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Recent security trends

In document Iraq Security Situation (Page 153-161)

2. Security situation and conflict impact on civilians by governoratecivilians by governorate

2.5 Kirkuk

2.5.4 Recent security trends


in Kurdish-majority areas.1264 In August 2021, the federal government and the KRG agreed to form joint security forces operating in the buffer zones separating their respective territories in Kirkuk, Ninawa and Diyala governorates. It was further declared that six joint coordination centres had been established, one of them in Kirkuk.1265 In September 2021, joint activities of Peshmerga and federal forces targeting ISIL elements in the buffer zones were reported.1266 In October 2021, two Peshmerga fighters were killed in an ISIL attack near Altun Kupri in

northern Kirkuk.1267 US-led coalition forces

The international coalition forces that were stationed at the K1 airbase west of Kirkuk city left in March 2020 and handed the base over to the ISF.1268 ACLED recorded 13 airstrikes carried out by the US-led Global Coalition against ISIL positions in Kirkuk during the reference period, most of them in Daquq district.1269 For example, in February 2021 the Global Coalition

executed eight consecutive airstrikes in Wadi Al-Shay area in southern Kirkuk based on Iraqi intelligence input, killing seven ISIL members.1270


and summer campaigns.1274 ISIL attacks that caused several deaths and/or injuries of security personnel as well as civilians in Kirkuk were, however, also reported during late 2020 and early 2021 as well as autumn 2021.1275 ACLED data indicates that ISIL was involved in 123 incidents as ‘Actor1’ in Kirkuk governorate between August 2020 and October 2021. These incidents reportedly caused 133 fatalities in total. 18 of these security incidents involved acts against civilians, causing overall 17 fatalities.1276

EPIC recorded incidents of violence against civilians in Kirkuk governorate almost every month during the reference period, with most of these incidents attributed to ISIL and affecting all four districts of Dibis, Hawija, Daquq and Kirkuk.1277 The kinds of ISIL-related incidents affecting civilians included attacks on villages and groups of civilians,1278 killings,1279 abductions and kidnapping for ransom.1280

Furthermore, IED explosions were frequently reported, some of which wounded or killed civilians.1281 In several maps published by iMMAP, the number of explosive hazard incidents is depicted for the months from August 2020 until February 2021. Such incidents were recorded for each of the respective months in Kirkuk governorate, with a rise in intensity in September and October 2020. In September 2020, a high-risk level of explosive hazard was related for Kirkuk and Daquq districts with 9 to 13 incidents each and in October 2020 Daquq district was reported to still have the same risk level. In December 2020, Hawija district was classified as high risk with 9 to 13 explosive hazard incidents.1282 For the months from

February to October 2021, ACLED recorded explosive hazard incidents and remote violence

1274 Wing, J., Islamic State Ends It Summer Offensive In Iraq, Musings on Iraq [Blog], 4 October 2021, url

1275 For examples of such ISIL-related incidents, see NINA, كوكرك بونج رييندمل دوعت تابكرم ثلاث قرحي شعاد [ISIL burns three civilian vehicles in southern Kirkuk], 16 October 2021, url; AA, كوكرك ي ف "شعاد" ل موجهب رينثا ريلماع لتقم ..قارعلا [Iraq:

Two workers killed in ISIS attack in Kirkuk], 30 October 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: February 4 - February 11, 2021, 11 February 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: December 17 - December 24, 2020, 24 December 2020, url; Shafaq News, عافترإ

و ريتيحضل كوكرك ي ف شعاد موجه ةليصح

ةينملأا تاوقلا نم حىرج4 [Death toll of ISIL attack in Kirkuk rises to two members of security forces as well as a further 4 wounded], 14 November 2020, url

1276 EUAA analysis based on publicly available ACLED data. ACLED, ACLED Data Export Tool, Iraq, 1 August 2020 - 31 October 2021, url

1277 EPIC, ISHM: October 14 – October 21, 2021, 21 October 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: August 26 - September 2, 2021, 2 September 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: August 5 - August 12, 2021, 12 August 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: July 15 - 22, 2021, 22 July 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: June 24 - July 1, 2021, 1 July 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: May 20 – May 27, 2021, 27 May 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: April 1 - April 8, 2021, 8 April 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: February 11 - February 25, 2021, 25 February 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: January 21 - January 28, 2021, 28 January 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: December 17 - December 24, 2020, 24 December 2020, url; EPIC, ISHM: October 15 - October 22, 2020, 22 October 2020, url;

EPIC, ISHM: September 24 - October 1, 2020, 1 October 2020, url; EPIC, ISHM: August 13 - August 20, 2020, 20 August 2020, url

1278 EPIC, ISHM: October 14 – October 21, 2021, 21 October 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: August 26 - September 2, 2021, 2 September 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: July 1 - July 8, 2021, 8 July 2021, url

1279 EPIC, ISHM: August 26 - September 2, 2021, 2 September 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: August 5 - August 12, 2021, 12 August 2021, url; EPIC, ISHM: February 11 - February 25, 2021, 25 February 2021, url

1280 Shafaq News, رلاود فلأ 100 ةيدفلاو ..كوكرك ي ف ًايندم فطتخي شعاد [ISIL kidnaps civilian in Kirkuk and demands ransom of 100.000 Dollar], 9 July 2021, url; NINA, كوكرك بونج ايندم فطتخي شعاد [ISIL kidnaps civilian south of Kirkuk], 4 April 2021, url; KirkukNow, كوكرك ي ف ةيرق نومجاهي "شعاد" ل ًاحلسم 20 ةبارق - ريفطتخمو حىرجو لىتق نع موجهلا رفسأ [The attack led to individuals being killed, wounded and abducted – about 20 ISIL militants attack a village in Kirkuk], 2 September 2021, url

1281 EPIC, ISHM: August 13 - August 20, 2020, 20 August 2020, url; AA, قارعلا يلامش ةفسان ةوبع راجفناب نييندم 4 ةباصإ [Four civilians wounded in IED explosion in northern Iraq], 23 August 2020, url; EPIC, ISHM: September 10 - September 17, 2020, 17 September 2020, url; EPIC, ISHM: August 26 - September 2, 2021, 2 September 2021, url

1282 iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Risk level Monitoring Maps of the "Explosive Hazard Incident" on the District level for the 7 Governorates (Nov. 2019 - Feb. 2021), 1 March 2021, url


each month, with a spike in August 2021 with ten such incidents recorded across all four districts.1283

The Iraqi security forces repeatedly launched operations directed against ISIL in Kirkuk during the reference period.1284 iMMAP published maps depicting the intensity of airstrikes per district in the months from August 2020 until February 2021. The maps show airstrikes carried out in Kirkuk governorate in each of those months, with December 2020 and January 2021 seeing the most air strike intensity: in December 2020 one air strike was recorded in each of the four Kirkuk districts, while in January 2021, two airstrikes were recorded in Kirkuk district and three such incidents were recorded each in Hawija and Daquq districts.1285 After February 2021, ACLED recorded overall six airstrikes by Iraqi army and Global Coalition forces in the months of May, June, September and October as well as two Turkish drone strikes in October 2021.1286

Local media reported on land disputes between Arab and Kurdish communities. Those disputes can be traced back to the confiscation of Kurdish lands and settling of Arabs in Kirkuk under Baath rule. A constitutional article introduced to remedy this problem, return land to its original owners and compensate involved parties has not been fully

implemented.1287 In August 2020, clashes broke out in a village in Daquq district between Kurdish residents and former Arab settlers.1288 In December 2020, tensions were reported between Kurdish and Arab farmers because of disputes over land in Palkana village in Sargaran sub-district (Dibis district). Arab farmers supported by a PMU militia threatened Kurdish residents, broke into four empty homes and told some residents to leave, only to be stopped by Iraqi army troops.1289 Disputes over land ownership were also said to be an issue in Daquq district and Laylan sub-district,1290 for example between the Kaka’i community and former Arab settlers.1291 In November 2021, renewed disputes over land were reported in Sargaran sub-district in Dibis, with Kurds supported by the local police and Arabs supported by the Iraqi army. In Sargaran sub-district, overall twelve villages were reportedly

experiencing land disputes.1292

1283 EUAA analysis based on publicly available ACLED data. ACLED, ACLED Data Export Tool, Iraq, 1 August 2020 - 31 October 2021, url

1284 Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, كوكرك ي ف »شعاد« دض ةديدج ةيلمع قلطت ةيقارعلا تاوقلا [Iraqi forces start new operation against ISIL in Kirkuk], 14 May 2020, url; Al-Qabas, كوكرك ي ف »شعاد« صرانع ةقحلامل ةعساو ةينمأ ةيلمع :قارعلا [Iraq: Widespread security operation to chase down ISIL members in Kirkuk], 19 May 2021, url; AA, Iraq nabs 10 Daesh/ISIS militants in Kirkuk, 19 June 2021, url; Arab News, Iraq launches operation against Daesh after policeman killed in Kirkuk, 28 June 2021, url; Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, يلىودلا فلاحتلا ةكراشمب "شعاد" اياقب ةقحلامل ةيركسع ةيلمع :قارعلا [Iraq: Military operation to chase down remnants of ISIL in cooperation with international coalition], 6 November 2021, url

1285 iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response, Risk level Monitoring Maps of the Airstrike Incident on the District level for the 7 Governorates Nov 2019 - Feb 2021, 7 March 2021, url

1286 EUAA analysis based on publicly available ACLED data. ACLED, ACLED Data Export Tool, Iraq, 1 August 2020 - 31 October 2021, url

1287 Rudaw, Resolving Kurd-Arab disputes must not affect Iraqi unity: Sadrist, 11 October 2021, url, see also

Kurdistan24, Kurdistan leader condemns new Kirkuk Arabization, calls on UN to intervene, 22 September 2020, url

1288 Rudaw, Kurdish villagers, resettled Arab families clash in Kirkuk disputed territory, 2 August 2020, url

1289 KirkukNow, Kurdish villagers “threatened to leave” their homes in Kirkuk, 11 December 2020, url; see also Rudaw, Kurds forced out of Kirkuk village: locals, 9 December 2020, url

1290 KirkukNow, Parliamentary committee to investigate landownership dispute in Kirkuk, 31 December 2020, url

1291 KirkukNow, Conflict over land of Kaka'i minority in Daquq disputed territories, 27 February 2021, url

1292 Rudaw, Kurdish farmers foil renewed effort to confiscate farmland in Kirkuk, 4 November 2021, url

156 Security incidents

Between August 2020 and October 2021, ACLED reported 137 battles, 107 incidents of explosions/remote violence and 35 cases of violence against civilians, accounting for a total of 279 security incidents in Kirkuk governorate, the majority taking place in Daquq district.1293 The evolution of all types of security events in the reference period is shown in figure 17 below.

Figure 14: Evolution of security events coded battles, explosions/remote violence and violence against civilians in Kirkuk governorate 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2021, based on ACLED data1294

1293 EUAA analysis based on publicly available ACLED data. ACLED, ACLED Data Export Tool, 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2021, 10 November 2021, url

1294 EUAA analysis based on publicly available ACLED data. ACLED, ACLED Data Export Tool, 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2021, 10 November 2021, url

157 Illustrative examples of incidents

• On 16 August 2020, two IED explosions were reported in Al-Riyadh sub-district (Hawija district), the first wounding a civilian and the second killing a woman and injuring two other individuals.1295

• On 23 August 2020, an IED exploded during Ashura festivities in the Qadisiya neighbourhood of Kirkuk city, wounding four civilians.1296

• On 6 October 2020, four members of the local police and two members of the federal police were killed and a fifth was wounded in an exchange of fire with ISIL militants.1297

• On 18 February 2021, ISIL gunmen on two motorcycles killed a civilian in Daquq district in a drive-by shooting.1298

• On 4 April 2021, a man was abducted from his home by ISIL members in Al-Rashad sub-district (Daquq district) and brought to an unknown location.1299

• On 18 April 2021, six Katyusha rockets hit the positions of a tribal mobilisation regiment in a village in Daquq district, leading to the death of an Iraqi soldier and three wounded tribal mobilisation fighters as well as two wounded army soldiers.1300

• On 25 June 2021, ISIL militants attacked a federal police checkpoint in Daquq district and killed five policemen.1301

• On 9 July 2021, ISIL militants kidnapped a civilian in Sargaran sub-district (Dibis district) and demanded a ransom payment of 100 000 USD. Ransom payments were described as one of the most important sources of income for the extremist group.1302

• On 31 August 2021, ISIL elements targeted a village in Taza sub-district (Daquq district), burning down a house as well as three vehicles.1303

• On 2 September 2021, about 20 armed men attacked a village in Sargaran sub-district (Dibis district) using firearms and explosive devices, wounding eight civilians and military personnel and abducting a civilian. According to the residents, the attackers were ISIL members.1304

• On 30 October 2021, ISIL militants attacked workers in the coal industry in Hawija district, killing two and wounding a third.1305

1295 NINA, كوكرك برغ ريتوبع راجفناب رييندم ةعبرا ةباصاو داهشتسا [Four civilians killed or wounded in two IED explosions in Kirkuk], 16 August 2020, url

1296 AA, قارعلا يلىامش ةفسان ةوبع راجفناب رييندم 4 ةباصإ [Four civilians wounded in IED explosion in northern Iraq], 23 August 2020, url

1297 Iraq, SMC [Twitter], posted on: 6 October 2020, url

1298 Shafaq News, كوكرك ي ف شعاد صاصرب ي ندم لتقم [Civilian killed in ISIL gunfire in Kirkuk], 18 February 2021, url

1299 NINA, كوكرك بونج ايندم فطتخي شعاد [ISIL kidnaps civilian south of Kirkuk], 4 April 2021, url

1300 Rudaw, كوكرك ي ف جوف رقم لىع اشويتاك فئاذق طوقسب حىرج5و ليتق [One killed and five wounded in shelling of Katyusha rockets on brigade headquarters in Kirkuk], 17 April 2021, url

1301 NINA, كوكرك بونج رصانع ةسمخ داهشتساو ةيداحتلاا ةطرشلا مجاهي شعاد [ISIL attacks federal police and five members], 25 June 2021, url

1302 Shafaq News, رلاود فلأ 100 ةيدفلاو ..كوكرك ي ف ًايندم فطتخي شعاد [ISIL kidnaps civilian in Kirkuk and demands ransom of 100 000 Dollar], 9 July 2021, url

1303 NINA, كوكرك بونج ىرق ىدحا فدهتسي شعاد [ISIL targets a village south of Kirkuk], 31 August 2021, url

1304 KirkukNow, كوكرك ي ف ةيرق نومجاهي "شعاد" ل ًاحلسم 20 ةبارق - ريفطتخمو حىرجو لىتق نع موجهلا رفسأ [The attack led to individuals being killed, wounded and abducted – about 20 ISIL militants attack a village in Kirkuk], 2 September 2021, url

1305 AA, كوكرك ي ف "شعاد" ل موجهب رينثا ريلماع لتقم ..قارعلا [Iraq: Two workers killed in ISIS attack in Kirkuk], 30 October 2021, url

158 2.5.5 Civilian casualties

The number of armed conflict related incidents1306 and civilian casualties in the governorate recorded by UNAMI for the period 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2021, is shown in table 9 below.

Table 9: Number of armed conflict related incidents and civilian casualties 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2021, Kirkuk governorate1307

2.5.6 Infrastructure damage and explosive remnants of war

Based on data last updated in August 2020, the Directorate of Mine Action (DMA) reported the area contaminated by explosive remnants of war (ERW) in the governorate as 3 357 280 square metres, the area being contaminated by IEDs as 68 480 688 square meters.1308 By the end of 2020, around 37 square kilometres of the governorate were reported to still be IED contaminated.1309 According to a January 2021 ACAPS report, Salah Al-Din, Anbar, Ninewa, and Kirkuk were the most affected by ‘new’ mine contamination due to post-2003 internal conflict and ISIL occupation in 2014-2017.1310 Especially the southern part of Kirkuk

governorate was described as highly contaminated.1311

IED attacks on oil fields and transmission towers caused infrastructure damage during the reference period.1312 In December 2020, the explosion of two IEDs targeting the Khabas oil field caused a fire to break out that could only be extinguished a couple of days later.1313 The Bay Hassan oil field in Dibis district was repeatedly targeted with explosives, leading in some instances to slight damages,1314 and in one case to the killing of an oil company police


During the summer 2021, frequent attacks by ISIL elements on power transmission towers in Kirkuk, Diyala and Salah Al-Din provinces led to power outages in the region and affected electricity and water supply.1316 For example, on 13 June 2021, an IED explosion toppled a transmission tower in Al-Riyadh sub-district, leading to electricity disruption in the region.1317

1306 The number of incidents provided by UNAMI-HRO indicates only those related to armed conflict which had directly impacted civilians (causing civilian casualties) and properties and protected areas of civilian nature (such as, civilian houses, cropland, schools, health facilities and mosques). Please refer to the section Sources of this report’s Introduction for more information on UNAMI’s methodology.

1307 UNAMI, Email to EUAA, 11 November 2021

1308 iMMAP, Recorded Explosive Ordnance Contamination in Iraq - Overall (DMA) – 27 August 2020, 3 September 2020, url

1309 Mine Action Review, Clearing the Mines 2021, 1 October 2021, url, p. 159

1310 ACAPS, Iraq: Mine action, 22 January 2021, url, p. 2

1311 ACAPS, Iraq: Mine action, 22 January 2021, url, p. 3

1312 Guardian (The), ‘They will never let go’: Isis fighters regroup in the heart of Iraq, 11 July 2021, url

1313 Al-Ain, كوكركب يطفنلا "زابخ" لقح فدهتسي شعاد [ISIL targets oil field ‘Khabas’ in Kirkuk], 9 December 2020, url

1314 Arab News, Militants attack two oil wells in northern Iraq, production unaffected, 17 April 2021, url; GardaWorld, Iraq: Militants attack oilfield in Kirkuk Governorate early April 17, 17 April 2021, url; Rudaw, طفن ريب فادهتسا :وادوورل ردصم كوكركب نسح ياب لوقح ي ف [Rudaw source: Oil well in Bay Hassan oilfield in Kirkuk targeted], 15 August 2021, url

1315 WKI, Kirkuk Minute May 6, 2021, 6 May 2021, url

1316 KirkukNow, War of power transmission towers, 7 August 2021, url

1317 EPIC, ISHM: June 10 – June 17, 2021, 17 June 2021, url


Later that same month, an IED targeted a team of engineers charged with repairing a transmission tower in Al-Rashad sub-district that had been blown up previously.1318

According to an IOM survey in spring 2021, in the majority of locations surveyed in Hawija district, returnees reported moderate destruction to their houses as well as insufficient supply of water and some returnees reported insufficient access to electricity, with 32 locations reporting reconstruction underway and 49 locations saying that no reconstruction efforts had been undertaken yet.1319

2.5.7 Displacement and return

According to IOM data, as of 30 September 2021, 90 582 IDPs were registered in Kirkuk governorate, originating to a large part from within the governorate (58 %), but also from Salah Al-Din (22 %), Ninewa (10 %), Diyala (6 %), as well as Anbar, Baghdad, Babil and Erbil governorates. Within Kirkuk governorate, the IDP population was primarily concentrated in Kirkuk district (91 %) and to a lesser extent in Daquq (7 %).1320 As of March 2021, the city of Kirkuk reportedly hosted a significant non-camp IDP population of 73 404 individuals, with the highest concentration (18 %) residing in the Hay Al Jamia-Mahalla neighbourhood.1321 In

November 2020, the closure of an IDP camp near the city reportedly left thousands of IDPs at risk.1322 About 1 200 families had to leave the camp but were unable to return to their home areas.1323

As of September 2021, in Kirkuk governorate, 9 168 IDPs lived in shelters classified as critical by IOM (e.g., tents, makeshift shelters, mud or block houses or unowned or uninhabitable houses), most of them in Kirkuk district.1324 In September 2020, REACH assessed that between 90.1 and 99.9 % of IDP households in Hawija district lived in severe or extreme need. Between 60 and 80 % lived in similar circumstances in the other districts of the governorate.1325

In August and September 2021, IOM documented 23 134 IDPs from Kirkuk governorate in other parts of the country, most of them in Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Salah Al-Din.1326 According to IOM, as of 30 September 2021, 350 886 returnees to Kirkuk governorate were reported.1327 According to a February 2021 survey, a particularly high proportion of interviewed

households that departed from camps and returned to Daquq district reported feeling unsafe in their place of arrival. There were also reports of serious protection incidents in the return areas, including threats of physical violence against returning families in Hawija district.1328

1318 Shafaq News, كوكرك ي ف ءابرهكلا ةرازول ةيسدنهلا رداوكلا فدهتسي ريجفت [Explosion targets group of engineers of electricity ministry in Kirkuk], 26 June 2021, url

1319 IOM Iraq, Displacement Tracking Matrix, Protracted Displacement In Iraq: District of Origin Profiles, August 2021, url, p. 30

1320 EUAA analysis based on IOM Iraq, Displacement Tracking Matrix, Master List Datasets, IDP 123 [Excel File], 30 September 2021, url

1321 IOM Iraq, DTM: Urban Displacement in Federal Iraq, 14 March 2021, url, p. 15

1322 MEE, Iraq: Closure of Kirkuk camp leaves displaced in despair, 30 November 2020, url; MSF, Displaced people in Iraq’s Laylan camp express fears as camp closes, 24 November 2020, url

1323 Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Exiled at Home, Internal displacement resulted from the armed conflict in Iraq and its humanitarian consequences, 13 June 2021, url, p. 18

1324 IOM Iraq, Displacement Tracking Matrix, Master List Datasets, IDP 123 [Excel File], 30 September 2021, url

1325 REACH, Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment: Key Findings for Iraq, September 2020, 2 June 2021, url, p. 2

1326 IOM Iraq, Displacement Tracking Matrix, Master List Datasets, IDP 123 [Excel File], 30 September 2021, url

1327 IOM Iraq, Displacement Tracking Matrix, Master List Datasets, Returnee 123 [Excel File], 30 September 2021, url

1328 Protection Cluster, Iraq – Protection Monitoring System, Report 1, February 2021, url, p. 6


Some returnees to Hawija district reported concerns regarding potential ISIL attacks, blocked returns and non-state security actors in charge of checkpoints.1329

1329 IOM Iraq, Displacement Tracking Matrix, Protracted Displacement In Iraq: District of Origin Profiles, August 2021, url, p. 31


In document Iraq Security Situation (Page 153-161)