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Executive Order of October 3, 1861 Uintah Valley was set apart for the Uintah Band


Academic year: 2021

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S•,,anton, .John R.







Swenton, JOrill R.

The Indian Tribes of North America.

Smithsonian Institution: Bureau of Am Ethnology. Bulletin 14-5. Vashincton: GPO, 1952. $J.50.

Significance unknown .. Also called: Grasshooper Indian, (Pattie, l~J). Tate.-go, Kiowa namee

Ietan, a form of their name used •·ridely for Indians of the ShoshoFian stock.

Mactcinp-ehawain, Omaha and nca name, signifyinP'11rabbit Moh-tau-h.<li-ta-ni-o, Cheyenne name, "the black men." Nasuia kwe, Zuni name, "deer-hunting men. 11

No-oche or Notch, their OYm name.

i.'fota-a, Navajo name. ..;

O;u.azula, seems to be the emez name for the,. Sapa wichasha, Da.1':ota name, 11the blP.ck people.11 Tahana, Taos na.mea

~cingawuptuh, former Hopi name. I aatenihts. Atsina name, "black."

skin robes.11

Connections, -The Ute belonged to the Shoshonean dvision of the· Uto-Aztece.n

lingQ.istic stock and ~ere related more closely to the true Paiute, Kawaiisu, and ~ .emehuevi.

Locations. -In central and western Coloradcf' and all of eastern Utah, includine the eastern part of Salt Lake Valley and Utah valley and extending into the

upper drainage area of the San ..;uan River in J.'lew J,.Lexico. (See also Nevada & Wyo.). ::iubdivisions


l ·1

Capote, in the. lierra Amarilla and Ch~a River country, northwestern :,iew 1' exico. Elk Mountain Ute (perhaps the Sabua.gua.nos of .l!lscalante


and Tah-bah-was-chi

of eckwith, especially if the initial letter in one or the other has been misread, inJ.l,the Elk mountaias of Colorado.

Kosunats om Uintah eservation in


Moache, in lj?Outhwestern Colorado and northwest Hew r, exico.

Pahvant, around the lo 'er portion of Sevier ~ake and ~iver in Utah.

Pavoeo~ru.nsin, on the ~per course of the Sevier River~ south of the ~alina Hiver.

Pilrnk anarats. on the nit.<> eservation.


Sampits ot Sanpet, around Manti 8n San Pitch Creek but wintering on Sevier River,Utah. Seuvari ts or She beret ch, in the a.ste Valley country and on head···aters of Sevier River,U. Tabeguache, in southwest Colorado. chiefly about Los l'inos.

Tumpanogots or Timpaiavats, about Utah lake, Utah. Uinta, northeastern Ut~h.

Wiminuche, valley of San Juan and its tributaries, southwestern Colorado. Yampa, on and about GR.t;:WN AND Colorado River~ in eastern Utah.

The Sogup, in or near New i.··exico, and Yubuincariru.i west of Green river, Utl'lb., are also given as fonner bands, and a few others of uncertain status also appear, such as the .o.wiurnpus, Nauwa.natats, and Unkapanukintse In later years the recognized

divisions were reduced to three: Tabeguache or Uncompah.o-re; the Kaviawach or White River , and the Yoovte or Unnta.



Sxat:Jim. Bulletin 145.

By Executive Ord.er of October 3, 1861 Uint~h Valley was .:;et apart for the Uintah Band while the remainder of the land claimed by them wa$ taken without formal purchase~

m O 6 ·.i:

:By a .1.rea.ty of ctober 7, 18 3, P rAservRtion was assiP"11ed to the abegui:i,che, and the

remainder of the land claimed by them vas tl'lken without form"' purchase. On May 1§, 1864, ·various reserves, established in 185' and 185~ by IndiAn Apents, were ordered vac ted and sold.~ •• By Executive,Ord(;lr of Nov. 22, 1875, the Ute reserva.tion was enlc1r.o-ed, but

tPis additional tract was restored to the public domain by ".n order of tu<"Qr-t 4, 188?" By Act of J'..1.Ile 18, 1878, a portion of this Act of May


1864, ·m.s rep~aled, an11

several tracts included in the reservation therunner establishe~efr~s ordered restored to the public domain. Under an a~reement o: November


1878, the Moache, Capote, and Wiminuche ceded their riP"ht to the confederated Ute reservatiQn established f.ttr by

xlremx:G:nx.tl5IRrliamJc.fuamx~~~zh the .1868 t.reaty, the United States agree in~

to establish a reservation for .. them on the San Juan River, a p-omise which was finally fulfilled by Executive Order of FebruP...ry 7. 1879/ On ''arch 6, 1880, the .:>outhe4n Ute and the Uncompa h.o-re acknovledl'"ed an arreement to settle respectively on the :fta .r'lata p. 375. River and on the Grand River near ·the mouth of the Gunnison, while the White River Ute

aFreed to move to the Uinta Reservation in Utah. Sufficieiitnagricultural 1.9.nd not being found at the point desi~ted as the future homeof the Uncompahre, the P~esident, by Executive Order, January


1882, established a reserve for them in Utah, the

boundaries of which were defined by an executive order of the same date. By ACT OF Ma~ 24, 1882, a part of the unit~ reservation was restored to the Public domain.

j,'he tribe has sincebeen alotted land in severalty. End of Quote


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