Uppfattningar om kvalitet i samband med måltider enligt äldre vårdtagare på vårdboende
Exploring the Efficiency of a Digital Simulation Game for Vocational Training: An experimental approach
“A little on the heavy side”: a qualitative analysis of parents’ and grandparents’ perceptions of preschoolers' body weights
Problem med mat och kostråd hos personer med kronisk hjärtsvikt: en litteraturstudie
Associations between Parental Concerns about Preschoolers' Weight and Eating and Parental Feeding Practices: Results from Analyses of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, the Child Feeding Questionnaire, and the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist
När inte köp står i centrum: En kvantitativ studie kring lojalitet gentemot köpcentrum
Trace analysis of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with electron capture detection
Förnuft och känsla: En studie av kokböckers visuella kommunikation under det tidiga 90-talet och sena 00-talet
Nordic Alternative Protein Potentials : Mapping of regional bioeconomy opportunities
Nordic project food contact materials : Control of declarations of compliance (DoC)
Human biomonitoring and policy making : Human biomonitoring as a tool in policy making towards consumer safety
FMD simulation exercise RUTA 2020 : Report on the Foot and Mouth Disease simulation exercise conducted in 2019 by the Nordic-Baltic Veterinary Contingency Group
The role of human biomonitoring in assessing and managing chemical risks in the Nordic countries : HBM4EU – The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative; and its continuation in PARC
Moving towards a circular economy : - successful Nordic business models
Enzycoat II
Kinship and Food in South East Asia
Mismatchproblemer i Norden : En kortlægning af rekrutteringssituationen i nordiske væksterhverv
Animal Health Contingency Planning : The proceedings of a Seminar on Animal Health Contingency Planning in the Nordic – Baltic Countries, 12 – 13 October 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania
Democratising good food : Mapping Sustainable, Inclusive and Healthy Gastronomy Initiatives
Nordic nitrogen and agriculture : Policy, measures and recommendations to reduce environmental impact
Food losses and waste in primary production : Case studies on carrots, onions, peas, cereals and farmed fish
Monitoring Food Waste and Loss in the Nordic region : Definitions, methods and measures for prevention
Greening the financial system : Nordic experiences and the way forward
What can the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about resilient Nordic food systems?