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Visar Doktorsavhandlingar om ungdomars psykiska hälsa 2016-2020 (Endast nätversionen av SMT) | Socialmedicinsk tidskrift


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Doktorsavhandlingar om ungdomars

psykiska hälsa 2016-2020

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Charli Eriksson

Redovisningen bygger på sökningar i databasen www.avhandlingar.se – samt personlig kännedom.Sökorden Mental Health, Adolescents, Young People, Mental health promotion, Mental Health Prevention. Listan uppdaterad 2020 12 09. Det kan finnas avhandlingar som inte kommit med av olika skäl. Skicka gärna tips till mig på det som saknas: charli.eriksson48@gmail.com.

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Namn Titel Utgivare


Maria Granvik

Saminathen (2020) Effective schools in a seg-regated landscape - Studies of academic achievement and psychological well-being among adolescents in Sweden. http://su.diva-portal.org/ smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2% 3A1415591&dswid=-4246 Stockholm: Stock-holms universitet, Institutionen för folkhälsovetenskap.

Junia Joffer (2020) Health for future Self-rated health and social status among adolescents. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2% 3A1424906&dswid=3327 Umeå Univer-sity Department of Epidemiology and Global Health.


Richard Ssegonja

(2020) Effectiveness and cost-effecti-veness of indicated preventive interventions for depression in adolescents. An application of health economics methods. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-8776

Uppsala University: Department of Pu-blic Health and Ca-ring Sciences, Social medicine/CHAP. Peter Skagius (2020) Den offentliga ohälsan En

his-torisk studie av barnpsykologi och -psykiatri i svensk media 1968-2008. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=3941 Linköping: Lin-köping University Electronic Press. Tove Wahlund

(2020) Excessive worry in adolescents and adults: development and evaluation of theory-driven treatments.

https://openarchive.ki.se/xm-lui/handle/10616/47012 (ki.se)

Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Clinical Neuros-cience. 2019 Melody Almroth (2019). Melody.alm-roth@ki.se

Adolescents’ future academic prospects: predictors and men-tal health outcomes.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Public Health Sciences.

Berit M. Gustafsson

(2019) Identifying Patterns ofEmotional and Behavioural Problems in Preschool child-ren - Facilitating Early Detec-tion.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=3941

Center for Social and Affective Neurosci-ence (CSAN), De-partment of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKE), Linköping Univer-sity, Sweden.


Maral Jolstedt (2019) Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for paedia-tric anxiety disorders in clini-cal settings: increasing access to evidence-based treatments. https://medarbetare.ki.se/ sites/default/files/2019/11/Av-handling_jolstedt.pdf

Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Clinical Neuros-cience.

Linus Jonsson

(2019) An empowerment-based school physical activity inter-vention with adolescents in a disadvantaged community: A transformative mixed methods investigation. https://gupea.ub.gu.se/hand-le/2077/60454 Göteborgs univer-sitet: Gothenburg University. Johan Melander

Hagborg (2019) Child maltreatment among young adolescents: Effects on mental health, academic fun-ctioning and substance use. http://hdl.handle. net/2077/62461 Göteborgs univer-sitet: Psykologiska institutionen. Josefina Robertson

(2019) Body mass index and mental health in young people - pre-dictors of early heart failure and cardiomyopathy


University of Goth-enburg: Department of Public Health and Community Medi-cine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgren-ska Academy. Karin Wallgren

Thorslund (2019) Reaching out with universal parental support. https://gupea.ub.gu.se/hand-le/2077/59898

Göteborg: Psykolo-giska institutionen.


Regina Winzer

(2019) Aspects of positive and nega-tive mental health in young people, aged 16-29 years: mea-surements, determinants, and interventions. https://openarchive.ki.se/xm-lui/handle/10616/46827 Institutionen för folkhälsovetenskap, KI. 2018 Elin Alfredsson

(2018) Growing together: Partici-pation in and outcomes of programs for parents of adol-escents. https://gupea.ub.gu.se/hand-le/2077/56261 Göteborg: Psykolo-giska institutionen, Göteborgs univer-sitet. Malin Anniko

(2018) Stuck on repeat. Adolescent stress and the role of repetitive negative thinking and cogni-tive avoidance. http://www.diva-portal.se/ smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2% 3A1203640&dswid=-5934 Örebro universitet, Örebro Studies in Psychology 41. Karin Beckman

(2018) Self-harm in youth: predicting mental illness, social margina-lisation and suicide.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Clinical Neuros-cience.

Johan Bjureberg

(2018) Nonsuicidal self-injury and emotion regulation: clinical correlates and novel treat-ments.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Clinical Neuros-cience.

Maria Fridh (2018) Bullying, violence and mental distress among young people. Cross-sectional population-ba-sed studies in Scania, Sweden. https://lup.lub.lu.se/search/ publication/5096a50b-d2cf-4413-9c55-9c7f0a88be81

Lund: Lund Uni-versity. Department of Clinical Sci-ences, Malmö Social Medicine and Health Policy.


Cheng Guo (2018) Adolescent positive mental health: policy, measurements, prevalence and correlates in a Chinese setting.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Learning, Infor-matics, Management and Ethics.


Holm-berg (2018) Food, body weight, and health among adolescents in the digi-ta: An explorative study from a health promotion perspective https://gupea.ub.gu.se/hand-le/2077/55588

Göteborgs univer-sitet: Gothenburg University.

Frida Jonsson (2018) The presence of the past a life course approach to the social determinants of health and health inequalities in northern Sweden. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1337 Umeå universitet, Umeå University Medical Disserta-tions, New Series No 1991.

Annette Lovheim

Kleppang (2018) Mental health and physical activity in adolescents. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1337

Karlstads universi-tet, Karlstad Univer-sity Studies 2018:32. Ulrica Paulsson Do

(2018) Psychosocial Vulnerability Un-derlying Unhealthy Behaviors in Swedish Adolescents. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1337 Uppsala universitet, Acta Uppsaliensis, Faculty of Medicine, 1460. Alexander Shayesteh

Afshar (2018) Primary hyperhidrosis: pre-valence and impacts for the individual.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1337

Umeå Univer-sity: Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine Dermatology and Venereology. Anne Mari Steigen

(2018) Social support in nature-based services for young adults with mental health problems. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1337

Karlstad: Karlstads universitet.


Emelie Thern (2018) Alcohol-related health pro-blems and crime: studies on the long-term consequences of increased alcohol availability and unemployment.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Public Health Sciences.

Naira Topooco

(2018) Blended cognitive behaviour therapy: efficacy and accepta-bility for treating depression in the adult and adolescent population. http://www. diva-portal.org/smash/search. jsf?dswid=-2095 Linköping Univer-sity: Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Therese Wirback

(2018) Depression among adolescents and young adults: social and gender differences.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Public Health Sciences.

Reza Ziaei (2018) Prevalence and Correlates of Health Risk Behaviours among High School Adoles-cents in Iran with focus on Water-pipe Smoking, Suicide Ideation, Physical Activity and Nutrition.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-2095

Sundsvall: Mid Swe-den University.


Maria Afzelius

(2017) Families with parental mental illness: supporting children in psychiatric and social services. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-2095

Malmö university, Faculty of Health and Society Malin Ander (2017) Cancer during adolescence

Psychological consequences and development of psycholo-gical treatment

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-2095

Uppsala: Acta Uni-versitatis Upsaliensis


Serena Bauducco

(2017) Adolescents’ sleep in a 24/7 society. Epidemiology and prevention. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-7118 Örebro university, Örebro Studies in Psychology 37 Noora Berg (2017) Accumulation of disadvantage

from adolescence to midlife: A 26-year follow-up study of 16-year old adolescents. https://helda.helsinki.

fi/bitstream/hand-le/10138/172710/accumula. pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Department of Pu-blic Health, Univer-sity of Helsinki

Tony Durkee (2017) Pathological Internet use and psychopathology among Euro-pean adolescents.


Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, Dept of Learning, Infor-matics, Management and Ethics

Linda Hiltunen

(2017) Lagom perfekt: Erfarenheter av ohälsa bland unga tjejer och killar. Lund: Arkivs förlag. https://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2% 3A1107533&dswid=-3759


Susanne Olofsdotter

(2017) Anxiety among Adolescents Measurement, Clinical Cha-racteristics, and Influences of Parenting and Genetics. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-2095

Uppsala: Acta Uni-versitatis Upsaliensis

Philip Lindner

(2017) Structural and functional brain connectivity abnormali-ties associated with adolescent conduct disorder in females https://openarchive.ki.se/xm-lui/handle/10616/46012

Stockholm: Karolin-ska Institutet, De-partment of Clinical Neuroscience Hans O. Löfgren

(2017) Preventive psychosocial paren-tal and school programmes in a general population.

Umeå: Umeå univer-sitet


Linda Sellin (2017) A personal-recovery-oriented caring approach to suicidality. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-3307

Västerås: Mälardalen University

Marie Wilhsson

(2017) Ungdomars strävan mot att lyckas och nå framgång i livet – skolan som hälsofrämjande arena.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-4099

Högskolan i Halm-stad, Halmstad Uni-versity Dissertations no 31.

Johan Åhlén (2017) Universal prevention of anx-iety and depression in school children.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-4099

Uppsala: Acta Uni-versitatis Upsaliensis


Nikolas Aho (2016) Victimization, Prevalence, Health and Peritraumatic Reactions in Swedish Adoles-cents. http://liu.diva-portal.org/ smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2% 3A1047437&dswid=-3255 Linköping: Lin-köping University Electronic Press Birna Baldursdottir

(2016) Physical activity and well-being among adolescents: A public health perspective. https://gupea.ub.gu.se/hand-le/2077/42340 Stockholm: Barn- och ungdomsve-tenskapliga institu-tionen, Stockholms universitet


Fiffi Boman (2016) Breaking the vicious circle. Studies on the interplay bet-ween mental health and school achievement among students in the first years of primary school in Sweden. https://portal.research.lu.se/ portal/en/publications/ breaking-the-vicious-circle- studies-on-the-interplay- between-mental-health- and-school-achievement- among-students-in-the-first- years-of-primary-school-in- sweden(98188d00-e8fc-4582-94fb-7108594aa5b6).html Lund University, Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Disserta-tion Series 2016:100.

Anna Duberg (2016) Dance Intervention for Adol-escent Girls with Internalizing Problems: Effects and Expe-riences. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=-6632 Örebro: Örebro University. Pernilla Garmy, P.

(2016) Hälsopromotion i skolan. Utvärdering av DISA - ett pro-gram för att förebygga depres-siva symtom hos ungdomar. https://lup.lub.lu.se/search/ ws/files/4296049/8560284.pdf Lunds universitet, Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Malmö. Pernilla Hedström

(2016) Hälsocoach i skolan: en utvärderande fallstudie av en hälsofrämjande intervention. https://gupea.ub.gu.se/hand-le/2077/43372

Göteborgs universi-tet. Göteborg studies in educational sci-ences, 389. Linn Håman (2016) Extrem jakt på hälsa. En

explorativ studie om ortorexia nervosa.


Göteborgs univer-sitet. Göteborg Stu-dies in Educational Sciences 382.


Hans Idenfors

(2016) Young people’s contact with healthcare before and after suicidal behaviour.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=6576

Umeå: Umeå univer-sitet

Kajsa Järvholm

(2016) Mental health in adolescents undergoing bariatric surgery Psychological outcomes four months and two years after gastric bypass https://portal.research.lu.se/ portal/en/publications/mental- health-in-adolescents-undergo- ing-bariatic-surgery(ef1f0387-a1a4-4c4e-8ba4-9121bafa161a). html#Overview Lund University: Faculty of Social Sci-ences, Department of Psychology.

Charlotte Nylander

(2016) Protective factors, health-risk behaviours, and the impact of coexisting ADHD among adolescents with diabetes and other chronic conditions. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=6576

Uppsala: Acta Uni-versitatis Upsaliensis

Mattias Persson

(2016) Economic Evaluation of Men-tal Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents. The Case of Sweden. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=6576 Örebro University, Örebro Studies in Economics 35. Louise Persson

(2016) Hälsofrämjande arbete i skolan – Resultat från ett folkhälso-projekt. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=6576 Karlstad universitet. Karlstad University Studies 2016:24. Eva Randell (2016) Adolescent boys’ health –

ma-naging emotions, masculinities and subjective social status. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1947

Umeå Univer-sity. Department of Public Health and clinical medicine, Epidemiology and Global Health.


Filipa Sampaio

[2016] Prevention and Treatment of Externalizing Behaviour Problems in Children through Parenting Interventions An Application of Health Econo-mic Methods.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=1947

Uppsala : Acta Uni-versitatis Upsaliensis

Micaela Tjäderborn

[2016] Psychoactive prescription drug use disorders, misuse and abuse Pharmacoepidemiologi-cal aspects. http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=6576 Linköping: Lin-köping University Electronic Press Heléne Zetterström

Dahlqvist (2016) Determinants of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents. The Role of Sexual Harassment and Implications for Preven-tive Interventions.

http://www.diva-portal.org/ smash/search.jsf?dswid=6576

Mid Sweden Univer-sity, Sundsvall.


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