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Dahl, V., Amnå, E., Banaji, S., Landberg, M., Šerek, J., Ribeiro, N., ... & Zani, B. (2017). Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries.


Academic year: 2021

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Data Set Title: “DATASET02.csv”

Data Set Creator/s: Viktor Dahl (Örebro universitet), 0000-0002-8281-2138, viktor.dahl@oru.se Data Set Contributor/s: Erik Amnå (Örebro universitet), 0000-0001-0706-273067

Data Set Contact Person/s: Viktor Dahl (Örebro universitet), 0000-0002-8281-2138, viktor.dahl@oru.se

Data Set License: this data set is distributed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND

4.0), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.

Publication Year: 2017

Project Info: CATCH-EyoU (Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth), funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme. Grant Agreement num. 649538;


Data set Contents

The data set consists of:

• a tabular/textual file saved in .CSV format “DATASET02.csv”

• a README file “README.rtf”

Guide to the consultation of the dataset


This dataset contains the data underlying the following publication: Dahl, V., Amnå, E., Banaji, S., Landberg, M., Šerek, J., Ribeiro, N., ... & Zani, B. (2017). Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2017.1404985.

Content of the file:

The file DATASET02.csv corresponds to all tables in the article.

File specifics Variables:

Country, ID, dich_CEU_upp (A_Part12, A_Part13, A_Part14),

EUnotvot (A_Yfvote1), natnotvot (A_Yfvote3), apathy (A_Polint1, A_Polint2, A_Polint3), powerlessness (A_Alien1, A_Alien2,


A_Alien3, A_Alien4), normlessness (A_Itrust2, AItrust2), A_Born, A_Gender, A_Income, A_Yfvote2b, A_Yfvote2f, A_Yfvote4b,


<variable name>;<description of the variable>;<range of values and what they indicate*>

*note: system- or user-missing data was coded 9999 for all variables.

Country; country where the data was collected; 1-8, 1 = Italy, 2 = Sweden, 3 = Germany, 4 = Greece, 5 = Portugal, 6 = Czech Republic, 7 = United Kingdom and 8 = Estonia.

ID; participant ID; 10001-81086.

dich_CEU_upp; dichotomised mean index of unconventional

political participation created from items A_Part12, A_Part13 and A_Part14; 0-1, 0 = no involvement in unconventional political participation, 1 = involvement in unconventional political participation.

EUnotvot; intentions not to vote in upcoming European Parliament elections created from the A_Yfvote1 variable; 0-1, 0 = intentions to vote and don’t know, 1 = intentions not to vote.

natnotvot; intentions not to vote in upcoming national Parliament elections created from the A_Yfvote3 variable; 0-1, 0 = intentions to vote and don’t know, 1 = intentions not to vote.

apathy; apathetic stance toward politics. A mean index based on the inverted variables A_Polint1, A_Polint2 and A_Polint3; 1-5, higher values indicate a more apathetic stance toward politics. powerlessness; powerless stance toward politics. A mean index based on the inverted variables A_Alien1, A_Alien2, A_Alien3 and A_Alien4; 1-5, higher values indicate a more powerless stance toward politics.

normlessness; normless stance toward politics. A mean index based on the inverted variables A_Itrust1 and A_Itrust2; 1-5, higher values indicate a more normless stance toward politics.

A_Born; respondents’ country of birth; 0-1, 0 = respondents born in the country where the survey took place, 1 = respondents born in another country than where the survey took place.

A_Gender; respondents’ gender; 0-1, 0 = female, 1 = male. A_Income; respondents’ perception about how their family can cover family monetary needs; 1-4, the higher the value, the higher the perception that monetary family needs are covered.

A_Yfvote2b; ‘don’t care’ as the motive underlying respondents’ choice of not voting in upcoming European Parliament elections; 0-1, 0 = ‘don’t care’ was not ticked as the reason, 1 = ‘don’t


care’ was ticked as the reason.

A_Yfvote2f; ‘don’t think any candidates will represent my views’ as the motive underlying respondents’ choice of not voting in upcoming European Parliament elections; 0-1, 0 = ‘don’t think any candidates will represent my views’ was not ticked as the reason, 1 = ‘don’t think any candidates will represent my views’ was ticked as the reason.

A_Yfvote4b; ‘don’t care’ as the motive underlying respondents’ choice of not voting in upcoming national Parliament elections; 0-1, 0 = ‘don’t care’ was not ticked as the reason, 1 = ‘don’t care’ was ticked as the reason.

A_Yfvote4f; ‘don’t think any candidates will represent my views’ as the motive underlying respondents’ choice of not voting in upcoming national Parliament elections; 0-1, 0 = ‘don’t think any candidates will represent my views’ was not ticked as the reason, 1 = ‘don’t think any candidates will represent my views’ was ticked as the reason.


We used t-tests, ANCOVAs, logistic regressions, and chi-square tests to examine our research questions.


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