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Biographical information for A. R. Williams, sugar company fieldman


Academic year: 2021

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Alf':red R. Williams, veteran !1eldman for Tho Great Western Sugar Company 1n the Fort Collins area, will retire June l and his

place will be taken by E. J. Matteson, who is being transferrt,d here



! from Starling.

Mr. Williams, or "Duke", as he is comnonly


was born 1n Cheyenne, Wyoming. His father came to '\'~oming in 1879. His £mnily' moved to Sheridan County and enea d in etock ranching. Duke attended Sheridan County schools and worked in the poet office at Sheridan for three and one-half years before entering the University of Yiyom:ing,

from which he graduated with a degree in civil engineering in 1915. Following this he attended Iowa State College for a year and :received

a degree in agricultural engineering.

Duke :first began work with the Sugar Company July 1, 1916


Longmont. Hie employment there 1ras interrupted whili, he served a yoar

with the United States Army Corps or Engineer$ during World War I. Ha was transferred by the Sug.ar CompaJV to Wheatland, Wyoming, in 1921 and remained there until the spring


1928. Then he moved from there to Fort Collins, ,,here he has remained since.

Mr. Williams resides at 1$00 West Mountain Avenue, where he livee with hit, wile; Caroll1!1• He plans to continue residence in Fort



Mr. Matteson, who 'Will handle virtuall.T the same district of the Sugar Company


Mr. Williema had, originally lived at Fort Collins and attended Colorado A. & M. Colleg-e. B started work with

tbe Sugar Company- here in 1915, and was made chief chemist at the Fort Collins factory in 1920. He was transferred to the Brush factory in 1921 and to Sterling in 192). In 1929 he started in the agricultural department there and has served aa .f'ieldman sinee that time.

Ur. and Mrs. tteson will reside 1n Fort Collins at 116 South l4c.Kinley.


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