Kullaberg. Adlerlöffel, X. & Ölkefjär, Y. (red.). Sydsvensk järnålderskult, ett symposium. Halmstad.


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Fornvännen 114 (2019)

Thomas B. Larsson & Sven-Gunnar Broström.

Nämforsens Hällristningar – Sveriges största och äldsta hällristningsområde med 2600 figurer (The Rock Art of Nämforsen). Nämforsens Hällristningsmuseum.

Lund 2018. 128 pp. ISBN 978-91-639-4951-7.

The Nämforsen rock carvings situated by the Ång- erman River in Norrland, Northern Sweden, con- stitute one of the largest rock art concentrations in Northern Europe. The carvings have been known since the 1700’s and studied by archaeolo- gists for well over a century. Of all the researchers that have studied the Nämforsen rock art, the site is first and foremost personified in Gustaf Hall- ström (1880–1962), who spent a great deal of his life studying and documenting the carvings. Hall- ström’s work eventually resulted in his well-known monograph Monumental Art of Northern Sweden (1960). This book, which included the first all- encompassing documentation of the Nämforsen rock carvings, came to act as the main reference work for a whole generation of archaeologists working with the Nämforsen rock art.

Between 2001 and 2003, a new documenta- tion survey of the Nämforsen rock art was under- taken by Thomas B. Larsson and Sven-Gunnar Broström, both recognized archaeologists from Umeå University. Their documentation was published in 2011 (The Rock Art of Nämforsen.

The Survey 2001–2003. Umark 62) and it is freely available also on the internet (http://www.diva- portal.org /smash/get/ diva2:497241/FULLTEXT 01.pdf). To be brief, the results of this documenta- tion project were astonishing. Several panels that in Halltröm’s view had contained only a few ima- ges turned out to comprise myriads of hitherto unidentified figures, and there emerged also a number of new panels that had gone entirely unnoticed by Hallström. In total, the new docu- mentations resulted in the discovery of 726 new figures and in an increase in the overall number of figures at Nämforsen by 39 %. The most con- spicuous growth was on the island of Laxön, where the number of carvings increased with as much as 69 %. It thus goes without saying that

the new documentations are of essential value for all scholars working with the Nämforsen rock art.

In essence, Nämforsens Hällristningar is a pres- entation of the results of the 2001–2003 docu- mentations. It contains basically the same infor- mation as the aforementioned publication from 2011, with the main difference being that the new book has been directed towards a broader public.

The book begins with two short basic introduc- tory texts written by Siv Bylund, an archaeologist at the Nämforsen museum. The first is about rock carvings in general and the second about the Nämforsen rock art in particular. These concise overviews give the unacquainted reader an idea of what rock carvings are, what motifs are depicted, where carvings exist and how they are dated. Next follows two brief sections written by Thomas B.

Larsson, the first being a summary of the re- search carried out at Nämforsen and the second a text centered on northern rock art and its inter- pretations. Given that all of the introductory parts are only a few pages in length and partly overlapp-ing, it would have been more articulate if the texts regarding rock art in general and the texts concerning Nämforsen would have been combined into two more clear-cut chapters. What is even more bewildering, however, is that the introductory texts are only in Swedish, although the main part of the book – the presentation of the carvings – is written both in Swedish and in English. One can thus only wonder why the rest of the book has not been translated into English, which would have made the book more approach- able for international readers.

Before the actual presentation of the carv- ings, there is yet a brief description of how the documentation was made and how the carvings are presented in the book. In their work, Larsson and Broström chose to utilize Hallström’s tripar- tite division of the Nämforsen rock art into three main groups, according to the islands on which the carvings are situated (Laxön, Notön, Bråd- ön), as well as his classificatory system as regards carving groups. The rock art figures are thus pre-


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sented in the book within different-sized panels.

This decision undoubtedly can be praised, for it makes it easy for the reader to compare the new tracings with Hallström’s tracings, and it also enables the evaluation of earlier descriptions and interpretations in the light of the new discoveries.

Another commendable feature as to the way of presenting the new figures is the use of a two- color system. The figures that were found during the new documentations are presented as red, whereas those that were identified also by Hall- ström are marked as black. This manner of sepa- rating the new and the old carvings works amaz- ingly well and illustrates the great dissimilarities between different panels as to the amount of new figures. There are many panels, even large ones, which are entirely black, indicating that the new tracings are identical with those made by Hall- ström. Correspondingly, there are purely red pan- els, indicative of figure assemblages that Hall- ström did not at all discern. The majority of the traced panels, however, contain both black and red images in different proportions. It is incredible to see how the overall character of some panels is completely changed in consequence of the new figures marked with red. For instance, on the panel D:14–15 on Laxön, as much as 141 new figu- res were discovered during the new documenta- tions, and the panel is now known to contain more than double the amount of carvings than what was previously thought.

All of the rock art panels are portrayed in scale and with an arrow signifying the orienta- tion of the panel. Moreover, precise coordinates have been given for each panel. This can be con- sidered as especially helpful in the present-day world, because visitors today have the possibility to track down the panels by means of their mo- bile phones. The coordinates are particularly valuable when locating figures and panels that have not been painted with red color, because the unpainted images at Nämforsen are often nearly impossible to discern during the daylight. In addi- tion to the technical details, brief descriptions have been written about the individual panels.

These explanations merely define in a few words what the new figures represent and on what points the new tracings differ from those made by Hallström. The total amount of figures on the

three islands and at Nämforsen overall is briefly summarized after the presentation of each main group.

There is little discussion about the Nämforsen rock art on a deeper level, because as the authors state in the very end of the book, they “leave interpretations and analyses to other rock art re- searchers” (p. 123). While this decision of focus- ing solely on the descriptive aspect of the art is understandable, it would nevertheless have been interesting to read at least something about how the prominent scholars themselves think about the meaning and function of the carvings. To be sure, Larsson and Broström have worked with the Nämforsen carvings lengthier and more pain- stakingly than most present-day researchers, and most probably the authors would have had new outlooks to share also regarding the interpreta- tion of the art. Unfortunately, however, delibera- tions are lacking and this fact further strengthens the aforementioned feeling of Nämforsens hällrist- ningar being somewhat clumsy and incomplete.

This transpires in other ways as well. For exam- ple, the same paragraph about the use of red and black color occurs verbatim in four (!) different places in the book (p. 29, 34, 66, 105). Likewise, the introductory texts and the actual representa- tion of the carvings also give a sense of being rather detached from each other. This is a pity, because it would not have required any great effort in order to have made the book into a more eloquent entirety.

One of the evident strengths of Nämforsens hällristningar is its small-scale format. Contrary to most rock art reference works, which typically are of considerable size, this book is only a centi- meter thick and weighs a mere 600g, which makes it ideal for carrying along when moving across the Nämforsen panels. Although the small size of the book is naturally to the detriment of the dimensions of the tracings, the decision of making a portable version can still be considered advantageous. Indeed, the book comes best to its rights when it is at hands in situ and it certainly is of assistance for everyone visiting Nämforsen.

To sum up, Nämforsens hällristningar is above all a comprehensive pictorial presentation of the Nämforsen rock art. It can easily be recommend- ed for everyone interested in the site and the book


120 Recensioner

Fornvännen 114 (2019)

is certainly a must-have for researchers studying the rock carvings. The introductory texts make the book easily approachable also for the general (Swedish-speaking) audience, and in the end of the book there is also a small glossary explaining the central terms used in the text. However, for readers who are more interested about the con- text and interpretation of the Nämforsen rock art than of its new figures, Hallström’s work is still the recommended source to get acquainted with.

Ville Mantere Dept of Archaeology University of Turku Akatemiankatu 1 20014 Turku ville.mantere@abo.fi

Caroline Ahlström Arcini, The Viking Age. A time of many faces. Oxford & Philadelphia 2018. 120 pp.

ISBN 978-1-78570-938-8

The main objective of Caroline Ahlström Arcini’s new book is to shed new light on the everyday life of Viking Age people through an analysis of osteo- logical material from a range of Scandinavian cemeteries excavated in the twentieth century.

The study consists of seven chapters and is supple- mented by numerous high-quality illustrations as well as an appendix with strontium values from animals used for baseline.

The opening chapter The bare bones outlines the main objectives of the study and introduces the reader to the Viking Age. Ahlström Arcini’s makes it clear that her focus is not only on those individuals who took part in “plundering expedi- tions” (p. 1), but also on people who led more peaceful and sedentary lifestyles. Although in re- cent years much has been said about aspects of health and migration in different parts of the Viking world, her book aspires to be the “first synthesis of its kind examining Viking Age popu- lations from several different regions in present- day southern Sweden”.

Chapter 2 entitled Eight Viking Age burial grounds in south-east Sweden provides contextual informa- tion (i.e. geographical location, research history)

on the sites chosen for analyses of health and mo- bility of Viking Age populations. These include Trinitatis in Lund, Vannhög, Fjälkinge, Koppars- vik, Slite Square, Fröjel, Birka and Skämsta. The varying details of external and internal funerary architecture, as well as the treatment of the bod- ies and specific deployment of grave goods, all attest to the heterogenous nature of the buried people and their beliefs.

The third chapter entitled Immigrants or locals?

emphasises the multi-ethnic nature of Viking Age societies, which resulted not only from Norse ex- pansion and raiding, but also from trade and other economic, political and social factors. First, we are introduced to the main principles of isotope analyses, and how to determine an individual’s mobility by measuring the ratio of strontium.

Ahlström Arcini then outlines the results of stu- dies carried out on the material from the ceme- teries under her scrutiny, and the different pat- terns that emerge from this research. We learn that the proportions of foreigners in the eight cemeteries vary, with Birka, Fjälkinge and Trini- tatis in Lund showing large numbers of non- locals. Together with textual and numismatic evi- dence, isotopic analyses indicate that some of the individuals buried at Lund probably came from England in their different roles as “above all coiners, goldsmiths and priests” (p. 46). We also see evidence for close interactions with the West Slavic world on the southern coast of the Baltic, something that is additionally supported by material culture, especially in the form of charac- teristic types of pottery.

Referring to a wide array of interesting examp- les, the fourth chapter entitled Health and care for the frail investigates people’s diet, dental health as well as the various joint problems they suffered from. The section devoted to everyday accidents and battle traumas that affect bones ends with an intriguing conclusion that “traces of weapon injuries were fairly rare in a time that is known for its violence” (p. 63). A skeletal disorder known as dwarfism, which has been noted in several in- dividuals from Viking Age cemeteries at Skämsta and Kopparsvik, is also examined here. This is followed by a discussion on selected instances of leprosy in Viking Age Sweden and their wider historical and cross-cultural context. Ahlström Rec. 118-128_Layout 1 2019-05-20 10:46 Sida 120


Arcini concludes by observing that “there is much to suggest that the sick and the disabled were looked after” (p. 70) and that the Viking society turns out not to be as brutal as it previ- ously seemed.

The next chapter Markers of identity? is con- cerned with bodily modifications, and in particu- lar with the phenomenon of tooth modification (involving filing grooves on the upper front teeth, but also on canines and premolars) which has been noted in several Viking Age burial sites in Scandinavia. The reasons for this puzzling practice may have been manifold – it could have been done for purely aesthetic reasons, but per- haps also to manifest a particular identity or pro- fession. The relatively high number of individuals with tooth modification found on Gotland sug- gests that this custom may have marked out people who in some ways were associated with that island.

The sixth chapter Burial grounds designated for particular purposes? deals with the demography of burial grounds that show an unusual age and sex composition. The cemetery under scrutiny in the first section is Fjälkinge, where a remarkably high number of infants and elderly women has been noted, suggesting that the people who used the site were a society with an expanding popula- tion and high infant mortality. Alternatively, it is argued, Fjälkinge might represent a special type of cemetery designated for people representing very specific age groups. This chapter also exam- ines cemeteries adjacent to market places and harbours (esp. Slite, Kopparsvik and Fröjel on Gotland and Birka in Lake Mälaren), which often show an uneven gender distribution. Again, the explanations are manifold – the contents of the graves could represent the martial character of the society using the site and/or its involvement in trade or some other notions. What clearly shines through from these investigations is that

“there is a distinct tendency for certain cemeter- ies in the Viking Age to have a division of indi- viduals according to age and sex” (p. 89).

In the final chapter A time of many faces, Ahl- ström Arcini concludes that the Viking Age is a period characterised by extensive mobility, traces of which can be seen not only in the dispersal of exotic material culture, customs and grave goods

but which can also be inferred from specialist osteological analyses. She emphasises that it is not always easy to determine the reasons for people’s migrations, and points out that many factors and motivations came into play. An attempt is also made here to find an explanation for the diversi- ty of burial customs, especially in the late Viking Age. An argument is put forward that the conver- sion from paganism to Christianity was pivotal, but this is probably only part of a much more complex process. One thing that needs to be acknowledged is the fact that the tenth century not only witnessed a radical religious change but also, partly concurrently with this ideological shift, it saw the founding of early states. Both in Scan- dinavia and elsewhere in the medieval world, pro- spective elites devised various ways to expand and express their power, which surely must have affected the burial practice.

A few final remarks must be made on the over- all impression of the volume. Originally written in Swedish, Caroline Ahlström Arcini’s book has been translated into English by Alan Crozier.

The style is fluent and elegant, with an occasional literary feel, which will certainly make this volume attractive for non-professional audiences. Although the text has been carefully proofread, some mi- nor grammatical, terminological and other errors do occur throughout the volume. A more serious problem is the author’s assertion that: “The dwarfs were small beings who were believed to live underground, afraid of daylight” (p. 64). This view finds no support in Old Norse literature and is probably a projection of modern ideas of dwarfs derived from children’s books, movies and folk- lore. In fact, descriptions of dwarfs in Old Norse texts are remarkably vague, and we can very rarely learn anything concrete about the physical app- earance of these beings. Another problematic statement can be found in the opening chapter of the book where we read that even though there was never a homogenous Viking Age culture,

“the Old Norse mythology and language were the same” (p. 2) – as recent years have shown, and especially the work of scholars like Stefan Brink, Neil Price, Jens Peter Schjødt and others, there was much variety in both Old Norse mythology and language during the period between the eighth and eleventh centuries. The author’s inter-


122 Recensioner

Fornvännen 114 (2019)

pretations of prone burials, to which she returns on a number of occasions throughout her book, could have been even more nuanced if she had referred to the work of other medieval archaeo- logists dealing with atypical mortuary practices (e.g. Andrew Reynolds, Anglo-Saxon deviant bu- rial customs, Oxford 2009; Leszek Gardeła, Bad death in the Early Middle Ages: Atypical burials from Poland in a comparative perspective, Rzeszów 2017).

Regardless of some minor shortcomings, Caro- line Ahlström Arcini has produced an engaging and timely publication which emphasises the great potential bioarchaeological studies can have for a better understanding of the past. The captivating style of writing, together with well- chosen case studies and high-quality illustra- tions, ensure that the book will appeal to a wide audience, and not only a handful of Viking and Old Norse specialists. Hopefully this can help in developing new collaborative research projects that will span across academic disciplines and cultural areas, leading to an ever more nuanced and exciting picture of the past.

Leszek Gardeła Institut für Germanistik, Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Abteilung für Skandinavistik  Universität Bonn, Am Hof 1d D-53113 Bonn, Germany leszek.gardela@daad-alumni.de

Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskap Universitetet i Bergen Postboks 7805, N-5020 Bergen, Norway leszek.gardela@uib.no

Cecilia Ljung, Under runristad häll: Tidigkristna gravmonument i 1000-talets Sverige, 1–2. Stockholm Studies in Archaeology 67:1–2. Stockholm 2016.

285 + 350 s. ISBN 978-91-983206-0-2; 978-91- 983206-1-9.

I sitt klassiska arbete Den helige Eskils biskopsdöme:

Några arkeologiska vittnesbörd om den kristna kyr- kans första organisation inom mellersta Sverige (1915) presenterade Sune Lindqvist en tidigare okänd

typ av gravmonument, som kallades Eskilstuna- kista efter sin fyndplats. Under de följande de- cennierna framkom ett stort antal fragment här- rörande från denna typ av gravmonument. De blev snabbt hett stoff inom den äldremedeltida forskningen eftersom de användes som bevis för kristnandeprocessens förlopp i tid och rum. Un- der efterkrigstiden föll materialet i en slags forsk- ningsmässig glömska, och det dröjde ända till 1990-talet innan det åter väcktes till liv. Grav- monumenten sågs nu som uttryck för en makt- politisk utveckling, framväxten av en kungamakt och riksbildningen. Efter drygt 100 års forsk- ningsfokus har Cecilia Ljung valt att genomföra en samlad studie över Eskilstunakistorna, som numera går under samlingsbegreppet tidigkristna gravmonument. I sin doktorsavhandling i arkeo- logi återvänder hon, i mångt och mycket, till Lindqvists idéer, men tillämpar också ett kon- textuellt perspektiv där monumentens tids- och rumsliga sammanhang tolkas utifrån samtidens samhälleliga förändringsprocesser.

Avhandlingen har två tydligt definierade syf- ten, dels att »utifrån de tidigkristna gravmonu- menten analysera framväxten av kristna begrav- ningsplatser och ett nytt religiöst och maktpoli- tiskt landskap i brytpunkten mellan vikingatid och tidig medeltid», dels att »upprätta en heltäckande sammanställning över de tidigmedel- tida gravmonumenten» (s. 12). Det sistnämnda syftet uppfylls med råge. Avhandlingen är upp- delad i två volymer där del 2 utgör en detaljerad katalog över de 602 hällar och fragment av tidig- kristna gravmonument som är kända till dags dato, vilka härrör från 84 olika fyndplatser i Närke, Småland, Södermanland, Västergötland, Öland och Östergötland. Varje sten beskrivs ensartat under 24 rubriker och avbildas genom foto och teckningar, totalt 350 trycksidor med bortemot 700 illustrationer. Denna gediget ut- förda empiriska sammanställning är otroligt im- ponerande och utgör en enorm forskningsresurs inför framtiden.

I avhandlingens del 1 prersenteras och tolkas gravmonumenten samlat utifrån flera olika aspek- ter. I kapitel 5 redovisas kronologiska och re- gionala mönster (s. 59–180). Utgångspunkten är en presentation av gravmonumenten i vilken run- stensresande och gravskicksförändringar disku- Rec. 118-128_Layout 1 2019-05-20 10:46 Sida 122


teras landskapsvis. Ljung visar, med stor tydlig- het, att den korologiska bilden är kronologiskt styrd. För att visa på utvecklingen har hon inde- lat gravmonumenten i tre kronologiska grupper:

I) 1000-talets första hälft då monumenten upp- visar en begränsad geografisk spridning, en hete- rogen utformning samt en påfallande parallelli- tet mellan runstenar och gravmonument; II) 1000- talets mitt och decennierna efter 1050 då grav- monumenten får en större geografisk spridning och en mer enhetlig utformning, ökad intensitet samt uppvisar en parallellitet med runstensre- sandets upphörande; III) 1000-talets slut då grav- monumenten når en avsevärt större spridning.

Den korologiska bilden visar på uppenbara re- gionala variationer inom den sena runstenstradi- tionen. Denna uttrycker, enligt Ljung, den reli- giösa förändringsprocessens kronologiska utveck- ling.

I kapitel 6 (s. 181–222) kontextualiserar Ljung de tidigkristna gravmonumenten och monument- miljöerna i sina samtida sammanhang. En slut- sats är att monumenten alltid återfinns på tidig- kristna gravplatser, och att det därmed finns ett klart samband mellan dem och tidiga träkyrkor.

De tidigkristna gravmonumenten kan helt en- kelt ses som indikatorer på tidiga kyrkogårdar.

Många av gravmonumenten har dessutom, till- sammans med de tidiga kyrkorna och kyrkogår- darna, en tydlig koppling till tidigmedeltida stor- gårdar. Därför ser Ljung den jordägande eliten som det aktörskollektiv som varit det nya kyrkliga landskapets initiativtagare. Detta formades i lo- kalsamhället, efter rådande förutsättningar och ambitioner, och återspeglar därmed den krono- logiska utvecklingens heterogena bild. Det kristna landskapet skapades inte uppifrån, av kyrkan eller av kungamakten, utan i nätverk som samman- band lokalsamhällets elitära kretsar. De tidig- kristna gravmonumenten ska i detta avseende uppfattas som materiella uttryck för en tidig- medeltida aristokratisk kristen ideologi som för- enade ett geografiskt spritt elitkollektiv med röt- ter i centrala Götaland och södra Svealand.

Genom gravmonumenten uttrycktes en kollek- tiv samhörighet, en elitär identitet.

I kapitel 7 (s. 223–228) undersöker Ljung sambandet mellan tidigkristna gravmonument och de klostergrundläggningar och stenkyrko-

byggen som inleddes under 1100-talet. Hon vi- sar övertygande på flera exempel där kontinui- teten löper rakt in i tidig medeltid, exempelvis klostren i Vreta och Alvastra. I kapitel 8 diskute- rar Ljung relationen mellan runstenstraditionen och kristnandet (s. 229–248). Hon menar att den sena vikingatidens gravskicksförändringar, run- stensresandet och förekomsten av tidigkristna gravmonument var intimt sammanlänkade, vil- ket gör att de måste förstås samlat. Gravmonu- menten ser hon som bevis för att runstenstradi- tionen fortsatte genom hela 1000-talet, men i delvis annan form och i en ny kontext, den krist- na kyrkogården. Områden med kistor och lig- gande hällar respektive områden med resta ste- nar som gravmonument markerar, enligt Ljung, två skilda regioner där kristnandeprocessen och den kyrkliga etableringen tog sig olika uttryck.

Götaland och södra Svealand präglades av en fastare kyrklig organisation som innebar en tids- mässigt komprimerad förändringsprocess, medan norra och östra Mälardalen, Öland och Gotland istället karakteriserades av ett vildvuxet kristet landskap och en tidsmässigt utdragen föränd- ringsprocess.

Avhandlingens svagaste del är det kronolo- giska fundamentet (s. 31–44), som inte känns helt övertygande. Ljung baserar sina dateringar på den stildatering som utvecklats av Anne-Sofie Gräslund, som utgår från zoomorf ornamentik på framför allt uppländska runstenar. De tidig- kristna gravmonumenten indelas, som nämnts ovan, i tre kronologiska grupper vilka motsvarar de absoluta årtalsperioderna ca 1000–1050, 1050–

1080 och 1080–1100, alltså perioder omfattande 50, 30 respektive 20 år. Den relativa kronologin är troligen korrekt då den ornamentala utsmyck- ningen mycket riktigt förändras över tid. Men frågan är hur trovärdiga de mer finmaskiga date- ringarna är. Stilutveckling är förvisso en succes- siv process, men att gruppera stil i tidsmässigt avgränsade stilgrupper, som dessutom avlöser varandra utan nämvärd överlappning, känns kon- struerat och anakronistiskt. Här saknas en dju- pare problematisering av stilbegreppet och den materiella kulturens mening. Stil är nämligen ett i dateringssammanhang komplext redskap då det måste förstås i anslutning till tingets betydelse och budskap. Stil är också ett dynamiskt feno-


124 Recensioner

Fornvännen 114 (2019)

men som befinner sig i ständig förändring, repre- senterande flera efter varandra följande stadier:

innovation–imitation–reproduktion (citering)–

arkaism–retrospektivitet. Eftersom all materiell kultur kan beskrivas som icke-verbal kommuni- kation har stilen varit medvetet vald och menings- bärande. Och ska stilförändringarna användas som dateringskriterier måste också budskaps- förändringarna beskrivas och förklaras. Det som borde ha prövats i avhandlingen är om gravmonu- mentens stil valts för att fungera som framåt- eller tillbakablickande instrument. Valdes stilen för att signalera att en ny tid randats, ett slags modernitetsuttryck? Eller skulle stilen knyta an till äldre traditioner? Var det innovation eller arkaism som uttrycktes? Ljung har i sina date- rande resonemang valt att se monumenten som stilmässiga nymodigheter. Känt är dock att mycket tydligt arkaiserande stiluttryck användes i Skan- dinavien under äldre medeltid. Som exempel kan nämnas runstenen vid Norra Åsum kyrka i Skåne, rest omkring 1200, biskopsgraven vid Sjøring kyrka i Danmark, daterad till 1200-tal, och Skåne- lagen (Codex Runicus) skriven helt med runor omkring 1300. I dessa fall var de arkaiserande ut- trycken avsiktligt valda för att markera det ideo- logiska budskapets tidsdjup, vilket gav avsändar- na en historisk legitimitet.

Om gravmonumenten, i likhet med exemp- len ovan, utformades med arkaiserande syften bör de följaktligen vara något yngre än vad Ljung föreslår. Möjligen var perioden 1050–1150 grav- monumentens produktiva skede, snarare än perio- den 1000–1100 som framhålls av Ljung. Den alternativa dateringen föryngrar alltså gravmonu- menten med ett halvsekel. I ett flerhundraårigt perspektiv är detta inte mycket, men justeringen

får stora konsekvenser för det historiska sam- manhanget. Gravmonumenten hamnar i en helt annan tidskontext. 1000-talets senare del och 1100-talets början var nämligen ett omvälvande förändringsskede som omskapade samhällslivet i grunden. Det tidigmedeltida samhället organise- rades efter helt andra principer än vikingatidens samhälle. Den kristna världsordningen fick ett definitivt genomslag och kom att prägla allt och alla, och i denna nya värld kom stenbyggnads- konsten och den latinska skriften att utgöra självklara inslag. Är det inte rimligare att se de tidigkristna gravmonumenten – murade sten- konstruktioner försedda med latinska inskrifter som högröstat signalerade ett kristet budskap – som en del av detta nya tankegods och det nya kristna landskapet, om än i en arkaiserande form?

Bortsett från dateringarnas riktighet, som framöver borde prövas ytterligare, är Cecilia Ljungs avhandling ett arbete som med noggrannhet och sakliga resonemang tolkar de tidigkristna grav- monumentens budskap. De är helt klart uttryck för elitära nätverkskretsar, en kristen ideologi och ett kristet landskap. Bilden av den otydliga och tämligen gåtfulla kristnandeprocessen, och det sociala anammandet av en kristen praktik, har blivit bra mycket klarare med avhandlingens resultat. Det är därför en viktig och värdefull avhandling som kommer att prägla forskningen lång tid framöver, i alla fall under de närmaste 100 åren.

Peter Carelli Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer Box 5428 SE-114 84 Stockholm peter.carelli@arkeologerna.com Rec. 118-128_Layout 1 2019-05-20 10:46 Sida 124


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